Redditors sperg about a heckin wholesomerino post. Based user points out OP is a pathetic simp.

1  2020-09-28 by thetinguy


Epic spergout, bro


  1. Redditors sperg about a heckin whol... -,*

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Imagine unironically watching streamers. Imagine unironically watching foid streamers because you're an incel. How pathetic can you be?

lmao the definition of simps. this subreddit is pathetic. Especially OP. fucking obsessed. You realize she isn't going to fuck you right?

Imagine thinking doing something nice is trying to get in someone’s pants? Someone’s is a pathetic loser who only does shit for woman to get in their pants, and outwardly projects it onto others so they think they are not alone. You’re the simp here my friend, probably 14 thinking you’re so damn edgy

its great when they double down on their creepy obsessive attention seeking behavior like its normal

Here we go with that "being nice to a girl is a simp shit". If you saw a stranger crying on a park bench, would you ask what's wrong and try and help, or would that just be some simp shit?

LOL yeah its exactly like that, definitely

Would most normal people even walk up to a crying stranger?

Nah I wouldn't guy probably wanna be leaved alone

If you saw a stranger crying on a park bench, would you ask what's wrong and try and help, or would that just be some simp shit?

Well, i certainly wouldn't throw money at her lol.

If you have at least some social intelligence, you could clearly see how she fakes being extremely happy about those letters. So her fans think she actually loves them back.

she doesnt even read any of them, she literally just skims them all and begins crying. streamers love their fans the same way any mcdonalds burger flipper loves their customers: as customers who give out money and who they only have to interact with a few hours a day. except the difference is burger flippers have to physically interact with customers.

or would that just be some simp shit?

It wouldn't be simping because there's absolutely a chance to get in that strangers pants

I'm sorry that you have difficulty understanding the concept of true friendship

OMG we're such good friends she said my name after I dropped half my pay check on her stream I'm gonna do it again tomorrow

true friendship

This person I've never even met is my BFF 😍

Dear Allah i want to reply to this delusional incel but the jannies won't let me 😠😠😠😠😠

True friendship with a foid is her coming over to watch anime with you even though she doesn't like anime but just wants to hang out. 😤

King shit 👑

Everyone there needs to get a package mailed from the woods

When did mayo zoomers get so thirsty 🤔