Zoomers are angry over a meme that says no

1  2020-09-28 by DucksRAMA


lol the guy who made the pic is hitting them with copypastas

Hmm I get it sucks not having time to relax when you have a newborn but the wife feels the same way and likely gets less downtime since women statistically do the most household duties and take the brunt of childcare. I shouldn't be surprised since that sub is likely populated by teenagers considering the topic, but a lot of the comments there are implying it's the wife's duty and one comment thread on how his friend's wife stays home to care for what I'm assuming is a baby and he's describing it as "refusing to work and contribute", calling the friend a wage slave provider and everyone's agreeing that she's terrible and he should leave her as if her contribution to the home meant nothing and he wouldn't have to pay her potential salary for daycare anyway. God forbid she can't do it all (unless the kid is in school and she doesn't do anything at home but I doubt that). The op doesn't even deny when someone says he shouldn't have had his kid if he didn't want it, just says creampies feel good lol


Lol this much seethe from one word in a speech bubble

I like how every comment is attacking m😵ids but like....... all those scenarios can easily be avoided by f🤢ids if they didnt have f🤮id-brains.

They are right though. If you prefer staring at a screen and mashing your hands on a keyboard rather than taking care of your child you shouldn't have bred in the first place.

Now what's going to happen is when that child grows up a bit more the father will get him a phone or a tablet so that the device can do the parenting for him as he grinds in a video game for imaginary currencies and that kid will grow up on youtube and reddit to become either a fat smelly leftoid or a fat filthy rightoid and an overall waste of space and resources.

True, but theyre still cringe for seething this hard

He can even become a mod

have sex incel

Preferably with a condom if you're a gaymer.

I never use condoms. I never even touched one. The idea of wearing a condom while having sex is a turn-off. And this will sound ridiculous, but I always thought of condoms to be for cucks because it is like admitting that your seed is worthless and you shouldn't reproduce, so you throw it in the trash where it belongs.

Inshallah I will reproduce more and Europe will finally become a Muslim ummah.

Welcome to Eurabia.

If you don't have 4 wives, are you even a real muslim tho?

I mean it's 4 times more reproduction. Just give your kids Quran instead of an iphone.

how many sisters do you have?


My father was a heathen 😔

Not as much of a heathen 😔 as your mum

I am a bot. Downvote to remove. PM me if there's anything for me to know!

it would make more sense if the baby was mixed


Good morning, reddit foids deserve any and all misogyny they experience