Prepare for a drama nuke.

1  2020-09-29 by TotesAgotes


Maybe I'M the r-word but isnt this just what they've already said? Prosecutor said they didnt have enough to go with murder, the grand jury agreed, so they didnt charge them with murder. Wasn't the whole spiel about how Big T was "murdered"?

One of the jurors came out and essentially said that the Attorney General was lying to the public about about the evidence they got presented which means the private stuff has to get released or something. I don't really understand what's going on but I've got a lot of hope that it will revitalize the mostly peaceful protestors.

good, the employees at my local target have been getting sassy with me ☺️

what a shitshow

Kinda selfish of them to still be going on about that when we have national elections coming up very soon. smh.

were justified in the return of deadly fire after having been fired upon

Is there more to this case or is it all gam#rgate tier bait ?

Pretty sure one of the plainclothes cops ran outside and started firing wildly in through the balcony of the apartment or something which is kinda funny.

That's the grown up cod kid that got zero kills or even hits right ? The surprised pikachu faces all around this story are what makes it so good.

that's it. Breonna Taylor's ex ran like five trap houses, and was seen going in and out of her apartment with various packages, so the cops did a search warrent, Breonna Taylor's current boyfriend didn't realize it was the cops when they busted in at 1am and started shooting, so the cops also started shooting

A tale as old as crack.