Surprisingly no drama

1  2020-09-29 by b_kin


they have bears around and carry a gun

I hope its a big one because a bear wont even feel most of the pistol rounds lol

they make pistol cartridges specifically for taking down larger animals, my personal favorite is 10mm, the norwegians use 10mm glocks to prevent polar bears from eating children when they wander into towns, which i admit isnโ€™t very arr/childfree friendly ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I remember watching an Alaskan survival gameshow where this boomer showed off his .357, and then later on in the episode shot a big flounder pointblank with it in his little row boat and was like shocked that his boat had sprung leak.

Your comment history is appalling.


  1. Surprisingly no drama -,*

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๐Ÿ˜Ž thanks snappy

Apocalypse larpers vs militia larpers who yall got