Chadmins came through

1  2020-09-30 by PMWaffle

r/momsaremonsters has been unbanned


Progressive! 🤗

guess it turns out reddit admins are against child abuse after all ✊🏿🥳

Chadmins are looking out for our little ones and I'm here for it!

A very good morning indeed




I didn’t even read the title of the sub. I just saw “unbanned” and clicked Subscribe immediately because fuck Sadmins.

Real talk... who's gonna make a forum?

Our accounts are marked, the subreddit is one slur away from being Stalin'd and every lifeboat or trolling venture community for persecuted people of land gets thwarted immediately.

It'd be nice to have a nice private place to coordinate psychological jihad against softminded redditors.

And don't give me any of that ruqqus shit, we all know how that turned out.

If it was unbanned and not a new sub wouldn't they have some post history? Or am I severely tarded?

It was banned in a few hours being created

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