Rightoids are handling DDR's infection well

1  2020-10-02 by bc12392


I would put POTUS in the 20-49 category due to his strength and stamina.

You get an extra 10 years shaved off every time you declare bankruptcy.

I would put POTUS in the 20-49 category due to his strength and stamina.

Are we talking about the same guy?

20-49 hours left maybe

Melania says the same

Lol I bet he leaves her nothing in the will

When I saw only one set of footprints, it was then that Daddy carried me. 💪

Oh nice flair! Congratulations to the custodial staff for not being completely useless.

I know its a reddit circlejerk to say, but literally the only thing Doroombombrump man has done thats been streneous has been golf. He doesn't have a military background like Bush. Why do rightoids delude themselves with the idea that a chubby old guy is somehow powerful and fit?

He’s high energy but that’s mostly just r-slur energy.

Because your average burger is fatter than DDR

When will Reddit begin the circle jerk about 14 other countries, some being nearly twice as obese, as the US?

Or countries like Canada or Mexico being <1% as obese?

Genuine question.

Burger with extra premium cope sauce

So no answer. Got it.


Very original and thoughtful. When you get outta middle school you’ll definitely think of more original stuff 👌


Would you like a burger? You're blood sugar might be getting low.

Irrelevant island countries aren't real countries.

Hahaha hahahaha fat mad


Literally who cares

Daddy, you're so strong 😻

Stop trying to make DDR happen, it's not going to happen 💁🏼‍♀️

He covidaddy now

The Deutsche Demokratische Republik has coronavirus?

something something build a wall


I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:

I did the honors for you.

delete | information | <3

Impotent boomer cope

I would put POTUS in the 20-49 category due to his strength and stamina.

Peak cope lmao