Adam Kovic gamer man has buttplug cooming sextapes/images released on 4chan. Jannies destroy all threads and mentions of it on r/funhaus and r/roosterteeth. Funhaus uploads a video today with an interesting title and feeds the comments section

1  2020-10-04 by internofthegame


Imagine jizzing on a dildo, slamming it up your butt then sucking on it to get an ethots attention

Wait fucking what? Ok someone give me some more details because I don't feel like watching Adam stick things in his ass.

Man this sucks I actually like Adam

Oh he's sticking tons of stuff.

3 different Dildos With and without his own cum on them. Sucking after blowing out his ass.

Like 4 different buttplugs

Playing both in the office, in public and at home with creepshots of his wife.

The googledrive link was on /v/ and man it's some bad shit. If the "Girl" he sent it too had been of age he may have avoided trouble but now she's underage and he was doing it at work/public and sending pics of his wife

Ryan Haywood is also implicated with a different possible underage girl telling her to send pics of her playing with herself for him to enjoy.

Basically Roosterteeth is full of male Femenists.

how are videogames still legal

Wow. That's so bad I wouldn't be surprised if he an hero'd

Nah I bet it comes across as a separation that is not publicly state why but we will all know due to Adam's seniority and bringing their zoomercow in.

He probably gonna get himself divorced.

It may be a saving grace for him that the insta troll is likely an adult dude and not a 14 year old girl.

Kiwifarms is super inaccurate sometimes though, the underage part could be a complete lie to make this worse, which I assume is why stuff is being deleted atm, unless there's a legit investigation what Adam did was weird as fuck but not illegal per say

It'd be good for ramacoin if it was so ill consider it true. Even though it was likely some dude catfishing Adam.

He's screwed cause even if legality doesn't finger him, him jerking off for someone he thought was underage and sending pics and videos during work will be

Nah I meant the whole story might not be fully accurate, we don't know for sure if he was catfished in the first place, nor if he was/wasn't that it was an underaged person, I heard there was a torrent up that included these a week ago, before there was any story assoicated with it.

Radio silence and subs purging any discussion is a bad smell for it

It's a Reddit site rule I think, Witch Hunting, there needs to be an actual legal investigation that proves the accusations that the underage thing is true/false because then Reddit would be responsible for sending people to attack said person, would would happen all the time if it was an allowed thing

One of those selective rules I assume?

The /r/funhaus sub is never going to allow stuff like this, I wouldn't read into it. Most of the /r/funhaus mods are longstanding community members who have known Adam personally for years now.

This is the best day of my life. I can't tell you how happy I am about this.

Throwing away a 10 year old marriage for cunny.

Truly P*ssy is the fall of good men.

Cunnyfags eternally on suicide watch.

This is why monks are officially the most based men as they retreat from the threat that cunny poses

St Benedict OPN

Dang. They went full Republican. You never go full right wingtard

I was hoping that something like this would happen to Jack Patillo and not Ryan, Ryan always seemed like a nice family man.

There is no evidence that it was an underage girl Adam sent stuff to. The other Roosterteeth employee Ryan Haywood DID start an affair with a girl when she was 17. He never mangaed to have sex with her at that age and she also lied about her age to him. That of course still doesn't make it ok.

But since both leaks happened at the same time the stories gets mixed up and the leak that brought the attention happened on 4chan, with people there purposefully wanting to implicate Adam as a pedo. Because they think Roosterteeth and Funhaus are too liberal.

It is debatable wheter the pictures with Adams wife are creepshots (I highly doubt it), but for now it appears that they were shared without her consent at the very least, which is not only illegal but also a real shit thing to do to someone you supposedly love. A bunch of the photos he took are also from his owrkplace which is a big no no and reason enough to get fired in any job.

But all other current and former Funhaus member have also unfollowed him and Rahul Kohli denounced Adam in no uncertain terms, but also said it was NOT because of the leak. That makes it seem there may be other problems between Adam and the rest of Funhaus.

Adam got some nudes leaked in a google doc. They include bussy stuff and the usual dick pics.

naturally Twitter users are already freaking out because someone somewhere at some time may have said the person receiving them was underaged.

Mate have you now seen the videos? I think you need to go and take a look if you think the google doc stuff is where it stops

Woah there's more?

What kind of milquetoast mother fucker likes the cuck of the group?

Clearly not an edgy tough guy totally not benefiting from the can't-get-bitch-slapped-through-the-internet aspect of online commenting like yourself. You're just simply an awesome alpha badass, sport.

If ya think 'milquetoast' is edgy, I can see how you would be hurt by this news.

If ya think 'milquetoast' is edgy, I can see how you would be hurt by this news.

Cool fantasy bro.

Some of them have his wife in them

This is very good for real-person-fanfiction-coin

Oh and also filming you having sex with your wife from hidden camera locations and sending it.

He would probably get a pass but when Warner sees him making hidden recordings of his wife it's probably going to go bad

More importantly, some of the videos he took were in public and in the company’s office, which is probably the biggest yikes there

Oh no he'll have to go into gay porn to support himself this is awful

I may not be entierly up to date but where does putting an eight inch up didlo up your own ass and showing your blown out loose asshole get you girls?

It’s likely that the “girl” he was messaging was a gay dude cat fishing him

/hm/ has at least 1 catfishing thread up at all times and straight dudes are surprisingly okay with showing bussy when they're horny

A girl asking me to show bussy and a girl asking me to shove a jizz covered dildo up my ass and than lick it off post scump lube pounding is a bit different. I however would do neither since I’m not a homosexual male feminist.

not cooming on and riding a dildo for wifey

I guess romance is dead 😒

It shows you're an adult and can solve your own problems

Man what a good qoute.

God I miss that place before it deflated.

Do we know who the e thot is?

Unconfirmed but rumoured to be underaged

There's literally a video of her on YouTube confessing and stating she lied about her age.

That is the ryan girl not adam

I new this but was bundling Ryan in to the same conversation . Removed my post because of misinformation .


Mad she is playing the victim. They are both bellends.

So uh 😳 which board is posting them 👀💧 haha just so I can shitpost y'know 😅

edit: found em, dude's got a nice bussy

Lemme see show me show me show me

Erm sweetie we follow the RULES on this board so I'm definitely NOT going to be posting it here. I am so shocked and offended that I'm going to have to DM you a stern talking to!

Yeah, it would be totally terrible if you DMed me as well

Don't dm me

I believe i need a stern bussy whipping as well

I Neeeeeed the spanky dadddyyy🥰😋

Post it f slur like right now. Bussy posting isn't only encouraged its demanded and not sharing bussy when you could is a war crime. I am even using the jannie distinguish for this one to show how important this thing is.

Can I get a link too? Totally missed out on all this news

DM me too plz.


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what about the ryan ones?


My day is ruined and my Disappointment is immeasurable

gaym*r drama 🤢🤮

gaym*r has nudes leaked followed by pedo accusations

♫ Tale as old as time ♪

This is top tier drama, can't wait to watch it unfold. People who are actually invested in people who play videogames on youtube are the worst. The cope is going to be amazing.

Just curious, what makes you better than someone who enjoys watching people play games on YouTube? And how lowly and sad must you be to take pleasure in another person’s pain and at the expense of others? Also, are you okay? I mean really, you’re slighting people who have some level of investment in Internet personalities/gaming, yet you’re invested in drama you have no connection to and seeing other people upset, like some catty high school girl from a Disney Channel movie. Which is really the worse thing to be invested in? Honestly.

Video games and yt personalities are easily more degenerate than weed


Which is really the worse thing to be invested in?

Gaming. Hands down.


Very cute

Wtf zweirama has lolcows now? 😳

Fresh milk, delivered right to your doorstep.

Just play the game urself lmao🤣

That’s kind of a shallow reduction of someone’s interests isn’t it? There’s a lot of reasons to watch someone play a game - general skill, game knowledge, speed runs, personality. Personally I’m partial to more comedy-centric game content. I also like the more analytical stuff, ya know, shit that dives into mechanics and game design. That’s just me.

Hey I mean, don’t get me wrong I know what you’re trying to do. Whatever gives you a thrill man, I’m not judging.

Hey man, you might be getting shit on in this thread and you might be a fucking loser irl who gets shit on but... 🤔...🤷‍♂️😂😂😂

Idk I’m havin a good time


Have sex, incel😒


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As if this sub isn’t rampant with actual incels 😂



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This is your brain on gayming and capeshit. 🤢🤮

Lol, your post history


Are you new to this sub?

Clearly, lmao

This is an Adam Kovic fansub and we just wanted to see his bussy dude

Yeah that’s why I’m here. Don’t blame you, it’s a nice bussy

This sub is a drama sub. Broke away from r/drama when it went the way of reddit politics and other cringe stuff from the janitors and their friends.

Yeah, drama sub, I gathered that much. I only ended up here through vested interest in the RoosterTeeth scandals. Thanks for offering up some actual useful information though, appreciate that. Refreshing, seeing as most of the replies I’ve gotten have been attempts at trolling me because I found one guy’s comment pretty severely ignorant 🤷‍♂️ cheers

I would say most people here are provocative so ye they probably see you as having took hair.

not sure what you mean by “took hair” but, context clues. I get it, it’s whatever. Long as they’re having fun lmao

Pretty much

Also I meant to say" having took the bait"

While I’m here, what do you mean when you refer to “reddit politics”?

Moderator "power" struggles.


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Me specifically? Probably about the personal relationships that community leaders have and the stupid groups they form.

Yikes sweety 😬 why do you hate highschool girls so much? Sounds like a typical gamer tbh 😬


Just curious, what makes you better than someone who enjoys watching people play games on YouTube?

He doesn't waste time watching others play game games, duh 💅

Bashing on other people's unharmful interests just shines on your insecurity.

They’re all just blaming the hacker known as 4chan lol

No wonder Bruce and Lawdog bounced from that place.

Bussy lmao

Oh that title. Is that the world you live in? What about "months old leak is attributed to underage leaker by trolls with evidence unfounded"?

did i mention the underage rumor? thats a big no. its a gamer cooming and dildoing


Lmao based and anal-pilled

I've watch by accident his pictures. The more you scroll, the more you fell into a dark world, like the Catacombs in Dark Souls.

He can't find his appearance that sexy or hot, Jesus. He took the time not only to take these pics but to keep them. Why, only Lucifer knows.

Return to Jesus Adam, right now!!!

If you're really that appalled by something as tame as this then you might want to stay off the Internet all together...

Thanks for the advice daddy, you're kind and funny ♥️🤭

Fuck off

For anyone interested here it is, sorry

Holy shit 4chan is a cesspool of pure vile humans. The comments in the post are straight up disgusting.

Yep don't stay too long I've lost a few friends to 4chan


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There gonna have to decontaminate that whole office space after seeing the damage of Kovic-19.

This whole situation sounds alot like a "none of your fucking business" kind of scandal. There is no proof the other person was underage. So stop the rumors. Rooster Teeth died a long time ago

Wouldn’t be surprised if Laurence was behind this in some way, that dude lives on 4chan and he’s just the cringy man child who has a false sense of self pride. Especially after his cheeky comment.