Redditor with TDS bites a very low bait, then makes 3 smug posts about it.

1  2020-10-04 by DucksRAMA


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They always take the drama away before I can even see it


Oh no, I have seen the ones that Fox News pays handsomely to play the part. It's just that any minorites with any intelligence or sense of self respect know better than to support a party and politics that are directly built against them. By the way, you still haven't given me any evidence that you're not the usual proud boy bunch and are actually a self hating minority.


This is like when white coastal middle class queer libshits genuinely called black people “low IQ” and “low information” when Bernie lost

I'm sure people will insist that it's still pretty even, but if you take the time to check out the posts and more importantly the comments you will see just how sinister it has become over there. What can we do about the entirety of Reddit being slowly but surely infiltrated and corrupted by these reactionary propagandists? Soon there will be no subs where normal discourse doesn't immediately fall into conservative politics. I'm beginning to think we need a new Reddit that actually takes a hard line stance against these bad actors and Russian trolls.

One example from recently, I don't have time to find every single example in the sub, just look at the comments and vote ratios:

Wingcels threatening to make a new Reddit because the opposite wing is oppressing them? Horshoe Law again confirmed

There’s a special circle of hell for people who smugpost this much

It exists here and it's called SRD.

Good morning I hate myos