Autistic incels are all of the sudden obstetricians

1  2020-10-05 by DucksRAMA




Imagine thinking someone's a boomer for not malding over a joke, zero self awareness

Edit: I’ve been baited, damn

Happens to the best of us

I don't think so, BUCKO. I get anxiety attacks when my parents take away my phone because they think I've been on it too long. It causes me to have extreme anxiety attacks where I'm just as entitled to emergency care as someone having a heart attack, gunshot wound, etc. Just because you deny the reality of mental illnesses that teens suffer doesn't mean everyone does.

This poster is the hero we need but don’t deserve

literally a clump of cells

Is this the same logic as pedos who argue that it's just a collection of ones and zeroes ?

This just in: edgy atheist teens are bigger r slurs than your average teen

In other news water is wet

u/onlyonewhogetsit100 seems like a downvote troll. Mods, please make this guy an approvedcel.