Ritual Sexual Bootlicker of Color spends life making excuses for the police, is rewarded with an early grave

1  2020-10-05 by GardaPanteri


Are these stories auto-generated or why do they all read the same?😒

1/4 is talking about what actually happened, the rest is just the victim's past and his mother and family talking about how unfair it is that he died or something.

It's almost like they write the story before they have all the facts

In this moment, I am euphoric. They should have used a blue lives matter sticker to try and stop the bleeding.

There's a difference between talking about the effects of somebody's actions and talking about their character and motives. Obviously, Trump's actions have (thus far) had less bad effects than Hitler's. But what the original poster was saying, and what I think is hard to dispute, is that Hitler was a better man than Trump.


  1. Ritual Sexual Bootlicker of Color s... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Doesn't matter what color or creed you follow, licking police's boots won't stop their bullets from killing you. Just ask those random people who got shot in that hilariously unnecessary shootout in Miami from last year. No amount of Thin Blue LineTM flags on your truck bumper is gonna stop those strays.