Your education means nothing when it comes to to street smarts. I have bachelors, masters, and doctorate in my chosen field of study. I graduated summa cum laude in each one. None of which has anything to do with the fact that since you started this farce, I’ve been raking your ice cold takes over hot burning coals.
Can't wait to see what kind of stupid nonsense the EU member states get up to when the EU parliament is 60% "refugees" so they don't look racist and then it starts voting for hilarious shit like rescinding women's suffrage and letting Egypt into the Union.
10 Bogandoff-Igor 2020-10-05
I hate white people
7 BasedDeptMGMT- 2020-10-05
7 lukja93 2020-10-05
So do they
7 revengeofscrunt6 2020-10-05
The collapse of the Roman empire and its consequences have been a disaster for Eurasia and North Africa
5 KingT_02 2020-10-05
They truly are sub human
5 glouis656 2020-10-05
r/antihatecommunities 🥰🥰🥰
4 Nhymkruv 2020-10-05
1 Bogandoff-Igor 2020-10-05
2 koipond60 2020-10-05
Hey Nazi. You realize Arabs are classified as white in the USA (only country that exists). Islamaphobic nazis like you should be banned.
7 reddit_jannie 2020-10-05
What about m*yos is even worth preserving? They are all f*t and r-slurred
5 thebigtedbow 2020-10-05
90% of auth right are unironically weebs
5 Dramacel1 2020-10-05
90% of AuthRights like in Durkastan or Bongo Bongo Land.
4 AOC_Gynecologist 2020-10-05
and currently on a trooming discord.
5 MastrTMF 2020-10-05
That's why half of reddit leftists have stories about how they were far right just 6 months ago.
2 tux_pirata 2020-10-05
>joins a movement of tradcons on steroids
>is surprised that they wont accept traps
5 AsianWaffles308 2020-10-05
Being European is a genetic disease that can only be treated with a bullet to the brain.
5 bc12392 2020-10-05
Europeans 🤮🤮🤮
5 CornReaper 2020-10-05
Those commies are wrong, Europe belongs to America ever since MacArthur captured Berlin and killed Hitler during ww1
1 GourmetImp 2020-10-05
Except Albania, that one belongs to iran
4 Unironic_IRL_Jannie 2020-10-05
Yet they will go on all day about how backwards and racist Americans are lmao
Unless that's a r-slurred larping American, which being PCM, there's a good chance
3 HeadhunterSODiv 2020-10-05
90% of the time it is that or a Russian.
2 SnapshillBot 2020-10-05
Your education means nothing when it comes to to street smarts. I have bachelors, masters, and doctorate in my chosen field of study. I graduated summa cum laude in each one. None of which has anything to do with the fact that since you started this farce, I’ve been raking your ice cold takes over hot burning coals.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
2 PUBLIQclopAccountant 2020-10-05
Hello? Based department?
1 GourmetImp 2020-10-05
1 [deleted] 2020-10-05
1 woke_weed 2020-10-05
I'm racist against mayos
1 memepolice69420 2020-10-05
Can't wait to see what kind of stupid nonsense the EU member states get up to when the EU parliament is 60% "refugees" so they don't look racist and then it starts voting for hilarious shit like rescinding women's suffrage and letting Egypt into the Union.
Over/Under on Poland declaring war on everyone?