I slept out in my truck in a bar parking lot because I wasn't good to drive and woke up to a cop knocking on my window

1  2020-10-06 by Goodfaithislame

I mean he was chill and polite but if you only did it because you couldn't see if I was breathing because of my hoody why would it be necessary to run my license and tag before I could leave? Also why did your colleagues stare me down when I went to retrieve my keys from my gas cap? Bruh fuck off and do something actually productive and constitutional



We both know you did babe 😉

keys in your gas cap?

People have gotten duis even if they have the keys in their possession, even if they are asleep and the car is off. Thats why they checked him, to see if they could get a easy dui or get him on a warrant

Aren't those mostly fringe cases in bullshit fent-ridden counties? I'd be shocked if there were many urban or suburban judges convicting people for DUIs when they were trying to sleep it off.

My cousin is from the rich side of the family and the friend was her sorority sister. I forgot to mention that

It actually happened to my cousin's friend. Always leave your keys somewhere outside the car

That is some burger shit right there. I thought you're hiding your keys so a mugger won't grab them lmao

yeah but im white so cops cant arrest me

imagine drinking

Allah does not approve

Bruh fuck off and do something actually productive and constitutional

Oi guvnor!

Stop drinking it's haram 🤬🕋

You're a liar and this hate sub will be ended buy Gods grace.

Do not threaten Zweirama again

I mean I'll purposely smudge some details a lot for not getting doxxed purposes but this one is actually true