Really amazing how I have this effect on so many people, it's almost like a superpower

1  2020-10-06 by GardaPanteri


Next t*rd who image posts instead of linking gets a perma.

Good jannie!

Gotta put it in for a raise of at least twice current salary

Black masculine culture could reach y’all white men some manners

Yasss qweeeen

[gets beaten up by a black guy for asking about "masculine culture"]

Lmao fucking e-beggars

You weren't wrong. She should get back on the pole

to be fair, she's a traumatized former sex slave and stripper trying to make an honest living in music and she gets this in response (to her spamming)


Well I think she's telling the truth about the brain injury

she sounds like a schizo, like the scum manifesto dipshit who as it turns out was a massive liar

and lol at the internet being safe

like the scum manifesto dipshit who as it turns out was a massive liar

Explain? I love me some femcel drama

the chick said she was raped, abused by her dad, forced into prostitution, the funeral it was revealed nothing like that happened, she was just your average middle class white (ugh) woman with a regular life but was a schizo looking for attention and in the 60s much like now talking shit about men was in vogue

the irony is that feminists still quote that manifesto

Where can I read about this? A quick Google search didn't mention any of this

the education system is failing us




More like a (former?) drug addict rambling about things making barely any sense

>going on Reddit to find gentlemen


I kinda feel bad for her lmao

Paranoid schizophrenic ladies are great for dramacoin.

You can take the stripper off the pole, but you can't take the pole out of the stripper.

Very impressive. Mauzer would be proud.


pokemon go to the poles

Are those responses not satirical?

Islam was right
