Harry Potter haters seethe at an objectively correct political compass made by a truly enlightened centrist.

1  2020-10-06 by TheDunceonMaster


This a frequent post over at arr shitliberalssay. Makes them livid every time.

You actually need an IQ of higher than 90 to be able to detect how carefully this was made. You need a good balance between ridiculous claims to piss people of, but also agreeable statements to make the idiots think it is serious and not a troll.

>dubya = healthy conservatism

>saudies = democracy


It's supposed to make you feel like that

The best part is that you just have to listen how people seethe and then you can tell what kind of r-slur they are.

A nazi will complain that it is ridiculous to group Trump with ISIS, but call countries like Pakistan a free democracy.

A communist will bitch why the nazi flag is with the socialists and why Bernie is grouped with the enemies of free democracies while Bush and countries like Saudi Arabia are good guys.

There's something for everyone in there 🥰🥰

God that's such good bait

Saudi Arabia is in Griffindor

Based af

Bussy lover btfo

So based. Wow.

They needed to load it with /s's since reddit is 90% autismotrons.

"Western Chauvinist" is absolutely a euphemism. The entire movement is apologia for Caucasian / Western European / Christian colonisation -- an underlying phenomenon of White Supremacy.

The "Western Culture / Civilisation is responsible for all that is great in the world" is a long-standing trend that denies that non-White cultures and individuals have intellectual, political, logistical, military etc accomplishments.

It's the equivalent of the racist "Ancient Aliens" phenomenon, which argues that all the evidence of ancient non-European cultures accomplishing things "impossible without modern knowledge and machinery" must have been because they were helped by extraterrestrials --

it's inconceivable that the Babylonians could have discovered trigonometry! Pacific Islanders couldn't possibly have raised standing stones! People on the Indian Subcontinent couldn't possibly have refined Iron! IT MUST BE ALIENS

Except, of course, they all did.

Colonisers didn't just steal gold and humans. They stole credit, too.

Tiny foreigner countries are full of backwoods losers that can’t do math.

Yakub-spawn ruined the world

How didn't I realize those ancient aliens was racist

Yup that show ancient aliens was spear headed by neo Nazis that are in the proud boys!

They're gay too??

Of course


no but you're forgetting le Poe's law. Don't you realize it's literally impossible to figure out whether something is satire or not over the internet?

Didn't some deuxtard make this

Yeah. Before it got infested

This is what the rightoids took from us 😭😭

The most based of all possible images.