It's really not that hard to buy clothing and food that's produces ethically. And if you are not a shallow c*nt you don't need to buy new clothes every year. But I am and I don't give a fuck bout the work conditions of some Chinese kid. Adidas sneakers every 6 months baybeee.
5 memepolice69420 2020-10-06
Is there anything that reddit doesn't blame on the
jewsBillionaires?6 Throwawaycellular 2020-10-06
5 Lehk 2020-10-06
They use similar caracatures they just reverse the 🎩 and 👃 for which to draw large and which to draw small
5 EzraPoundsClone 2020-10-06
Absolutely based and woke pilled.
3 valuq 2020-10-06
so smug, so rt*rded
2 Kellere31 2020-10-06
It's really not that hard to buy clothing and food that's produces ethically. And if you are not a shallow c*nt you don't need to buy new clothes every year. But I am and I don't give a fuck bout the work conditions of some Chinese kid. Adidas sneakers every 6 months baybeee.
4 KissingerFanBoy 2020-10-06
But but there is no ethical consumption under capitalism anyway so no need to make the effort.
2 snorc_snorc 2020-10-06
sweaty, there is no ethical consumption under communism 🙄
5 EzraPoundsClone 2020-10-06
There is no ethical consumption under Monke, because ethics are a human burden.
3 snorc_snorc 2020-10-06
yes 😎
1 BroughtToYouBySprite 2020-10-06
4 Lehk 2020-10-06
There is nothing to consume under communism.
1 TimGuoRen 2020-10-06
So you are saying that there is no unethical consumption under communism? 😏
1 Lehk 2020-10-06
No consumption at all
Bare shelves and bread lines
1 TimGuoRen 2020-10-06
For real? Damn that shit sucks.
1 responds2retards 2020-10-06
That depends. Is it ethical to consume other people when the food runs out?
1 King_Kangz 2020-10-06
Pretty easy for food but I have no idea where you'd buy clothing, most shops are huge companies.
1 Ledanos 2020-10-06
In other news: Pedophile discusses ethics, gay trans atheist discusses conservatism and up is down.