Neo liberals of SRD2 take victory lap with a questionable news article ‘debunking’ some autist project veritas claim

1  2020-10-06 by BasedDeptMGMT-


did you post this just to dunk on unapprovedcels?

Nah it’s an agenda post to show how reddit tier cucked aaaarr drama has become by highlighting a neo liberal circle jerk agenda post


I think ur the only non leftoid left


i fuckin hate neolibs

Yup, lol they are ‘debunking’ the rightoids with the word of the Somali man in question. This is the type of autism that occurs and goes unchecked when the ideological balance is tilted to one side imo

i dropped a quote from president saxophone in there that hopefully clues them into how rtarded they are being


And sooner or later he'll get banned too and he won't be able to get back in because all the mods are too busy sucking each other off in discord to check the modmail

i actually got perma suspended the other day for saying the jogger word in a report of a porninfifteenseconds post (i should have just wrote "beastiality")

jerry (shitpost) approved this account after asking on discord

but yeah i also got banned for 30 days when i simply commented "yes" after someone asked if jacob blake deserved the bullet holes in his back (think it was the day after it happened)

Imagine knowing how reddit works on the janitorial level or caring ❤


Your comment history is appalling.


  1. Neo liberals of SRD2 take victory l... -,*

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Lol why you delete ur comment, that was some beautiful cope 🤤

This is a bully thread to bully Rightoids. Pls don't try to feed them they bite.

Low hanging fruit, bullying neo libs which now make up the bulk of that sub is much more satisfying. Had several seething leftoids that deleted their comments here😊

Is there a place that zweichads like us can survive when we're inevitably banned

like a discord server or something

with even r/drama fallen from grace I don't know what to do

Have sex
