Tag Yourselves

1  2020-10-07 by SmoothBeetle



Not so much real life or online, but I'll grant you the last one.

In communist Portland, hog posts you


I'm megamind (2,2)

White version Yakub😮

best shit i've seen on here

His name is Mr. Mitosis

Looks like someone had a few mishaps with their character creation settings.

Tfw you keep hitting randomize in dark souls character creator

5th column, 3rd row (counting from top to bottom) is me, a chernobyl survivor 🤒🙏

That explains why you start with columns and not rows

Coordinates go (x,y) not (y,x)

And? We’re not in algebra class

Fine, left to right, top to bottom. If zweicels weren't illiterate this wouldn't be a problem.

Real zweichads go counter-clockwise from the center.

Alex Two-Tones

Are you talking shit on leatherface?

Toxic Avenger

Just cuz it's called the elephant foot doesn't mean you should lick it

Okay, Zweichads—you gotta pound one of these bussies/gussies/trussies. Who’re you picking?

Orgy with the bottom most row

Idk man, bottom right corner guy looks like a douche.

I want far bottom left to spit on me and call me a Nazi 😳

1,5 is pretty cute tbh he can do whatever he wants to me 🔥

Melamine. Imagine how smart our butt-children would be 🤯

I'm Native Martian (3,6)

I’ve generally thought that most people who look ugly aren’t actually inherently bad-looking, they just don’t have good hygiene and don’t know how to present themselves well. But looking at these creatures I’m starting to doubt that. Almost all of these look like nothing could possibly help them in that area.

Well, in 2,3’s case not scribbling a bunch of sharpie all over your face would probably make you look a lot more put together at the least.

he fell for the "just shower" meme

I took a semester of feminist gender theory taught by last row, last column.

Are you memeing? Why do that to yourself?

On the left side 7th down. Just a freak lookin for a mutant head cutie

I'd genuinely love to hear a commies explanation for why nearly every single one of these people is either naturally ugly or otherwise looks like a fucking weirdo.

Anyway the blue haired Martian 3rd from the left jumps out at me but honourable mention to the guy 7 down in the first column who looks like he's q drag queen in his spare time. He also gives me Hannibal vibes

That's dress dude, also known as Peter or Tabitha

Is this the cast of the new cape shit movie?

are those chapos

No they voted for tramp



I’m the cutie in the bottom left corner

Hey babe, only cute one. Got that cruella daville meth user look going uwu



r/cursedcomments r/bigchungusethnostate

r/bigchungusethnostate is banned

why even live anymore

3,5 looks like it's wearing someone else's face.

Please don’t make fun of my appearance

Holy shit

the t slur top row second to left

I’m the goggles guy below white yakub (row 2, column 3)

Jesus christ, antifa has less then one procent not total fucking retard.

"Guess Who" high resolution texture pack

First row, third column. I live in a society.

What were these creatures arrested for?


I’m kip from Napoleon dynamite (1,3)

3rd guy down on the left here. Just looking for babysitting opportunities. Or I'm happy to just be added to the list of people who can pick your kids up from school.


Does your person have two or more shades of hair?

Blonde and black bangs

Who are these people? I’m out of the loop.

Portland rioter mugshots.

Least ugly is at (2,6)

row,column or column, row? also count from 0 or from 1?

(row, column)


the bald one with the John Lennon glasses? I think you're missing out on the one below, who's practically the only attractive one in the group

Wtf are you smoking brother

4,5 actually looks like a specific gender and probably has extremely wealthy parents like the rest of these losers. I’ll take her sadly

Apart the hair, the last guy looks ok

Yeah, I didn’t notice him. Definitely better.

Tap for the full image. Bottom left is me

You look remotely fuckable but I imagine like all these other politically handy mongoloids, you wouldn’t shut up about politics for more than a couple of minutes. Imagine being a 4-5 and still blending in with the rest of these sewer grates lol

I'm methadone golem
3,3 (origin bottom-left)

6 down, 2nd over, inbred looking fucker lmao

I’m taking the pictures 🙂

Im Steve-O, bottom left above the pale only attractive chick

1st row 7th column

I'm the one taking the picture

Put all these people in a big house and film it.


4th column, 2nd from the bottom, looks like a ripoff Gabe Newell.

3rd column, 3rd from the bottom needs to be reinflated.

2nd column, 5th from the bottom looks like hes gonna try to sell you some Jung Qing Pow Chicken.

3rd column top row. coomer ninja

How is nobody mentioning the brave soul in column one, row three (from the bottom). Dude is jaundiced to hell and is still owning drumph

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La creatura in row 5, column 3.

This is what 8 generations of inbreeding and soy do to a person.


Wow I'm not represented at all.

im two-spirit (1,4) (1,6)

Meth addicts?

Mayo moment

At least they aren't all fat like the right wing extremists. And id say the lefties definitely have more sex by the looks of em. Gay sex in a dumpster maybe but they aren't incels for sure. Between proud boys and antifa, this is making me lean antifa -- an undecided rioter.