/r/enlightenedcentrism has its weekly seethe fest over an average redditoid

1  2020-10-08 by Llamayoda


caricature of a far right wing iamversmart incel

There's that word again for anyone who doesn't stick to the reddit lib left hymn sheet.

What's funny is how elitist and prone to gatekeeping actual, self-described ink wells are. They are always arguing over who is an actual "truecel" and who is just a normie/chad "fakecel". One of the few communities where being attractive is a term of reproach.

They're also disproportionately non-white.

Many of them are ultra introverted Asians judging from their meet up photos

I miss r/ just be white.

On the one side, forced hysterectomies for minorities at concentration camps. On the other, people who weren't 100% nice to me. Decisions, decisions.

Who is more retarded at this point, people who get all of their info from Reddit or from Alex Jones?

Some people who get their info from alex jones, have a suspicion that it might be a comedy show.

🧪 in the 💧 turning the friggin 🐸 🌈

ITT: Ken's point

I can totally see how you'd vote for satan himself just to not be on the same team as the animals on this sub.

This but unironically

“If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favorable reference to Satan in the House of Commons” but with r*dditers

Imagine thinking you can be a bystander in politics.

😂 Eveyone is a bystander except people running

Seetheposting on Facebook is democratic participation, sweaty. You wouldn't understand.

I did my part to make a difference by blocking everyone with opposing views and then sharing woke posts to only people who exclusively agree with me on my Instagram stories.

When you near only 50% of people actually moving their gigantic asses to go vote but you think it still matters.


What kind of life choices lead to someone seething over the most boring, milquetoast person with the most predictable take in the world? Is this speedrunning autism?

Redditors will seethe over anything. It's their only purpose in life along with collecting funko pops.

Did you see the new cape hero funko pop? It's so shiny

A life of soy and capeshit...and your GF fucking Mandingo behind your back.

Based Ken Bone, radical centrist.

I listened to "fuck your feelings" and "snowflake" for four years, I don't give two shits about civility anymore


Well I hope he’s ready for another 4 years

If i cares enough (cope) I'd make a list of redditors like that and watch them become hysterical

Imagine thinking you can be a bystander in politics.

Imagine thinking your vote means anything

I can't, i just can't, even when i try.

I dont particularly care for Biden either but if you actually consider voting for Trump a viable option you are a moron who could only possibly contribute to the good of humanity by commiting suicide.

the sheer level of seethe on display here

South park did an episdoe on this; constantly calling someone a stupid bigot doesn't bring them over to your side, it entrenches them

If you're going to be called a Nazi anyway you might as well enjoy those fresh af uniforms.

Just wait til November

Everyone in the thread proving his point right, r*ddit was a mistake

r*ddit is one of the many consequences of the industrial revolution, which has been disastrous for the human race. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

r*ddit was a mistake

No my friend, the industrial revolution was

the industrial revolution

and its consequences

Four years ago tomorrow was the day when this man became a legend.

What'd he do?



They need to learn heckin basic empatby🙄🙄🙄

People complain about driving a commute that's to long to a job that pays too little to work for a boss who asks them to do too much, they don't get enough sick/vacation time, and their insurance is too expensive and/or doesn't cover enough.

Their kids daycare is too expensive, their kids can't go to college because it's too expensive, their kids live at home because homes are too expensive, and they can't retire.

Imagine thinking ANY of this is anyone’s fault but your own. If you get a good job, don’t take out loans you can’t afford and don’t have kids you can’t afford = problem solved.

Make good life decisions instead of smoking weed and buying dunno pops you man child.