Militia plans to kidnap Michigan's governor. Foiled by Alphabet Boys infestation

1  2020-10-08 by TotesAgotes


It’s interesting that there wasn’t mention of Q or white supremist, kinda makes me think this was some commies larp’ing

Not sure if I'm right about this or not but the Brandon Caserta guy they charged seems to have been a q-anon believing ancap cop hater who thinks that the Bill of Rights is the only law the country should have or something. He also looks like the marvel soyboy type leftoid so I'm not sure what to make of him.

Here are a few videos allegedly of him that some rightoid compiled

Literal nu-man

I'm pretty sure the governor could've easily resisted that thing with no problem.

So a larp’ing r-slur with no tangible ideology to pin down. Perfect for drama

These “operations” always seem seem so retarded that I think they have to be fed ops, but then I remember how fucking retarded the group that assassinated Lincoln was and I stop doubting.

but then I remember how fucking retarded the group that assassinated Lincoln was

Wasn't it just one guy?

 “Eight others were convicted of being conspirators with Booth. Four were sentenced to death and hung, including the first woman ever executed by the U.S. government. The other four were sent to a remote prison island off the coast of Florida.”


I’ve been to that island in Red Dead Redemption 2

Ew a g*mer? Omg sweaty

MSM fake news again, it was supposed to be a peaceful kidnapping

Why is the alt right so obsessed with trans politicians anyway?


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