The reason Obama won a Nobel peace prize was for his work with doctors without borders. Google "Obama doctors without borders to learn more!

1  2020-10-09 by DucksRAMA


Literally who?

Some Kenyan who made it for himself in America.

He introduced a very sketchy spy program ironically called Liberty. It was established by the relatively unknown entity called United Surveillance Systems. Google USS Liberty to learn more.

Biden can't remember who he is either

MSF has been a front for the French intelligence service since before it existed. 😒 Google "Biafra".


Holy fuck, don't mean to serious post, but can you imagine if Trump accidentally bombed a Doctor's without borders field hospital? LMAO.

People would be calling for his head on a platter

My mom is a dyed-in-the-wool rethuglican but I think she's mostly just passionate about bombing tusken raiders. I was curious what her take would be after that whole debacle so I told her I thought we should turn Obummer over to The Hague to be tried for war crimes and she started climbing all over herself to defend a guy she once referred to as "the most evil president since Woodrow Wilson."


Yeah Obama sucks but turning him over to the E*ros for bombing sand huts, regardless if a doctor is making a house call there, sets a bad precedent.

"They shouldn't be over there healing the enemy. It's time to ask these doctors whose side they're really on. They're over there confusing our drone operators, great people, is it a hospital? is it a mosque? Who knows? Not good." -Daddy, probably

lol, based and senile-pilled

Nope! And based on your post history I'm not a redpilled incel like you either

This is the guy who thinks he isn't an incel.

What is going on with the moderation of this sub? They nuke many of even the mildest comments.

The👇 r-slurred🧠 power⚡ jannie🧹 u/Meowsommar 😾 is🇮🇱 literally🤯 removing❌ anything🤷‍♂️ without🙅‍♂️ emojis🤖

So randum! Just like ye olde arrDrama of yore.

Praise 🚌-y

An accident isn’t a war crime. Accidents in war are like unavoidable manslaughter.

Are my brapps considered war crimes or an accident


Google "Kayla Mueller" to learn why bombing MSF is actually a good thing.


