
I have a soft spot for the near future sci-fi setting in games.

I also like cyberpunk 2077, and Call of Duty future warfare.

It is also why I like the Jujutsu Kaisan anime as it is set in modern day Tokyo.

Fun fact: Arma 3 is set in the 2030's.

Deus Ex Mankind divided is set in the 2020's. We got pretty close to the cybernetic prosthetics didn't we.

I think Ghost Recon future soldier came the closest to getting the level of tech of the 2020's right.

It's eerie how correct they were.

Imperfect invisibility cloak. Check:

Attack drones. Check:

Sensor grenade never came to be because its a dumb idea for real life.

Robodog. Check:

The ghost recon future soldier game came the closest to guessing the future correctly.

This game released in 2012 by the way.

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Anyone wanna play saints row 2 on the xbone

Why does this exist ?

They saying for kids but look at all those kids 2 years ago when Lego was released

And now they are doing Lego game for those balding fat bearded children


On May 9, during an earnings call, Warner Bros. revealed that it was taking a $200 million :marseysamhyde: loss on Suicide :marseyobamarope: Squad β€” making it one of the gaming :marseybulbasaur: world's worst blunders.

One of the biggest issues, said people familiar, was that the battles, levels and bosses in a live-service game needed to be designed so players could tackle them over and over again, while Rocksteady was accustomed to telling stories that were only experienced once. Hampered by bloated code, the team struggled to find ways to make these activities feel less tedious :marseybrokenrecord: and repetitive.

Many of the studio's employees are now helping to develop a new β€œdirector's cut” version of Hogwarts :marseychudhermione: Legacy. At the same time, according to people familiar, the studio leaders are looking :marseyinsane: to pitch :marseyhearnoevil: a new single-player game, which would :marseywood: return :marseymonke: Rocksteady to its roots.

Unironically white civilization has been falling into decline since they removed hot women from video games

Like I know we are all feminists now and all that crap but human civilization literally runs on hot women existing somewhere out there.

Without the existence of hot women or even above average looking women 90% of men have no purpose or anything to work towards or achieve in their life.

Most men can live miserable lives alone without nothing but a mattress and a TV. Everything beyond that in done by 90% of them to attract a mate.

The moment we let fat foids take control of our entertainment media and delete hot foids from existence we have set up the zoomer generation to collapse.

Japan is pretty much holding up western civilization by itself with releases like Monster Hunter World and Street Fighter.

The fat failed liberals have ruined western civilization.

Fat camps need to be made mandatory yesterday.

Women need to be removed from production and character design decisions day before yesterday. ( Except Japanese women )

I hate this uggo celebrating civilization.

I know I am fat and ugly. I don't want representation of myself in the game. I want the fantasy that I play to escape the reality and to have something to motivate me to be better, not to be accepted as I am a fat piece of shit.

Hitler Reacts to Wolfenstein 3D
you can never go back to those days

Doom didn't kill the Amiga...Wolfenstein 3D did

Trade chat hasn't been the same since

New Vegas, house or ncr

Playing again for the first time in forever being a paragon of virtue like I always try.

What is the goodest ending of the game that benefits the most people, Mr house or the ncr? House seems to be the most forward and good for everyone in the Mojave but he also if I remember hates the brotherhood of steel. Ncr seems to be second best but it's hard to tell how imperialist they are or if it's wrong of them. Independent Vegas seems to be bad bc it's all still fighting

Don't say that legion is best there's nothing based about them

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Trying to teach @Now_and_Klen how to land a ship so I can give him free stuff :carpseanmurraynomanssky:


'nuff said
:marseykaiser: :marseykaiser: A roblox game is unironically making kids nationalist :!capyreich:

I stumbled upon this video with 20k views

:marseyxd: the 27 second mark and the ending slides

which is a roblox edit of the song "By God We'll have our homes again"

men moved to tears

an Ethno-nationalist European song, with comments in reference to the roblox video and based crusader showing up.

:marseyrofl: chuds really are all just kids playing roblox LMAO

the roblox game in question is called "CENTAURA" , a world war 1 / two clusterfrick game in which the nations of Corvus (germany) and Antare's start a massive campaign against the nations of the continent.

the wiki page is massive

and apparently shit was going on from like 1907 to almost 1940, with things like the decision to bomb away entire mountains and roads and mutinous naval men fighting to "reclaim their homeland" after defeat.

And the war then turned into a global conflict from 1940 to ongoing.

I tried playing the game :!marseymanface: because I'm a bloxpilled guestcel frfr and it's bretty good. Incredibly easy when using the third person camera and the hitscan rifles make headshots easy from half the map when defending.

:chudseethe: :marseydiversity: :marseyshesright:


>no games
Serious: How will GTA VI be an upgrade over GTA V

Things that come to mind:

1. Graphics

2. Better AI

3. Better destruction physics

4. Larger crowds

5. Larger map

I can't think of anything else.

Can any of you think of anything else that would make GTA VI better? I am trying to figure out what Rockstar could do that would make GTA VI an actually appealing game in today's market.

I don't think GTA VI will be the biggest hit game out there

GTA V released in 2013. It's been 11 years since and GTA VI is still not out.

Most franchise games since 2013 have been reiterating on their formula every one to three years. Constantly improving on the idea of what a good game looks like and plays like.

GTA VI will on the other hand have to do a single leap over a decade on its formula.

The open world games setting has also gotten more competitive over the past decade.

Elden Ring, Monster Hunter Wilds, Horizon forbidden west, Death Stranding, Cyberpunk 2077, No man's sky, Stellar blade, for example.

GTA VI to succeed would require a graphical and story telling leap over RDR2 similar to the leap RDR2 made over GTA V.

The likelihood of that happening is very low.

In the trailer we can already see the first mistake that they have made, they made their female protagonist ugly.

The second mistake is that the vibe the trailer gives off is too disconnected from the style of GTA V, GTA IV, and GTA San Andreas. They have diverged too far away from the original formula that worked. The Characters feel too generic compared to the previous main leads such as CJ, Niko, and Trevor. The GTA VI characters appear too vanilla in comparison.

GTA V also sold 155 million copies. GTA VI will have to be completely revolutionary as an experience to keep up with those numbers. It is just not possible with how unrealistically high the expectations would be set. It's the half life 3 curse. The game will never be as good as what people are hoping for.

Cyberpunk 2077 looks better than current GTA VI.

No man's sky has more open world experiences than GTA.

RDR2 was famous for its storytelling and simulating the experience of being in the wild west.

Multiple games out today have already done the same.

The primary unique feature GTA VI has going for it is that it is the one open world game set in modern day America.

GTA VI also has to compete with live service games like fortnite and battle royale games like pubg and Call of Duty for customers.

The competition today is just far higher than it was before.

We can at best expect GTA VI to sell 50 million copies. Taking into account that RDR2 even with all of its upgrades only sold 63 million copies so far.

I honestly can't think of a single thing that GTA VI could do that would make it sell more than a 100 million copies.

The people who truly cared about GTA games have already grown up and been without a GTA game far too long.

The zoomer generation has completely different tastes.

The available market for GTA VI is just too small.

They would have to successfully do everything that cyberpunk 2077 promised to do before release.

In conclusion, GTA VI will at most sell as many copies as RDR2 but it's not going to be able to get anywhere close to GTA V.

Oh and another thing

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