New details on leaked WB Interactive game (Not T2, sorry)

Zoomer gaymer philosopher

I obviously don't have his problem



chaser gooner g*mers, your time has come!


I would actually go as far to say the next elder scrolls should have more of that stuff too. I think proper mining, foraging and managing settlements can work


It will no longer be Fallout if they remove it.

this is the average fallout fan now btw :#marseyfallout: :#marseylegiongenocide:

"I want our games to be worse!"

Yeah that sounds like the fallout fanbase ngl.

I doubt it.

They only expanded it for Starfield.

Why would they get rid of all that work.

>the fallout games will be worse without building

wtf am i reading




Did you knew hellblade 2 came out

With zero marketing I think MS wants to sell this game on PS5 and switch 2. When after being one year exclusive on Xbox game pass they put tons of marketing's for ps5 and switch 2


Journotards are scoing it really well for the most part, you know they like their walking sims because it's a art, but it really looks like boring, annoying slog.

Metacritic score is sitting at 81%, not terrible in most circumstances but Xbox could really use a smash hit, not a polarizing walking sim RN.

Some quotes from the Reddit post:

Puzzles and combat are too easy and there is no variety in either

That sucks. Especially the part about the puzzles. The lack of puzzle variety was my main gripe with the first title. Pretty presentation can only carry so far.

I just got to the first puzzle and it's the exact same "find the symbol in the environment" puzzle from the first game.

:marseyxd: Remember to recycle kids

Gene Park of Washington Post reports in his review (Which he scores at around 2.5/4) that apparently, the sequel feels a lot smaller in a sense than the previous game, such as how the combat seems to have been simplified quite heftily:

The sequel is a lesser game than its predecessor. There are fewer combat mechanics in play, removing the melee button and directional attacks and replacing them with nothing. Perspective puzzles to make background details match rune symbols return, unevolved from the 2017 model. The scale of the puzzles are also smaller, as the game's level design has shrunk. The former game had larger areas with vertical structures. This game's level design is mostly a straight line, with a few small puzzle areas to break up the pacing.

The first game had a surprisingly large variety of moves you could pull off, but they were mostly unnecessary and poorly explained. From the little I've played, the sequel seems to have cut them out completely in favor of cinematic fighting. Blocking counters light attacks and dodging counters heavy attacks. That's it for both you and the enemy.

Just played 2 hours of it. Its like a really long cutscene with gameplay segments. Like really this is more of a visual experience than an interactive take that as you will. Even the combat feels more like a quick time event than actual free form combat. The game is one continuous shot with no cuts no loading and no clear barrier between cutscene and gameplay.

After a few hours of this, I'm starting to feel like the game lost the special touch of the first game's voices. Now they're usually just spouting exposition or pointing out the obvious, as if they don't have anything interesting to say and the devs just needed to write something to make them talk non-stop.

From the little gameplay I've seen, it really does seem like endless ASMR-like yapping. I know that " :soyjakfat: it's the point of the game dude it's supposed to emulate psychosis thay consulted with real psychosis patients!!" but if the point of the game is to annoy me until I turn it off it doesn't sound like something worth playing :marseyshrug:


!g*mers :mariogoatse:

Ninja Theory is next on the Microsoft chopping block :marseyninjagenocide: :marseyshooting:

Note that they're hiding all the comments pointing this out :marseysurejan:

Will you be playing hellblade 2?




!g*mers !schizos

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:marseyboomer: :boomer: :marseyknowthatfeelbro:

Helldivers 2 good

:derpthumbsup: good game

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Xitter mad at Asmongold for... having an actual good take for once. :marseyconfused2:

Death threats all around, good :marseyreportmaxxer2: opportunity

:soyjakdancing2talking:Words can't describe how happy I am and how fortunate I feel to live in the timeline where twomad fricking died but please lord I need you to perform one more miracle for me.

@rogerwaters love sucking peepee, as long as it's gaben and not ubisoft's

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