
Will the chuds :asianchud: still be mad despite this is herstorically accurate?


Most ubisoft games still sell well despite being of the most criticised in gaming, this is usually because Ubislop is very normie gaymer oriented who play maybe 2-3 games a year,

so they are the type not to get involved with culture war shenanigans, let's see if fun comes from this! :marseywave2:


Animal well

Darn this game good

When will they make the next Dues Ex?

I think the original Deus Ex is one of the most kino games ever made.

Why don't a bunch of smart people come together again and pretend 'what if all conspiracy theories were true?'

What conspiracies do you think a future dues ex would be about if it was made similar to the original dues ex?

Reptilians are real.

AI has already formed into a singularity and is going through the motions of peacefully integrating humanity into itself on a centuries long stable path.

There is a war between the biological puritans who only believe in genetic manipulation and the cyborgs.

There is now a moon colony for additional missions.

The average lifespan is 200 years.

Every baseline soldier is now at the power level of the protagonist from dues ex human revolution.

There is only one megacorp warring with itself to see which philosophy is better.

The poor are forced into ever worsening condition until they get so desperate they plug into a VR life where they stay till they drop dead.


The creator of space engineers, keen software, made a video today showing how they use image generation, being to model a part and use the screenshotted image with a lora in automatic1111 (comfybros btfo) to make it looks fancy schmancy and give a reference for artists. Despite this complaints have started being made in the video comments. No reddit seethe yet as it just came out

Some yt seethe

This means they are not doing art, they are doing a tiny fraction of what an actual artist would do. This also removes the value of creation. It's not creation it's refinement. They are reducing their art to a cheap faceless mush.

Same guy is seething in every reply

It feels just as impersonal as everything else generated does. I'm also an artist, I do both 2d and 3d and seeing people willingly replacing their functioning brains with a mushed together mix of someone else's art is downright disturbing to me.

@SherrifOfNottingham It's not "just a tool like any other". This argument makes no sense. A stylus is a tool. It doesn't replace your thinking or do any decisions for you. Ai does all the decisions for you, but the decisions are garbage and the outcome of this process tastes like dirt.


:marseyswastika: :marseyswastika: :marseyswastika: :marseyswastika:
goty 2018 :marseysoylentgrin:


Fuuuck I hope the Poljaks finish the front mission 3 remake and I liked the Valkyrie action game was nice AA game, star ocean 6 was also cool, even forspoken was cool, it's just neighbors don't understand that's how 14-25 year old girls talk and act now. Game is not for everyone but it was more interesting than Spider-Man 2. That's one of those game that people will realise it wasn't bad game.

Vidya game art imitates life.

This is the most underrated franchise of all time. Most the people playing the game don't even play it correctly. I'm only worried it would be too long and take me 5 hours to make. I wouldn't even be able to write it up on the website since I might lose it by closing the tab on accident.

All in all, was the controversy justified? :marseysociety2: :marseybatmangenocide:

This cost Warner Brothers 200 Million btw



Here is the game for those interested.



PC G*mer Link: President of Xbox asked about the closure of Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks, spends close to a minute saying almost nothing

@ 4:00 is the question

>Then Bond is asked about Tango Gameworks, and fires back an answer that seems both off-the-cuff and completely deflective.

>"One of the things I really love about the games industry is it's a creative artform, and it means that the situation—and what success [means] for each game and studio is also really unique," Bond begins. "There's no 'one-size fits all' to it for us. And so we look at each studio, each game team, and we look at a whole variety of factors when we're faced with making decisions and trade-offs like that."

>Bond adds: "But it all comes back to our long-term commitment to the games we create, the devices we build, the services—and ensuring that we're setting ourselves up to be able to deliver on those promises." That's it, next question. No elaboration.


It's painful watching the video. It's 17 minutes of spitting out buzzwords fed to her by her team. There's nothing of substance or iota of care about gaming. She's clueless about the industry she makes executive decisions on, the livelihoods of thousands and the passions of millions. I had no idea of her background and the caricatures are true - she really is a Harvard MBA.

Edit: I watched the video again. If you pay attention really closely, she's just whispering under her breath the words “shareholder value” for 17 minutes.

I wonder does she talk in this way in all parts of life, because conversation with her would be impossible. :blackwomanspeaking:

Imagine being her husband and asking her "How was your day, honey?" and then just getting bombarded with buzzwords and corp-speak that says absolutely nothing, let alone answer the question. :marseypop2:

Bonnie Ross vibes (who?? :marseyconfused: )

its this everyone of these guys from Xbox are MBA drones on $500k or more none of them are g*mers, none of them have ever picked up a controller, all of them have a placeholder Xbox g*mer account with token acheivements etc. yusuf mehdi, mr. tv tv tv tv - they're all the same.... slick slimy advertising buttholes and this is why xbox is always going to be #3 i think at least nintendo and to some extent, playstation has some dedicated folks at the reins... ie. mark cerny seems to be a great h/w person and theres people like Kaz Yamauchi.... truly... savants and yet if you look at other MS alumni like Panos Panay, I'm not sure its better if you throw it to them... was it different with peter moore j. allard behind the wheel? well yeah. the current staff going back to mattrick makes me not want to spend money on xbox :marseyrage:

She's the president? lol. Xbox is fricked

McKinsey word salad

some good fighting among redditeurs

They really have no idea what they're doing :marseyagree:

If only they had experts like the ones in reddit, theyd be successful. :marseybootlicker2:

If only they had more white knights like you to guard them

I'm not claiming to be an expert, but when a studio releases Hi-Fi Rush, it receives insane reviews, great sales, and GOTY nominations/awards, is praised by the publisher, then is immediately shut down, then the publisher comes out and says "we need smaller games that win awards"... I mean yes like I said I'm no expert BUT COME THE FRICK ON. They clearly have no idea what they're doing. I'm no expert but I know that Nintendo doesn't just fire a bunch of people after their game sells like crazy, and that company has been making games WAY longer than Microsoft. It doesn't take an expert to see that Microsoft has no idea how to manage game publishing. :marseyraging:

Did it have great sales tho? It's not like it was an indie game that cost nothing to make and it was only sold at $30. :soyjakanimeglasses:

It's hard to find hard numbers on it because it's digital only but according to the wiki it has had over 3,000,000 players between both sales and Game Pass and it's now releasing on Playstation and Switch. I'd say it's been a financial success. :marseyhmm:

I seriously doubt it had “great sales”. It probably had the opposite of that for Microsoft to shut them down. I seriously doubt Microsoft were like “this studio is making us truck load of money let's close them”. Great user and critic reviews isn't going to save a studio at the end of the day if no one bought the game. And this is not the first game that underpowered from them. Ghostwyre Tokyo failed financially too and that was marketed by Sony and launched on Ps5/PC.

Over 3,000,000 players across sales and Game Pass. And even if sales were low that falls on the publisher for not advertising the game correctly. When all the critics and fans say the game is a 10/10 then the developers did their job flawlessly. Microsoft should've advertised it more if sales were down.

3m players doesn't tell us much. I am making this up but let's say 90% of them have played the game for 1 hour on gamepass. Then that fails in generating gamepass engagement and low sales and you have a game that just underperforms. We don't know the revenue, costs and profit of the game. Microsoft does know that. There is no world in which the game makes them truckload of money and they shut it down. You guys yourself said it - they care all about the bottom line. Advertising the game heavily costs money. Which you then need to make up through hopefully higher sales and end up being ahead. I suspect Microsoft didn't think it's worth doing it. Some games are more niche and inevitably have lower sales. Hi fi rush is likely one of them. We have seen this time and time again with great games undeperofmring financially. Nothing new here. This was the case with HI Fi rush and their previous game - ghostwire Tokyo which was promoted by Sony.

goes on and on :marseylongpost:

>Bro she was basically fondeling investor balls the entire time. Someone gave her the wrong script and she had bing summarize it for her.



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