
Why u didn't jap max yet ?

Sam Hyde Goes fishing :marseysrdine: with David :marseyhitlerjew: Lucas
Redditors :soysnoo: Gaslight :marseysniff:, Gatekeep :marseygatekeeper2:, Girlboss :marseygirlboss:, a guy for asking a question :marseythonk:. Jannies :marseyjanny2: y'all the thread.

One example: In many Somali homes in the Twin Cities, smoke detectors with low batteries beep around the clock. Many believe the devices beep when they're working properly, Abdifatah said, or that it's the landlord's responsibility to โ€œfixโ€ them. Such misinformation could be corrected with a community-wide effort.



Because 70%+ of all teen pregnancies are fathered by adult men.

Men are angry that roughly 3 generations of feminist ideals banded together to stop them from ruining the lives of little girls.




As you can see, the German Chuds are now advertising using fricking !anime.

Link to their post on X

!germs know but our country is heading towards a collective mental meltdown with federal elections in 2025. 2025 will probably be a Weimar level year of r-slurred fricking political violence and other nonsense.

As an example, recently there was an incident where rich cute twinks partied on "Sylt" Germanys retirement home for Crakkkas with money in the North sea. Club goers sang the infamous "Auslรคnder raus" hymn, a variation on the melody of "L'Amour toujours". It goes as following:

Foreigners out

Foreigners out

Germany for Germans

Foreigners out

Full song if anyone cares

This was of course recorded and caused a national meltdown in the media followed by a witch-hunt for anyone present in the video, people lost their jobs/college place and normal life for appearing in this video. L'Amour toujours is now basically banned from any major event.

This entire shit show is the lead up to the June 9th elections where a new European parliament will be elected. There are r-slurred fricking Posters everywhere decreeing the end of democracy if the Chuds gain any major % of the vote with multiple parties basically dedicated to just pooping on the AFD, not even kidding. Examples would be VOLT (Globohomo Satan collective that want a USE now) and die Partei (if those lame butt Saturday night shows seething about Trump were a political party)

Volt example, they specifically put this under every AFD poster. It says "don't be an Butthole". Just very childish bullshit. If you are wondering why they always put it "under" AFD posters, well it's cause the AFD has to always put their shit up all the way on the top of light posts and shit cause otherwise they just get torn down. My city for example has zero AFD advertising because there is no point, it would get destroyed immediately.

Anyway, I am not a fan of any competing political party right now and I hope everyone in this country has a collective heart attack on June 9th. Fricking Krauts.


Thank you Mr President!

We America First/MAGA patriots mean no disrespect nor do we seek to diminish your contributions to the struggle against the Cultural Marxists and DC Uniparty Globalists trying to destroy the nation, the nation so many have fought, bled and died for, but you're right, it's much bigger than any one man, even one named Donald J Trump.

Mr President, you will have your place in US history and it will not be because some NYC Kangaroo Court conducted a sham trial to label you a convicted felon, you will be a historical figure because you inspired street level Americans who love righteousness and real justice to fight back against a corrupt and compromised system.

Mr President, when the truth is finally written in the history books you will be remembered as one of the few people who dared to risk and give all to stop the entrenched corruption that's infested every level of the federal government and its related agencies. Others that have stood against the corruption have been terminated or imprisoned for such action.

Yes Mr President, this is much, much bigger than Trump and I think the enemies of the constitutional republic will come to understand it's magnitudes bigger than Trump.

Man literally gets sent to jail for driving while black

Twitter link:

huwhite supremacy lady on twitter distressed after seeing white men on the street with non white foids

she sounds off but i think its just very low iq i don't think its a fed


This thread is fricking great

Since I'm on reddit, I'm gonna get flamed for this answer, but it's very clearly because she is a woman.

The US is one of the most misogynistic societies that ever lived and is not supportive of a !foidmoment


Electoral college.

It's weird to blame the election for her loss of the election. It's not like the electoral college was an October surprise.

But California and New York aren't the only states in the US. Hence the reason why the EC is so important.



People hate women. Even women.

:#marseytradraging: :#marseyindignantwoman:

Should have won. Obama was right when he said she was the most qualified person to ever run.


Misogony. Among other things but no one seems to be taking this seriously. America (or at least a large portion of it) doesn't trust a woman who they see as power hungry, especially on a national level. If they are too ambitious, they are seen as a b-word, too professional, cold, too empathic, overly emotional. As Secretary of State, HRC was one of the most popular, if not the most popular politician in America. To say she is unlikable is absurd. Texts from Hillary was a major meme. She was, and is, talked about completely differently than any other nominee. Scroll through these messages and count the โ€œbitches, โ€œtwatsโ€ and c*nts. You could not have a conversation about her without someone using one of those words. Two other politicians mishandled classified documents, and it's not the headline of every single cable news outlet. Her opponent, at a debate, brought to the audience women who accused her husband (not her) of sexual assault. During the campaign, the media and others often referred to her/her campaign as โ€œthe Clintons.โ€ It drove me mad at the time. And there are more examples and more Of course, the margin was so, so close that any number of things would have turned the election in her favour. I would argue that another major factor was that no one, even his campaign, believed that her opponent could win. People blame her for running arrogantly, but she felt inevitable. It felt like the weight of history had it destined that the two barriers to the Presidency would be broken in succession. She had so many paths in this electoral college, many things had to align for her to lose.


Because she sucks

The most precise answer

900 calls of misogyny and โ€œshe won the popular vote.

Great thread full of !r-slurs I highly recommend to any !chuds for a laugh


Picking chicks in China


Trump is legally barred from voting in the November election lmao
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This was referenced in a /h/leafland post yesterday, but that reddit post got jannnied.

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