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Spending on Indigenous priorities has increased significantly since 2015 (181 per cent) with spending for 2023-24 estimated to be over $30.5 billion, rising further to a forecast of approximately $32 billion in 2024-25.

For reference, our annual defence budget is 26.5 billion

Holy shit...

Indigenous people represent around 5% of Canadians. 1.8 million people give or take


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Why do the leafs need to spend on defence. Either America will protect them or America will bring the day of the rake and nothing the leafs will do will stop it.

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Correct, they should be using all that money to expand MAID candian healthcare.

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because when civil war breaks out in america, canadians are the ones who will have the world (its true, I saw it in that movie)

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larping as independent is an angloid tradition at this point, the US even set its empire up as a potemkin village so all the little countries can LARP :marseyhappytears:

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No, we'd poison our fresh water reserves and cause mass ecological damage just like in on guard for thee


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>Canada is like an Indian reservation but worse.

I have never seen the words "Indian reservation" used in a more accurate way.

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I am trying my best to get a message that will get me banned here. I will die a dramanaut.

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How does he keep doing this

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like most of the world, canada :marseywaffle: relies on the US for protection. :uhuh:

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They're seen as weak pathetic losers already, and that's with some semblance of a military. How bad would it be without one

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That's 17,777 Canada Bux spent per injun per year.


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Implying at least 50% of those 17k canadabucks aren't siphoned directly into fraudulent NGOs run by Trudeau's friends from clown college

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Still 90% less than San Francisco spends on its alcoholics

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Kind of makes me proud that we can outspend Canada's defense budget just keeping drunks drunk.

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Honestly not that much seeing as they all live off the dole

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That's per individual though. So that would mean 88,885 Moose Dabloons spent on, say, a family of five.

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That explains why they all live in such nice houses then :hmm:

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They all know how to bilk the system. In the US they will claim their permanent residence is on the reservation whem its another state away.

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That's a good start paleface.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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the injuns would be better off if they just got a neetbux check for that much every year rather than have it run through the welfare industrial complex

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No they wouldn't. They'd drink Johnny walker instead of Canadian mist for a couple weeks then their hands would be out again

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Sucks to suck, try not to freeze

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Lmao they're literally spending 15k a year per person.

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Might as well pass an UBI measure at this point

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Everyone focusing on this seem to forget that children were taken from their families and communities against their will. Many died due to terrible conditions and illnesses. Most commenters are racists who love to shit on first nations. What if it was your kids?

When I'm in an intellectual dishonesty competition and my opponent is a proglib: :marseypoggers:

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There's some impressive mental work going into that comment. Maybe impressive isn't quite the right word.


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  • Actually investigating these mass graves shows it never happened

  • Uh are you forgetting all this stuff totally happened? Why are you letting "facts" and "evidence" distract you from the great canadian gigagenocide?

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Funnily enough they're describing what happened to plenty of white kids.

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but white children have privilege + power.

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I hate these people so much. !leafs my great grand mother got caught with a moonshine still and lost all over children over it. They were taken to a literal prison, slept in cells and were sent to different workhouses. All of them were exploited and abused, one died and it was 15 years before they were reunited.

This happened to 10,000s of young people but because they were white it's not even a fricking footnote in history class, we needed the page space to suck off indians even harder

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Canada has always been totalitarian :#marseynotes:

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Oh massively. Our western provinces have been called "provinces in the roman sense". As in they exist to send resources back east not to do pesky things like vote. Which is why to this very day Ontario and Quebec have more votes than every other province combined

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America will take 'em. They've already got plenty of square states with few people. What's a few more


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God I wish. Alas America won't touch them because they're all concerned over how they'd vote and the effects on the 2 party system

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Ontario and Quebec have more votes than every other province combined because they have more people than every other province combined. There's more people in the GTA than in Alberta, metro Montreal is only barely smaller, and the entire west has fewer people than Ontario by itself.

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Which is why we need a senate and electoral college

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easterners don't vote conservative enough! We need a way to force them on the rest of the country!


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:marseysoycry: mfw people who disagree with me can vote

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  • Sphereserf3232 : Didn't Metis sell the alcohol to the Injuns though?

Your great granny was probably selling that shine to poison my people yt devil. Pay up.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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TIL :peperealization:

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pretty heartless of them to refer to the dead children as just "anomalies," unless...

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LaShawnda got rid of that anomaly yesterday.

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Haunted kitty

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this game is going to be a huge disappointment isn't it?

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Wtf is it?

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:marseystealthygeek2: Stalker 2 :marseystealthygeek:

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I read/watched some impressions from people who played it last year at, I wanna say GamesCom, and it apparently was really far from polished, like something between alpha and beta build.

But I'm more worried that the problem will be the opposite, they're going to polish it up at the cost of little ambition and innovation.

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Didn't one of the devs got killed in the war?

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If only they'd actually killed them all :#marseytabletired2:

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Injunmisia :platyaboriginalgenocide:

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:marsey6#82: :marsey1#73:

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And I guarantee 99% of the world's media will ignore this news.

When another First Nation had the balls to actually excavate a suspected grave site, they found the "anomalies" were nothing, and that too was barely reported on.

Good luck squeezing the toothpaste back in the tube....

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Crazy that journos can just blantatly lie about things like this and no one really cares because it's "for a good cause".

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Sorry but I can't un-burn down your church


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>And I guarantee 99% of the world's media will ignore this news.

BIPOC 99% of the world didnt care about these canuck injuns in the first place

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Just because you're an ignorant cute twink who never reads the news, doesnt mean everyone is.

And every time there's a thread on Reddit about Canada, this is what smugly gets brought up.

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>2 links

>implying reddits represents the world

Nobody cares

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Each of those links is from the English-speaking world's biggest news organizations. I could sit here all day and post more links, but I've already wasted too much time on a moronic butthole like yourself.


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Again, NOBODY, you're an irrelevant shitty country full of sexy Indian dudes and nobody cares, go suck a shotgun kobain-style cute twink

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You sure seem to care, chudster......

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We should dig these “graves” up and fill them with canadians

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Haven't all previous graves just been a bunch of rocks underground once they were excavated?

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Tree roots, for at least one of them.

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the biggest problem with canada's indians is that canada should have killed more of them

there's still time

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Don't ever reply back to me in bold hyper large text again. You are out of your depth. This is a warning.



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Pls burn more papist churches anyway

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This story is cool now :ayydance: :a!yydance: :ayydance:

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