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Marsèy is dead. Say hello Marty, our new and original mascot.
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Thot gets patrolled. Redditors sneed

!football !foidmoment

Suggestion: downvotes take away coins

It would be funny.

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carpathianflorist presents: Radical Positivity

I have reversed all but one downvote. Downvotes are unnecessarily hostile and destructive and wreak untold havoc on the emotional wellbeing of users everywhere. In a perfect world, the downvote feature would be removed entirely. We don’t live in a perfect world, though, and so we must be the change we wish to see in it.

Take the pledge today to never downvote again. Sign your name in this thread. Navigate to the β€œHates” page on your profile and strive to be a more positive person.


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Meet Tabby - Marsey's new up and coming replacement!

Like all of you, I love Marsey. He's such a cute little monster! He's adorned our pages through thick and thin, summer and winter. Marsey has had a good run, and it's time for something fresh!

^^^^^^^ Look at how cool he is! ^^^^^^

I've brought something to the table which is cuter, COOLER, kinder, more lean, more mean, and overall has more street cred than our previous esteemed fluffy furline. But don't worry, I've kept all your favourite Marsey features, including the colours and striped pattern we all know and love.

Meet Tabby!

My present to the rdrama community, gift wrapped and just waiting to be cuddled.

I took cues and inspiration from the artists at Reddit who developed snoo, and also to give him a more modern look. Tabby is a nicer more cat-like name too I hope you agree! I understand that many of you have put a lot of hard work into creating Marsey emojis. That's good! But we can start afresh. There's many tabby emojis that are itching to be created, but to save you some work, here are a few to start off with!

Why isn't anyone making Jolly posts?

I would greatly appreciate it if people started making more wholesome, jolly posts. Or at least way less posts about the deranged mating rituals and copulation habits of dramatards.

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  • X : :marseynoyoupedozoom:
  • johnnypoop : Hidden jackpot thread
  • Dramacel : ITT: dramacels falling for lazy b8
  • suggynutz : it's your duty to sidevote shit bait threads
Penny is a p-dophile.

She is a latent p-dophile and a danger to children and 99% of her posts are about child molestation and she sees pedophilia where there clearly isn't any because she can't thinking about people having s*x with children.

She is a danger to children and there are a fair amount of p-dophiles on this site who think about s*x with kids to the point where they view someone being only interested in and having s*x with adults as pedophilia.

My daddy kink with adults may be weird but it's not illegal, harms anyone and at least I have an active s*x life.

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bottom text


I have decided to adapt a new gimmick where I concentrate on upvoting good posts rather than downvoting bad ones.

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Did a big fat shit
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Where 2 find cute blond boys to groom?
:marseykingkrazy: frick your cute twink butt frogs lmao this is now a KING KRAZY HOLE :marseykingkrazy:

:#marseykingkrazy: !kkk important:#marseykingkrazy:

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True kings ain’t in ping groups
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  • XD : Snappy downvoted this thread, you should too!
Army reddit fighting good fight


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  • Shellshock : Guys guys I just found out you can report posts do I get a badge now
  • not_a_raccoon : fricking r-slur
You can now down vote and upvote at same time


@MURDERVANN do I get a badge ?

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