
Oh my dog died. :marseyitsover:Woe is me I just got demoted. :marseydepressed: Oh dear I just fractured my femur boo hoo hoo :marseycry: hey let's have some uplifting news guys.

I just hit a hundo racks in my retirement account :marseyparty: :marseyluckycat:,

anyone else have something personal that doesn't make me want to keep myself safe when I read it?



Lock her away and throw the key. : facepalm


Apparently a recent winner (2022) killed herself. Move over African mines, we've found a more dangerous job. Being a beauty pageant winner.

Ok but Miss Teen USA started her resignation note with a Nietzsche quote, so perhaps I've been too harsh.

Random Snark Sub Goes on Mass Lockdown After Mod Notes Leak Mocking Members

The sub /r/DaniMarina is a snark sub following the social media of an individual who is known as a malingerer and is chronically online documenting their dubious medical claims. This sub branched after lockdowns on similar sub /r/illnessfakers had some mod drama, banning members who questioned behaviors or participated in subs the mods didn't approve of.

Over time, behavior of the mods became more and more known, with a sub documenting some of it titled /r/brokenbackb-word .

The other day, a former mod of /r/DaniMarina posted records of the mod notes, documenting and snarking on members, making accusations about them and giving off what is stereotyped as 'reddit mod energy.' Since then, the /r/DaniMarina sub has been locked down, all posts having to be approved along with comments needing auto approval. Anyone asking about what was posted about the mod notes is automatically deleted. They are also seeming to frame the situation as due to recent activity in the subject of the sub's life and reddit in general as well as more posts seeming to pop up by certain members stroking the egos of the mods on a near-comical level.\_the\_mods\_of\_danimarina\_brokenbackgirl\_and/

The following link is from one of the mods and their opinion of their role, which simultaneously seems to be harming them but also possesses a level of clout for running a sub dedicated to snarking on a mentally ill woman. It's akin to the drama from /r/illnessfakers that occasionally heats back up where mods define the sub as "researching munchausens" despite it being a reddit sub... snarking.

new toss


Noticing, is a product. Steve Sailer is the Elon Musk of this product. And Anna is currently the bikini model in that product's commercials.

It was so embarrassing hearing Sailer mention how wild it is that there are now β€œbeautiful stunning women in fancy evening wear at his events” and then they go on to reveal it was just Anna and Dasha.

Unsurprisingly, the King of Race Science and his two head Courtesans, Anna (Ms. β€œI'm like a pig in shit on this topic”) and Dasha (spineless and lazy), like all race scientists, will always and can only talk about this stuff in terms of β€œnoticing.”

β€œWow this episode has so much information.” β€œWow, that's so interesting.” β€œHuh, that's an interesting fact.”

Anna embarrassingly spends this entire episode salivating not only over Sailer but the idea of β€œNoticer” as a unique kind of special modern individual. She asks β€œis being a Noticer (tm) something that can be taught?”.

And I have for a while now believed it is because these people either refuse, or are near incapable, of taking this ideology, and applying it to on the ground direct action that does not immediately pay lip service to the Republican Party. Because that's all it is.

I wonder if, during this podcast recording, did Glenn Greenwald's black children ever enter Anna's mind. Or the black guy she lots her virginity to. Or the black guy they've had on the podcast. If I'm being honest, these are pathetic examples, and it's kind of hilarious how easy it is to know the basic contours of Anna and Dasha's social circle, yet not one prominent black person can be named among them. If I was in the room, I would ask Anna and Dasha β€œwho would you say is the closet black friend in your life, and how often do you speak to them? What do you talk about?”

And regardless of the answer, I would then ask β€œWhat would you suggest that person do in the face of all this β€˜noticing'?” And I'd hazard a guess that 8 out of 10 times they'd say β€œthey don't have to do anything except not be a race-hustling, cancel-culture vulture, libtard shill for the establishment” if they were being honest.

I find race scientists to be extremely malicious, bad-faith, snaky actors.

This so-called pursuit of knowledge is a hat they can put on, and say β€œI did my part, I exposed the knowledge!!” And Anna and Sailer can spout all this bullshit about the β€œmoral responsibility to not exploit stupid low-iq blacks” but never actually talk about their hypothetical dream scenario where everyone is on the same page on human bio-diversity. (which they don't actually want because then no more grift. The grift would suddenly become about β€˜noticing' hey black people actually do all these amazing things!)

They never talk about what we should do in the hypothetical dream race-science future to actually COMBAT the gargantuan amount of exploitation that would actually happen. Sailer says β€œwelfare for the left half of the bell curve is good, but when you give it to black single mothers, bad things happen.

I know Anna and Sailer aren't so stupid that they would ever actually advocate or expect that black people would all suddenly go β€œyup, we are dumber, and lower iq!” They would obviously have an instinctive revulsion to that kind of self deprecation.

So while these guys are doing all this Noticing (tm) and hawking Sailer's book, what is an individual black person actually supposed to do?

You can't talk on and on about how modern American society has some great fault of β€œwrongthink” or stuff about β€œmoral responsibility toward the left half of the bell curve” without the immediate implication being that there is a MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to proselytize, incept, discourse and be informed by what they believe is the reality of human biodiversity. They believe it is a duty, and that it will make America a better place for Americans.

So why do the so often only talk about how much β€œnoticing” they are doing and all their β€œinteresting stats and facts” and β€œseeing with your own eyes” and so little talking about what actual direct action to take to improve a local community, a family, a social circle, a job site? Why do they not have anything to say to the black retail worker or black union organizer who might be listening to this or be exposed to all this information? Why did neither Anna or Dasha ask this kind of question that you know someone like Amber Frost would?

It's because they are well-off, white and do not care about those people like they claim to. They are speaking to an audience of young, mostly straight white male podcasters, substack writers, wannabe artists, tech/finance guys and Internet posters.

Chances are there is at least ONE black single mother in Chicago who has read a Steve Sailer article. What should SHE do? And if the answer is β€œNothing”, then why the frick is it so important for Sailer to be making piles of cash screaming from the rooftops β€œblacks aren't as smart and do more crime!!!!”

β€œWe know something you don't know!!!~” sticks out tongue

That's the entire point.

new stonetoss

literally :soyjaktantrum:

:marseyhelp: :marseyhelp: :marseyhelp:

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I wish we had politicians this cool



Literal tard knocks bikecel into traffic with her r-slur :marseylobotomy: breath :marseyzeldalinkbotw: strength.

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  • chudscantsneed : one of its literally who producers not Makoto Shinkai

Arrested cause they were 15 and older (disgusting hags). VERRRRY SHAMEFURR!


He paid 30000 yen to the great :marseyfingergoodjob: grandma :marseymariacalavera: (17) and 15k to granny :marseychingchonggrandma: (15) out of curiosity, what is that in Reichsmark?



The economy of the rising :marseychartuptrend: sun is really :marseythinkorino2: in the dumps folx. Sad!

elon musk on twitter

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