what are some open secrets?


New Toss

Some anons claim the New York Times is hacked and source is leaked.

I checked this and it has the wordle source code. Leak is probably legit.


While teaching a class to high school students on Wednesday, Burlington police officers staged a surprise demonstration in which a masked gunman burst into the room and pretended to open fire.

LOL, lmao even.

The simulation, which occurred at the Burlington police station, was meant to show the unreliability of witness statements. But the lack of warning — and the loud gunshot sounds — sent students diving for cover in fear for their lives.

The pigs are obviously trying to prove Michael Brown wrong still :marseydisagree:

Two students who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the class was facing the front of the room listening to a detective speak when they heard screams from behind them. Two women ran in, the students said, followed by a man wearing a ski mask who was holding a gun. Then gunshot sounds rang out.

One of the students said she dove on the floor, scraping her knee. The other said she scrambled to find her phone so that she could text her mother.

Fricking anonymous cowards (Twitter intellectuals told me that all anon accounts were liars and demons)

“We hope that this can be a reflective growth opportunity for all parties,” the department wrote.

Sorry you thought we were going to school shooter you guys, lmao. Appreciate life more I guess. :chad:

Woman Respecting Contest

Post respecting women to win

!coomers !humans !chuds !chads


stay strapped


Everyone in Here is a Simp Get MOGGED

And another one for @Wegkerflurgler.


Why does this exist ?

They saying for kids but look at all those kids 2 years ago when Lego was released

And now they are doing Lego game for those balding fat bearded children


I"VE HAD SURGERY! :marseytrollcrazy:

THEY TOOK AWAY MY BRAIN! :marseytrollcrazy: THEY TOOK AWAY MY BRAIN! :marseytrollcrazy:

Please let me know if you notice anything different in my behavior. :marseyviewerstare2:

:marseyviewerstare2: :marseyviewerstare2: :marseyviewerstare2: :marseyviewerstare2: :marseyviewerstare2:

:marseyviewerstare2: Your feedback is appreciated. :marseyviewerstare2:

:marseyviewerstare2: :marseyviewerstare2: :marseyviewerstare2: :marseyviewerstare2: :marseyviewerstare2:

Mufti Dance:

Amusing dance moves: :marseylaying:

!metashit'ers! :marseyattentionseeker:

Which genre(s) of music don't get as much hate as they should?

I think psytrance is absolute boring garbage, and yet it has somehow managed to stay much more relevant in recent years than more traditional-sounding trance music.

Weekly “what are you reading” Thread #52 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

!bookworms !classics

I'm started readings some Chekhov's short-stories. First one was “The Kiss”.



Ukraine is the fastest depopulating country in the world.

Ukraine's population went down 5.8 million in 11 years.

Ukraine's population has declined by 27% from its peak.

It is pretty much guaranteed that the population of Ukraine will fall even further in the years ahead as we cannot expect anybody to be actively willing to return home unless they are deported, and for everybody to wish to leave Ukraine if the war ever ends, or for the population to keep declining if the war keeps going on.

In the long run, win or lose, Ukraine's population is guaranteed to disappear.

One can expect the entirety of Ukraine to become a militarized zone without a civilian population as there is nobody willing to move there and there will never be enough births for the population of the region to go up.

The lowest estimates suggest that Ukraine's population is already down to 37 million.

The higher end count is 41 million.


Ukraine will win the war but it has no future.

Ukraine today has far fewer births than even South Korea, with a comparatively similar population size.

Population collapse is guaranteed to destroy Ukraine. There is no next generation for Ukraine. All they can do is to move to the European Union.

European Union's population is going to keep increasing till 2050 with the influx of Ukrainians moving into the EU over the coming years.

All the previous predictions and numbers about decline in EU population are now wrong.


Is this really a “Justice Served”? If they owned all the equipment, did what was reasonable to ensure safety, and didn't cause harm to anyone or anyone else's property, why does the government need to get involved? I can legally launch a firework at a car I own on the ground, but if I'm airborne now I'm in serious trouble? There are more serious things the government employees who are after this guy should be looking into.

Reasonable comment, most downvoted in thread.

Explosives on an aircraft. It's illegal.

“Suk Min Choi, 24, a.k.a. “Alex Choi,” of Studio City, is charged with one count of causing the placement of an explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft.”

Shine that boot boy!

But they didn't do what was reasonable and safe. They did what was illegal and unsafe and could've easily started another California wild fire

Muh heckin' wild fyres!!!

Uhh from what I saw in the video there is zero chance of them starting a brush fire. You have to have brush to start a brush fire.

Ok let's use your very sound logic here. That doesn't make the explosives used and where they were used any less illegal. Any more brain busters you got from your point of view?

Hey /u/frost-penguin you massive r-slur you're the one who brought up fires to start with. keep yourself safe

Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO Trailer

"Unleash your volcano and purify your soul so you can take a step closer to utopia! First, you need a big stick.". Women are literally paying big money for this and wondering where their high value men are?

There's also bonus tree hugging and rubbing dirt all over your body.


@pizzashill any idea how many m777 were already send to Ukraine ? Wikipedia only gives 198 systems and those numbers are from 2022 so it would be cool to know how much Ukraine got of those ancient m777a2 from 2012 and m777ER from 2016. There are around 210 videos of m777 hit by drones and 170 with ending with big explosion (100% destroyed) and despite it all it's still the most common used artillery system in Ukraine.

Also for pizzashill:

The US fields a "pure fleet" of M777A2 variants.

So Ukraine didn't received any og “old” m777.

Kid still fetishising that Ukraine is receiving old stuff :marseyxd:

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