Just bought tickets to a 4-day Phish campout festival later this summer

I wonder if I will run into @mellokind there? :marseyhmmm:

:marseyhappening: SHOOT OUT AT PROM! :marseydeterminedgun: I REPEAT SHOOTOUT AT PROM! :marseymini:

At 0:48 I feel like that guy with curly hair whipped out a gun super fast and it kinda looks like a gun in his hand also the motion he makes

Edit: and its the same guy shooting at the end of the video. streamer says its fireworks but thats not true lol

You are correct. The first shots sounded so far, I have no idea what he is shooting at, there must be dozens of people between them.

If you see any other video of shootouts like these you see mfs just start blind shooting in a general direction Frick whatever is southwest of me :soyjihadi:

Bro, what is going on with America :marseyclueless:

A shooting at a prom is already insane, but then the next guy next to the camera pulls out another gun that he just CASUALLY takes to prom... What the heck! If you are caught with a knife here you are basically already done for

what kid of prom is outside in what looks like a massive parking lot? such a strange situation, hopefully no one got hurt.

Absolutely crazy how in one single clip you can see underage drinking, nicotine vapes, and literal teenagers with straps and switches. At least the silver lining is that Dabo and his gf are in a safe location, but it's safe to say that white shirt kid has no future prospects after this ends up in the news… !boozers misia

From a little dive i just did on his channel that girl is some girl with 1M ig followers who flew in for his prom

who is this kid, he's a 2k andy, he must be big on tiktok

edit: she's friends with ice spice tf

edit2: she's a minor

edit3: drake's dad follows her

Lmao Drakes Dad following a minor is right on brand.

It's wild how these kids got guns, that kid just straight up pulls out a gun and peepees it.

Now Some drama

Schools and public places will always be open pvp until politicians stop valuing lobbyists' money over innocent lives getting caught up in these shootings. Hope they're okay.

in the US* I went to school in the UK and fricking south africa and never once felt like my life was in danger. (

Most American school students never experience or feel their life is in danger due to a gun or shooter at school. Try again. (-10 already)

I wouldn't call it far fetched to say that the vast majority have definitely been paranoid about it at least once though. It's quite a significant issue, especially when you compare the rate at which it happens in the states versus any other developed nation in the world.

It is far-fetched because the majority haven't felt their life in school was in danger due to gun violence. Ghetto schools aren't the majority, yet. Its really not that significant or prevalent of an issue it only seems like it is because of media. Like Covid for example. Blown out of proportion. Also no shit America has more guns than most any other country in the world. We already know this.

It's disingenuous to say that it's not significant or a prevalent issue when the US ranks higher than any other high income country when it comes to gun violence, 3x more than the next closest country . When you're such an outlier on such a preventable cause of death; yes, the media is bound to report on little kids being murdered; which yes, will cause student populations to at times feel uneasy about their safety in a school environment. It's such a significant issue in fact, that gun violence is the leading cause of death for American children and teens: .


!chuds this will clearly help pass the anti-gun laws. good lucK!!


3 charged with murder in Fort Worth prom after-party shooting


Once you know the patterns :marseysoypointtrips: and start paying attention :marseyselfharm: to how any woman :marseyeggless: in your surroundings behave, you will pretty :marseyglam: much be unable to love them.

I hate shallow people and gen Z foids :marseyblops2chadcel: are nothing but shallow. Once the church :marseypastor: is gone from the life of a foid they truly loose the ability for empathy. They base their behavior entirely on physical factors. It's like they lack the sentience to understand that every human :marseycatbert2: being has a soul. I don't understand how any person :marseychonkerfoid: can treat :marseysylveon: others so harshly for things they have no control :marseyshadow: over but foids :marseyblobbygirl: prove me wrong :marseyakshually: again and again.

I've seen completely ordinary dudes who would :marseywood: have been easily married :marseybride: with 20 back in the 50s go postal :marseymailwoman: because they never :marseyitsover: had a relationship with 24. What's left for these guys besides drugs :marseyjunkie2: to dull the anxiety :marseyveryworriedfed: of watching :marseyoperasmug: your best years fade away with no romantic experiences to show for it.

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!g*mers !nooticers


I'm not from there and won't make it

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  • NO : !math
:marseygigaretard: : "1*1=2", Joe Rogan: "Its entirely possible"

Chief Idiot Joe Rogan has blessed us with an interview with the dumbest gorilla r-slur yet, Terrence Howard!

Joe, who claims to have a great bullshit detector (, lets Terrence babble off nonsense about frequencies and straight lines, never making a clear point or providing any evidence.

Here's a sample of some of the dumb shit he said.

1. 11=2. Why? Because he says he feels like it should and goes through implications like sqrt(2)^3 = 2sqrt(2) which for some reason shouldn't be that way.

2. Multiplication is broken because straight lines don't exist. Ok Terrence well nothing in the real world is 1 inch exactly either (although your tiny peepee comes close) so are numbers broken as well?

3. Statically charge balloons picking up dust disproves gravity.

This is clear evidence that only Jurnos should be allowed to have a platform. "New Media" morons like Joe have all the audience and none of the responsibility that CNN has. It seems even after Joe's earliest guest Hanpeepee was exposed as a crank in front of him Joe still doesn't get that he is a simian r-slur who has no idea what is real or fake. Now some idiot drama tards are going to say something like "oh are you implying that jornos are perfect?". HEY R-SLUR SHOW ME A JURNO THAT HAS A TRACK RECORD HALF AS BAD JOE ROGAIN!!!

Free thinking of the kind found on the internet is a belief that you know better than all the experts on a topic just because you drooled through a couple of podcasts. It is hubris and should be beaten out of the American population cultural revolution style.

Upmarsys to the left, thank you

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I (M35) am married to (F34). I also have a friend (M36) who we'll call Mark, and he is soon-to-be-unmarried to his wife (F34).

The reason why Mark and his wife are divorcing is because (according to Mark) she has let herself go. He has said she has gained a lot of weight (I have noticed that, but like I didn't really care), she stopped going to the gym, starting smoking, cut off her hair due to not caring to take care of it anymore, etc. When I told my wife of this, she just made a face and said that it was "trashy" of him to leave his wife in what may be hard times in her life. I understand that, but like, my friend said that he had tried therapy for her, marriage counselling, and antidepressants (she was actually diagnosed depressed) but she didn't really seem to want to help herself.

Honestly, I can get behind that. But my wife's mood always shifts whenever I bring him up now, and doesn't like the fact that I'm helping him through the divorce (it's taking a toll on both of them equally imo).

Been a back and forth type thing for a while, and im coming to this sub to seek judgement on whether i am wrong or not here. AITA?

Your wife is probably worrying about what you're going to do if she "let herself go".

Then maybe she should avoid.....letting herself go..... -517


It's "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health"

Not, as you/Mark/OP seem to think, "until my peepee can't get hard around her anymore."

>until my peepee can't get hard around her anymore


NTA. Here's why. I had been with my boyfriend of almost 15 years. One year into our relationship he had a breakdown and was hospitalized and diagnosed as manic and bipolar. He did take his meds for a while then came off them on his own. He either worked two jobs and I would beg him to spend time with me or he'd play video games for 20 hours a day. We recently broke up because I was tired of being held to a double standard of what he was allowed to do vs why I can't. It is extremely hard dealing with someone who is depressed and will not learn to deal with it. I stayed with him drove hours to hospitals and drs and the one time I needed him to drive me to the ER. I was told well I guess I'll have to take you as you'll never stop bitching about it if I don't. I had pneumonia. You aren't telling your wife you'll leave her if she gains weight. You are telling her if she is unwilling to medically help herself you will not be staying. NTA. But I'm sure I'll get crucified for my response. Try and explain that to her that's it not the letting herself go it's the trying to not be responsible for her health.

Well, in that scenario, the depressed person was male, so that's clearly different. /s

Unfortunately that how things work in this forum.


:marseywindmill: :marseytunaktunak: POO POO DISASTER :marseytunaktunak: :marseywindmill!:

AI coomers get doxed.


How should I matricide? Burning at the steak? Beheading? Some anime shit? Please post your suggestions below

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I know it's fake fiction :marseykangtheconqueror: but I wish to be so petty one day :marseykneel:


Lol why did Freddie deCuck go full "BAD FAITH" - leftoids explain

Marsey's Park

What a gimp lmfao

Comment lol

Here's the source image, morons whining about "inflation adjusted" despite obviously having no clue what that means

Whole thread.

They need to adjust for inflation.

Now compare to COL for each generation.

This means nothing without accounting for inflation. It doesn't matter if younger generations are making double if the prices of everything has quadrupled.Β  For the pedants I. Just saying double and quadruple as examples, not literally.Β 

This fool is onto nothing whatsoever:

And most of those gains are going to previous generations via housing

This twerp tries to double down:

Now do adjusted for inflation and add food, fuel, housing and healthcare to the CPI. Not just rent, not just net healthcare profit, not excluding fuel and electricity while offsetting it with cheap TVs.

It is adjusted {and a bit more yapping here}

I specifically called those things out because CPI doesn't cover those things. "Rent equivalent", "Excluded for volatility", and rural excluded pricing.

It includes all of those things you conspiratorial goober.

Look up how CPI is calculated and I'll accept your apology as confirmation that someone learned something. You can't take inflation rates at face value.

{More yapping, walls of text}

This flop calls blue "red"

Lots of boomers in here can't handle the truth. Living now is Hard Mode compared to their experience.

Reminder that these mooks are certain socialism will solve all their problems and they're economic geniuses. Legitimately zero argument against locking them in gimp suits and milking them for stem cells btw.

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