Reported by:
  • 1 : Hats.
  • peepeehands : hat
  • whyareyou : making chuds is dramaphobic because people wont expect chuddery if someones not chud awarded and tha
reduced chud award price from 2500 to 500 (death to rightoids)

:#!marseymini: :chudsey: :#marseymini:

Gigavaxxers vs Zombies: NEW RULES, NEW REWARDS

Team Vaxxmaxxed: Gets 3x dramacoin from votes on their posts/comments (responsible contributors to herd immunity get rewarded by the globohomo capitalist state).

Team Zombie: Gets free progressive stack on their posts and comments (fast zombies), AND gets a free bite award every 24hrs to spread the love.

You can now vax yourself. It takes one vax to go from infected to healthy. Any vaxxes after that make you VAXXED, which takes two bites to deplete back to healthy. You can stack up to five (5) vaxxes for a total of eleven bites until zombification.

ALSO, we are tracking bites and vaxxes. There winning team when Homoween ends will get a very special [redacted]. There will definitely be a fun stats post about who the biggest superspreaders and CDC lackies were.

:#marseyzombie: :#questionmark: :#!marseygigavaxxer:

Reported by:
(changelog) some changes to lawlzposts

hey all,

by popular demand, we made some changes to our code specifically to accommodate lawlzposts. we've made it so that when @MasterLawlz makes a post it gets

  1. automatically stickied for 24 hours

  2. automatically distinguished

  3. automatically flaired

in addition, lawlz pins can't be unpinned by jannies or unpin awards. they are affected by pin awards however, which will add an hour of time to the pin.

they also appear at the top above every other pinned post, regardless of when it was made

Reported by:
(changelog) you can now ping all of the admins at once

so if you want to ping us all at once you can use @jannies which will summon all of the admins to your post or comment which willl... do what you think it does

you have to have 500 truescore to use it though so there's that. this isn't a homoween thing btw... this is a permanent change. say thanks to @Aevann for making it

love you all btw and lmk if there's any issues :marseyvampirelove:

Reported by:


Everyone with an account as of RIGHT NOW has this rad Homoween 2022 hat. It is not for sale and will never be distributed again.

If you'd like to wear it, please visit and press the EQUIP button beside it. As a reminder, you can equip an unlimited number of hats, and it will randomly cycle between them.

p.s. can someone please use the Vax award on me? I don't want to be a gay zombie.

Reported by:
  • BasedGod : Flashlight award was cool. I fricking hate serious nerds ruining fun. Keep yourself safe strags
  • CARPS_NUMBER_ONE_HATER : I agree flashlight was really cool. It's kinda pointless now.
[changelog] made the site more useable (maybe)
  • flashlight award nerfed

  • haunted award patched

  • fun hating incels can now purchase the hallowgrinch award, which disables the music (will add a toggle soon so you can turn it on or off if u have the award)

  • jumpscare, zombie bite and vaccine now available in lootboxes and from trick or treat

  • added a handful of requested songs


(changelog) i fixed that stupid scroll bug

there's been this weird bug (maybe only on firefox i don't know for sure) where if you try to edit text sometimes it'll like partially scroll the page upwards. it was really really annoying and honestly the bug has probably been there for years

anyway i fixed it with like one line of js. it should be fixed now lmk if it isn't. i have no idea what it was but i'm gonna pretend to be smart and say it was some floating point bug that caused this and by adding the line i avoided it but in all reality i have no clue.

hopefully it makes you posting your longposts and longcomments easier

love you all :marseylove:

Reported by:
(changelog) raised country club limit to 5k

requirements for cc are higher. if you were in it before and aren't now, that isn't a bug if you aren't in it anymore. you can still reply to your previous threads i think though

democracy works i guess yay

anyway love you all :marseylove:

edit: just kidding we changed it again to 2k. democracy sucks

Reported by:
[Changelog] Admiggers can no longer print awards

@BeauBiden @getogeto @SlackerNews @Absinthe @Soren discuss

:x: :x:

added 8 new marseys to the redbubble shop

lemme know if theres anything u want me to add or modify :marseycapyheart:

(changelog) Claim your Marsey Consoomer badges here

Did you buy and receive something from our Redbubble? Are you tired of pinging me for the badge? Post a picture of your haul here and I'll give it to you finally.

Note that Marsey Hypebeast badge


requires a photo of you in our clothes.

The Consoomer badge is for stickers, clocks, etc.

While I have your attention:

would there be any use in adding each and every badge to a pin in the shop

would absolutely anyone at all want this

irl badge collection

(changelog) built furry and pony integration into the site

The fursecution ends now, everypony.

Reported by:
  • uwu : This is haram
  • oppie : Thanks i hate it
  • Sooko : Hello, based department? This man right here
  • THOMAS : Im on team russia shill guy now frick you carp
(changelog) removed marsify toggle

No one else wanted to make the post. Permanent marisification is annoying and gay so it’s gone now. If you liked it then I’m sorry about your bad taste.

There. Easy post. No one has to argue about who to blame. It was a bad toggle and now it’s gone. I did it. Me. Frick your marisification.

added this

in the bottom here






















made it so spider award doesnt give any notifications to its recipient :marseyjumpscare:

idea by @Mistofblackness

(changelog) Announcing hatlocks to correspond with awards!

An important update to our various various awesome QoL-altering awards, available in the shop! :!marseymerchantelf:

In addition to doing their usual thing you see in the description, various annoyances you put on others (or yourself, if you want) will also lock an appropriate hat onto them for the duration of the award.

Try it out! It's definitely an interesting feature.


Awards affected are:

Rehab. Progressive Stack, Pizzashill, Bird Site, Marsey, Bite, Rainbow, OwOify, Early Life, Marsify, Ban, and Chud.

Reported by:

Well done, everyone who earned this badge! (me)

Text is wonky, will fix later. Good job though fish!!!!!!

edit: fixed


I should make another badge for that lightning quick response time to a major issue.

Reported by:

requested by @KARABOGA

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