Look at me. I am the cute girl natureposting now :marseyupvote2:

!animalposters there are bugs

!grillers !boozers I had some 6.8% beers

!thin git fit or get hit

!besties I wanted to share this with you! :marseygossip:

!tops I topped a giant peepee rock


It's gotta be ready for a 40th wedding anniversary dinner on Saturday. Have a friend running down to Indiana to pick up a new windshield.


Nothing serious has been found YET but who knows what the future holds. I'm only 28 so this is just bullshit at this point and I'm seriously on the verge of a breakdown because it's just one thing after another...


First poppy of the season! :marseygardener: :marseysowsmug: :marseyreap: :marseyhappy2:

Always wanted to try and grow them, glad it worked

The ethics of infidelity

inb4 "straggots are gross" (I know!!)

So there's this very very VERY hot chick I met at the gym and we've been getting cozy but I learned recently she's already into a relationship for like 3 years and now I have a constant tug of war between my peepee and my brain.

So rdrama, what should I do? :marseyreading: :marseycoomer2: :marseysweating:


Never worked in politics but I have a background in media and publicity. Should be a fun time.

Saw the civil war movie, was pretty alright

Wingcucks kept hating posting about so I streamed it. Alright movie. Good acting, some memorable scenes, fun ending. All the people mad about just hate that it didn't suck their sides peepee (despite having a clear message that on the ground politics don't matter, you just kill whoever tries to kill you)


Here are the almost-grown-up chickens! They're all very happy and are getting a lot of food and love people! :marseyheart: Love you @tempest for being a fan of the babies!

Why are there so many neurodivergent people nowadays?

My friend recently told me about a trip to the psychologist where she was asking the psychologist whether or not she has autism.

idk if she does (unlikely tbh), but it's strange that she talks about that without embarrassment.

I wonder if the rise in diagnoses is just due to the fact that for some reason it's no longer a shameful disorder and people are going out trying to get diagnosed.

It's strange since its characterised as basically being socially odd, awkward, and unattractive and I don't know why anyone would want that as an identity label.

My friend is r-slurred

Ok so, my friend got this new workplace, been working for a month, etc. All's good and well except he's been bitching about this one workmate. He's constantly "uploading shit code", "fricking up the project". "Making passive aggressive remarks" etc.

So one day I meet with him at work and run into his "shitty coworker " which turns out is a really chill guy. I look over his screen and this code's pretty solid. My friend calls him by saying "man your code broke again", and he goes over, 5 minutes later tirns out my friend forgot to add a nullcheck (the most basic thing in this case).

So anyway this coworker quickly diagnoses the issue and my friend gives me that look when he explains the issue. That's when I realized my friend is r-slurred. What do?



:#soyjaktantrumfast: :#soyjaktantrumfast: :#soyjaktantrumfast: :#soyjaktantrumfast: :#pepereeeeee: :#pepereeeeee: :#pepereeeeee: :#pepereeeeee: :#ragejak: :#ragemask:



My sister wants me to go to the home depot. Not a home depot, the home depot. She either does not know or simply refuses to tell me the address instead giving me land marks.

But I never drive in that city so I don't know any of the land marks, so she tries to give me directions to the landmarks so I can follow other directions to different land marks so I can go tot the store she wants, all instead of just telling me where I'm going.

A short example

:marseyzoomer: Where is it?

You know where the walmart is? :marseyfoidretard:

:marseyzoomer: No

Yes you do! We used to go there all the time. It's next to where the lvno used to be :marseyfoidretard:

:marseyzoomer: I don't know

Well you go to the self storage place, drive up to lights and then take a left :marseyfoidretard:

:marseyzoomer: What self storage?

The self storage! :marseyfoidretard:

:marseyzoomer: Just give me an address and I'll use the GPS!

Omg just take dad he knows where it is :marseyfoidretard:

As it turns out: Dad did not know where it was.

Post living space

Heres mine lol ITS NOT A PRISON

Got maximum freedom and its such a blessing after being in lock down substance abuse centers for the last… 4? years trying to solve my problems.

Doesnt work for me.

I am happy tho. I am free.

Waiting for housing (around june 10th) or im moving in to my homegirl also severe alcoholics place in baltimore

Final Ferrari Photo Set. :marseyracist: :marseysteer:

I'm using this site as my personal photo blog now. Deal with it.

Really happy with how they turned out. I'm going to borrow the car for a day coming soon to take some more details of the engine and interior. Next car I'm shooting is a 1989 Porsche 928 S4.



Thanks Pope! :marseypope:

Also inferred that he was an Argentinian Nazi because he's so white thus evil and a nazi :marseyreich:

I also cropdusted a cute Asian girl :marseyfart:

Then I played Top Golf and apparently its $75 an hour now? :marseycountryclub:

Seems kinda steep :marseypoor: but my options were play Top Golf or go to a titty bar and play some slapass :marseyfans: and the incels I was with were too scared didn't want to go talk to almost naked women :chuditsover:

Why does everything close at 8PM on sunday? :marseysad:

No one even works Mondays from 9am to 12pm, thats hangover recovery hours :marseyhungover:

Anyways, good night diary

PS: Remember how good ice cream sandwiches used to be? :marseyicecream:


!nonchuds !chuds


This thing is so much fun. Yeah I look r-slurred driving it up and down my private drive with my head sticking out the top but I don't care.


:#marseyraging: :!#pepereeeeee: :#pepereeeeee:GET THE FUCCKKDKCJ OOOOOOOOOOOOUTTTT b-word,FRICK :#carptrollgun: :#carptrollgun: :#carptrollgun:


The new position as a car guy's assistant is going well. Drove an hour away to pick up the new Polaris UTV for his son and now I have the tough job of “gently” breaking it in for a few hours before handing it off to be beaten on by a 9 year old.

Next project is to build him a podcast studio. This is serious work.

Went kayaking and fishing today, caught a couple of bass and check out this turtle.

Perfect day for it out on the lake. Caught them on a Berkeley paddle shad and a Northland 1/16 whistler jig. Bass love them. Met this turtle after I got a bass off the hook. Special thanks to the girl who inadvertently distracted the boomer who won't shut up when we were all getting on the water. Nice enough guy, but he talked at me for 20 minutes the other day when I was trying to go home.

Weird times.

Like a month ago I'm getting gas and this Ferrari pulls up at the pump next to me. The guy comes out and starts up a conversation about my Porsche and we exchange numbers. A few weeks later I post a picture of a Vector W8 I spotted and he gives me a call. Turns out he was involved with the guy who started Vector back in the day. I mention taking some photos of his car and he says that would be great. We make plans, the plans fall through a few times, but in the meantime he has a project for me.

He bought a Polaris side-by-side for his neurodivergent son and wants the color changed and it to have a racing livery like a monster truck. I say I could probably make that happen and get to designing.

Today I go over to his house to go over some of the design choices, and he says we can shoot his car tonight but it needs to be washed first. He hands me the keys, says to take it for a spin, hand wash it, and he'll pay me $25/hour to do so. Also there are a few other things around the house that need to be handled and he'll pay me hourly to do that as well.

Oh, and he also introduces me to his house manager. She's stunning.

So I find myself cruising some of my favorite back roads in a V12 Ferrari before carefully washing it in an air conditioned garage.

Tonight, I find myself hanging out the back of my Volvo getting the photoshoot I wanted.

Tomorrow I'm driving a few hours to the powersports dealership to pick up this Polaris. He says he wants me to break it in as well.

This isn't the first time I've fallen into a series of odd jobs, but it's been awhile and it feels good.

Edit: one of the results -

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