
Dunno how this hasn't been taken down yet. 15 hours and still up with zero removed comments. I'm sure a lot of alarm bells are going off in other subreddits.

TONS of chud comments in controversial. Honestly surprised there's almost no defenders.

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Dasha has transitioned to italian :marseyitsaover:
this is what project :marseynoyouzoom: 2025 is
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  • ObamaBinLaden : This is one ugly nyggerious foid. I keep telling carp he can do much better :marseycry:
Finally one for the fellas. What's it gonna be? :marseybear:

!fellas !zoochads

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what is this mental illness

!dinochads you flip up a woman's skirt and find these wyd?


I am a short, low muscle mass high bodyfat receeded hairline white ginger britbonger who grew up in an area of London that is almost exclusively African diaspora, lots of Kenyans, Ugandans, Somalis, Nigerians, Somalis. My Dad was a Muslim convert and he was involved in the Somali fight against US forces and when he came home after being injured Somali friends helped him get set up in the area. But basically we were the only white people there at all.

I was basically protected because of Dads status within the Muslim community and except for some light bullying, the tough older lads from my area protected me at school when I would get fricked with and I could walk around the area despite it being pretty sketch for a white person to be in. I was a very soft sweet kid and practically all my friends were these tall athletic girls who lived on my street. I would hang out at their houses, do braids and locs, eat ugali and beans and chapatti and as a result everyone just assumed I was gay but being a good Muslim and resisting desires by just chilling with girls.

But in reality I basically learned to really connect and understand girls and I would exclusively date these tall black tough girls and the dynamic was as follows:

I make all the food, I was a really good cook, mainly African food but I can do a real curry with a base gravy and perfectly tender goat or lamb, I can cook Ugali, fufu, Chipatti, coconut beans, talapia, kachumbari etc. I would usually stay at home as I was shy and cook, clean, they would be working retail or salon or warehouse jobs and come home to me.

I would be given gifts by girlfriends, really spoiled and nurtured, we would always be poor but I was essentially a kept man and they would often choose my outfits and decide what we were doing if we went out.

Sexually I was always the one getting fricked. I am not talking about anything BDSM but like they would initiate, they would always do the work in the bedroom and I would spend most of my time giving oral and massages. It wasn't some weird porn fetish domination, it was always like nurturing and encouraging and they would call me baby and tell me how cute I am.

I literally go from girlfriend to girlfriend (always insist on nikkah before anything sexual all you need is a few witnesses and someone to conduct it its easy and the Hanafi school requires no wali to consent).

I am always far shorter and softer both mentally and physically than my partner. My current wife is 6,1, she is incredibly athletic, aggressive and extroverted, we go out and she will be in big heels, jeans, long top and hijab and she will insist we hold hands and if anyone starts any shit she is like a protective gadaffi bodyguard.

I never really thought much of this, maybe a bit unusual but nothing that strange for someone whose early romantic relationships were all of a specific type, obviously that is going to affect future romantic proclivities. But last week I was at a coffee shop with friends and they all started rinsing me about the face I am basically a weird skinny yet obese, balding but long haired guy who constantly has a serena williams wife. It was light hearted (they are all black guys) but they were all basically like yeah its weird you only date tall athletic black women and have zero interest in white women or even pakistanis or arabs considering I am well embeded in the Muslim community and have options to.

Does this sound like it is unhealthy? Am I getting in my own head because of simple joking between friends? My first partner was like 6 foot and super bossy and I was 14 and she was 19. I am now paranoid I was somehow broken at an early age and I am in some super unhealthy relationship cycle and have failed to realise.

Michael Tracey Stan thread

I've noticed unfortunate attacks on my favorite reporter from BOTH SIDES recently. I need someone to tell me Michael Tracey is cool. RIGHT NOW

so true

Years ago I was dating a super hot guy who lived like an hour away from me so we sent each other a lot of nudes. I went through his phone once and saw he followed a page that was just for girls that had vaginas without lips and got super insecure because mine has lips right. So next time we were sending each other nudes I Facetuned it to make my lips smaller.

My plan was to be somewhat conservative with my edits so maybe in real life he wouldn't be able to tell but I am not skilled in mobile editing apps so it was probably ridiculous looking. It was years and years ago but sometimes I remember I did this and it ruins my day. Like today I was getting coffee with my mom and she was talking about the woman leading the opposition movement to Maduro in Venezuela and I just tuned her out thinking about this. A few weeks ago when I got into my phd program, I thought of this and my face dropped mid celebration. It's sobering to remember.

What kills me is I found out that you can see it was edited when you save it because the file is automatically named "facetunesomething" so I'm sure he knew. I try to remind myself that I broke up with him and he threatened suicide to feel better but I just knowwww he knows.


TLDR CharliXCX is a musician who wrote a song inspired by Dasha. She was also friend with a musician who transitioned into afterlife. This obvious moral conflict confuses our OP.

You heard about G*merGate getting Trump elected, but what about RedScare getting Trump reelected?? Plenty of yapping under this comment, is Dasha an alt right republican? Is New York getting MAGAified?

The problem with Dasha is that she's a relevant political actor with a far-right agenda to get Trump & the Republican Party elected to get Project 2025 implemented. She's an active threat to freedom, democracy & civil rights

OP's issue isn't just that Charli is friend with Dasha, we need to think about the message her music could carry

(OP) and also for many people charli is a role model, and so they could think that being friends with far-right is okay, and it doesnt say anything about you as a person??? she's a queer icon, so i guess i can wait from her at least some political clarity?

It's absolutely 100% your own fault if you saw her as a role model and became influenced by her.

(OP) girl wtf music is also media that can be used for propaganda, artists do have responsibility on what things they putting into their art

Charli XCX makes music about snorting coke and drunk driving

Glad to see an artists who stands for rights of all oppressed groups :marseykneel:

Anna has an anouncement to make :marseyscrolltroll:
who could this be :marseydisguise:
libs seething :marseycopeseethedilate: at Aimee :marseysipping:

Commies cucked by our glorious Jewmilaty overlords!!!! :marseysaluteisrael: :marseysaluteisrael: :marseysaluteisrael: :chadjew: :chadjew: :chadjew:

HELP. This is the third time this has happened. First time was probably a month ago.

When our power goes off and back on in our kitchen, these really creepy voices come through our microwave. They are crystal clear. The first time it sounded like a man was screaming for help. The second time it sounded like a woman was pleading. This time we got this… It sounds like we are picking up on people doing bad stuff.


fedora :marseyneckbeard: Anna

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