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[Effortpost] Taliban fighters :soyjihadi: grow bored of office work, 'miss the days of Jihad,' complain about Kabul traffic :marseyshortbus:, greedy landlords :capymerchant: and promiscuous women :marseyfrozenchosen2:

Related Vice article (reads like satire but it's real):

Primary source that I pulled the quotes for this effortpost from:

Abdul Nafi, 25, Logar province, Baraki Barak district, married, father of two, fighter:

I sometimes miss the jihad life for all the good things it had.

In our ministry, there's little work for me to do. Therefore, I spend most of my time on Twitter. We're connected to speedy Wi-Fi and internet. Many mujahedin, including me, are addicted to the internet, especially Twitter.

What I dislike about Kabul is its traffic and what I fear is its thieves. We have never seen this much congestion, and in comparison to Kabuli drivers, we can hardly make our way through the streets.

Kamran, 27, Sayedabad district, Wardak Province, married, father of two, deputy group commander:

I graduated from a government school in Sayedabad and then abandoned any other studies for the sake of jihad at the age of 19.

During the jihad, the fear of drones followed us like a shadow, and the area where we operated was geographically very small in the early years. When travelling along the road to Ghazni city, we frequently attacked the Americans with RPGs, dashakas [DShK, a type of heavy machine gun] and roadside bombs, inflicting dozens of casualties on them. They then came after us in retaliation. Their drones often bombarded our positions. Everywhere we went, went the fear of drones.

I was appointed to a job in the Ministry of Interior. I'm sort of happy with my job but often miss the time of jihad. During that time, every minute of our life was counted as worship.

I'm very concerned about our mujahedin. The real test and challenge was not during the jihad. Rather, it's now. At that time, it was simple, but now things are much more complicated. We are tested by cars, positions, wealth and women. Many of our mujahedin, God forbid, have fallen into these seemingly sweet, but actually bitter traps.

Huzaifa, 24, from Zurmat district of southeastern Paktia province, married and father of two, sniper

In the time of jihad, life was very simple. All we had to deal with was making plans for ta'aruz [attacks] against the enemy and for retreating.

There is another thing I dislike and that's how restricted our lives are now, unlike anything we experienced before. The Taleban used to be free of restrictions, but now we sit in one place, behind a desk and a computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Life's become so wearisome; you do the same things every day.

I've made friends with three guys who are from our province but have been living here [in Kabul] for more than 15 years. We sometimes go to Qargha, Bagh-e Wahsh [Kabul Zoo], Sarobi and Tapa-ye Wazir Akbar Khan. To be honest, every time I go with them, they pressure me to play and listen to music in the car. At first, I was resisting, but now I have given in, with the one condition that they turn it off when passing through security checkpoints because many other Taleban don't like it, and it's bad for a Taleb to be seen listening to it.

TIL music is haram :chudmuslim:

Abdul Salam, 26, Dand district of Kandahar province, married, father of three, farmer:

I joined the Taleban when I was 20. The time of jihad was very good for us. It's still difficult not to miss the days of the jihad.

There is a proverb in our area that money is like a shackle. Now, if we complain, or don't come to work, or disobey the rules, they cut our salary.

In Kabul, it's very difficult for us to live. When we sometimes go to Haji mullah sahib's [referring to a senior commander] home, it's a very small place with an inflated rent. Unlike homes in Kandahar, people only have three rooms in a pocket-sized apartment. There is no separate guestroom.

Omar Mansur, 32, Yahyakhel district of Paktika province, married and father of five, head of a group

I haven't brought my family to Kabul. The rent of houses is very high for us since our salary is no more than 15,000 afghanis [roughly 180 USD].

What I don't like about Kabul is its ever-increasing traffic holdups. Last year, it was tolerable but in the last few months, it's become more and more congested. People complain that the Taleban brought poverty, but, looking at this traffic and the large number of people in the bazaars and restaurants, I wonder where that poverty is.

In the group, we had a great degree of freedom about where to go, where to stay, and whether to participate in the war.

However, these days, you have to go to the office before 8 AM and stay there till 4 PM. If you don't go, you're considered absent, and [the wage for] that day is cut from your salary. We're now used to that, but it was especially difficult in the first two or three months.

The other problem in Kabul is that my comrades are now scattered throughout Afghanistan. Those in Kabul, like me, work from 8 AM to 4 PM. So, most of the week, we don't get any time to meet each other.

!schizomaxxxers @Discuss

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When we came to our hawza [police district] and saw the compound, the weapons and the security measures, it was unbelievable how they'd abandoned such places without firing a single bullet. We were stunned by the cowardice of the [former] army and police. If even a very small number of them had tried to fight us, we couldn't have made it to Kabul for years, given its complexity and the weapons they had. Praise be to Allah, [the victory] was directly because of His help.

:marseydarkbrandon: :bidenshocked:

someone ping chuds for me

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Idk what biden has to do with it lol.

The afghan army didnt want to fight, they had the weapons and training, you cant get blood from a stone.

The US could have left 2k troops there and the taliban would have had no shot.

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Actually the Vietnamese didn't care about their own country as much as I did. No, I've never been to Vietnam.


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Have you ever watched a docu on the afghan army my guy?

Some of them cared, most of them did not. Most of them were trouble makers the villages wanted to get rid of lmao.

They couldnt be trained or do anything really.

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Have you ever watched a docu on the afghan army my guy?

Do you know who the frick you're talking to?

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Then you'd know they were mostly drug addicted losers with no sense of national identity.

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I like you but when you're tarded you're really tarded.

Do you know who the frick you're talking to?

The idea that I haven't watched as many documentaries about wars in shithole countries as you is so fricking ludicrous.

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over who has more PhDs in watching documentaries

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Everything i just said is true lmao, the marines there training them said as much.

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being able to teach anybody anything ever

Once again, you don't know who you're talking to or my current mental state. My dad was in Phu Bai after they left.

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!chuds This is a fricking good writeup. Taliban mad about wage cuckin' it :marseyantiwork2:

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If they want to be cavemen with machine guns then I say let them

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The whole thing of the Taliban and Bin Laden was that :chudmuslim: were getting fricked over because they werent Islamic enough. They are literally incapable of attributing any success or failure to anything beyond Allah.

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Palestinian lives matter but the Afghanis deserve to be enslaved

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!besties this is the funniest collection of quotes I've seen in years

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Although my new friends are from good families and are good lads, there are a lot of bad circles of youths in Kabul who smoke, use drugs and do bad things, so it's hard for us to become friends with them. Our nature and values differ, and therefore most of our friends don't make many friends in Kabul because we don't fit in with them. Despite this, some Taleban have now become friends with such youths and are inclined to do many bad things, such as going to hookah cafes [qilun khana].

Remind me to write another effortpost in 5 years when the Taliban discover vaping

Apparently they are already investing in medical marijuana

Cpharm wants to build hashish processing plant in Afghanistan

Yesterday, officials from the Deputy Minister of Counter Narcotics of the Ministry of Interior met with a representative of Cpharm.

The company wants to build a hashish processing plant in Afghanistan, which will produce all hashish products.

In Afghanistan, only this company will be legally contracted.

Cpharm will use hashish produced in Afghanistan to make medicines and a cream.

A representative of the company (Cpharm) said at the meeting:

Now on 20 jeribs of land in Afghanistan

The company needs 30 jeribs of land to grow hashish and is expected to invest $430 million in this sector.

It is worth mentioning that all stages of the contract with the company have been completed and the project will officially begin in the near future.

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Those in Kabul, like me, work from 8 AM to 4 PM. So, most of the week, we don't get any time to meet each other.

>tfw when you grow up, get a job, and simply no longer have the time to behead infidels with friends


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half their life is sitting in circles on the ground eating with their hands and making fun of women

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Not surprising. Being a soldier in an active conflict must give you a sense of purpose 10000x higher than being a wage cuck in an office.

Upside: adrenaline, purpose and comradeship :s#oyjihadi:

Downside: :m#arseyobama: :ma#rseydrone:

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>Taliban fighters are now depressed wage slaves in office buildings with crippling social media addictions

Sounds like America won in Afghanistan after all :marseysaluteusa:

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The once meek, submissive women (whom I've never been allowed to look at) are now fat, black, and domineering.

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My dad was very much not a fan of being in the war but you hear him talk about Polak or that Japanese guy he ate rice with or being airborne and there are some mixed feelings.

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Imagine going from hiding behind rocks ducking Apache patrols and A10s and getting the adrenaline rush from surviving or finally getting one RPG to fire off and hit something for once.... to being reducing to sitting in an office and going through the taliban equivalent of scrum meeting for the rest of your life.

Shit I'd be bored too.

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This would make a cute slice of life romcom anime

A jaded Taliban fighter meets an Afghan-American college student visiting her family. What starts as a tense clash of personal values blossoms into a tender romance as she shows him the joys of independence and he helps her reconnect with her roots.

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this but make it a BL

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Some people have a very negative picture of Kabul. What I experienced here in the last years, though, is that one can come across the perfect Muslim and the worst. Unlike villages where a lot of people go to the mosque to impress others, people in Kabul go there just for the sake of Allah. Unlike the villages where people endeavour to be called generous, people here do charity for the sake of Allah – people know little about each other and so they don't need to impress each other.

This quote stuck with me the first time I read this article, and I remember it whenever someone mentions the spreadsheet jihadis. It's a difference in cities vs villages/small towns I'd never really considered.

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poor guys just want to r*pe little boys

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No that's their enemies/our allies the northern alliance

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the taliban outlawed raping little boys and are more effective than the previous government in enforcing it

sure they kill the boy but progress is progress, is it not? :marseyshrug:

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The taliban knows what those little boys will do once they grow up.

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why does Kabul have such bad traffic? do they all drive like r-slurs?

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am i blind :marseyjustice: or does nowhere :marseysal2: do they complain about promiscous women?

the title lied?

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When I joined my group, I was of the idea that Kabul would be full of bad people, but to be honest, in the last couple of years, after we met some of the people living here, I realised I was wrong. Of course, it has plenty of negative aspects, like their support for the occupation, women not wearing proper clothing, youths flirting with girls and cutting their hair in a style even people in America might not adopt, but these are the problems that nowadays exist also in the rural areas.

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>February 2023


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I spent the last year and a half writing this post. Inshallah I will take a class to improve my typing speed

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Honestly sounds like a good sitcom scenario lol

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This is already a thing

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Wtf happened to the taliban? They went for forbidding all manmade noise that wasn't hymns to Allah and stoning foids for bein whores, to not being able to resist infidels putting on the radio?

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The Taliban has fallen to Globohomo


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Capitalism wins by tempting you with modern conveniences until you fall into it's chains. Then before you know it your grandkids chop their peepees off and wear cat tail buttplugs :marseyhesright:

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I tried to explain this the other day. Globohomo isn't some insidious plot, it's just better.

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Someone post that meme where the soyjak is crying that he thought he'd be mining coal and the commissar is shouting about tps reports

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Found it

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once again proving that nogs are subhumans

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