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rDrama Featured on the Glenn Beck Program (1m40s excerpt), and Glenn Beck Normiesplains Furries

We made it to conservative talk radio, and they accurately reported on our radical centrism! 1m40s excerpt of them discussing the DramaFur Happening linked in title. DIY transcript below.

After discussing our role in the hoax, Glenn Beck proceeds to teach his normie audience about furries, including lots of furry statistics. 19m31s extended excerpt, most ads and other discussion removed.

Full episode "Elon Musk vs. the World | Guests: Rob Collins & Riaz Patel | 4/27/22" available here.

h/t to @Sherman_March for finding this. His post got buried, so I figured I'd repost with the excerpt and transcript to chronicle this momentous occasion.

Glenn: So, Stu, there was a story, and I want to see if you have much on this. There was a story from Austin, where a second-grade teacher at a public school district was teaching students about the subculture of furries. Okay? [chuckles] [Stu: hah, yeah, mhm] Alright, okay, so the parents have found out through flyers their second-graders at the Austin Independent School District learned about youth subcultures, from goths to furries and many more. This is happening during the second week of April. One worksheet was titled 'Design your Fursona' [Stu chuckles], and students were asked if their fursona were male, female, or non-binary. Now, Austin ISD said this isn't in their curriculum; they have no information on it.

Stu: Right.

Glenn: Is this true?

Stu: It does seem to be false, actually, this one. There is a [protracted 'uhhh'] former reddit community that like, basically, tries to hoax the media and come out with— I think it's called arr-drama, like they want to create drama, basically, so they made false flyers.

Glenn: So this would be fake news?

Stu: This seems to be fake news.

Glenn: From the left? Or from the right?

Stu: I don't know if— I don't know if they have an ideology or if they just like to create drama, but it does seem like some of this is not true. [Glenn: Okay, so—] Which is, I guess, doesn't mean that we haven't seen this exact type of thing in twenty other places [Glenn: Yeah, but— that's good, that's good], but this particular flyer—

Glenn: But, I want you to know I looked into furries. [Stu: You did?] Yeah.

[continues for 15min sneering at furries, decently amusing for talk radio. ads at the end feature furry-themed jokes.]

Quote toward end: "I'm gonna take off my bunny costume now." —Glenn Beck, confirmed lagomorph

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fake news from the left...or from the right...?


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I don't know if they have an ideology or if they just like to create drama

This is about as close as anyone has come to acknowledging our radical centrism though.

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Fills me with pride

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Radical centrism does also have a sprinkle of anti-wingcuckery in it which is absolutely essential.


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just a sprinkle


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Based Glenn Beck


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PCMtards think adding a 2nd axis makes this enlightened

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:#marseyno: :#marseyauthright:

:#marseyno: :#marseyauthleft:

:#marseyno: :#marseylibleft:

:#marseyno: :#marseylibright:

:#marseyyes: :#marseyflamewar:

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SubGenius is Gen X tho

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Yeah it's from before my time. It's part of that nerd culture that existed before 1995, and then when the internet was suddenly opened to normies that was the first thing you saw. There was a time when it still flourished, but by the time smartphones came out it was completely dead.

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there's actually an active subgenius instance on the fediverse called

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Today is Sunday, September 10470, 1993.

In the poetic words of (mostly) Earth, Wind & Fire: Do you remember / the Eternal month of September?

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Are you far right or far left?

I’m far ting.

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This makes me mad.

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this makes the left sound cool

:marseyvibing: The Democratic Party will collapse by 2030. :marseyvibing:

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It's from a time they were hippie luddite buddhists still

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Wingcels stay losing :marseycool:

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Beyond Good and Evil… and into Left and Right wing

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And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Marsey into power.


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It will be because of my longposts. I'm an incredibly persuasive writer. Natural good looks help too though.

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the good ending

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:#marseyswastika::#marseyhomofascist: :#marseyswastika:


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Bussy? Y-you guys talking about bussy..?

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Katze Heil :marseyreich:

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Snappy says Pajeet rights

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First radio, next national TV. How long until we get a world leader to say the words "r drama" when they're forced to deboonk some bait?

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I just want someone on the MSM to pearl-clutch over an enlarged Marsey on the screen


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:#marseyreportercnn: :#!marseypearlclutch:                              :!#marseytroublemaker:

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:#marseyfloyd: :#marseyblackface: :#marseychingchong: :#marseyswastika: :#marseykkk:

:marseytrain2:, :marseytrain:, train, troid, TIM, Ellen Page, Steve Akins

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At this rate should have it done within a month, we've honestly been on a roll

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Hope it's Maldamir Putin.

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Come up with a large enough hoax about Biden and it could happen.

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Glenn: From the left? Or from the right?

joy. happiness, even. even, perhaps, elation.

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Euphoria my friend thats what you are feeling

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Is he wearing feminine clothes?

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How do you guys find this shit? Are you unironically watching Glenn Beck?

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I wonder how many ebin rdrama references have been missed because we're not all dumb enough to read/watch the absolute bottom of the barrel. I saw an L4L reference in a Vice article the other day

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Joshua Moon/Null referred to @X (formerly chiobu) as "the rDrama Guy" in his last stream. I guess I'm the only one who unironically watches because nobody here mentioned it.

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:marseyblush: Josh senpai noticed me? pretty funny to see a kiwifarms dude referencing the rdrama guy while looking for a 4chan meme :marseybigbrain:

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I don't think of you as the rdrama guy or even the Singapore guy, I think of you of X (formerly chiobu) because I actually remember your name.


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He referenced you more directly when talking about the /r/place Marsey drama, he mentioned telling a guy to stop spamming marsey gifs everywhere

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lol I only got one marsey removed in the rdrama thread :!marseycrying:

might be someone else :!marseyangel:


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huh, idk then. always assumed it was you because he was reading your post about the place stuff, lol.

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1:12:38 but it should be already linked

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kf is more drama adjacent than other places so after the place happening and the coverage of that on his stream its not as surprising anymore compared to literal who publications but still fun :marseyparty:

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I saw an L4L reference in a Vice article the other day


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But words do mean things; calling landlords “property owners” is almost worse than calling them “landchads,” and half as accurate.

They even made landchad pipe to the subreddit.

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ty ty

This writer covered, among other things, the AOC bathtub feet pics one footstrag on /r/drama debunked. I think she might've done one more thing that came from us too, don't remember though.

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Glenn Beck is like the OG journoid doomsayer. No other person has said society is on the brink of extinction as long as Beck.


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Alex Jones might have him beat.

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Peter Schiff is in the running

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"I'm gonna take off my bunny costume now." —Glenn Beck, confirmed lagomorph



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It'd probably be pretty easy to cut up Donnie Darko with Glenn Beck sound bytes and keep the movie the same.

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Already posted but thanks for the transcript :derpthumbsup:

Trans Lives Matter (Not)!

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This post is better because it's not forcing me to log into Spotify to listen to the clips.

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I acknowledged him! It was on the third page at time of writing, and I think people didn't want to click the Spotify link, combined with confusion in the comments about which episode it even was on. Something so important deserved a canonical post imo. Planning on sending him a portion of any DramaCoin proceeds from this post as compensation for having to listen to Glenn Beck regularly enough to find this.

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Thank you for a proper longform wright up and the Dramacoin!

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Thank you for finding it! :marseymarseylove:

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True story:

In the late 1990's...I knew people on the very INSIDE of the government. In the late 1990's one of them told me, "If you want to know the real story, watch Glenn Beck's show on Fox probably won't last long..."

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It lasted till at least like 2010 iirc, and back then he was saying obama was "paving the road to communism," unironically. Grandpa used to make me watch it with him.

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I used to be subjected to his show every night. My Dad was a big fan of Glenn before he tussled with Daddy and made himself irredeemable in the eyes of qoomers.

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My dad would try to maintain a balance by listening to right-wing hate radio in the car and watching MSNBC on TV. Really explains a lot about why I hate both the right and left now that I think about it. :marseythinkorino:

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Glenn Beck is still alive? I thought he would have cried himself to death by now

Interesting seeing people try to describe arrdrama to the world tho

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Didn't he have like a brain tumor or something that made him cry all the time? I remember something like that and then he went to have it fixed and came back and was normal.

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He had a problem with his eyes, it like 2010 be said he doc told him he could be blind in a year. Wasn't cancer tho.

He did some unspecified treatments in the mid 2010s and now doesn't even wear glasses.

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oh dang really? I thought it was part of the act

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:marseyworried: :marseyworried: :marseyworried:

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I like your flair, reminds me of the glory days of /prog/, with us old boys jokeying about Richard "RMS" Matthew Stallman and other such recursive acronyms.

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Looks like a time warp has happened. I got confused by you pming me instead of replying.

So anyways, prog was a 4chan textboard about programming and nobody knew that 4chan textboards existed so it had a quirky insular culture, in a microbiological sense.

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Someone ought to find a clever way to Marsey-ify the Wizard Book


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I don’t know what this is but it should definitely be marseys instead

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Eval is evil thats all you need to know.

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I'm really glad stu looked into furries! Glad some rightoids are open minded.

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Lol tfw rightoids are less r-slurred than the establishment :marseyxd:

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First the internet hate machine, now us.

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Half assed name drop but we’ll take it


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Marsey gaining clout :marseytwerking:

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we're gay-coded enough to be magnetized towards his hole and i always knew it...

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I want to capitalize on us being reported on by daddy G by confirming that...ok, let's stop. Glen,

  1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.

  2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

  3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

  4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

  5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

  6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

  7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

  8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

  9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

  10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

  11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

  12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

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im the number one rockstar on the planet

One direction was the highest grossing artist the year of that interview. Eminem was the highest grossing rapper. :marseydepressed:

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