the ultimate woman moment :marseybear: :marseycock:

it's real :#marseyrofl:

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Total Gender War

Kill all Journoids :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyfedpostyes:

Out of the loop: can cool people explain the Kendrick vs Drake beef to me

Why do they hate each other in the first place?

And can you tell me what songs have been released and in what order so I can listen to them?

Also: who is winning? Seems like Kendrick Lamar?

divers... we won :marseytwerking: :marseywereback: :marseysuperearthflag:

Can a Strayan give me a qrd on Lelbourne? Why's it the way it is?


Foid can barely conceal her jealousy

Just a daily reminder that social media isn't real, and even the most picture perfect couples aren't thriving like you may think…

I kinda want to get this off my chest, but I have a beautiful mutual friend, she's absolutely stunning, and has the most perfect blissful smile I ever seen. Not only is she just beautiful, but so is her personality, but just a sweet utterly lit lantern in a night sky type of soul.

Mutual friend has a boyfriend, and boyfriend (ick, in my opinion) has β€œTik Tok Clout”. Boyfriend letβ€˜s call him Jason, tends to have a decent following on Tik Tok, about over 200,000. Cause of it, Jason gets a lot of validation from girls online, young or old, it's in between. That validation is never enough for him, because he still obsesses over himself, and thinks he's a movie star, when in reality (tbh, I don't understand the appeal) is anything far from charming.

Now Jason likes to hold up an image, his Instagram has not only photos admiring himself, but obviously some with his stunning girlfriend. These are the most happy, lovey dovey couple photos you'd ever lay your eyes on. You got the vacation pics, you got the cheesy adoration cuddling partner videos, big smiles, literally you'd think they're the β€œperfect” couple, romance isn't dead life breathers. Comments of her saying β€œI love you” in the post replies.

The reality? ….

Jason is your typical jerk, and cheats on her repeatedly, and even his girl best friend he grew up with (prior her)… He cheated on, was abusive and downright cruel. And he's far too old for his stunning girlfriend, who he met at 17, she's about 20 now, he's ~25.

You'd never know this, though, unless you knew Jason, cause men talk closely to one another and reveal their cruel intentions amongst each other.

What you see on social media, is almost never real, despite what people try to convince you. Sometimes we compare ourselves, but donβ€˜t ever do so, it's an illusion.

:seethejak: You have to voooooote!!!! It's the most important election in history! There will be a Civil War if Bad Man wins!

/u/jorbwhoreb is some fat redhead pooner who doesn't pass and actually conned someone into giving it sperm to impregnate with... Proceeds to waltz into askgaybros and wonders why everyone isn't interested in xir t-peepee. I especially like this:

Hormones make your body do some wild shit, and you end up with something that looks remarkably like a natural peepee.

Yeah the average peepee size is like 5 inches, most pooners barely reach micropeepee level without putting their arm skin down there as a mangled sausage that can't get hard.

New Plato deets dropped! :marseybooba!: Slashdotcels seethe

Newly deciphered passages from a papyrus scroll that was buried beneath layers of volcanic ash after the AD79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius may have shed light on the final hours of Plato, a key figure in the history of western philosophy.

In a groundbreaking discovery, the ancient scroll was found to contain a previously unknown narrative detailing how the Greek philosopher spent his last evening, describing how he listened to music played on a flute by a Thracian slave girl.

Despite battling a fever and being on the brink of death, Plato – who was known as a disciple of Socrates and a mentor to Aristotle, and who died in Athens around 348BC – retained enough lucidity to critique the musician for her lack of rhythm, the account suggests.

Wow you suck at the flute, slave.


The text also reveals that Plato was sold into slavery on the island of Aegina, possibly as early as 404BC when the Spartans conquered the island, or alternatively in 399BC, shortly after Socrates' passing.

β€œUntil now it was believed that Plato was sold into slavery in 387BC during his sojourn in Sicily at the court of Dionysius I of Syracuse,” Ranocchia said. β€œFor the first time, we have been able to read sequences of hidden letters from the papyri that were enfolded within multiple layers, stuck to each other over the centuries, through an unrolling process using a mechanical technique that disrupted whole fragments of text.”





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