
!incels bros pls feel welcome to shitpost to your hearts :marseyloveyou: extent.

any cels here considered hagmaxxing?

:marseysulk:Big neighbor with pathetic loses will mog you

At least there always a white woman for a neighbor

Never began for pretty boy Floyd. He could been a 6'4 drugie convict that put gun on pregnant woman and doing trash porn and he would been loved more :marseyfloyd:

When everybody has a relationship but u

FEELS ALERT MAX ALERT. stay strong g*mers, never forget the game and death to false g*mers

Semper games



Find someone child free who wants to travel or who also focused on their career

or just date younger

white extinction is long overdue

Dying for foids is the most cucked thing

That what came to my mind looking at the pictures.

They were standing on obese foid pose crossing their legs to look smaller and like 19/20 foids were obese and the only one not fat was a black girl. It's predicted by 2035 70% of foids will be obese. Then people will ask why did modern women became so fat and those obese holes will say “because men like curves” that's what black holes already saying yet black men are most likely to date outside their race and black women have highest chances to never get married like 63% black women will never get married “because men like their curves”

What will media/gov tell us ? Women are obese because they are bullied by men and not loved enough, if you love them enough and support them they will lose the weight. They started saying this since 80ties. Homer Simpson is barely fat by today standards

Average Slavic woman
Everything for Chad
:marseyme: has hit the wall :marseywall:

Ken is starting to get the pillow face. Rip :marseysad2:

Me and Who?

Once you know the patterns :marseysoypointtrips: and start paying attention :marseyselfharm: to how any woman :marseyeggless: in your surroundings behave, you will pretty :marseyglam: much be unable to love them.

I hate shallow people and gen Z foids :marseyblops2chadcel: are nothing but shallow. Once the church :marseypastor: is gone from the life of a foid they truly loose the ability for empathy. They base their behavior entirely on physical factors. It's like they lack the sentience to understand that every human :marseycatbert2: being has a soul. I don't understand how any person :marseychonkerfoid: can treat :marseysylveon: others so harshly for things they have no control :marseyshadow: over but foids :marseyblobbygirl: prove me wrong :marseyakshually: again and again.

I've seen completely ordinary dudes who would :marseywood: have been easily married :marseybride: with 20 back in the 50s go postal :marseymailwoman: because they never :marseyitsover: had a relationship with 24. What's left for these guys besides drugs :marseyjunkie2: to dull the anxiety :marseyveryworriedfed: of watching :marseyoperasmug: your best years fade away with no romantic experiences to show for it.

hijabis are tutorial mode if you are a korean or can pass as one :marseyflagsouthkorea:

Reported by:
There is an intelligence point after which you are incapable of loving women

That range is anything above 120 being practically applied. Where you work all day on useful things and have the resilience to keep building up skills and fortunes.

That kind of capability requires the kind of commitment where the foids behavior doesn't just seem absurd but downright negative and regressive.

This is because foids demand as much time for themselves as for important tasks that are changing the world.

No foid in the world is worth the loss of more than an hour of productivity a day at most.

No human is worth more than that no matter what their relation to you.

Those who understand this end up at the top of their industries with families that hate them.

Those who do not understand this end up in middling families that care about one another.

Foids are programmed to function in mediocre environments. They weren't meant to live as equals with successful men.

The differences in IQ charts prove this.

For the majority of successful rich men women would be nothing more than objects to be used and disposed or kept at a distance because women demand hours of productivity off them which they have actual use for.

Only the mediocre man can truly love a woman. Only a mediocre man can give a foid the attention she craves.

This is why stable relationships and happy long term monogamous marriages are the playground of the middle class. The rich cannot tolerate it. The poor cannot successfully achieve it.

That is the nature of gender relations.

looksmatched couple in 2024

she's a little bit out of his league tbh she could do a lot better

Life of an adult - YouTube


there's a sort of karmic justice to this.

/r/shortguys comments on the situation

Reported by:
There is nothing wrong with wanting to frick women.

You were literally programmed to want to do so as a biological male. You shouldn't be shamed into feeling bad about your own sexuality.

The sin is to be a loser who tries to grab more than they can handle. That is your failure.

You shouldn't hate your sexuality and you shouldn't put up with bitches who say it's wrong.

You should instead make yourself worth people accepting your sexual interest.

Everybody is miserable because we kept punishing the symptom instead of the disease.

You aren't a bad person because you are horny. You are a bad person because you are a loser who nobody wants to frick.

Stop being a loser. Improve yourself. Your sexuality is not the sin. Your lack of attraction is.

Brutal chin mogging
Foids trembling as AI perfectly emulates a hotter version of them

It's uncanny, every woman I have ever talked to sounds just like that, except this one also sounds like Scarlett Johansson.

Obsolete by 2025. Men going their own way with robots. Her.

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