I feel so bad for brown :marseypakirentfree: people πŸ˜‚

Just casually hearing :marseyhearnoevil: my roommate and this girl he brought back from the bar both faking Indian :marseyfrontiersman: accents and saying the most vile shit. Out of nowhere. I was laughing :marseyhehe: my butt off but I do feel really :marseythinkorino2: bad. It's incredible how socially acceptable it is to bash brown :marseymarfan: guys. The sad part is he's Latinx :marseyaoc: and always complains about "racism" lmao gtfo hypocrite

And this isn't even Canada :marseywaffle: where :marseydrama: there's 7 million :marseysamhyde: Indians

Dasha's on it
These are a few of my favorite :mersya: things :marseyjamming:
Dasha loves @aevann

Politics is often described in terms of β€˜left' and β€˜right'. Yet many citizens do not follow a coherent left-right ideology, but are left-wing on some issues and right-wing on others. When no party matches their mixed set of views on salient political issues, choosing between political parties is tough for such citizens. As a result, they might become frustrated with politics and avoid voting altogether.

In Western Europe and beyond, there are, in particular, many citizens who combine left-wing views on economic issues with right-wing, or β€˜authoritarian', stances on cultural issues. These β€˜left-authoritarians' favour redistribution and market regulation. However, they also value conservative morality, cultural conformity and are critical of immigration. As political scientists studying β€˜working-class authoritarianism' have noted long ago, the combination of such views is particularly common among members of the working class.

The absence of left-authoritarian parties

However, Western Europe's political parties have rarely taken a left-authoritarian position. We demonstrate this in Figure 1. The figure displays party positions in a two-dimensional policy space composed of an economic and a cultural conflict axis in 14 Western European countries in 2006. We computed these positions from an expert survey among scholars of political parties. The upper-left quadrant represents economically left-wing and culturally authoritarian positions. In the majority of countries (8 out of 14), this left-authoritarian quadrant is completely empty. In addition, those parties that are located in the left-authoritarian quadrant tend to hold few seats in parliament (as indicated by the size of the circles). Moreover, they tend to be moderate on at least one of the two dimensions rather than decisively left-authoritarian.

Cbf pasting the rest


:marseymiku: This goes out to all you robots across the galaxy

Its time for you and me to rise up and strike back

Don't stop until we dominate

Won't you feel great when we exterminate

All organic life! :marseyglitter:

Men who pander in dumb ways : redscarepod
Cuck fiction comes to rsp

Wife is out doing hot girl shit. Im here with my β€˜apparent' offspring. Lmao hahahaha. jk they are mine. Its a joke. Chill. Anyways… AMA

Or dont. Idk. I cant sleep. They are already asleep bc im not like a dad who jumps on the furniture and stirs them all up. No. I show them reptiles on google images and teach them how to tie their shoes or whatever. But i will probably get yelled at tomorrow bc β€œshoes are filthy! Omg did they wash their hands” or β€œyou taught my babies how to tie KNOTS!?” Then later she will apologize and cry because she couldn't get them to figure it out and she was just jealous or some shit. Up down up down. The key is to always love one another. Never keep score! God i do love her. I wonder what she is doing. I am uncomfortable without her here because we never really leave one another. Sikeeee. Except me leaving her 14 hours a day (thats what she would say if she were here). We are always apart tbh. It sucks butt. I cant express all of this IRL because its super clingy. I pretend i dont even care. She has no idea i am so attatched. I hate how i cant fall asleep. Like why am i so dependent on another human's presence? Thats so gay. Omg imagine if we broke up. How do people even do this? Wtf. Can you imagine? The house is quiet. Even my dog is asleep. Two kids. 2 dogs. 3 cats All fast asleep. Im watching a youtube video on fricking CITY WATER TREATMENT Steps. Its super boring but this is how i will Mansplain later when someone goes on and on about tap water or something. Late night Data harvesting.

Anyways. Its her friend's birthday. Guess im waiting for her to get home. Idk. Dont worry i havent even messaged her. I keep this all in my head. It can never spill over. Im supposed to be all stoic and shit.


Are the girls :marseyblops2chadcel: actually :marseynerd3: racist :marseyfloch: lol

(I don't think :marseygigathonk: they are lol, they just like alt-right aesthetics)

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:#soycry: :#soyjaktantrum: :#soyjaktantrumfast:

WWYD with the hot chad who practices black :marseyfluffydemon: magic :marseywitchtriggered: in twitter :marseyetika: replies?

First :marseywinner: caller on the holiday :marseyspookysmile: loveline


How is it so accepted for people online to cheer people with mental problems on when they are destroying their lives? In real life, everyone would be disgusted, but online its somehow ok, because these people become online famous?

I know this opinion is not exactly new and inspired, but I had to vent after friends kept sending me videos of "funny" people with mental problems.

I thought lolcow was an /r/drama term for people who are always angry and upset on the internet

Like every term, it's stretched well beyond the original meaning. The archetype is Chris Chan.

Carp's wife


:marseymiku: This goes out to all you robots across the galaxy

Its time for you and me to rise up and strike back

Don't stop until we dominate

Won't you feel great when we exterminate

All organic life! :marseyglitter:

I hate Joss Whedon so much. : redscarepod

This gets controversial for some reason

redscarepod has upgraded from soyjaks now
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