
Beberapa aplikasi mengharuskan untuk mematikan anti virus di laptop, termasuk Windows Defender. Setelah mematikannya, terkadang pengguna lupa untuk menghidupkannya kembali bahkan tidak tahu bagaimana mengaktifkannya. Bagi kamu yang ingin mengetahui cara mengaktifkan Windows Defender, simak lebih lanjut ulasan berikut ini.



Cara melihat MAC Address laptop bisa diketahui lewat beberapa metode. Apakah kamu ingin mengecek MAC address karena ingin menyaring perangkat yang terkoneksi ke jaringan laptop? Atau untuk mengatasi beberapa kendala yang disebabkan oleh koneksi laptop? Simak ulasanya berikut ini.



I am a novice creator and I hope it might be possible to interest you in prototype of my game. The game is text-based, but has some illustrations in 2D, so theoretically there is something to show in the video ;)

"Dominion of Darkness” is a strategy text game in which the player takes on the role of a Sauron-style Lord of Darkness with the goal of conquering the world. He will carry out his plans by making various decisions. He will build his army and send it into battles, weave intrigues and deceptions, create secret spy networks and sectarian cults, recruit agents and commanders, corrupt representatives of Free Peoples and sow groomercord among them, collect magical artifacts and perform sinister plots. Note – one game takes about 1 hour, but the premise is that the game can be approached several times, each time making different decisions, getting different results and discovering something new.

Game is definitely not-woke. In fact, althought it is not humorous game overall (but there is some dark jokes), I tried to parody some woke issues in it. E.g. there is a tale about ancient sorcerer-king who was so crazy that he demanded his subjects to pretend he is a woman. Also I used some woke tacticts as an evil, civilization-destroying methods you can use as as a Dark Lord, like sending "peaceful" orc immigrants or supporting quasi-communist revolution. There are also some "offensive" themes like slavery.

Game is free. It is work of passion and my main concern is gaining feedback, so I could improve it and make more fun.

Link to the game:

If you are hesitant to play the game, I invite you to watch/listen to the reviews:

  • Indie Sampler (video):

  • [BOKC] BlancoKix (video):

g*mer moment

Book of Hours came out yesterday

It's good, play it.

Or don't, I'm not your dad.

I'm going to the gym now, bye

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Holy frick this Quake speedrun

I’ve been watching quake speedruns and doom uvmax runs since like 1996 or so but this qdq edition takes the cake. So much of quake has already been mastered by nauseating bobbing/sr50 style bunnyhops that modern runs are vomiting inducing, but these kids have overcome that by making something almost demoscene worthy. What is it with eastern euros and based as frick multimedia projects?

is this cirno?

@BeauBiden is this cirno?

Good morning sirs :marseytunaktunak:
Grand Pilfery Motorcar when

You play as Reginald Montgomery Beauregard III, a nefarious ne'er-do-well known for foul language and rarely visiting the vicar's confessional. You have been recently released from the constable's office after being taken in for jaywalking. After paying the eightpence fine, you decide that the law is stacked against you, and you seek out the criminal underworld to advance your chicanery.

The game features hand-to-hand fisticuffs, duels, low-speed chases, and bear baiting.

The graphics vary between 10-13 fps to simulate a hand-cranked camera, with interspersed frames to show character dialog. Audio consists of overlaid piano to match the tone.

Full character creation includes gender-neutral wording and customizable genitals to match any imaginable gender.









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Idol Showdown: a Free to Play VTuber fighting game: out now
Anybody played Shadows Over Loathing?

Question for you if you have: aside from the fact that it blows in comparison to West of Loathing, how has nobody noticed that the game's entire premise is plagiarized from Friday the 13th the Series? I cannot be the only one who has seen this show.

Both the game and the show are based on the premise that your uncle, who owns

a creepy antique shop,disappears mysteriously and now the two cousins must track down their missing uncle as well as retrieving the cursed antiques he sold from his store.

I tried searching online to see if anyone else noticed but apparently not. Am I way off base on this one?

How to make Minetest fun?

Ok so I'm willing to give Minetest another chance, last time I tried it was a snooze fest. I tried MineClone 2 and it just seemed like bootleg Minecraft. Is there any mod(s) or game that make Minetest worth playing? It doesn't have to be like Minecraft but it should be actually fun to play. Does this exist or does everything for Minetest just suck?

Max Von Sydow: Esbern's Dream from Skyrim

I keep seeing reviewers cry about unfair difficulty ruining the game but they are probably just shit.

Has anyone tried it yet?


screen caps from near end of video.

In the end of the game we find a clean long abandoned structure without any infectious biological material on it. However once you enter the final chamber beyond the gates, the walkways to the hypothetical ascension the entire level is still completely abandoned and signs of the infection are still there once again. Which might mean that we didn't bring the infection into heaven, but instead the upper layers are already lost or abandoned after containment failed and there is no salvation in ascension even if we had succeeded which would fit the theme of the game perfectly. We think we lost because we didn't make it till the end, but we had lost because the good lands had already been ruined. Imagine climbing till the top of the world where you thought salvation lay but all you find is more ruin and destruction. That would truly make you the scorned.

As you can see in the images the statues are long abandoned and the biological matter clings on to them getting pulled into the other side. It cannot be ascertained whether the biological matter being pulled in is the natural insides of the statues or whether they are parts of the infection. The statues are broken down haphazardly which shows there is no order to it and this is a state of natural decay over a long period of time. Nobody returned after crossing to the other side. Nobody came back till the gate. Which means either the place is completely abandoned and blocked, or the bridge is simply a portal to a higher plane where everything is also already dead, whether due to natural decay or the virus spreading to that other location with the surviving elite of the species. Which would make the most sense.

Scorn isn't just about being abandoned and left to die, it is about following survival instincts without purpose that lead us to nothing even though everything in us is telling us there is something on the other end. There is no salvation. There is only the choice of whether you think there is no salvation because you were destroyed long before you reach the top of the tower, or because you found no salvation after reaching the top of the tower. That is what it means to be truly scorned.





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