56 2020-07-14 by XalwaysinbadfaithX
1 AutoModerator 2020-07-14
Horny ? Chat with fellow doschads in your area! https://www.reddit.com/chat/r/dosrama/channel/169896778_98cd3e6a4e10ac41e2317b7fd2e5466fe28084ac
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9 QuiteQ 2020-07-14
That petition was made by the guy who made the “Scott Pilgrim Ruined A Generation of Women” song
8 TheHangingGarden__ 2020-07-14
Yeah, Negative XP / Shooter is hilarious
2 Facade35 2020-07-14
My friend is friends with negative xp, he’s hilarious irl too and does it all himself
1 _Plague_Doctor_ 2020-07-14
yeah that's shooter, he is based as hell
2 pandeyji_ka_ladka 2020-07-14
Anthony Fagtano
1 AutoModerator 2020-07-14
Horny ? Chat with fellow doschads in your area! https://www.reddit.com/chat/r/dosrama/channel/169896778_98cd3e6a4e10ac41e2317b7fd2e5466fe28084ac
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
9 QuiteQ 2020-07-14
That petition was made by the guy who made the “Scott Pilgrim Ruined A Generation of Women” song
8 TheHangingGarden__ 2020-07-14
Yeah, Negative XP / Shooter is hilarious
2 Facade35 2020-07-14
My friend is friends with negative xp, he’s hilarious irl too and does it all himself
1 _Plague_Doctor_ 2020-07-14
yeah that's shooter, he is based as hell
2 pandeyji_ka_ladka 2020-07-14
Anthony Fagtano