LOOKING FOR MODS. This sub has been growing exponentially and as the new face of anti-racism and anti-hate on Reddit we are gonna need a new mod. APPLY WITHIN.

1  2020-08-06 by Augustus-Romulus

None of the current mods are up to the task nor are terminally online, so we need someone who is.

While this position pays no money you will get paid in gratification. The gratification knowing you are stoping racism and hate on Reddit.

As our slogan states: A strong person stands up for himself, a stronger person stands up for others.

To apply, reply to this post stating how you will accomplish that goal as well as help draw attention to reddit's contributions to the growing problem of radicalization on social media. We call for moderators and admins to take responsibility for their roles in the memeification & normalization of bigotry, hate, and violence.

Thank you and good luck.


After we get applications and filter them we will hold a public vote to narrow it down btw. This is a democracy, unlike Trumps America.

I could do with some more unpaid work

Personally, my way of dealing with hate would be banning all Mayos on site.

I want to be paid $0.00

también quiero cero pesos. lo haré gratis.

Dw man, I'll tip you triple your wage.

Ill do it but I won’t do anything

I'll do anything

Hi, amab litefemme/fluid community organizer here. I'm trying to learn spanish and I think this would be a good opportunity to do so. I've never moderated anything before but I read a lot of transphobic/pro-Whiteness comments that really grind my gears and I imagine it would feel good to delete them.

Gay Confederate


Hello, I am very hardworking and I hate bigotry 🤮🤮🤮. I will ban anyone I disagree with.

Could you give me a breakdown of the salary and benefits package please?

Apparently this sub is literally to0 dumb to read.

Which makes me a stronger candidate no?

Alright, here's my application:


Solid case, you made the ballot.


When you become the very thing you hated 🤔

Dos is the future, get with the times old man

I will ban every single person I disagree with until nobody has the ability to post/comment. Then I will ban everyone else in case they try to post something transphobic or racist

Whoever runs, I’m automatically voting for the democrat, needless to say.

I would be honored to volunteer as a janny so i can ban people I don’t like

Hi I can only work 9 to 5 with a break between 11 am and 1 pm every Tuesday to see my sophrologist and also every Friday afternoon to pick up my little Tyreze (🥰 my world!) at preschool. I'm not too clear on the salary for this kind of occupation however, I heard people saying they did it for three? $3000 a month sounds like a dream to me!

I am willing to totally compromise all my integrity and sacrifice my dignity in order to ensure this safe space for Latinx bodies is not yalled by daddy spez. I would propose new rules to keep the quality of posts high while ensuring mdefugees and cringe angendaposters won’t ruin it for everyone by attracting the attention of AHS and their band of power jannies.

Made the ballot

I would propose new rules to keep the quality of posts high while ensuring mdefugees and cringe angendaposters won’t ruin it for everyone by attracting the attention of AHS and their band of power jannies.

I run on the promise to exploit flimsy loopholes in this guy's rules, resulting in the inevitable cucking of this sub, ala r/drama.

I am a trans black trans woman and as such I am uniquely qualified to moderate this subreddit in a way that is sensitive to the needs of women and minorities while also affirming the existence and necessity of the trans community. I'm a racist denouncing TERF scolding dervish. Nazis fear me and transphobes quake in my presence. I once faced down an entire platoon of the KKK and dispelled them all with a single slogan: "Black Lives Matter." I challenged JK Rowling to bare knuckle fight me for trans rights but she doubled down on her cowardice and transphobia by refusing my challenge and calling me a "man." I'm also a lesbian, obviously.

proof or ban

As a member of some of the most traditionally oppressed groups on the planet I find your transphobic gatekeeping despicable. People like you want to ban me and people from LIFE! That's called fascism to which I can only reply "TRANS RIGHTS NOW!!!"

Quiero ser moderator así puedo suspender todos gringos. ¡Solo español!

I'm a middle aged white male with a middle class income, house, and 3 dogs. Do I qualify?

Oh and

Dude bussy lol.

Sounds stable and mature if this is the truth. So you are on the ballot

My life is so stable its boring af so thats why I come here.

3 dogs

What is your onlyfans

Hola porteros! Donde esta el banjo.

Me llama DaySee. Yo soy enfermero and me espanol is muey malo.

One of my exs though is of full mexican heritage, however she did not speak spanish either because shes 4th generation american.

I'm a radical centrist and my n/f/r-slur count is zero.




I am sick of getting paid to make tik tok dancing videos while watching my patients die of covid in the background and would like to serve a higher cause.

Thank you for your consideration.

Most legit application I have seen. on the ballot for sure.

I’m willing to throw away my dignity and become a janny. I also want to make this sub better by annihilating Unfunny and unoptical posts.

Ok, make your case.

If we don’t keep shit under control the admins are going to destroy us. I know we have mdefugees in our presence so I want to make sure they don’t get us banned. I was formerly a fugee so I know how they think.

Once a fugee always a fugee

We’ll see about that

Okay, you will be added to the final ballot.

Thanks sweaty

I'm a new account so obviously I'm trustworthy of this position. I have a clean slate and promise to do the work as advertised. Just one question. What's the salary for this job?

What's the salary for this job?


As a Person Of Calories, I refuse to, nor can I read, check your privelege

Yikes, not very inclusive of you. Not everyone has the ability to read, and as a mod you should be informed of the ableist connotations in your comment. Do 👏🏿 better 👏🏿

I volunteer as unpaid tribute. I have no skills which makes me well suited to be a jannie.

Make your case highlighting your anti-hate background

I love bussy

I need information on the benefits. I've heard there's a 401k, that matches 100% up to 9% of salary. Now, what would that totally yearly match be if I maxed out contributions as a percentage of salary?

If elected I will ban MasterLawlz and promptly resign. Vote for me.

I'll do it but I want to normalize face tattoos

fair point

haha look at all these people that are going to be paid 0 dolars


What are those

sea urchin

Drama might have a few spare in the coming days.

All of them are disqualified


make mod idiot

Hi I'm a terminally online loser please mod me


I’m an ahhrrrr slash drama reg, have a tag in ahhrrr slash LoveForLandlords, am currently attempting to infiltrate a variety of discord across several alts, and am serving like my thirtieth ban on a shitty g*ming forum for shit stirring.

Jesus Christ lord above please save this man

The app I use keeps janny features behind a paywall so if you want a janny that wont even be able to clean it up if he wanted to, I'm your guy

My posts are my passport, verify me

You are a drama cel correct. I think your username sounds familiar



can I apply if I'm pre-HRT?

yes. make your case

I submit my application but you are going to have to deal with my perma IP ban happening every 3-5 days 😏


Lots to unpack here

It's not my job to unpack it for you sweaty 💅🏼

You are right, you should not have to educate me

Fine. I got pizzashill to delete his account last week. That alone qualifies me.

Proof or ban

In pm I will.

I edited in your username to the first response.

I nominate these nuts on your chin.

I would like the position so that I can abuse my small amount of power banning people that annoy me. Thanks.

You are a drama tard? Correct?

Formerly, I was perma banned for being too based towards a certain power mod of questionable gender

im going to spam gore on subs i dont like in order to get them banned.

I just started HRT and I feel qualified to spend too much time online and judge others. I WILL receive compensation in the form of sexual gratification when I ban chuds and gringos.

Monke no see racism, monke no hear racism, monke no speak racism. Make me mod and i will make return to monke



What is the starting salary for this position?

If you read the application it would have explained. Since you have no attention to detail you are disqualified.


I nominate masterlawlz and bardfinn

Im here as a proud former member of the Romulan Cartel discord and mod pf shemaledatingstrategy. I would be proud to represent such disenfranchised communities as children violated by AHS members

Romulan Cartel discord

Hmmm why did you leave

I got kicked for being inactive for 5 weeks

Make me a mod and this sub gets banned in one week max

So happy to see all our good work lead towards something positive for the community. I love you all!!

On the ballot

Honored 🦚

I fap every time someone calls me a foid. I demand a handsome bonus of 5x my base salary.

To apply, reply to this post stating how you will accomplish that goal as well as help draw attention to reddit's contributions to the growing problem of radicalization on social media.

I am willing to call rightoids and leftoids retards.

We call for moderators and admins to take responsibility for their roles in the memeification & normalization of bigotry, hate, and violence.

Yeah absolutely willing to take responsibility for encouraging those sorts of things. I think they’re great.

Paletero Lives Matter

Jannies only ruin shit Romulan

What if I told you I’ve already dilated 9 times today, and reported approximately 135 posts for bigotry and hatred today alone (I had to read 3 different well-being guides suggested on Instagram to keep up the moral courage).

Needless to say, I will be completely un-useful to anyone and will abuse power like a South American Despot put in place by the CIA to exercise the Neo-Monroe Doctrine.

I am a good candidate because I propose raising jannie wages to $0.000


I'll consider it. Whats the pay per month?


Yeah let’s all vote for which gay jannie gets to sperg out and ban me next. Can’t wait to find out who will be receiving lemonparty from one of my thousands of alts

Reasons why I should be moderator:

I respect POC LGBTQ+ women and listen to their lived experiences

I spend hours a day on Reddit fighting hate and fascism on subs like r/Drama and r/loveforlandlords

I also do anti fascist organizing outside of reddit

Please consider my application 😁😁😁#BlackLivesMatter

I will help stop the spread of hate like jelly stops the spread of mayo on whitebread. I will ban absolutely anyone who even uses wypepo language and vernacular because lets face it, all wypepo are racist by default.

I am a transracial level 4 vegan (working on level 5 but my mental disabilities are making me stronger) BIPOC nonbinary proud furry and will make sure this is an inclusive sub free of hate.

I will also volunteer to write some snapshill-esque comments from time to time, but just remember, sometimes my self-diagnosed executive dysfunction prevents me from even lifting the covers when I wake up in the afternoon.

Imagine applying to be an internet janitor. Do better

Put your application in, fat boi

I already do it for free

Not for long gay boi

I’ve been dejannied twice I’ll be aight


I have crippling procrastination issues and moderating this sub would give me an excuse to stall my life even more until I develop severe depression from having no purpose in life except banning n-word spamming 12 year old rightoids from an irrelevant internet forum

I'm black hire me

I announce my candidacy on the platform of building a great big beautiful wall and making the fugees pay for it.

They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing hate. They’re bringing bigotry. They’re rightoids. And some, I assume, are good people.

beat trump

Ill do it, im a nobody lowlife loser who has nothing to lose. So I'll smugly remove sperposting while alt tabbing to gay porn.

I can help, but I won’t do shit.

Cartel secret order, wat dat

I have an excellent ear for dogwhistles and, like a dog, I’ll work for literally zero remuneration.

Unironically though, happy to help out. Also GMT+10 if that helps.

On the ballot

Pay me in semen. I won't just do it for free.

👏 more 👏 black 👏 transgender 👏 moderators 👏

If I become mod I promise to ban all trans people

My qualifications speak for itself. I am a transgender, disabled, black woman who has to use a mobility scooted due to my healthy, fat-positive physique. DM me when you've promoted me to mod.

I see we have a lot of trans representation among the nominees, but I'm sad to see the complete lack of neurodiversity, so I hereby throw my hat into the ring.

I've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Schizotypal Personality disorder (which shares traits with schizo-affective disorder), OCD and many other disorders. I have suspected foetal alcohol syndrome, live on my own with a cat and I like Nintendo Switch and PC Gaming.

Pronouns are currently he/him but during depressive episodes I do often use she/her pronouns.

On the ballot

Me aseguraré de detener todo odio hacia los latinos si me haces conserje

On the ballot

Make me a mod puto.

As a JPOC I can bring diversity to the mod team and also pay them handsomely to give me mod powers

Edit: I’m not joking how much for mod powers

I’ll be a jannie. No pay necessary, being the light in the darkness that is MDEfugees and other undesirables that would target our peaceful society is it’s own reward

On the ballot

I’ll do it, I want to ban people for the sole purpose of generating further drama.

I know how to infiltrate conservitard discords

Imagine becoming a jannie

I’m Black.

I caught my son “sharing” a racist meme on the internet so I beat him with a vacuum cleaner 😄 As a mod I will bring the same intensity to weeding out hate on this sub

I'm a brown minority who's a part of the LGBTQIC++ community. Imagine how hard it was for me to simply surviving over two decades in the hellhole that is the USA. My struggle alone should give me an automatic modship and if you're not a racist and believe in reparations, top modship.

By having me as your mod, we can call out reddit for not supporting oppressed minorities if they try to ban us. I also know Spanish so I can get us blow for the inevitable reddit meetups at white castle.

Made the ballot

I believe the race that receives the most hate is the Landlord race. I would like to volunteer to alleviate this by becoming a mod so that there are more people of Land in leadership positions.

Hi! 🙋 My pronouns are they/them.

This sub cannot stand in true solidarity with the marginalized people of reddit without substantial reparative representation.

As a Latinx non-binary femme, my appointment to the moderation team will be a small step towards restoring the enormous injustices done to my fellow gender nonconforming folks on this platform.

And in a time when ableist violence runs rampant on social media, I am PROUD to be a survivor of PTSD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Depression, Non-specific Anxiety, and Level 3 Autism Spectrum Disorder.

We cannot continue to center white cis males on the moderation team. I trust that my credentials speak for themselves. ✊🏼☭

(Edit: Also, in reviewing my comment history, you may notice that I am of Jewish ancestry. Rest assured that I am staunchly pro-Palestine and am active in BDS.)

(Also I am poly. Can't believe I didn't lead with that.)

Hi I’ve got bipolar disorder, OCD, aspergers syndrome, multiple personality disorder, autism, schizophrenia, alzheimers, dementia, diabetes, a bad heart, ADHD, crohns disease, bulimia, breast cancer, a bum leg, a scratch on my right forearm, bad eyesight, terrible face acne, a cool scar near my eye, stretch marks, real shaky hands, a big fat belly, an unexplainable bump on my forehead, and also osteoporosis.

You should be promoted straight to admin super mod with that resume

Hi my names Jerry,

I live at 1419 homerville Avenue in good ol boys country west Texas. Just wanted to start by saying yes I have bashed a gay to death and ran over at least 4 protesters in my day. I’m semi retired from giving Online and offline lessons to leftists and spend most my time searching reddit and gay porn sites for general degeneracy. If anyone has any of the bussy pics everyone keeps talking about you can email them too [email protected]. I have also been known to mod some of the more interesting subs that are now private due to constant commie cp spam. I really hope nothing like that happens to this great sub. That would be really unfortunate and just a real shame. If anyone has any questions or is wondering it’s 12 inches and you can send me aol chats 47/m/hung. Please to the guy that keeps texting me from the number he says he found in that rest stop bathroom for the 1000 time I’m not that into you that way thanks but no thanks.

End Transmission

12 inches is 30.48 cm