The autists over at r/GamerGhazi argue if there exists such a thing as a "good cop"

152  2017-03-08 by [deleted]



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Are these people mostly socialist? How do they think socialist countries will enforce law?

Well you see there be volunteers(para-military) that enforce the law and there be a council(warlord/party elite) that democratically(after it gets ok from the powerful members of the party) decides laws.

Not looking forward to Immortan Joe deciding my fate in this new Utopia.

That sounds like you're questioning the r/esist movement. Go back to TD drumpftard.

How do they think socialist countries will enforce law?

No, you see in my anarchist wonderland the community will enforce the law because everyone will be good for some reason. And the ones who aren't will be judged by a Democratically elected jury, imprisoned by democratically elected prison guards. So there are totally no cops or government or any opressive power structures :)

I though anarchism was lynch mobs

Democratically elected police are better known as lynch mobs yes

No no trust me if we democratically elect everything then it'll all magically work out and nothing will ever go wrong.

There's a person in there saying they would replace the police with a "trained crisis team".

Yeah. A dedicated team of specially armed people and trained people who are kept in reserve just in case a dangerous situation develops that regular law enforcement could not deal.

If there was only a word for that.

Special Anarchist Activation Team or SWAAT maybe? Gosh if only such a group existed.

This reminds me of a family guy episode where they become anarchist then to maintain order they slowly create a democratic society without realizing it

wtf I love family Guy now

Isn't that libertarianism? I get confused since none of these theories have or will ever exist in practice.

There are left libertarians and right libertarians. The ones who advocate for supposedly no government are called anarchists, and these are also split between left and right.

Check out /r/anarchism for the leftists like the ones i was talking about, and /r/Anarcho_Capitalism for the rightists.

Im pretty sure libertarians want to do away with 'the state' as well. Went to r/asklibertarians to see what their solution to not having police is. Apparently you have to be well liked and count on your neighbors for protection. Thats the end goal at least. Pretty much the same as communism. Then again, its just a thought exercise. And everyone ascribes a different definition per convenience.

Thing is, everyone classifies themselves as one shade "less extreme" than they really are.

  • Socialists are actually communists
  • Left-leaning centrists are actually socialists
  • Libertarians are actually anarcho-capitalists
  • Right-leaning centrists are actually libertarians
  • Centrists are liars

Socialists are actually communists

Left-leaning centrists are actually socialistsfascists Libertarians are actually anarcho-capitalists fascists Right-leaning centrists are actually libertariansfascists Centrists are liars South Park neutrals

South Park neutrals are dude-bro fascists.

South Park neutrals are

the worst of the bunch

Socialism and libertarianism is whatever Reddit wants it to be depending on what it believes in. Of course there are police in socialist countries. And the (not absurd) libertarian thinkers want effective public spending as well.

the community will enforce the law

Do I smell lynchings?


I knew the KKK was right about that.

/u/prince_kropotkin they're making fun of you again

Would probably be easier to only ping them when they aren't being made fun of.

How many /u/prince_kropotkin's are there?

Not sure. Probably at least one tho. Definitely not zero.

I don't have enough time today to waste it talking with idiots, sadly.

boo no fun.

Everything all right though? Or is i that you're just busy?

have to teach class lol

Yo cool! Who do you teach?

i indoctrinate first year econ students with anarchism

tell me they're kindergartners

i indoctrinate first year econ students with anarchism

ha! more fuel for the drama fire. fuck em up good. so when I eventually get around to going to college they'll be sexually vulnerable!

are you doing this thing here

that, or the D.E.N.N.I.S. system. Whichever is more creepy

How the fuck do people manage to wear white pants

Serious question, have you ever met anyone in the field who shares your political opinions?

There are people like Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel who are PhD economists and anarchists/libsocs. I haven't met anyone who was openly an anarchist economist personally, but I don't care to hang out with economists in general anyway. It's pretty clear that our ruling ideology is about to change, perhaps substantially, and much of the work of the last few decades will have lost its raison d'etre (supporting the ruling ideology) and will fade into irrelevance. That's happened like half a dozen times in economics already.

lol what a load of nonsense. If you think economists are going to embrace anarchism in any way, shape, or form, you're totally deluded. It's so far from economic mainstream thinking that I find it surprising that you're suggesting you teach economics.

No respected economist has any time for anarchism, nor will they ever. As far as ideologies changing, in the last century, we've seen Austrians fail miserably and cause the great depression, then Keynesianism, then Chicago school. None of them come anywhere near anarchism (other than the laissez-faireness of Freidman, but to call it anarchism would be absurd).

Long story short I hope you're not a real economics teacher and don't actually tell your students anything positive about anarchism.

Just for you I'm gonna evangelize twice as hard on Monday.

You forgot to acknowledge how wrong you are about the rest of it

bernie would have won

"Fidel Castro totally transformed Cuban society!" Β— Bernie Sanders

the only thing that matters here is that at least 95% of /r/GamerGhazi would be charged with social parasitism, become a socialist today

/u/jonny_wags explained it here

Like a therapist turns up and calms everyone down instead of killing any black people in the area ir some bullshit.

Like [domestic disputes never turn violent] so a therapist is fine. They just turn up with some chamomile tea.

Maybe some scented candles.

Nobody can get mad when there's a scented candle around.

And Barry White playing with the bass turned up

/u/jonny_wags are you actually Fucking retarded

`/u/jonny_wags is a lil bitch baby

/u/jonny_wags wants a police force but is too stupid to realize it.

/u/Prince_Kropotkin I know you spend every other hour on here and you clearly have no issues arguing about retarded topics.

Can you even bring a half hearted defense for this? Cuz this is s8 utopianism up the butthole m8.

They seem broadly correct to me. Cops spend most of their time dealing with property crimes, protests, shit like that which anarchists wouldn't need to deal with. A lot of other crime stems directly from people being desperate and poor.

You'll still have crimes of passion and the odd violent psychopath in any society, so you need to deal with that, but there are plenty of models that don't involve cops, an extremely recent invention.

Hey a serious response! Few things:

What about theft and damage of personal property as opposed to private property? Or do you make no distinction?

Cops may be a more recent invention, but what proof is there that whatever force preceded them was less prone to violence and more fair in their investigations? Random jungle tribes or similar sized groups excluded.

I'd say if anyone is going to steal your toothbrush or a T-shirt then you can just get another one. But say you were given a locket or something with high emotional value/hard to replace, then I imagine that would need to be adjudicated.

Crime & punishment in an anarchist society is definitely the most difficult topic for me to think and talk about. There are a lot of varying opinions and ideas out there. I would generally say that besides for a community militia to take care of violent murdering types and outsider attacks (I've expounded on that a lot more here), you'd need a system of elders that could deal with family disputes and things like this. The idea of arbitration via wise people in your community (social acceptance being conditional on agreeing to this arbitration) is a very, very old one. Police are not.

I'm skeptical about a community militia thing but that aside you activated some of my almonds with that post. Just on a person to person level I'm not sure who the hell I would trust in a community militia, or even if trusted said militia I couldn't be sure of their competency. I see why you anarchists are so hesitant about the force thing since having a malicious/stupid person with force in that kind of community seems awful.

Think of a community militia a little bit like the Swiss militia. Every adult is trained up and ready to be activated on reasonably short notice, with a rotating substantially smaller group who actually hang around the town hall etc. Or you can look at what the Kurds are doing in Rojava (male and female militias).

Sounds like a pain in the ass tbh, but I guess that's what you gotta do if you want live in that kind of society.

i indoctrinate first year econ students with anarchism

Honest question, what kind of class do you teach? An introductory econ class or some interdisciplinary economics/cultural sciences class?

I'd say if anyone is going to steal your toothbrush or a T-shirt then you can just get another one

I think this would lead to a lot of people abusing this system, taking advantage of people's goodwill or their unwillingness to deal with someone constantly stealing their stuff

you'd need a system of elders that could deal with family disputes and things like this.

Wouldn't this create an establishment class filled with old, conservative, traditionalist people? Isn't this the sort of class that anarchists seem to oppose and fight against?

literally econ 101

I think this would lead to a lot of people abusing this system, taking advantage of people's goodwill or their unwillingness to deal with someone constantly stealing their stuff

Why? if you can just go get toothbrushes for free then why go to the trouble of swiping used toothbrushes from other people? Sounds stupid to me

Wouldn't this create an establishment class filled with old, conservative, traditionalist people

Conservative and traditionalist aren't bad traits in a good, stable and egalitarian society

What sort of concepts do you go through in your class? Supply and demand curves, opportunity costs, marginal costs, time value of money, utility functions?

anarchism, anarchy, the great anarchists, anarchist revolution

Remember, the sjws would have been sent the gulags in the USSR.

See, this is why I am agnostic about economic policy.

The autists over at r/GamerGhazi

I do believe that is a pleonasm.

Is this really a reactionary sub to gamer gate? I pretty much don't know anything about what GamerGhazi is.

They are the opposite of GG; gamers that are SJW. Altough they don't call themselves gamers because they hate them. And they also kinda hate videogames even tough they play them.

Yes, it was created around the same time as GamerGate blowing up and KotakuInAction being formed. They used to talk about normal social justice-y stuff and get angry about video games they didn't like, but as GamerGate faded into obscurity, Ghazi turned into an insane, tranny-circlejerk, socialist parody of itself.

They used to talk about normal social justice-y stuff and get angry about video games they didn't like, but turned into an insane, tranny-circlejerk, socialist parody of itself.

I'm kind of disappointed that wasn't a thing.

Who said that again? Was it angrydm

That's how communism /r/gamerghazi started

It's about dedicating your life to hating on a hobby you don't even participate in. Add that in with a weird sprinkling of pedofile defense, and you get gghazi!

yes, it's where all the good boys defend doxing serial abusers from accusations of being doxing serial abusers.

From the TFA:

This claim is rooted in white supremacist mythology that suggests racism is an individual act committed by anybody.

wew, SJW

Jesus there thinking is worst than that of libtards. They want to replace police with helicopters that watch people and a crisis group that cannot use force to stop people. I guess they want them to show up and hold a therapy session with the shooter.

I also love that they think that with the police gone minorities are going to come out on top.

Excuse me friend, have you played the hit game Fallout: New Vegas? You can solve most quests peacefully by just talking to people the right way, so why can't our police do the same thing?

We live in a Bethesda world

Obsidian the world where you can solve most shit with high CHA. We don't live in that world.

their thinking is worse

How the mighty have fallen.

I also love that they think that with the police gone minorities are going to come out on top.

Personally, I'd love to see it.

You know, under certain assumptions, that reasoning isn't inherently flawed. If you regard policemen to be foot-soldiers of an evil institution that wages war on you, it is a logical conclusion that neither of them can be "good" as all need to be eliminated. Just like I'm sure there were plenty of German soldiers occupying Poland who were stand-up guys, but I don't feel remotely edgy saying that they all needed to be killed.
Of course the assumptions are a wild exaggeration of the actual situation, but that's not even the real problem with this piece, because you could argue that everyone's experience is subjective.

The real problem is, as always with the kooky left, hypocrisy. If that kang of edge was writing this drivel besieged by feds on his self-sustaining farm and those leftists fucks were running printing machines in some sewer underground to distribute it and read it under dim light-bulbs, they would have some credibility in their "enemies of the system" posturing. Meanwhile most of them are probably on at least one form of government assistance and enjoy a stable and safe life thanks to the sacrifice of their brave local officers. Seriously, this LARPing is getting out of control.

From the article:

I want you to imagine a world in which a $100 billion every year isn’t spent on the police.

$100 billion dollars could fund the college education of every β€œamerican”.

$100 billion dollars could feed every person in this country.

$100 billion dollars could make sure everyone has the right to clean water.

$100 billion dollars could make sure that every person had adequate health care.

$100 billion / 324 million Americans = about 300 dollars per person per year, lol. And not a single Ghazelle noticed, of course.

On the other hand, maths is the tool of the white capitalist heteropatriarchy. Communists use revolutionary consciousness instead of maths.

we use math too, but it's usually in service of things like "beating capitalists to space"

and failing to go to the moon.

ya, going to the moon, that thing that was so useful we haven't done it since the Nixon administration.

we chose to go to the moon not because it is useful but because it was cool.

I'd like to see some reality tv on the moon.

It's 2017

porn on the moon.



Moon Fuck! in color!

Olympic Gameson the Moon would be badass.

Michelle Jenneke competing on the moon:

The updated JFK speech would be awesome.

Sup 'Merica! Whatitdo? We goin to da Moon like now and some other shit, you think cuz its easy? pshhh, naw son, because its fuckin dope as shit.

Shit yeah. Even Marx acknowledged that capitalism was the best for doing rad shit/industrializing. He was just mad about how many people tended to get fucked over in the process. Like maybe now that we put a man on the moon we should try to do something about the 13,000,000 kids in America who don't have enough food to eat.

I mean, that's one individual accomplishment, but it's not the greatest accomplishment ever. What about "first man made satellite" or "first space station" or even "first modular space station." That'd be the Mir. I'd argue that last "first" is the most important, as the majority of our current manned operations in space deal with a modular space station.

just wait till trump tower branches out to the moon bud.

Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if Trump decided upon something so useless.

what, you want the red chinese to do it first?

1) The Red Chinese are capitalist, so if they did it, it'd still be a "triumph of capitalism"

2) Yes, I'd rather them waste the money.

1) they're the wrong kind of capitalist (not enough bald eagles) 2) coolness has no price

Is it really cool though? Did we even ask for this?

we can put a big gold statue of george washington, that'd be cool as fuck

Edit: and a phallic monument

Shouldn't we wait for Trump to finish office before putting up monuments to him?

nope, like the pharaohs of old we must start construction his glorious moon mausoleum while he lives.

Good idea. if we finish before his term is up, we can trick him to go to the moon and never let him back down.

then we'll be invaded by a race of trump like humanoid offshoots war of the worlds style in 100 years.


Space elevators are anything but useless

Yeah uh that's not how a space elevator would look like.

someone didnt read the charlie and the chocolate factory sequel

Dont let your dreams be dreams

TBH being the first on another celestial body is waaaaay more impressive of an undertaking.

I'm sure to a layman it feels impressive, but from a scientific standpoint, it's not the most impressive thing.

Bullshit. LEO is much less of scientific than landing people on the moon. Orbit is just chucking something up at the right speed. Landing on the moon required getting to the moon, landing a craft on the moon, having people explore the surface, launching back off the moon, catching the launched craft with an orbiting one, and then making it back alive. That's ten times more advancement than the Russian space program ever made. KYS

I don't think I've ever seen someone more wrong talking about space than you right now. Congrats.

So, you're correct that it's a huge engineering feat to send someone to the Moon. But that's not what I was actually talking about when I said form a scientific perspective and the fact that you used the term "scientific" to describe the engineering of sending someone to the Moon shows just how out of your league you are. Please go back and take a physics class or something.

From a scientific perspective, the science you can do in the ISS added to the engineering required to construct modular objects in space is far superior than that of just going to the moon.

The scientific impact of going to the moon is so much greater than anything we've gotten from the ISS.

Also, no one was arguing about scientific impact you mong. You said yourself that going to the moon was "not the greatest accomplishment ever." The discussion was about achievements, which going to the moon is literally one of the greatest mankind has ever had. You're just mad that whatever shithole of a country you crawled out of hasn't been. KYS

They didn't fail. It was unmanned.

we use math too

Well apparently not well enough considering the spectacular collapse of communist countries and their eventual return to capitalism.

ya capitalism seems to be doing really well these days

Point to one real life, large scale application of communism that worked better than capitalism.

the eastern front

I'm talking about workers owning the memes of production and running shit in a completely democratic manner, in a nation that exists today.

are there any examples of a capitalist country that operates in a completely democratic manner that work better than communism?

Considering the fact that communism has never been implemented successfully, then yes, literally any country ever.

hmmm, yes successfully for the rich people

but never democratically.

Again you're comparing reality to your imagination. If you want so look at examples where communism was tried, you'll find that "communist" countries were rarely ever democratic, most where the opposite actually.

Capitalism working out better for rich people and being undemocratic is not in my imagination, comrade.

No one is saying that capitalism is perfect. It's not fair either. What is being said is that communism has NEVER worked, while the majority of the western world has successfully had democracies the past 100 years.

Compare that to the "communistic"(quotation marks due to not being real communistic states) countries:

  • USSR, they used about 30 million people of their own citizens as slaves in the gulag(very democratic) where millions died. I'm pretty sure Stalin let 25 million people starve to death because some Ukrainian farmers didn't follow his orders.

  • Cuba, Fidel castro had: Firing squads, labor camps(seems to be a thing amongst "communistic "countries to use their citizens as slaves, very democratic indeed) and political prisoners(this part is very democratic indeed, I am sure USSR did this too but this post is getting long and I don't care enough to google it.).

Basically the point is this: you commies seem to have skipped history class while only listening to other commies' learning about communism. If you think the western world is cruel and unfair, picture your whole family being sent for slave labour in the gulag because you brother was the first one to stop clapping at some communist party speech.

bruh I'm not reading that many words about this subject

this is /r/drama, everything I've said has been a joke

jesus christ

My autism got the better of me

it happens to me all the time

I'd rather live in a world with ultra rich people than live in one where I have to wait in line for my food rations.

what if i told you

you can have both

Oh no doubt, capitalism is not without flaws obviously, and it needs government regulations. I'm saying I'd rather live in a well functioning capitalist country than risk losing everything including my life in a revolution for a system that has never once worked as it was supposed to.

well functioning capitalist country

contradiction of terms

Well of course when compared to the fairy tale that is a truetm communist state. You tell me when yall get that shit done and ill redistribute my cummies all over your face <3

why would you need a trademark when it all belongs to the people?

being this autistic

well, it's /r/drama

True tbh

no true capitalism.

the memes of production

Oh god yes

oh shit, the USSR was really communist today?

the good parts were, obviously

The Eastern Front had tons of capitalism help, the only reason they had planes and Radios is because of America.

Some of the first women pilots jobs were flying across America to give Russians Planes.

Since Russians were literally using soggy cardboard in their radios and planes that made them useless most of the time.

tons of capitalism help

just not with the ass kicking part

Well One Radio is worth what 50 Russians?

are you using metric conversion?

I was thinking of how many Russians would have died from not being able to coordinate on the Eastern Front per Radio.

Yeah, sure, outnumbering the undersupplied Germans 5 to 1 and still managing to get genocided by Manstein several times.

It's doing great, actually. Wtf are you talking about?

Have you seen the thing you're typing on to shitpost comments to the internet? It's a miracle.

I would say internet discourse is probably one of the most damning elements of capitalism, comrade

Lol I don't know. Have you read what the teen commies write all the time online? I think the internet is the most damning thing for commies, because they sound like idiots.

Plus all the starvation and genocide. That's almost as bad too.

starvation and genocide

sorry, are we talking about capitalism or communism or both?

You should go ask Stalin.

or Truman

Odd choice of presidents. Not Jefferson, or Jackson, or Polk?

all those too, but since we're talking world war 2, I thought the nuclear genocide on civilians was a good point of reference



Right now?

cocks kalashnikov

we start with the kulaks, comrade

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No kulaks or cossacks allowed.

it does, you got that right!



You sure you wanna claim the USSR because you can have it if you want but there's some things that comes with that I don't think you're going to like.



you got damn right

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You... do realize that not every single american needs college education? Mostly only 18 to 25 year olds, and even then, the author is talking about giving it to people who would otherwise not be able to go to college. That's not all americans.

About 42 million americans are in need of food. That's not all americans.

Not having clean water is affecting smaller cities like Flint. Not all of america.

Not everyone in america is sick either. Are we sensing a trend?

To be a tiny bit fair, not every American would be getting their college degree at once. Assuming that every 18-24 year is is I school that would be 25 you and needing their education paid for at any time.article was pretty stupid eiher way.

This is why some communities have higher crime rate than the others: they do not trust the police.

If you do not trust them, and even hate them, how are they going to effectively police the community?

Only good cop is one who forgives traffic violations in exchange for oral.


Hello Mr Ambassador

Hello! :)

Hi tovarishch! I just hacked the power grid, how's my maskirovka?

Going perfectly to plan tovarishch. The orange is almost ripe.

Put in a good word to Putin?

Holy shit these retards actually think the abolition of police is good for everyone.

Tell that to Tyrone who got gunned down by gang-banger, or Puffysparkes zho was jumped by a red-neck.

If they want to see anarchism with no government so badly they should visit Somalia.

It's pretty funny how some of them are "imagining" how a society without a police force functions, as if no one has ever witnessed what occurs when the State's monopoly on violence breaks down.

TIL Americans Invented Policing.

Nonono, you missed the most important part:

I know that police are much more peaceful in other countries, but police were created in america by first being slave-catchers.

Now, some might argue that abolishing the police will create more β€œcrime”. The entire idea of crime is a racialized profit scheme (but that’s another article).

So if I sodomized you with a broom before beating you with it, you'd be cool with that? After all, there's no such thing as crime.

$100 billion dollars could fund the college education of every β€œamerican”.

More worthless degrees?

$100 billion dollars could feed every person in this country.

We can already do that. It's about distribution, not quantity.

At some point these morons will realize that free college education just means 8 years of high-school. A bachelor's is already pretty useless.


We will decrease crime by 100% by deciding that there are no crimes! Well, except for things that offend our feelings, you should be put in a gulag for that.

Nice four-dimensional thinking, Comrade.

So if I sodomized you with a broom before beating you with it, you'd be cool with that?

You just won't okay? People commit crimes because of the police apparently so if the police are gone people like Jeffrey Dahlmer will never exist!

It's not like roughly 50% of the prison population are psychopaths who cannot be taught empathy even if you were to give them a lifetime of therapy.

very long-winded way of spelling "african american" comrade

Dorner may not have existed >_>

Dorner was always gonna kill someone if you read his story. It was just a question of who and how many.

How do you go from whining over Link not being a *strong-female-protaganist" in the last Zelda, to straight out promoting a lawless state.

When the only people still participating in the internet debate two or three years down the line are autistic NEET welfare-sponges, on both sides.

This sub needs an acronym bot so regular people can understand when autists use "NEET", "LARP" and co.

That implies we want normies here.

I just realized, is your username based off Undertale?

No. I've never played Undertake.

Sorry, I just assumed, what with the autism....

I am about as autistic as Rachel Dolezal is black - I pretend for shits and giggles.

By being a leftist.

Theyve moved away from the Gamer Gate stuff. Now its just a bunch of snowflakey bernie-or-busters with STEM degrees talking about whatever

Have you been on Ghazi ever?

Yes, I lurk there often. Why?

Because you seem to think they have STEM degrees and supported Bernie.

I mean I was over generalizing to be sure.

Representation in tech is a huge topic over there, so commenters often lend their anecdotes.

Who else do you think a progressive left sub would have supported last year?

Do you ever read the sub? Gamergate issues have taken the back seat to general progressive "intersectional feminism" issues, they literally had a sticky about it.

No, I agree they're progressive to a fault, but more than anything they're reddit contrarians. So it seemed they were more anti-Bernie once he gained ground here, and they sure as hell hate STEM people. And I honestly doubt more than 10% of them have degrees of any kind.

But--we may be interpreting the sentiment there differently, and I'm sure we can agree the overall theme is impotent, chubby rage.

Pretty much all of the whiny liberal types have become full on far left anarchist/Communist, post trump election.

...Black bodies were the foundation of the american economy,

They're also the foundation for many of my boners.

Actually, the foundation of the American economy was never black bodies. They were a commodity like cotton, sugar, etc. and were traded and sold.

Fuck is GamerGhazi?!

it's kinda like peak liberalism but somehow more retarded because it's also related to videogames


bear in mind that this guy is a commie and not a conservative, sometimes they sound the same.

except my arguments are better because the ideology is pure


so fucking enjoyable


i'm just melting into the revolution right now where do i end and the global liberation of workers begin

you guys

someone help

Forgive me for not being caught up on all these retarded breakout communities on Reddit, but isn't /r/gamerghazi a subreddit about.. .videogames?

It was about GamerGate, that shit that went down a few years ago tgat everyone forgot about. They Anarchism now

Actually it's about ethics in police forces.



Usually people want to get rid of the police, because they want to replace them with some sort of organization that enforces the laws and catches criminals.

Gaziz Ghazari

Many Black people attempted and successfully ran away from slave masters, which made the white ruling class lose money. This led to the creation of the police.

See, right here I can see a problem with the foundation of their theory.