/r/JonTron is in full meltdown mode

86  2017-03-15 by Washington_vape


Jews did this


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"Hello fellow robotic Jonathan fans I too am a robotic Jonathan fan but let me tell you why he is most definitely a white nationalist"

-/r/jomtron the last few days

I don't think I agree with a lot of what he's said but he's clearly not a Fucking Nazi so it really doesn't matter.

The term nazi has lost all meaning over the last few months. I love when, depending on who is doing the talking, the same person can either be a nazi or an sjw.

Good thing we decided you can punch Nazis, right

yea these days all you have to do is argue that interracial marriage is more or less genocide and people just scream nazi! nazi! its ridiculous

Who did that?

JonTron for one

JonTron said interracial marriage is more or less genocide? Was that in the debate?

What a weird thing for him to say.

Yes. He quite literally argued that point several times with Destiny (check out the 2 hour "debate" where he fumbles all over himself) and backed Steve King in Twitter when that Congressman said something similar.

I'm not watching a two hour debate tbh.

It's honestly just 2 hours of JonTron stuttering, gasping, and deflecting any point that doesn't say whites are superior and should have their own nation (the US is that nation for some reason.)

TBH listening to Destiny debate a fucking idiot sounds like a productive waste of time.

Look up a direct quote from him, and by direct I mean have source material at hand. Some of these people think he's arguing black people are genetically inferior for pointing out poor white people commit more crimes than rich black people. Oh and that wasn't a straw man, someone literally did what I just explained.

At the moment it's usually safe to dismiss accusations of being literally Hitler when they get thrown around so I'm not taking much notice anyway.

He argued against immigration even if they are nonviolent because they would eventually get into the gene pool, and that's not hyperbole he actually said that.

This is what happens when you decide that it's wrong to call someone a retard. You have no generic slur for people spouting retarded shit.

yeah it's pretty gay

You know I've heard of a not insignificant number of Jews arguing the same thing.

That being bred out of existence due to demographics is a second holocaust, I mean. Not that they themselves are the real Nazis.

Next Indiana Jones movie should have him fighting The_Donald

The term nazi has lost all meaning over the last few months.

few months

where the fuck were you people the past seven decades

I'm pretty sure that Jontrons not a nazi but arguing (poorly) for a white majority ethnostate , denying Oppression exists in any western country, going on about a global elite and arguing that colonialism was a net good doesn't really help the "he's not a nazi" argument.

yeah i mean he might not literally be a self identified Nazi but if it looks like a dog and barks like a dog it is entirely possible it is technically a dog

hmm I dunno, that's up for debate. If it barks "I'm not a dog you PC cuck" loudly enough, what does that make it?

a furry

usually a socially awkward retard

scooby doo

RrrrI'm rot a Razi, Raggy! RrrI'm a race rrrealist!

scooby snacks = tendies. confirmed

It was a (((G-g-g-g-ghost)))!

colonialism was good or bad is a moot point. It's such complex topic and to boil it down to a dichotomy of good and bad is just retarded.

Hmm, that sounds like too much thinking, and you don't seem to be saying that it is universally bad....so I'm going to have to call you a Nazi. Sorry, bud.

Shit they are onto us Jon "The Fuhrer" Tron. Get the volkswagen

Fuck you. You can't expect me to actually learn about history before I decide to form a opinion that I will defend to the death.

I mean as someone who has actually studied colonialism on and off for a few years.... I mean it has good things like genocide usually has good things, you know, cheap goods and lots of space where natives used to live.

Studied it how? Colonial and post-colonial readings feature in most humanities and social science courses in the West. The thing is, humanities and social science researchers exist in an ideological bubble, and their research is largely theoretical.

I am skeptical of the impartiality and methods of said researchers, but if someone can point me to an economist who has written about the net effect of colonization on living standards, I would be interested to read it, regardless of their conclusion.

If you are going to come back at me with some Lacanian or Deluzian theoretical paper, you can suck my big pith helmet.

Well I am an economy minor, but I haven't actually done anything like that yet, but thanks for giving me a thesis idea!!!!

if someone can point me to an economist who has written about the net effect of colonization on living standards

Look at Acemoglu & Robinson's book Why Nations Fail.

Thanks. Gonna put it on the Kindle. Though it doesn't look to like it's specifically about the impact of colonialism. Roughly, what do they say on that?

My recollection is that they contrast different models of colonialism. Colonies that recreated the institutions of the home country in the new land (e.g., Australia, Hong Kong) went on to be successful post-colonial states, while colonies that were basically just resource-extraction schemes (e.g., much of Latin America & Africa) mostly ended up being shitty kleptocracies post independence.

While interesting, this is a comparison of different colonies, rather than a comparison of colonies with non-colonies. I'm more interested in the whether colonialism was had a net positive or negative impact. Maybe it's impossible to answer, but there must have been some people who at least addressed this question directly?

I agree that this is an interesting question, but it's been so long since I've engaged w/ the development economics literature (it was my area of concentration in school, but then I randomly ended up going into healthcare in the job market) that I am probably the wrong person to ask.

Aside: the list of countries that were never either (a) colonies or (b) colonizers seems like a pretty short one. You have a number of Asian states, but it feels like most of the rest of the world falls into either column (a) or column (b). No?

Yep. Ethiopia, Thailand, Japan, and Korea are to my knowledge the only countries that were never colonized by European empires. However, Thailand and Korea were both later invaded and colonized by the Japanese Empire.

So in trying to compare colonies to non-colonies, we quickly run into the problem of having +100 countries to draw data from in the former and only two - Ethiopia and Japan - in the latter.

Ethiopia was conquered by Italy in 1936.

Thailand was a Jap ally I think, technically.

And Ethiopia was perhaps the best example of "colonize me pls" -- they invited the Soviets in and did their best to enact whatever the advisors advised. To no good end.

Japan is, of course, sui generis.

Counterfactuals are hard.

Any good books/articles on this?

How you know all this about colonialism? Bet you wear jodhpurs, you sicko.

ps Any good books/articles on this?

That is a good point. Cheers. And I will give the book a look

economist who has written about the net effect of colonization on living standards

Does this really matter when you're talking about something that involved massive oppression, violence and slavery? "Oh but the survivors have roads now!"

Agreed, all migration should be highly regulated. Only bad things come from outsiders coming into a country.

I take your point and it is a very sensitive issue. But it's certainly not only about roads. It's about the overall impact of colonization on the living standards of subsequent generations, through infrastructure, institutions and technology.

I don't know much about this, but not all colonial regimes were equally bad or good. And some ex-colonies have higher living standards than others (Malaysia and Taiwan seem all right). It may be that some countries would have fared better with no intervention at all, while others may have gained something. We have to try to consider where they are relative to where they might have been.

It's probably not possible to do this, but I think we're unable to even attempt to at the moment, because it's still such a sensitive issue. Perhaps in more time we will be able to think about the effects of colonialism in the same way we look at the Roman invasion of Britain or something like that. Peace.

the net effect of colonization on living standards

Not possible. Objectively, america has invented a massive amount of modern technology that people take for granted. If you somehow made it so everything america ever did didn't exist, the world would be a lot shittier.

But that's not really how the world works. Some other country would have invented the cotton gin and the modern light bulb and whatnot. But we can't possibly know when, or what kind of impact they would have had, or anything.

And that is why this argument is stupid. It's entirely rational to say "without colonialism, the world would be 200 years' worth less technologically evolved". It's also entirely rational to say "if america hadn't done it, someone else would have". People are screaming at one another over speculative fiction.

But if you just mean "has the impact america has had on the world offset waging war on the natives", all other things being equal, then yes. Medicine and technology invented in america, as well as american foreign aid, have saved thousands of times more lives than were lost in the 18th century.

Sounds reasonable, but you got any graphs or professors making the same argument? Need sources for debatezz

You have to go back.

Wants to preserve current culture White ethnostate

Get out commie.

/u/I_Drink_To_Forget drink until you forget to breathe

Go pick a cotton field friend.

Am I the only one who actually followed this shit? He's talking about western culture a lot and argues that mass immigration into the west leads to the end of western culture in the west due to assimilation not being necessary. Since he sees western culture as something positive (he attributes the opportunities he had to it) he speaks out against what he perceives as a threat to it.

He also complains that white majority countries are held to a different standard than other countries (Eg: demanding japan to become less japanese is unacceptable, but demanding that germany becomes less german is completely normal and demanded as well as endorsed by large chunks of various institutions including journalism, universities, governments, ...)

He got fucking rekt by destiny though, but that is to be expected since destiny has a lot of experience debating while jontron isn't.

Well in conclusion: the outrage merchants sure seem loud, but when looking at his subscriber count there don't appear to be many of them nor does it seem like they hold a lot of sway with the general public. The whole outrage cost him like 12'000 to 15'000 subscribers so far. I would have expected a lot more tbh since even some media outlets jumped on the outrage train.

Eg: demanding japan to become less japanese is unacceptable, but demanding that germany becomes less german is completely normal and demanded as well as endorsed by large chunks of various institutions including journalism, universities, governments, ...)

I dunno about that, one of the prevailing narratives about Japan is that its on the decline in population and in status as a world power due to its strict insular culture, xenophobia and poor economic policies. People have been demanding that Japan change in order to thrive in the future for a while now

people have been demanding

Not Japanese people though. They really don't have that much problem with xenophobia as we westerns have come to do.

It's really unfair to judge a person for observing these things - westerners are constantly accusing each other of xenophobia and racism, while Japan and many Muslim countries are pretty aggressive towards minorities. Japanese government is doing its best to keep refugees locked and away.

not Japanese people though


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"Civilization is like the measles," it continues, "and it is better than the measles that it can bring interests."

Some shit-tier rhetoric right there.

people have been demanding

Not Japanese people though

The same idiots that can't figure out dick in vagina sex for the purpose of procreation?

Tentacle porn confuses them.

not flooding their overpopulated island country with more children

get criticized by the idiots tricked into breeding like rats who want everyone to suffer the same way

you think that maybe the disapproval of german nationalism might have something to do with the history of it? like im not tryna say n*zis because i know thats a slur against the whites but im just saying it didnt work great last time

I mean, Japan is pretty different from America as far as immigration goes. America is expected to take immigrants because unless you live on a reservation your family immigrated sometime in the past few hundred years.

it cost him like 70,000 and netted him 50,000 so

i dunno we'll see what happens i guess

I'm not saying he's a Nazi, I'm just saying he's a "Nazi".

white majority ethnostate

I thought he was some kind of fat Turk or something...?

Fat Iranian.

He's Hungarian and Iranian. We should strip his wealth and send half of him back to each country tbh

denying Oppression exists in any western country

But seriously though if you live in America or Germany or the Netherlands or anywhere like that in the current year and claim to be "oppressed" you are a gigantic baby.

All of those things are correct, except for maybe the ethnostate thing.

Youre not wrong, but you are exactly the type of poster he was talking about looking at your posting history. It's really obvious that you and a lot of the people there are using this controversy to grind your political axe. There's a reason you guys were condoned off into megathreads.

Fucking kill yourself you commie nigger lover

I'm more convinced he's just an idiot who ECHs too much really.

I'd like to think the bar is a bit higher than "not a Nazi".

Hello fellow robotic Jonathan fans I too am a robotic Jonathan fan but let me tell you why

Are you living in some sort of alternate universe? r/jontron has been heavily brigaded by white nationalists

All the substance of the meltdown aside but is it really an argument to point out his dad is an Iranian and expect from him to actually hate US? How should that influence the way he feels about the whole thing? Isn’t he an individual whose political thinking can be decoupled from his heritage?

I thought the reason people immigrate to a country is, partly what the country is all about?

Isn’t he an individual whose political thinking can be decoupled from his heritage?

Minorities can only express opinions that benefit them, otherwise they are uncle toms. Self sacrifice is only something the noble white SJW is capable of.

By self sacrifice you mean admitting you hate Glorious Leader in North Korea right?

The issue, from what little I've cared to gather, seems to be that he's spouting isolationist rhetoric while benefiting from a lifestyle that's possible largely due to interculturality (son of immigrants in a first worldcountry, youtube celebrity). No one expects him to hate the US, they just think his posture is hypocritical considering his background.

It'd be like someone with a fatal chronic medical condition whose treatment is paid by the government speaking against universal healthcare.

You see it all the time with children of immigrants, and to some extent immigrants themselves. It's a 'fuck you, I've got mine' mentality.

I thought the reason people immigrate to a country is, partly what the country is all about?

Well, there is the argument of economic necessity. Someone may dislike the culture of a country in question, but still desire to live within it due to economic wants.

See: every empty threat to leave the U.S when an election doesn't go someone's way.

If there's a small group in the settled country, an immigrant may have no choice but to integrate and adopt the values of their host society. But, if there's a large enough group that shares a cultural connection of their former country to associate with, they have much less reason to do so.

Not quite an ethnostate within a larger state, but sort of the same idea, I guess. With far, far, less cross-cultural exchange.

But I don't know what this apparent tubby (Iranian?) hitler is going on about, though. From the comments here, some kind of dumb white power nonsense that I couldn't care about.

First the PDP sub now Jon. There will be no stay subs left soon.

/r/hotones is still fine.

/u/seanseaevans will you please inform us before you start talking about ethnic purity to one of your guests?

/u/seanevans may as well be an honorary PoC given how well he can handle spicy food, unlike his mayo brethren.

Can't wait for Robbaz to play Muslim Massacre.

If all the youtubers sans Filthy Frank and Vinesauce suddenly died, I think it would be an improvement.

Even cr1t1kal ?

Please never take Charlie and /r/TheOfficialPodcast away from me

r/twobestfriendsplay will go strong forever

Until they play Varg Vikernes new tabletop RPG.

Wait, did the PDP sub actually turn against him?

I always wonder how many people that comment and interact with this stuff were actually a fan of the person or just want to dogpile them when their shit comes out.

A lot, just click any on user who is shitting on Jon the hardest right now. 90% of the time they post on at least one shit leftist sub.

just click on anyone defending him the hardest and notice they usually post on at least one rightwing sub. shockingly, people who disagree with his views post in communities opposong those views, and visa versa? (((something))) is up here

is it jews

'bet its jews

Nah just go look at some top comments right now, all of these faggots have never even posted in the sub before now but are from places like /r/EnoughTrumpSpam or some other SJW rathole.

youre gonna see what you want to see, kia poster

Yet I've never posted in in /r/JonTron and don't plan to.

Its almost like only certain groups of people with a certain ideology feel the need to replace the indigenous population of /r/jontron with immigrants.

what difference does it make if you sperg out here and kia than on jontron? like honestly

Because this is my home and /r/jontron is an independent forum with its own people and priorities.

you werent born here. you dont have a place here any more than jontrons dad does in america.

Wrong, I immigrated to /r/drama legally through clicking subscribe and shitposting for years.

jontrons dad legally immigrated and then muddled the gene pool with his disgusting brown dna


Its almost like


Lol this retard trying to call you out as if KIA doesn't have a ton of overlap with drama. Where does he think a ton of /r/drama posters come from?

if you post in kia just kys thanks

Ill give you a kiss.

You just really love living up to your username, don't you?

why is he celebrated for calling out post histories and im not? dudes whining that people that disagree with him post in certain subs, so i pointed out that he does too. its the same shit

its the same shit

Except it's not. He has posted in Drama for years, and in kia for years. The people he is calling out had never posted in the jontron subreddit before this shit came up. How do you possibly not see the difference?

he was calling out that they post to leftist subs, not that they never post to jontron. and not to mention that jontrons fanbase extends far beyond his subreddit. its simply the appropriate place to be talking about it

Dude, did you even read his comment?

Nah just go look at some top comments right now, all of these faggots have never even posted in the sub before now

i just looked at the top comment when replying to you and called it a day tbh

The people he is calling out had never posted in the jontron subreddit before this shit came up

I watched jontron but didn't participate in the subreddit. how many submissions to fucking the_donald and shit like that encouraging to brigade the subreddit do you need?

A lot of them have never posted on the sub before so take of that what you will.

You don't have to post on a subreddit to be a fan of it. I've never posted in the MGS subreddit, but I fucking love MGS.

I know, but I have read a bunch of retards saying "look, even his sub has turned on him!!" when the majority of the people shitting on him don't actively engage in the sub lol

And the majority of people defending him are brigading from T_D.

Yup, the sub's a shitfest

Not as big of a shitshow as Jontron's twitter.

True ;)

Neither the people attacking him or defending him probably have a ton of overlap with his really dedicated fanbase, who're probably just wishing this never happened.

It's just another battleground between the "we're not Nazi's we just want the government to enforce a white ethnostate" types and those who like to argue with them. The guy in the middle of it isn't even mentioned in half the comments, they're all just arguing the relative merits of their tribe.

Well, one thing that makes it pretty obvious on /r/jontron are the flairs. Back before all this bullshit, the proportion of flaired users (ACUTAL /r/jontron users) was way higher, but go look at their current megathread on politics, the number of flaired users is way lower.

i've been a fan for awhile but i never actually commented in these subs until they were linked here

Is JonTron famous enough that normal people are supposed to know who he is?

Considering he's being reported on on mainstream media sites , yes

Like CNN or Fox News? What mainstream media is reporting on youtube personalities these days?


That word makes me laugh for obvious reasons.





Well, he's popular enough for gifs and videos of him to be constantly used as reactions on Reddit.

So I guess so?

No. Ignore the retards above.

You are a normie though, so get the fuck off my subreddit and never come back.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Normal people meaning people who don't spend a majority of their time playing video games and watching youtube? Hell no. He has an extremely specific niche which he fills fairly, but not extremely, well. He's as famous to the general public as any given across-the-board average lacrosse captain.

Since I figure this would probably be the most interesting part of this drama, here's the unbridled rage megathread.

Game Grümps

remember if you are a "fan" of a youtube star you're a waste of oxygen :)

Just how being a fan of a TV show or comedian makes you a useless waste too.

Friendly reminder that posting on Reddit means you a waste of skin.

Wanted to make sure everyone remembered that if you are a living creature with even the slightest amount of care for anything you deserve to be eradicated.

this but entirely unironically

but what if its disney channel ,':/





only exception

But but but ... I have like 10 people following me from that one time I posted 100% playthroughs of a (now-obsolete) release of a game that almost nobody has ever heard of.

You'll pry my "fans" from my cold, dead hands!

(actually true, just dramatized)

Said the user posting on /r/Drama...

"Star" is a bit of a stretch.

I have no idea who this guy but the fact he's getting so many liberal mayos worked up is great. And that meltdown thread is hilarious the denial of statistics and facts is hilarious

Finds denial of statistics and facts hilarious

Posts in The Donald

Good one chief, I shitposted a couple times you got me.

I just looked on your submitted, it was like the third one down.

Also your name.

My name has nothing to do with trump, good guess though

Well maybe Donald Duck Lion?

Alright, I give up then. What is "donaldthelion" a reference to?

if you are even slightly reasonable you are instantly permanently banned from the_donald so nice try bub

Oi vey

Danny (a jew) replaced him on Gamegrumps and Jon goes full /pol/, really makes ya think 🤔

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." ~JonTron 2017

"Because of the lack of productive capacities of its own, the Jewish Folk cannot carry out the construction of a State, viewed in a territorial sense, but as a support of its own existence it needs the work and creative activities of other nations. Thus the existence of the Jew himself becomes a parasitical one within the lives of other Folks. Hence the ultimate goal of the Jewish struggle for existence is the enslavement of productively active Folks. In order to achieve this goal, which in reality has represented Jewry's struggle for existence at all times, the Jew makes use of all weapons that are in keeping with the whole complex of his character. Therefore in domestic politics within the individual nations he fights first for equal rights and later for superior rights. The characteristics of cunning, intelligence, astuteness, knavery, dissimulation, and so on, rooted in the character of his Folkdom, serve him as weapons thereto. They are as much stratagems in his war of survival as those of other Folks in combat. In foreign policy, he tries to bring nations into a state of unrest, to divert them from their true interests, and to plunge them into reciprocal wars, and in this way gradually rise to mastery over them with the help of the power of money and propaganda. His ultimate goal is the denationalisation, the promiscuous bastardisation of other Folks, the lowering of the racial levy of the highest Folks, as well as the domination of this racial mishmash through the extirpation of the Folkish intelligentsia and its replacement by the members of his own Folk."


He's talked about wanting genetic purity I heard (but haven't gotten sources because this shit is too cringe and autistic for me to follow). If this is true then he is most definitely some kind of nazi-like person at the very least.

That's some impressive philosophical deduction I must say

I know right? You have no idea how long it took me to come up with that.

Need submission flair "reasonable reddit moderation"

Ech-nic cleansing.

At least JonBong finally came out to set the record straight on his comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNW7FO4unJY

All because the mayofucks from TD had to brigade

implying mayo ducks from leftist subs didn't brigade as well

they subconciously accept the mayocide though

Lol no they don't. They only accept mayo washed minorities