You're all Assholes

101  2017-03-31 by MoustacheKnightRider

As a lurker, you guys bring me back to the times I miss from reddit years ago. You guys are the worst, and you are the original reason I loved reddit and 4 chan several years ago. You understand irony, comedy, and why getting on the internet can bring you fun and joy (at the expense of autistic children). It was the reason why my favorite subs originally were r/Imgoingtohellforthis and r/toosoon. So I just want to say, thank you, all of you guys, who understand the heart of what anti-pc comedy is. No agenda, just have fun, and fuck the alt-right and the tankies. Keep it alive. I think you are the last bastion of free comedy.


Providing a Safe Spaceā„¢ from SRD since 2009!


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. r/Imgoingtohellforthis -,*,*

  3. r/toosoon -,*,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

genuine emotion in /r/drama

G-guys what is this? Will someone please bring me tendies and explain this?

This is a circlejerk post, write glowingly about your r/drama fellows for upvotes

/u/CucksLoveTrump is my favorite, and /u/ComedicSans isn't terrible for a kiwi.

the rest of you are okay i guess.

That's a goddamned lie. Kys fam.

that's the spirit :^)

user reports:
1: this comment made me cry


Some of you are okay. Don't go to class tomorrow.

I'd give you gold but I already used up my SS check this month on PLEX for EVE online.

And this is why I believe ss does not enhance the general welfare.

If someone doesn't save up or have a good plan for retirement, SS can be good

For me though, I just use it for booze and vidya

Yes it can be good, but good and general welfare are two different criteria, with good being much, much less stringent


fuck you


This but genuinely


big if honest

I hope you have bad dreams. And not just any bad dreams. The kind of bad dreams that when you wake up it haunts you.

fuck off edgelord

You're all Assholes

You noticed this . . . just now?

[rest of op]

Seriously dude, get off the MDMA.

I never tried MDMA :(

They say having sex high on it is the shit

Eh, the vasoconstriction can do you in proper

Nothing worse than being horney as hell and not being able to get it up.

bullshit... lysergamides on the other hand are the shit

now this really makes me want to stop posting here

Follow your heart

Why stop at not posting here? Just stop posting anywhere on the internet. You'll probably be a happier person.

please, listen to your gut

" I think you are the last bastion of free comedy."

cant tell if op is actually mentally handicapped

he's posting here so mystery solved

And so are we...

Ugh, delete your account.

no u

If it isn't autists its the bronies.

Bronies are autistic

Por que los dos?

get out

Best cuckolding film of 2017 (so far!)

Fucking hell, the effort it took to make that makes me sad.

knock yourself out buddy I pay you now?

no i mean actually knock yourself out. hit the wall with your head

Well now I'm just hurt. Who would have guessed that nazis, of all people, would be so rude.

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Jesus, next time let me undo my belt before you suck me like that.

Who takes the belt off their neck before they cum? What kind of a weirdo are you?

I use zip lock bags, it's effective.

Fuck you.

This is fake news.


Gas the kikes











grace war now?


Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found. Was blind but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved.

Amazing Grace is the name of the authors gun that he used to murder his wife and family.

Don't get soppy on us.

can you teach me how to eat my own asshole pm me thx!! :DDD

if this were unironic it would make me wanna kill myself

That's an awful lot of motivation.

So, about that. This post is 100% earnest and sincere. Also, shotgun blowjobs have the highest success rate of all suicide methods.

That's might white of ya.

Mayocide. NOW.

I really like this new copypasta for some reason.

But seriously, I'm happy you've been able to find a community of people whose lives are so devoid of meaning that the closest thing to genuine happiness they can feel in their underdeveloped lizard brains is through the suffering of others.

This sub is shit and you're shit for liking it.

It's not my fault. Too many vaccinations.

This is a cringy ass thread.

Me 2, thanks.

In all SRSness(ecks dee), this sub is a mix of all the Internet communities I missed from years ago. Fucking love it here. THIS IS PROPER TROLLING.

I don't like you or think you're fun or interesting, anti-PC is a dumb thing to be proud of, and I'm pretty sure you've got a bad case of terminal autism. Kill yourself.


I do what I can also kindly fuck you.

the really hardcore thing to do now is to enjoy /r/ImGoingToHellForThis ironically for how humorless and insane it is

Picture of a black guy being killed by a SS soldier

"haha this fucking niggers amirite my fellow jokers"

or when it's something that takes like 3+ layers of extremely obscure Internet Reactionary meme humor to understand at all and they're still trying to pass it off as le funny joak and not a political shitpost at all

You have terrible opinions

I once shit myself in a pub in central London and flushed my soiled boxers down the only toilet.

The next day it was closed for 'refurbishment'.

Please...go on.

That's pretty much it.

Never been back.


Be honest... are you fishing for a reach-around?

FISTING for a reach around though...

It's posts like these that truly represent the downfall of the Internet.


u guys are so awesome please give me upboats thanks :)))

fuck off

this but unironically

big if tru

I'm pretty sure every time one of you says that it just makes him stronger.

post feet or gtfo

fuck on

love you too!



I'm actually really nice.

fug off m8 :DDDD

How far down the spectrum must you be to actually write this?

People here keep telling me to kill myself unironically but how would I kill myself ironically?

It was the reason why my favorite subs originally were r/Imgoingtohellforthis and r/toosoon.


Smear your shit on my balls OP

No agenda, just have fun, and fuck the alt-right and the tankies

sounds kind of like an agenda

frig off