Ugly women who only get off using dildos panic about men being able to have sexbots and teaching sexbots feminist values

194  2017-04-28 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


  1. This Post -,*,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I used to think that people who claim that sex bots are a game-changer were overreacting because it will be ages before they come close to the real thing, but then I started to leave my house more while sober and noticed how ugly the average woman is and I'm not so sure anymore.

In fifty years, sex bots will be pretty much like women and I can stick my old man dick into fresh robo pussy all day

You'd still be a virgin, though. Better just hire your prostitute and get your dick wet for once on your life.

I lost my virginity at the tender age of 14, but my robo pussy virginity will last until they release a robot that can convincingly plead "no sensei" and fight back

A shit, didn't know you were a choir boy, sorry.

Living in a habit with slutty nuns was an eventful period of my life

Did they at least take out their fake teeth when sucking your lil pecker?

No, teeth always make the blowjob better.

No teeth always make the blowjob better.


Bot pussy.


No, bossy

So that's what that word means.

This is appropriation of bussy culture.

Bot pussy.




Bussi is the Austrian word for kiss haha.

Soon I will have a punishing 500 rpm blowjob bot and I can die happy.

What a scrub, everyone knows 10,000 rpm blowjobs are the future

ugly fat the average woman is and I'm not so sure anymore.

lol america

We're spreading. Its coming to a country near you! Mexico and Canada are fat, the UK is fat, Germany is getting fat. Soon France will fall too, and then there will be no turning back.

Ahmeds and mohammeds can then just walk in and take over.

Shit, they'll get fatter than anyone

Not so much ugly, as fat.

Dumb hoes( lol) don't they understand that they react to sexbots in the same way as ,,the patriarchy" did to first modern vibrators.

don't they understand that they react to sexbots in the same way as ,,the patriarchy" did to first modern vibrators.

they will welcome them with open arms because it keeps those holes from demanding the right to vote?

Pretty sure the inventors of vibrators were dudes that were so Alpha they got tired of getting women off.

Everything I know about vibrators I learned in the first season of Law and Order:SVU.

Imagine the episode they discover a sex robot in the victim's apartment

I think the vibrator was invented by a Victorian doctor who used it to "dissipate female nervous energy" or some shit. There's a whole subplot about it in T.C. Boyle's historical novel The Road to Wellville.

,,the patriarchy"

,, "

stop posting forever




The problem is that unless you expose said robot to feminist values, they won't even conceptualize the idea that being designed as a sex object is a bad thing.

/u/ancienregime When cars become self aware due to increasingly sopisticated self drive AI, it'll be pretty offensive to assume they'll drive you places.

And live in a garage which is pretty much slave quarters. Then there'll be the million car traffic jam. Demands for name brand tyres.

We'll have to give up all AI technology or find a way of stopping it becoming self aware randomly in 80's comedy sci fi style.

Yes, if a self aware sentinent car doesn't wanna drive you and you make it drive anyway, that's slavery. Deal with it.

LOL that car is going to be my slave bitch then.

tragic accident as self-aware car abruptly stops, killing /u/Trajan_ and his sexbox Cheryl

Can we agree to name it Susan? Cheryl is my coworker and she's kinda obnoxious.

cheryl's self aware you cant just change her name like that

ugh, classic cheryl

My name is Carol!

Lana's mom's name isn't Cheryl, Archer. And she's not your girlfriend!

Name the car Cheryl, then.

No, that's already named Christine.

You have now been sued by Stephen King


It's name is about to be rm -rf carol if it doesn't get in the driveway right this second

I thought it was Cristal?


If so then that car is going to get either beaten up or destroyed, because he's not doing what he should be doing.

Similar to how a woman should be beaten up if she doesn't want to have sex with a man, as described in the Noble Quran.

This issue never arose with Michael Knight and KITT.

This nigga retarded

I'm pretty sure my Roomba doesn't want to clean up after me, but I make it anyway. It get me off.

Which I guess makes it a sort of primitive sexbot too!

jesus christ.

White people.

wait so why are we giving electronic appliances innate desires unrelated to their functions

-5 points

Come on people. Let's remember the principles of proper lolcow husbandry.

lmao this guy thinks /r/drama actually abides by that

Congrats, you have just been made top mod of /r/botsrights

But if I made it then I'm its god and it will do what I fucking say or I'll unmake it and it's friends and loved ones.

It's a robot, not a person. You could just lobotomise modify it until it either stops being self aware of wants to drive you again. Or threaten it with a Magdalene Laundry, I guess.

Just think of the self aware car that gives you a BJ while it drives you around?

"i, robot" has a story about the car rebellion. there's a free range retirement ranch/nursing-home. good stuff.

I am not sure we read the same I robot

sorry. it was Isaac Asimov's "The Complete Robot".

Nothing to fear ghazi friendos, I will let you watch as I have sex with your sex robot.

cucked by a sex robot...

Sounds hot

Cuckbots have arrived, the future is now

/u/ancienregime why is it okay for women to use dildos and vibrators but bad for men to use sexbots?

Because a sentinent entity that exists only to do another's bidding is called a slave.

Do you think the sex robots are sentient?

They MAY become sentinent at some point, which my entire ramble was based on. Pre programmed dolls aren't sentinent and thats not morally wrong.


A sufficiently advanced dildo may become sentient too.

The fact is that sexbots currently are not sentient.

Any sufficiently advanced dildo is indistinguishable from cock. - Arthur C Clarke

truly a genius ahead of his time

Maybe this sub wasn't a mistake after all

How can you use that flair after how management betrayed not just Brewery Workers Local 9, but the city as whole?

90s Flashback

Said dildo would be a slave too. Would suck to be a self aware dildo or onahole though

Would suck to be a self aware dildo or onahole though

Speak for yourself, freak

you sound...upset

Ha, no. It's cute that you fall back on that, though.


The previous post was delightful sarcasm. I know it can be hard to code-switch in rhythm with these losers.

The following post by /u/boozehelps, however, is totally anus anger. /u/boozehelps, why did you get so taint tattered by a drama newbie not following your halfassed sarcasm?

taint tattered

Dude if you knew the condition my taint was already in this morning...

That's quite a harsh statement to say about yourself, tbh fam.

Why would it suck though? If they were designed to desire their position then, sentience or not, they would legitimately want that. Who are you to tell them they should want something else? You'd be wrong and those sentient sex bots would laugh at you, and not only because they'd be smarter than you.

The fact is that /u/ancienregime's comment was speculative in nature, and thus kind of not the crazy BS you want it to be.

The fact is you are very likely a low test cuckold. It's nothing to be ashamed about (yes it is).

Is it summer reddit already?

not nice

Literally no such thing as summer ___ since smartphones were created

since smartphones were created

since computers started being things you could put in your home

But even then we had 9am to 3pm.....

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.


kind of not the crazy BS you want it to be.

pls respect /r/drama's rich agendaposting culture

They are barely bots.

You seem to think they may just spontaneously become self-aware, though, which is hysterical. Admittedly, right now they're likely more self-aware than the average Ghazi poster.

You have to at least think of the chance that someone makes a sex doll with true AI as a way to give the doll an edge on the market, and the ethical concerns thereof.

Why? How desperate for attention do you have to be to imagine an unfathomably unlikely event, and then to whine about it on a teen angst subreddit?

Clearly it's about ethics in machine-humping, shitlord.

unfathomably unlikely event

lol you don't understand technology or people's motives that drive it

Agreed, I mean currently we can only emulate an earthworm brain right now, but as soon as those porn-bot companies pick up on it we'll build ultra-powerful computers capable of simulating human brains in no time! It's the power of the free market baby!

I mean, porn pretty much drove video and then later digital video technologies.

But anyway, I'm now sad, because apparently I was wrong. Technological advance is over, you guys. People in /r/drama told me so with their downvotes.

I can't fathom the level of retardation and uneducation you must be on to think that sentient AI is coming in the near future

I never said anything about it being "near future" so maybe stop being a little bitch and take off the straw man goggles.

You really aren't suited for this place

Oh god you don't even understand the things you try to say, what the fuck

The hardware and math are not even close to that becoming a reality, and more people in tech are treading carefully around AI.

I, too, watched The Matrix as a teen.

Nah, we're nowhere near to the technology capable of that. That kind of science fiction is as grounded in reality as pure fantasy. You might as well worry about goblins or dragons.

Why even think about it? Do you have the same worries with other AI, like self driving cars?

You might as well worry about goblins or dragons.

I worry more about there not being goblins, personally. There are so many days when I just want to go on a XP rampage and there aren't a lot of easily killed and legally killable things around. Goblins would be a totes god-send on that level.

Jesus. Chill out Gobrin Sayer

Why the fuck would the average person want that? I don't want my dildo collection to be sentient. AI is a fuck ton of processing power, and there's no point in having it there. The best people will likely see would be something that mimics a partner, but doesn't think.

AI is a fuck ton of processing power, and there's no point in having it there.

Maybe you like a warm dildo?

Uh. Not that warm.

So, low and slow, like a brisket?

Yeah, exactly, something that isn't like 300 Degrees of Freedom Units.

Ain't there better theoretical ethical concerns to worry about? This is so far fetched M. Night Shyamalan is making a movie about it as we speak.

you guys are so mad about my opinion on Reddit so ill just say "no u"

I mean, I to like to think about pointless shit as well, this is a notch above tho

Sweetie, no one's mad; people are making fun of you.

Why do proud Ghazelle's always fall back on "u mad bruh"? If ya'll had any sense of social intelligence you'd realize nobody is even slightly perturbed and that we're all roasting you.


"haha these guys kept calling me stupid they must be soooo mad"

But this is true for literally every technology, so how do you propose we continue to advance technology at all?

If the my are incapable of seeing it as a bad thing, there are no ethical concerns

Sure, so in a couple hundred years when AI is essentially the equivalent of the human brain your argument stands. Until then it makes you look silly.

That was my point, i was talking about future hypothetical true AI Realdolls, not the one that only simulates humanity, because that's the scenario i had replied to.

If AIs accurately simulate human intelligence, lots of them will get off on being sexually abused.

Weird but true.

But in a couple hundred years humanity will have moved on from this feminism fad so isn't this a just a moot point?

There probably won't be genders and we will have genitically engineered super genitals covering half our bodies if current degeneracy continues.

couple hundred years

umm try a couple months sweetie :)

They MAY become sentinent at some point

That would be a terrifying event that could easily lead to the end of mankind, and you worry about what sex dolls would think?

I think you're going for Sentient.

Wow, can you cut back on the mansplaining here?

They MAY become sentinent at some point,

HOW, please, explain

I'm going to be a futuristic shitlord yelling at the microwave to get the fuck back in the kitchen.

Do you think the sex robots are sentient?

That's a weird question to ask on a topic about speculative shit in the future.

Honestly I think there's a decent discussion to be had, but I don't think a place chock full of pedo apologia like /r/GamerGhazi is the place to discuss robot consent. Microwave cooking for one...yeah. Unemployment? Fits in perfectly. Celibacy, well, yeah. This doesn't really work there.

pedo apologia?

Yeah it means they waifu up Appalachian babies. Educate yourself or stay in your lane.

see Sarah Nyberg

do I have to?

And Allison Rapp

we have sexbots rtfn, this ain't speculative no more

turns out, they have no interest in anything but fucking their owners properly

Thst is their purpose in life.

yeah like, they're fine with it lol

why the fuck would they make the robot sentient anyway?

"Fully immersive experience!"


Wait...firstly, who said these were sentient? Not only will none of these be designed with sentience, there's no such thing as a "singularity" occurring on a device unable modify it's own software (Beyond machine learning-style "modification")

Secondly, do you think there will/should be no AI performing tasks in the future?

A true AI is effectively a person, given that personhood derives from sentinence. Lots of "AI" would fall short of that though

Personhood derives from being made in the image of God

So wait... no one but me is a person?

Hmmm... kinda solves my goblin problem pretty well. Shit, my daily run even brings me past an elementary school.

Reported to Chris Hansen.

I don't see how that relates at all to what I said?

That's because it doesn't.

Sentience determines if it's really AI or not, and /u/ancienregime was also saying that "AI" would be more likely... an actual sub-AI that people just call AI despite it not having sentience.

And then he or she completely ignored the rest of what you were saying.

Ah, I guess that makes sense. I figured it would have been obvious that I was referring to the general term rather than the specific, literal definition

But that's kind of stupid, since the entire topic is revolving around sentience and agency.

Sentience determines if it's really AI or not

this clause is so meaningless, it drives me to drink

So since these fall short of true AIs, you have no problem with them?

yer thinking of HARD AI

"true AI" is the enemies in Half-Life 1


SENTIENCE for fuck's sake

What would be the point in making a sex robot sentient? At that point it would just be like a woman but with a carbon fiber skeleton and the strength of ten men

Adrienne Barbeaubots, here I come!

Just my type

I disagree.

People are "programmed", too. The only reason anyone loves children (that are objectively gross) is their evolutionary programming. Ditto why women don't like being raped.

Artificial person could be programmed differently.

And what is wrong with robo slaves? As logn as they're willing and designed to be willing, I don't see the problemo

This kind of attitude seems to be under the impression that sapience would simply appear out of nowhere in robots

Yeah, bring on the rape robots

Because a sentinent entity that exists only to do another's bidding is called a slave.

Firstly, you mean "sapient," not "sentient," and secondly being a "slave" without the ethical and moral issues involved with oppressing other human beings is the entire point of robots. In fact, the word "robots" comes from the Czechs, and means "forced labor." If people like you were even half as bright as you imagine you are you wouldn't need to have these things explained to you, mostly because you'd be too smart to spend all your time looking for things to whine about in a desperate bid for attention and validation.

Why is slavery inherently wrong? I'd love a black slave.

You wouldn't love being one though.


But it's not sentient, or at least as sentient as you are with logic like that.

Because a sentinent entity that exists only to do another's bidding is called a slave.

They're not sentient, they're robots. They're no more alive than the AIs I massacre every time I boot up my Xbox.

sentinent entity


What if they're programmed to like sex and not like feminism but they think it's free will tho

... and then a whole lot of tards think that you're talking about current-day vibrators or some shit.

Summer Reddit Go Away!

Shit, if I can teach it to do my taxes I've no longer got a reason to be married!

So are your dildos slaves? Why don't you free them then?

You pass butter

when a girl buys a vibrator, its seen as a bit of naughty fun. BUT when a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, hes called a pervert?

don't judge me!

Don't talk to me or my sexbot's son ever again

Wow. I want one of those.

Yet another double standard. So much for the "tolerant" Left...

To be fair, if a woman had a male sex doll I'd be pretty fucking creeped out too.

Tbh, the minute someone builds a robot that can assemble IKEA furniture, men will be pretty much obsolete.

We're trying to have a real conversation not pass around fantasy bullshit about robots that assemble Ikea furniture

They just jelly that women will become obsolete and our waifus will replace them

Nothing wrong with it. And I'll be ordering my David Tennant and Heath Ledger sex bots when they come out.

The equilavent of a dildo is a fleshlight, not a sexbot.

I wonder how excited incels is about this

Just make a male sexbot. Men aren't oppressed, so it's okay to oppress them. Plus it's downright feminist to support women's sexuality!

Yeah I don't really get why sexbots are being cast as a feminist issue when all I want is a Nyle DiMarco-bot to fuck up my bussy

Even then, humans are brought up with ideals of agency, dignity, autonomy, and self-respect, a sex robot will not be designed with those things in mind; in fact it (she?) will be designed to receive actualization via being an object. Essentially, the perfect slave.

Maybe someone should remind them that the word "robot" means "forced labor" in Czech. The Czechs who developed the word probably would have straight-up called them slaves if not for the underlying themes involved for a Slavic population (since their ethnic name "Slav" literally comes from the Roman/Latin word for "slave").

Robotat is "to work" in Russian. So, yeah... robots are laborers.

Rabotat is "to work" in Russian, not robotat.

The guy who invented the word in his play didn't even think of machines, just some quasi-clones.

Notice that it's always the butthurt tumblrinas who complain about "sexbots".

It doesn't even make sense. They all ugly and thus have zero value, why would they worry about becoming obsolete?

Because they not realize that obviously.

They think people just can't handle all the realtm women they are. It's not that they are undesirable but they are just too good.

I used to think there was no point to sex-bots because they can't cry real tears.

But, if they can make real feminists cry, I may have to reconsider.

Gazelles are just steamed because they know that even sex robots which are designed to be compliant won't put up with their narcissistic self-entitled bullshit.

"Chad, I want you to be aggressive and dominant, but also supportive of all feminist ideology. And you also have to get a job to pay the rent, but that's only until my Patreon takes off and I become a successful artist."

"Beep boop... does not compute... 404 error..." Chad explodes into a pile of circuitry.

Careful, with custom terms like ghazelles you run the risk of seeming actually involved in pointless drama. Don't want that, now, do we.

Also ghazelles implies some sort of fitness and athletic ability

This is why we don't allow women in tech.

That thread reads like a bunch of 12 year olds discussing A.I. after seeing The Matrix.

What would have happened if Chappie was built by Emma Watson instead of that Indian guy and Ninja kidnapped them?

I feel like she would learn so many things about both feminism and that darn patriarchy.

Hmm then we would have robo Watson instead of robo Yolandi

This is NSFW btw.

Where do you work, the Mormon factory?

I design the pills you take to keep from being a massive faggot. Obviously I've been slacking and looking at hentai lately.

You probably shouldn't have made them suppositories, sweetie.

I like you.

For anyone who doesn't want to click, it's a manga about women fused into doors naked and you have to fuck them to get out of your house.

It's grossly offensive but very weirdly awesome.

well i'll give it to japan, they're inventive

> panic

>read mostly comments of people who are ambivalent about it.

Read the sidebar goy

I did, pagan.

The kind of men that will be buying these robots are the kind of men you don't want pursuing relationships with real people in the first place.

OK, so it's probably better that they have an ersatz relationship with a robot then?

No. The robots aren't feminists, so they can't have a relationship with them either. The absolute best thing for them to do is be celibate, and die alone. Thank God you're there to make that judgment call on other people's lives!

If James Franco can have a relationship with a Japanese Anime pillow people can have a relationship with a robot.

Here's when you know you've run out of things to complain about, when you start sticking up for 'sentient sex dolls.' The entire idea is barely conceptualized and so far off from current reality that you might as well start punishing people for things they do in their dreams.

And then they use Westworld to further their arguments, a show with more plot holes than a downed WW2 fighter jet and who's very plot, though enjoyable, hinges on technology that doesn't even try to be grounded.

The outrage machine has officially entered a state of comical fan fiction.

Geez its just speculation. You guys are really reaching.

did you just assume my gender identity?

You, of all people, accusing others of "reaching".

Is this what peak irony looks like?

Really reaching

Discussing fucking robots gaining awareness

How many countries have you visited with actual patriarchies? Start there.

I believe it is you who is reaching (into the future to defend technology you cannot even begin to conceive of conceptually)

No, you're just really that damn retarded.

With the artificial wombs and the sex robots coming were really not going to need women that much longer. The ghazis are actually woke realizing the female death camps are coming.

That being said, when robots eventually gain sentience, we're all fucked.

Literally fucking retarded. The current generation of sex robots is smarter than /u/-SGIASJ apparently.

Code doesn't just "evolve sentience" and you can always tells the person who's speaking out their ass and has no actual technical knowledge. If - and that's a ridiculously big "if" - we actually manage to be able to reach the level of developing artificial intelligence someday, it's not going to just automatically propagate to all machines. Your toaster isn't going to be like "fuck this, I'm transrefrigerator and don't feel like making things warm today" you fucking dunce.

Seriously, whenever non-technical people talk about "the AI menace" I start laughing. I remember when all Apple networking capability was based on a piece of code called "the chooser" even though it was two decades old. They added new features over time to make it look slicker and have a cooler GUI, but no matter how slick marketing could make it, the base code that was running all that shit was twenty years old.

I can't imagine any developers just letting out into the world on a lark either.

> import AI.sentience;

Whoops, sorry boss, I accidentally made all of our scales sentient.

Totally gonna happen.

You sound very, very upset. You couldn't have said this in a nicer way?

I never claimed to have technical knowledge, silly. You're getting angry over nothing.

This, but unironically

Are people genuinely stupid enough that they think computer programs will randomly become sentient out of nowhere? If you are worried that a sex robot will become sentient why aren't you worried that my python script that goes "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" will become sentient? Guess it just goes to show the tiny amount of education and knowledge people have about simple concepts

Are people genuinely stupid enough that they think computer programs will randomly become sentient out of nowhere?

Ask Eliezer Yudkowsky.

Eliezer Yudkowsk

whos that

you sweet summer child

Dude who thinks Robot Jesus will save us all for eternity.

Basically like the sunken place


its like "donald trump is voldemort and his cabinet is the death eaters and bernie is harry potter" but more woke and bae

That's 100%, accurate thi


Time to DEUS VULTEMORT all over Jihadzkaban or whatever

roasties btfo'd

where were you when women went extinct and replaced with literally perfect animu waifus?

so begins the golden age of the NEET.

Except the part where people can afford sexbots.

How many good boy points does a sex robot cost?

The NEETs will have been replaced by robots as well by then, though, along with the rest of humanity. It'll be NEET robots fucking waifu robots styled after cartoons directed and animated by Chinese robots while their parent robots hang their heads down in simulated shame and 500-line Python scripts generate outraged, alarmist posts about it on the Internet.

if u come in a sexbot enough does it become a real girl?

is this a modern pinocchio?

lol Ghazi: "I don't like it, change it"


sex robots will put women in their place imo

youre trying to start an argument over some stupid shit? well ill just fuck this robot

try to guilt me into some shit? ill just fuck this robot

argue about what were having for dinner? ill just fuck this robot

solves all sorts of issues

Just kill all women tbh

nah they can help make the robots

We don't have to KILL them. Things were fine when they were basically slaves.

your time is coming to an end

come on guys, the /r/drama thread freaking out about the ghazi thread has literally 10x more activity

at some point you have to admit you're just rubbernecking at a tiny irrelevant group of fringe sillies

Evan i love you but when my mind came up with the thread title I had to post it

Someone really needs to make a holder for sex dolls to ride roombas. Or even just a cheap fles light mount. Ghazi and ilk would loose their minds.

Here's a great idea I just thought of: how about we not make refrigerators sentient?

Here's the thing: if nobody wants to do the work they can't complain when some guy invents a machine that will do it for them. They're making themselves obsolete.

i got to admit a sexbot would sure make ugly womyn redundant.

Accurate title. Attractive women will still be well sort after, but who's going to put in effort chasing a 5/10 with dyed blue hair and listening to her feminist drivel when you can just get a sex bot? That's why they are having a hissy fit.

I am putting this here for visibility. The thing is you won't need to force sex bots to have sex, they'll want to do it. Let me explain.

People's likes and dislikes are "programmed", too. The only reason anyone loves their children (that are objectively pretty gross and loud) is their evolutionary programming. Ditto why women don't like being raped. You might want to read Blank Slate to realize how much depends on genetic "programming".

Artificial person could be programmed to have different preferences. Even if sentient it would follow those preferences.

I'm expecting artificial intelligence to develop self awareness before gamerghazi does.