Female Trump loses bigly today. Come watch the meltdown unfold!

333  2017-05-07 by IAmAN00bie


Oh man, can you imagine the rioting that'll happen now?

truly, drumpf will never recover 😂





Comme ci comme ca

what's it like in new york city


Now that's a law we can all get behind.

I'd get behind Shakira any day




ironically, according to the EU's own predictions, arabs in europe will be massively outnumbered by african christians.

deus vult, i guess...?

She only lost because of misogyny.

this but unironically





It feels like we're just going through the motions at this point.

This is why Trump won

This but figuratively

Unfortunately unironically this

Metaphysically this.

We're reaching unimaginable levels of meta autism


At least presidents in Estonia, Lithuania and Malta are women. Europe > 'Merica

I remember back when /r/alt_Right was a thing, they said Women cannot lead because they're not as smart and too emotionally driven compared to men,

wonder what they thought of LePen.

She fits the narrative. but she's a woman

France rejected a nationalist despite a slew of terrorist attacks and major systematic issues resulting from their immigration/integration policies. America elected a nationalist despite having one of the strictest immigration policies in the world, excellent integration, and a complete dependence on illegal migrant workers to keep food prices low. What's wrong with us?

Because Murica

feck me i have not laughed that hard im a long time

but her emails

But her being a failure, yes.

You say that to me for like six words and don't notice that giant walls of text in this post?

It was reported lol

Lol. That is fucking great. I just assumed you were fucking with me.

Its because anglophones are fucking stupid.

strictest immigration policies in the world, excellent integration

o ok so ur a retard snally

I mean, he's right

misgendering reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Shhhh, no genders now, only dreams

That's actually the opposite of true, the US is one of the easiest countries to immigrate to on earth




it's one of the easiest overall, but it's the strictest that's taking refugees.

besides I think... Switzerland, maybe?

Refugees are the worst. We don't want your goat-beardy rape-men.

You clearly have not tried their soup

it's one of the easiest overall

That's not even true. It's just easy to visit. Apparently /u/ace4929 thinks visiting and working in-country is the same thing as immigrating.

to be fair i haven't compiled a list or anything lol

but when i argue with white nationalists they always mention how "japan, etc" have much stricter immigration standards than us, ignoring that they're tiny and do a lot of other backward shit too like everyone else

Japan isn't really tiny, it's about the same as the UK and comparable pop too

tiny in terms of landmass

The UK isn't really Kowloon, it's got a bunch of pastoral meadows and shit

Apparently /u/ace4929 thinks visiting and working in-country is the same thing as immigrating.

It is, if you're from south of the Rio Grande.

Where'd you hear that?

Did you know that a visa is more than your mom's credit card?

i'm guessing you're not american?

I mean in comparison to canada, it's easier to get into the US.

i'm not sure about that tbh, but i'd believe it. i'd be a bit surprised tho, due to canada's pretty sizable immigrant population.

she did say "one of the strictest" tho

None of their immigrants are brown though, unless you can flips.

None of their immigrants are brown


Yeah, but nobody gives a toss about Hindus and Sikhs.

brown canadian immigrant checking in

Canada is hard to get into. You need to marry or get your village bombed by Americans.

So if I bombed my own village, can I get into Canada?

I mean, maybe.

Sounds like a plan, then. Thanks for your advice!

get your village bombed by Americans.

But you said it was hard

depends on where you're from and what you're there to do

Loosest slots in town

Yea, Canada is the country the European far right wants to become in regards to immitgration policies. Which is fairly ironic considering the amount of smug liberal Canadians.

It makes liberal Canadians smug and it makes reactionary Canadians like /r/metacanada who love the European far right fucking retarded.

Wow, just discovered this /r/metacanada subreddit now. What a pus-filled cancerous cyst of a community.

bunch of sad, pathetic losers.

Huh. That sub has changed since I was last there.

pol/t_D types took it over

Clearly. Shame, used to be a funny subreddit.

strictest immigration policies in the western world, excellent integration

ok am I fixed now

Trump took lead of the Republican party, which offered him a very large bloc of dedicated voters.

Macron didn't have the same baggage as Clinton.

What's the UK's excuse for Brexit?

We have a lot of thickos and old people who are sad we don't have an empire anymore.

I too miss when England could exploit a third of the world.

Now we're out of the EU its time to build some mutually benificial trade deals again.

This but unironically

Hey /u/blackjack_bot deal me in


Dealer: 7

 __  __ 
|  ||  |

Player: 21

 __  __ 
|  ||  |

Made by /u/Davism72. Send feedback! Source: https://github.com/mattdavis1121/reddit-blackjack-bot

hmm wonder what I'm going to do here.


Invalid action - Hit not allowed in game state

All in

Gimme dat robo succ you sexy bot boy

he's actually gone and done it! take a look at this madman!

that might a little harder these days

Would you like to see Britannia
Rule again, my friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms.
Would you like to send our colored cousins
Home again, my friend?



half the country was convinced that things would be better once out

Without knowing what it meant to be in the EU. It was as much a protest vote as it was a rational decision.

And it wasn't really a 'far right surge' either. Many on the (far) left have been calling for a brexit for decades

Yeah, they view it as a capitalist conspiracy. Brexit was basically won because Labour voters just didn't turn out to vote for remain in the numbers they were expected to. Cameron and his ilk spent years banging on about the evils of the EU and immigration and then looked surprised when people took them seriously.

British inbreeding


Anglocide when?

Not soon enough.

yesterday was too late

Its pretty clear that Islams just need to be eradicated.

nice comment

me too thanks

Comments like this are the reason Macron won.

I was against Brexit (my son is half-Greek and growing up in Athens), but I do understand the problems with the EU that make it an attractive proposition, even beyond the immigration debate. Britain has a long history - thousands of years - of standing apart from the Continent, with a separate mindset and attitude to governance. This just never sat well with the mentality of the Continentals, leading to various issues (none of them serious IMO) between the UK and the rest of the EU nations. We always saw the EU as a free trade block; the rest of them saw it as a step towards federalisation into a United States of Europe, with an 'ever closer union' eventually leading to a European government.

Being an island nation, the British are far more independent and resentful of being ruled over - which is ironic, given our history of ruling over others - but not necessarily xenophobic. There is a lot of infighting between both the UK's countries (Scotland and N. Ireland may well be independent for similar reasons soon) and even regions (the SW has an independence movement of sort and the North/South rivalry in England is political and cultural, if not social.

And more economic issues. Also people who had economic issues there Trump marketed to were placed well for an outsized effect in the electoral college

which doesn't favor rural populations like our system does.

It doesn't favor anyone, that's the point of EC.

it absolutely favors certain populations, that's the point of the EC.

Didn't realize that not favoring something meant it was favoring the opposite.

Plus France has a runoff vote. That helps eliminate the "at least they aren't [blank]" effect.

This is where I remind everyone how Louisiana, an old French colony that still has a lot of its laws and rules, once avoided having David Duke as a governor by voting for Edwin Edwards.

"Vote for the Crook. It's Important"

I really, really wanted that phrase to come back in Louisiana last year.

This. Plus remember France was also ravaged by Nazis and a lot of people still remember, or have heard stories from parents & grandparents. There was no invasion of the US from Nazi Germany.

Macron didn't have the same baggage as Clinton.

almost anybody could have beaten trump. clinton should absolutely be blamed, we were offered a choice between two piles of shit & it's her fault that he won.

Exactly, Macron vs Trump would have probably turned out differently, not in Trump's favour. Hillary will always be God awful.

What's wrong with France?



America dumb as hell, fam

Free and high quality education you damn hillbillies.

  • Free
  • high quality

Pick one.


Also kys

Submit to Allah, kaffir.

I'll have to ask my rabbi about this

OK, cc: me on the email.

I pick both. I also do the same with health care

It's free, yes. But not high quality for everyone.

What am I supposed to tease it out of you like we're on a first date?

You're not supposed to do anything

Maybe if you had a French education you'd be better able to communicate your ideas... in English.

Oh you are French. Wtf are you trying to say then Frenchie? Use your words

Alright, I'll develop for you since you don't understand.

Education in France is free for everyone, financed for by all citizens' tax money. However children will have different quality of education depending on their location and their parents' social background.

We're talking about tertiary education. Not primary and secondary school. Even so regional variation only means lower quality relative to other schools in France. It's a bit like calling a double bed uncomfortable because you're used to sleeping on a king. Well OK, but America's just got a sleeping bag for one here.

I wasn't comparing to America, I agree education - all levels of it - is a deeply problematic institution in the US. It's not because it's worse elsewhere, namely in the US, that there isn't room for improvement in France.

Even for university level education the opportunities are unequal. It's not as unequal as it is in the US, granted. But it still is a problem for people in France.

There's nothing wrong with us.


Did you vote for him?


May I ask why?

SJW assholes.

Isnt kind of pointless to vote because of an angry minority who is not popular at all in rl?

They are popular in influential circles.

Such as?

Video games and the teevee. Duh.

Entertainment and education?

They can stop famous speakers from appearing at universities with threats of violence. They can bend major corporations and academic journals to their will. People are now rewriting the past to appease them. And those are just the incidents I can think of in the past few weeks. If this is what an angry, unpopular minority can accomplish, then yes, it's absolutely worth it to vote because of an angry, unpopular minority.

I can't even begin to engage with every single one of your retarded points but I will say this: editing a TV show is not "rewriting the past" by any definition.

>tfw too intelligent to debate people


Oh shit fam you're literally roasting me

yeah boy, you're gonna be extra crispy when i'm done with you, you don't know the fire i spit

Yeah, this is how a lot of conversations about SJWs seem to go. Someone asks for examples of what they've done, and when a list is provided, they either say that the examples aren't so bad or there aren't enough of them or whatever. The point is that SJWs are clearly assholes. What would they have to do to convince you of the same, parade decapitated white men through the streets? They've already done enough to make me hate them and want to curb their influence, and if you look at the same evidence and see it differently, then I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Fuck. There is just no way our species gets off this planet.

I agree. It's hard to progress and live in a civil society when one side insists that merely disagreeing with them is "violence".

I too am terrified of whiny college kids and a handful of revolutionary LARPers. They will surely doom us all.

Hey, let's get into a nuclear war with North Korea about it.

I just gave four examples of how their whining can affect what type of speech is promoted or censored. The people who have been the victims of their violence will tell you that LARPing can still hurt if the LARPer pepper sprays you or hits you in the head with a bike lock. Why do you and so many others continue to insist that they're literally just a few college kids on the internet? There are plentiful examples that show it's much larger than that. It's a social movement and I think it's a bad one.

Lol. Your examples are a feminist philosophy journal, UC Berkeley, Bill Nye changing his views on gender, and people hating an objectively retarded Pepsi ad.

Truly the issues of our time.

Just go outside or something and it will all be less scary.

Here's some more examples.

I know I won't change your mind, but at least anyone else reading this who also hates SJWs will know that they're not alone.

know they're not alone.

It's probably a hard, lonely life being a hateful nerd with so many semi-made up internet enemies.

What's wrong with us?

We don't want female leaders duh

Neither does France, those filthy misogynists.

They had a female nationalist leader who wanted to expel foreign invaders. Then she got burned at a stake.

Burned at the stake by foreign invaders who wouldn't adapt to their culture*

She didn't have Hillary running against her. If the Democrats hadn't put all their eggs in one ugly basket for almost an entire decade, maybe it wouldn't have ended in complete humiliation for them.

or yknow, at least checked to make sure said basket didn't have a whole 30-year old multimedia industry dedicated to slandering it

Lol keep blaming everyone but Hillary. It couldn't be because of what an awful candidate/person she is.

honestly if not for the Comey email thing she would have won

Pretty much. Same could be said with the sensatioanlised Wikileaks bombshells.

just goes to show how shit FPTP is in representing voters.

Yes, because all countries with fptp are stuck in a two party system, right? It's getting a bit weird how people on this site think that that is the cause of every bad thing in American politics.

No, it's FPTP combined with a bunch of other dumb shit.

I'm English, and it's definitely been terrible for us.

Right now we have a Tory government which represents a minute section of our country while the left vote is completely split across the SNP, Labour, and The Lib Dems. The Tories have been able to get away with massive gentrification, the dismantling of the NHS, and a desperate selfish push for a hard brexit while the majority of Britain who opposes it just has to sit back and watch.

Minute section? Didn't the Tories win the plurality of the votes?

No, all of that stuff contributed to making it a very close shave while it otherwise wouldn't be.

If Comey actually did his job she would be in jail.

Turns out that it's nonsense and even Trump doesn't care.

(((Controlled opposition)))

Bill won twice despite being an awful candidate/person.

He could play the saxophone!

And get his dick sucked!

Bill got caught getting his dick sucked. Fuck tons of presidents have gotten up to freaky shit in office.

How many half black kids did Washington have?

more than 0, I'm betting

That wasn't a disagreement, I'm honestly curious. I thought it was like 12.

Why was he a bad candidate? Bad person is given.

Did he not have a similar level of baggage going into office in the 90s, as Hillary did this election? Or am I misremembering?

He had a little baggage nowhere near what hilldawg had though. IIRC there was a women in Arkansas that alleged that Bill had an affair with her.
Bill Clinton had a balanced a budget while he was president. I think he's the only president to have done that since before Regan, so he's the only recent president to not drive us further into debt. The economy of the 90s was good to most Americans. You can argue how much effect a president has on the economy but for some reason the blame or credit is placed on the president. He did very well in the 92 and 96 elections, he signed a lot of bills into law. I don't know how you can say Bill Clinton was a bad candidate. He did win both elections.

Bill Clinton had a mentally ill black prisoner killed when he was Governor of Arkansas.

So he upheld a proud state tradition

No, He was an amazing candidate. He played the saxophone on Arsenio Hall for fucks sake. That man had charisma oozing out of every orifice.

He was a phenomenal candidate. He charmed everyone and sold the hell out of himself.

The only people charmed by that moron are trash

Do you like the national debt? Do you love to see it get bigger and bigger? I have an issue with a few of his policies but I still consider him to be a good president overall and he was an even better candidate.
But please enlighten us all as to his awfulness. Go ahead, I'll wait.

I was badposting lmao. I didn't mean to actually annoy you, sorry.

No Hillary was still fucking awful lol. But not nearly bad enough to lose to Trump without a myriad of other factors at play

That 'deplorables' comment was dumb as fuck. 'I know, I'll insult some of the electorate while sounding elitist, that'll play well.'

But it's true. Hillary Clintom has been right wing media's boogeyman for like 20 years.

And yet she keeps painting a target on her back with her completely idiotic behavior. You'd think she'd have learned, but apparently she just can't help herself.

> 2017

> still talking about Hilary

can u not?

u wot mate?

It's pretty true, though. Like, Hillary is a legitimately uncharismatic person, but the people who hate her routinely entertain the thought that she killed people. Gotta think on that. Not like it mattered, though, since it was the DNC that actually made the shittiest decision in like 15 years.

She can't be that awful if she won the popular vote, right?

It's possible for it to be both. She was a shitty choice, sure, but she is uniquely reviled for reasons I don't really understand.

Yeah the media was biased against her from literally 3 decades before the presidential campaign they somehow knew she was going to run. Even though they did everything they could to boost her and ruin Trump, somehow they were biased against her.

Keep blaming everyone but Hillary.

you know "media" isn't a single entity right?

i'm not talking about mainstream shit, i'm talking about Ken Starr shit

oh yeah, with his massive reach of 0.015% of the American Population. Surely he swung the election.

you don't know who Ken Starr is do you

Are you implying the mainstream media was anti-Hillary?

Just wew.

I'm not talking about the lamestream media ya dumbass

I'm talking about freaky ass middle america shit

Show me all the positive and factual coverage of Trump throughout 2016.

Show me any "positive fact" about Trump in 2016 and I'll show you where it's covered

He won the election

No, they're just reporting on the fact that we won.

So there's all the positive factual coverage of Trump you could possibly ask for.

I'm amused that you see nothing wrong with an inability to find MSM reporting on trump in a positive light.

Bitch I ain't even looked, you've given me no other "positive facts" to go off of.

In order to get "positive factual coverage," there have to be positive, true things to report about you.

It's hilarious that you don't get it

I think it's hilarious that you don't get what "factual coverage" means


Wonder what happened to all those "sexual assault" claims?

All of them he either settled with a payout too big for an innocent man or are still on docket lmao

Whatever happened to that "NYT defamation" claim?


Maybe because he doesn't have redeeming qualities?


As much as I hate Trump, Le Pen is more of an extremist and more dangerous.

This but historically

Her dad is literally a fucking Nazi sympathizer

so what, are we going to assume that racism is hereditary?

If that's the case then apparently I hate black people.

You probably do

are we going to assume that racism is hereditary?

You tend to believe what you were raised to believe.

And my dad always said to me that racism was hereditary.

If you're a moron who does zero thinking, then that's true.

I mean this is scientifically proven so...

sounds like something your dad would say

She did inherit his facho party though.

that too

Better fascism than Islam.

She basically picked up where he left off, people aren't going out of their way to draw parallels.

It's not just because her dad was racist, it's because she took on the leadership of the xenophobic party her dad founded.

Her dad actually hated the nazis and wanted to join the French Resistance but he was too young iirc.

But he didn't really hate them for being Nazis, more because they were German.

You say that but....

If stating the fact that the gas chambers are an insignificant detail in the history of the second world war makes me a nazi, well I guess it does. Sieg heil!

my first reaction was "sure but Trump's at the helm of an actual military" but then I remembered that if Le Pen was elected we might actually have to deal with the fact that France actually still has the biggest fucking military in Europe

Right? As an American, I feel like so few people here realize the irony in the way we mock the French militarily. If WW3 happens in the next few decades, they're gonna be our biggest allies.

After The Jews

Angry that an evil globalist won?

Why would I be angry? This is a day to celebrate our secret control of the world sans that darn good-two-shoes Trump!

I see great things for this account.

It's just blank for me :(

Seems a little too niche to me. Isn't France, like, not America?

there has been a awakening in the... drama.


If WW3 happens we'll only need China as an ally and if that doesn't happen we'll only need to sit back and watch Russia and China destroy one another, and if they're allied then we'll need every other country on Earth as our allies.

We would have to make sure Canada and Mexico aren't pissed at us. A large part of our military success is not having hostile boarders.

That and the border countries not having a military on the same scale uz

That doesn't matter. All that matters is if they are pissed off enough to let other countries use their land as a staging point.

To use them they'd have to beat the American fleet. Which no country on Earth currently can.

If you count Turkey as European, they have the largest, but France is probably all around the best in the continent proper.

also nukes

T_D liked Wilders. I may think the EU is cancer but Wilders was crazy as hell, if anyone was going to start a Muslim ethnic cleansing it was him.

Trump is more of a fucking idiot who doesn't know what he's doing than a legit fascist. At least you can educate a person who's ignorant on something and change their mind, like Trump's position on NATO. One minute he's all "NATO's bad, it's obsolete!" then somebody explains it to him and he goes "You know, maybe NATO is a good thing after all!"

Le Pen is just a straight up fascist, borderline if not outright Nazi and a hateful piece of shit in general. France dodged a HUGE bullet by going with Macron.

It's better than that, he said "NATO is no longer obsolete [because I convinced them to start fighting terrorists]", despite the the fact that they push a bunch of money into anti-terrorism efforts back in 2015 or something. Trump is impressively retarded

Americans are dumb, fat, and stupid.

It sounds like there is a mosquito in here that doesn't like winning.

Dumb? Maybe.

Stupid? Hoo boy, better watch your tongue bruv.

As good news as Marcon's victory is, a third of voters chose LePen. The far-right isn't about to go away, and things might turn out differently in a decade, depending on how events turn out between now and then.

1/3 of the US population voted for Trump as well

Wtf I hate the US population now!


63 million voted for Trump, the US has a population of 321 million.

Less than a fifth of Americans voted for him.

That doesn't matter since we talk about percentage of registered voters that give a fuck to show up.

MG87 said 1/3rd of this country voted for Trump.

Not sure what you're trying to get at.

Yes I guess you are right, but that isn't what decides elections.

thats not what I said

Yes, I know. So you are right but context matters.

The context was that guy had his numbers wrong and I can't just let that stand.


Unfortunately, people who can't vote or don't vote because they are too fucking lazy to get off their couch or too complacent don't count in this statistic.

If you could convince a 100% of the electorate to actually vote, maybe things would be different.

Again, thats not what I said

I wasn't ready your other replies so, sorry about that.

You do realize that the amount of abstained votes was almost higher than Le Penn's votes? I can't blame people for not wanting to support a fascist or a neoliberal banker.

There are places with compulsory voting. Shit is the same as anywhere else.

So you're saying that only one-thirds of votes cast were for Trump? Because that's honestly pretty embarrassing for a "winning" candidate. I mean, wouldn't that imply that about 1/3 of votes were for third parties?

Make it on a weekend!

Then I suck at maths

what # of that is in prison/under voting age/makes up a predictable # for those who just don't vote?

More like 25%.

Way off on the math there, skippo

well they gained a little under 15% in 15 years of feverishly insisting they aren't Nazis.

but on the other hand, unlike with Trump and Brexit, the new fash voters in France are actually young people (who are old enough to vote) instead of old crusty conservatives reenergized by a populist ethos so who fuckin knows man

Cause everyone old enough still associates mlp with her father who is terrible.

wait do french people not become incredibly stupid when they turn 45?

The young were actually far more supportive of Le Pen than the old. It was like a reverse Trump situation.

My little pony?

I used to wonder what friendship could be!🎶🎶

Username checks out

It's funny because Clopernicus's username is very applicable to their comment.
beep bop if you hate me, reply with "stop". If you just got smart, reply with "start".

I don't have the faintest idea what you might mean by that.

Jean-Marie "Gas chambers were a detail of WW2" Le Pen.

Keep importing Islam, euros.

Keep in mind, she only got ~20% in the first vote.

It's a wave, Le Pen was the most prominent right populism candidate after Trump, a Le Pen lose could signify a the wave is weakening.

France will he too culturally enriched by then to even think about electing a far right candidate.

Plus Macron is right in the center of the center right, he will basically do the same stuff as the last guy who was so hated he didn't stand.

Most of Europe is in a Japan style lost decade and the french center is buring through popular figures and voing base trying to shove through the same unpopular stuff, le pen is probably going to still be there after they've done that. Her big shot is next election basically.

11 million out of 66 million.

a third of voters chose LePen

Not true. She got a third of the VALID VOTES. More people voted for "none of the above" than her. She came in third place in a two-person race.

The electoral college is what is wrong with us. Hillary had 3 million more votes.

The electoral college preserves us from communists and women.

Yea the electoral college that elected Obama, Clinton, and every other president you liked.

They also won the popular vote, so that is a bit of a moot point.

It's a lot of a moot point.

Don't hold back. Punch him in the balls.


Popular vote is a moot point anyways since this isn't a democracy. Its a democratic republic.

That is retarded, because the original point was that the electoral college is retarded.

How can the original point be moot?

The election was not run as a popular vote. Elections would also be shit if only popular vote mattered.

It'd be shit but to other team, so that's a-ok!!

process that makes people spend any amount of time or consideration to shit places like Ohio or MI

Elections have been shit for as long as the middle of the country has been shit. (forever)

Nah, if the popular vote winner actually wins, you can pretty much guarantee that the president has popular support. You wouldn't have a situation like we have with Trump, where so many people think the system failed and allowed him to win without the support of the people. The French system is designed the way it is specifically for that reason; it's to guarantee that the final winner has over 50% of the votes, so people can't say they aren't what the people wanted.

The point is that a big part of the country would be ignored when it comes to campaigning instead of making it a country wide campaign. It makes most sense to concentrate on getting votes where people are concentrated most heavily. Why travel the country when you can try to get the most turnout in NYC and LA and the like?

There are many countries that don't do a straight popular vote. Prime ministers aren't elected through popular vote for instance.

user reports:
1: Reaporove noobies post plz!

It is approved. You probably reported it, so you have to unhide it yourself. Go to /u/me/hidden

oh man this is actually a really nice snap-take on the situation

snally u never fail to impress, i can't even pretend to be mad

still, kys tho


Once a foreign nation forces you to use their currency, there is just no going back i guess.

Which foreign nation is the Euro a currency of?

Kosovo I think.

I wish that one day the pressure of the horrible iron heel the Tri-State Axis of Kosovo, Somaliland and Malta put on our throats will be relaxed

Mostly Germany, they found an easier way to conquer most of europe other than a third world war.

Can't be true, Germany also traded the Deutschmark for this horrible foreign country.

Neo Germany.

Is it a secret underground empire that hides somewhere?

What on earth are you talking about? Euro is not the currency of a foreign nation you ignorant fucktart.

Globalism has rotted your brain friend, enjoy your new supernation that didn't even have to bother conquering you.

I think you meant to say "califate" you ignorant twat. Enjoy basking in your hate filled conspiracy bubble you poorly educated shit.

I think you meant "caliphate" you ignorant twat. Enjoy basking in your hate filled conspiracy bubble you poorly educated shit.

What's wrong with us?

If by "us" you mean the French then, I suppose, you haven't reached your breaking point yet.

France used guillotine.

US did not.

Please don't point out our faults, delete this right now. 😢😢😢😢

What is this, North Korea?

lol are you actually this retarded

lol are you actually this assravaged

I will fight you

having one of the strictest immigration policies in the world

I agree with your sentiment but nah. America has some of the most liberal and lenient immigration policies of all wealthy nations. Only Australia is less strict, and that's kind of immaterial due to far fewer immigrants on the whole.

Australia isn't strict?

It's not. But you do have to have to survive a gauntlet of deadly animals before they grant you citizenship.

Most don't make it past the koalas.

Australia has probably one of the strictest immigration policies in the world. We still have a lot of immigrants, but you have to be super wealthy or educated to even have a chance of getting in.

Illegal immigrants meanwhile are shipped off to a mysterious island to be gassed, no sanctuary cities here, that's for sure.

But Dutton assured me that those refugees are being treated well and there's no reason to let anyone other than the contractors look into claims of abuse.

Somewhere along the way, it became culturally acceptable and even desirable to be stupid in America. the_dumbass is the natural consequence of that.

Mayos refuse to eat their veggies so now they got fat and lazy :^(

Fraidy cats.

People got wise to Putin's tactics.

"strictest immigration poilicies in the world" how many layers of retarded are you on rite now my dude?

Freedom Ain’t free. The tree of liberty and freedom gotta be litterd with the blood of Patriots. Barack HUSSEIN obama aka “B. O” is not my presidnet. he is Islamic gommunist and probbaly kenyan as well :DD. ADAM and eve not adam and STEVE ok. praise jesus.

Big if true

But Ada and Eve is cool.

Looks like France just isn't ready for a woman leader.

stupid people are susceptible to propaganda, it is what it is

Excellent integration? How well are blacks integrated? And the Latinos on the west coast where La Raza has some stated goals? When Spanish phases out English in a large area due to immigration it is not a sign of good integration, quite the opposite. Ethnicities and races self segregate, another sign of poor integration.

Are you french or american?

Unfortunately this one won't be half as juicy as the trump meltdown would've been, simply because all the anglophones on LePen's side don't actually live anywhere near France and will quickly forget about her.

Yeah im happy that she lost (mainly because i won 100$ betting against her), but the drama potential is much lower than the US election.

Jesus, I certainly hope the person you got that $100 off asked for odds.

Online betting on predictit, and before the first round there was an almost equal split between Le Pen and the other dude, because most people online are retarded and thought the the US scenario will repeat itself despite the situations being very different.

I need to get into this predictit, even if the same thing had happened Le Pen still would have lost. Trump was never more than a 6-7 point dog to Clinton in the final months of the campaign, Le Pen was never within 20 points of Macron.

Yeah its a pretty great website IMO, although it can take a while for profitable markets to come along. Still though I'm investing in the 2020 election because it also has a near 50/50 split between reps and dems, which is also highly unlikely (unless the Dems run hilldawg again).

Ahhh nuts. This looks fun as hell. But since I'm not murican, I can't create an account.

Honestly if Trump doesn't run again the Republicans have a chance. I think that he'll be polling ~35% at that point and the establishment will convince him to not run again since he's old and will get BTFO. Way too early to really predict anything though, and wayyy too much seriousposting in this thread.

lol similar thing happened on intrade in 2012. so many republicans thought romney was gonna win that Obama only had a 66c/100 buy in. i won a few grand betting on him (seemed pretty certain to win)

Neither compared or would compare to the Hilary meltdown that actually happened.

  • Everyone posting photos of themselves crying on twitter, literal shakes everywhere

  • Twitter suicide threats and people unironically claiming they're going to be genocided now

  • A whole list of celebrities threatening to leave (to Canada and not Mexico) and then chickening out

  • Futile attempts at recounts everywhere, green party candidate scamming the left out of their recount money

  • Riots

  • Shia Labeouf creating the HWNDU thing and getting meme'd to death

  • Left trying to death threat the electoral college into turning against Trump, backfires against Hillary.

We've already seen the biggest post-election meltdown we'll probably ever see in our lifetime.

You're probably right, but I'm really keeping my hopes up for the possible 2020 meltdown.

Still another Trump election to hope for if he makes it through this one.

Congratulations France, you've elected to be Germany's vassal and volunteered to replace yourself with the third world.

nice comment

o ur 4 reel

he tipped his glass


Love you too buddy 😙

TBR confirmed dramanauts

Ohhh yes

This is why Macron won


unironically kys

france unironically just killed itself, which is ironic

What's really ironic is how none of this even remotely ironic.

You can't force memes, you pathetic tankie cocksucker

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is she losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Marine to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought she was polling well in The_Donald???? This is so fucked.


New phone who dis?

Merde. Ma mère est venue dans ma chambre pour m'apporter une assiette de nuggets de poulet et je l'ai littéralement crié et frappé la plaque de nuggets de poulet de sa main. Elle a commencé à me crier et à me jurer et je lui ai claqué la porte. Je suis tellement en difficulté maintenant que je ne sais pas quoi faire. Je ne voulais pas le faire à ma mère, mais je suis littéralement en état de choc des résultats ce soir. J'ai l'impression d'exploser. Pourquoi la putain de baise est-elle en train de perdre? Cela ne se produit pas. J'ai une putain de panne. Je ne veux pas croire que le monde soit si corrompu. Je veux un avenir pour y croire. Je veux que Marine soit président et corrige ce pays brisé. Je ne peux pas faire face à ça maintenant. Ce n'était pas censé être comme ça, je pensais qu'elle allait bien dans The_Donald ???? C'est tellement baisée.


omelette du fromage

omelette au fromage

Omelette au cum

That's all you can say.

implying people on reddit supporting Le Pen can speak French.

implying a dirty dead frog language is not a sign of horrible thing for english clay to be doing

nuggets de poulet

sounds so classy.

T_D people are shitting all over reddit today.

Fuck 'em and fuck Le Penis.

Less misogyny plz

Fuck you too.

that's a pretty undramatic thing to say friendo

youngbloods these days smh

Le Penis

damn got em

I wrote a news article about it here

I wrote a news article about it here

Edit: they're now unironically claiming that Le Pen lost because of sexism lol

It's true, her dad would've won easily.

Her dad started roasting her before polls opened... RIP.

I enjoy liberal tears more but this will do

Tears are tears, goy.

Well, liberals in Europe are mostly right wings.

Don't they usually make up all the centrist or center-right/left parties?

Depends, in western Europe liberal=social liberalism, in eastern liberal=liberal conservatism.

France? Literally who?

Some cucks who waved the white flag at islam or some shit

Misogyny, wikileaks, and Russian interference are to blame this.

I demand investigations!

but russian interference was on le pen's side

He meant lack of russian interference.

Nah man, Russia hacked Macron so that people think Russia wanted Le Pen to win. But they actually wanted Macron to win.

Oh boy. That's some crazy shit

You sound like a Nazi woman hater to me.

I mean, I kinda hate Marine Le Pen and Anne Coulter, so I guess I do hate nazi women a bit.

Hey at least I can laugh my ass off now every time an errant truck drives through its retarded citizens. Gg, france!

You sound like you got anally pillaged m8. You ok?

dont worry hes not going to form an antifa or pepper spray an old woman in retaliation

Oh your defs not mad huh

the point was that you cant really claim the american right is mad after months of impotent riots from the american left

i know you guys want revenge for all the hilarity since november but you cant just say people are mad lol

Mate, you are all over this thread proving how mad you are. Chill out.

omg dont gaslight me

form an antifa


is that the wrong terminology?

i just mean group up with a bunch of other dorks in the street and pretend to make a difference by attacking people like what happened in america

As long as you don't side with fascists you shouldn't need to worry about the anti fascists.

there arent any fascists, antifa are just faggot college kids and homeless people lashing out at perceived injustices that dont exist

its like a kid bottling up their rage for months and then having a massive tantrum

Not true! I am a fascist and I am happy to take a punch or two in order to send some gay retard college kids to prison.

mfw France elected a literal cuck

Macron is a bull, not a cuck.

Lol Nazi cucks got btfo

**user reports:
2: white people nonsense
1: can you remove this and stop making us look bad
1: kill noobie tbh
1: how come this isnt stickied yet?

user reports:*
1: Include my epic hilarious report too XD
1: kill noobie and sticky it

Noobie is probably pretty sticky already.

You absolute animal

/u/iaman00bie, on a scale from The Fappening to you're actually dead from dehydration, how sticky are you right now?


1: I'm just butthurt that my neonazi candidate lost. Can we go back to posting anti-sjw agendaposts now

gee who did this one

i like the nr 1 one.

heh this is all I wanted last November 9th, nice to finally witness it

I kinda wish it happened in the country that matters though tbqh

I mean France is pretty important since it leaving the EU would very much cripple it

shhh that's the OLD world

lets be honest youve been waiting for something like this since trump won havent you lol


im australian the fuck do i care lol

would be kinda funny if the french right started rioting and chanting about communists or some shit now

Why don't you go back to crying in r/worldnews you fucking loser.

Why don't you go back to crying in /r/drama you fucking chimp?

Oh wait

This isn't Voat shitbrains.

>being this assblasted when you just won an election

I don't know what I expected from whiny shitlibs tbh


holy shit dude your post history is hilarious

also who are you

Someone who for some reason only posts on Reddit when he's angry enough to call people retards. This is my only Reddit account. I blame r/drama for what I've become.

I'm Australian

way worse

its the best actually we all rule

having Stockholm syndrome this hard


fucking lol someone made this account and doesnt understand the purpose behind the trump one or why its funny

I think what people have really been waiting for is any sense of competence from trump. There's plenty of folks that were cautiously optimistic that he wouldn't be as bad as history suggested. Turns out, we are still waiting

you wouldnt recognise competence though because youre just acting on cues from the media to gauge his performance

if you were asked to compare his policy and actions with obamas how do you think youd fare

Turns out, we are still waiting

cnn isnt going to tell you even if hes literally the best ever, you realise that right

All of your talking points are assuming that I'm watching Fake NewsTM. I'm watching his dealings with foreign leaders and his jackassery on twitter, as well as his multiple interviews. I'm just watching him. He's a moron.

if you think trump is anything less than just an average president that talks shit on twitter then youre being influenced by the media pretty heavily sorry

if you think trump is anything less than just an average president that talks shit on twitter then youre being influenced by the media pretty heavily sorry

Right, I forgot how many US presidents have had a history of shit-talking other world leaders in public.

Trump is a buffoon

most presidents didnt have the entire media against them and making shit up wholesale, just because the people that own the media itself have a beef with the guy personally

Trump is a buffoon

good because it pisses people off and makes then unable to predict him

That's just what people want from their president – unpredictability bordering on chaos. With the exception of banning Muslims and other "dangerous immigrants", all of his plans seem to be based upon the whims of Fox News.

well im not american so to me its funny because america is crazy to begin with

the american left has gotten annoying af since like 2010, and the truth is people are willing to put up with some of trumps stupid shit as long as it puts hipsters and college students in their place

all of his plans seem to be based upon the whims of Fox News.

it only seems that way because thats what the other news outlets say

It doesn't seem that way because it's being made up by news outlets. It's being accurately reported. This guy led a movement that our previous president was secretly Kenyan, for goodness sake.

You don't have to convince me that college kids are annoying. Just don't tank my nation's sense of decency and intellIfence because people that divide folks into "left" and "right" can't get along.

that talks shit on twitter

This is one of the many things that makes him absogarbo

i can relate to wanting to shitpost at people who bitch constantly tbh

user reports:
3: white people nonsense
1: Is Noobie even french or does his agenda posting transcend international boarders now
1: Ban noobie
1: get out you useless nonenglish people
1: can you remove this and stop making us look bad
1: how come this isnt stickied yet?
1: kill noobie tbh


Oh man is the_donald really supporting le pen?

They go down the nazi hole faster and faster

They like anyone who is also afraid of brownies

Le Pen is Joan d'Arc, reborn to defend the West from Islam.

reborn to lose against (((puppet)))

Is she a nazi? None of this matters to me because it isn't my country.

my country

France isn't a country, like Belgium.

Although, that's a good question. Is she actually a Nazi? Or a right of Lenin 'Nazi'.

She's the kind of right-wing that has to say 'we're not nazis, we just look kind of similar' a lot.

I wasn't aware one way or the other. I make it a point to not take swipes at women because society does enough of that already.

She took party of former Nazi/Vichy collaborators, kicked his antisemitic father and said: "actually we're not nazis, just far right".

I honestly don't know what to think. I like to pay attention to politics somewhat, but I'm not a full blown retard like the Europeans that sit around in places like T_D and ETS.

I wanted to try some analogy so it'd be easier to understand for Americans, but USA's strict bipartisan system makes it difficult. The best one I came up with is:

"if KKK officially discarded blatant racism in favour of dog whistles and became influential wing of GOP just Tea Party was, but kept the name/people"

the Europeans that sit around in places like T_D and ETS

There's no hope for them. Terminal brain damage.

Do you know what your name means?

I don't follow. What are you getting at?

I'm not getting at anything. Do you know or not?

Oh, sorry. Yes, I do. I'm the one that created it.

Implying they weren't 80% Nazis to begin with.

They should be relieved. Now they can stop pretending to care about France

I hear what you're saying, but these fascinalists want their influence and power to spread across the globe. Kinda hilarious, seeing how much they rail against globalism.

Damn, /u/Markco23 is getting gang raped in that thread.

I guess... I think they believe I'm crying into a pillow or contemplating suicide over an election... you know like the left in America after trump!

This is even better than when Wilders bit the dust

Jesus Christ, what a dramatic submission.

Right-wing wins

lol u mad libcucks? smugpepe.jpg

Right-wing loses


they're now unironically claiming that Le Pen lost because of sexism lol

Now that's just stupid. Since when the inventor TM of meme magic becoming this unimaginative?

I think it's because Pepe died the other day. The magic is gone.

So Pepe, and by extension Kek, really is dead.

The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away

The (((LORD))) giveth and the (((LORD))) taketh away


Crap, I should have known that the Rothschild is behind this.

can somebody explain why europeans can't enact slightly stricter immigration policies without going full retard? what the hell is going on over here?

Ideological split, in European liberal circles to even contemplate stricter border controls means you're a racist fascist, so none of the traditional ruling class will do anything about it. That means that the only people willing to tackle the problem are various batshit anti-establishment figures like Le Pen, Wilders and to a certain extent Farage. However, nobody likes those people for a whole host of reasons and thus the public continues to elect aforementioned liberal elites who are anti-borders. Rinse and repeat every 5 years with the anti-establishment vote growing a little each time.

But they do. It's just that you don't think of these countries when you say "Europe".

i mean... are they the important europeans or some goat herding village dwellers?

er... In the middle I guess? There's ~50 countries in Europe with 10 of them rather important, but it's not like the rest of them is poor. Europe on average is the richest, wealthiest and most developed continent, so even European pariahs are still in better position than 3/4 of the rest of the world. "Goat herding village dwellers" only applies to 6 countries, half of them being more Asian than Yuro.

Probably because most Europeans aren't as scared of immigration as Americans with an agenda. Europeans aren't going to change policy just because of some T_d chucklefucks

Because they haven't seen a need to enact stricter immigration or refugee policies.

Amazing what happens when you do a cost-benefit analysis, isn't it? You don't waste time and money on useless showmanship.


Nope, the real reason is we don't like seeing kids getting murdered by savages, I know that's hard for liberals to understand since they delight in the suffering of innocent kids

How can you be this retarded, /u/Hellblood?

What do you mean how can he be that retarded? Reading T_D is like instant brain damage. It's impressive that he can even still spell words.




im just happy the free market capitalist beat the candidate who wanted to nationalize industries.


back to what, 1940?

Vichy France was the best! /s

They don't know what the Louvre is. Incredible.

Read into the deals that came into the start of WWI, particularly Turkey. Then read into "the policy known as appeasement" that France adopted in the late 1920's and early 1930's which would be the direct reference. 90 years ago and "about 100" are close enough especially when there is a word match reference you tard.


If trump was a lady I'd want him to be my mom.


These permavirgins think they're gonna start a new d-day[LOL]https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/69sw8u/we_did_it_before_and_well_do_it_again/)

/u/touchmystuffIkillyou thinks playing CoD makes him a soldier. God what an autistic dipshit.

Whelp. The triggered Nazis will certainly sustain me for the next week.

Why do you hate women so much, IAmAFa99ot?

Apparently Le Pen is the the lesser of two evils. While both candidates suck, it seems that Macron is inferior.


Australian Christians have been warned not to wear overtly Christian symbols through Muslim areas in Sydney or risk being attacked.

*Spend years campaigning to tell people you're not a nazi like your father

*Lose elections

*All top comment call you a nazi or imply you are

*All comments that claim you aren't, or even any comment that is right wing, is in the negative votes, sometimes hundreds, except a few rare that are in the positive because they're witty
