Trump Fires Comey!

161  2017-05-09 by respaaaaaj


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This is glorious.

I'm just here for the memes.

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Hell yeah!

No more blackjack bot.



I miss /u/blackjack_bot already

Is it not working anymore?

is this good or bad?

Its great for drama

Will this speed up the impending









Depends, how good is your Russian?

Vodka Vodka Stalin

yeah, you good then fam

I want the Chants family back

This is rock bottom

I despise everything about you but I'd fight to the death for your right to kys

Pootis sandvich baby man

bonjour, ich habe quattro vodka

Vodka ergo sum

Cheek breeki

i've played stalker

if this was srd i'd say 'it's good for bitcoin' and be showered with upvotes

I'm very impressed with your hypothetical srd karma

Good, comey sadly let corruption fester in the highest areas of our govt for favors. He has shamed his office, he has shamed his name and is retire in disgrace


This is going to be fantastic drama

About fucking time. He should have fired him earlier when he had the chance to be honest.


Oh the Americans did a thing again or something.

I'll be outside wake me up when this is over.

sleep tight pupper

shank the yank

mayocide now?


average living conditions of all countries outside of usa (2017)

And absolutely nothing will happen again.

Sadly, this is the Truth. When Trump said he can shoot someone in the middle of the street and get away with it, he was right. Americans are just that retarded.

1 in 4 Americans are retarded.

Maybe, but all we know is 1/5.

1 in 4

i see we have an optimist here

as someone who is very likely among that 1 in 4 is a little too low thats 25% way too low 89% sounds way closer

Everyone except me lol

Obama said he could drone someone in the middle of the street or anywhere and get away with it, and he was right.

The timing is....weird

Or not weird at all

Good comment, well put. I like your reasoning.

Bet on all the horses. Best way to never lose.

Trump sharts in a walmart



/u/why_macron_won: can I make this about france somehow?

It's a play on the why_trump_won meme you retard

t. faggot

lol is it you

dude doesnt understand context and cant make it work

Nah not me, and I see that now, took me a while to scroll to the downvoted ones

Shame, it was a decent idea

Trying to coopt a maymay instead of making your own.

When the Europeans send their people they aren't sending their best folks

The entire point of memes is to bring up an old idea in a clever way that twists it from the previous iteration

The only funny meme that Europeans have invented in the past 3 decades is the EU

/u/telandrias: All of my comments are sarcastic dialogue, it is the highest form of witt

me: That's wrong

That's the joke you dumb shit. No wonder your mom tried to abort you via heavy drinking.

Wow you had to go overboard on that one. You are apparently insulted by my superior burger intellect.

lol u still dont understand the trump version or why it worked

it worked

lol no

It's amazing how utterly unable Trumpets are to take what they dish out. Kinda' hysterical.

im encouraging him to do it properly instead of fucking it up like hes currently doing

should really give the account to someone who understands context nah mean

Someone needs to bring the Chants family back. I miss firetruck

He's just posting it on seemingly random comments, though.

no u

you act like the the original was at all clever or interesting to begin with.

yeah it was and its always used appropriately, this is just bad

macron won because of rachel maddow? what does that even imply

you need to do this at time when the political right does something particular outrageous, not random comments

Git gud

Either way, people definitely need to have opinions about it and pretend to be experts on firing Justice Department employees.

Comey was a joke he fucked up so much in the last year.

By "not weird," you mean "cause Trump's literally a retard and doesn't understand how transparent this is," right?

Best part is the letter he sent, look it up.

"While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the DOJ..."

what did he mean by this?

He's being a whiny little bitch, as usual.

He is literally beyond parody at this point

What baffles me is that many of the conspiracy folks are acting like is no big deal. These are the same people that look into the tiniest shit and find something. Even if this turns out to be nothing, you can't deny it's a little fishy at the surface

Trump is conspiracy free

What baffles me is that many of the conspiracy folks are acting like is no big deal.

Comey was fired for doing his legally obligated job and informing the snitch Chaffetz that they found yet more unsecured emails.

Trump was Hillary's Puppet who wasn't supposed to win the election, the only reason he ran is because she put him up to it and to drum up interest in a cable Trump network

There are leftwinger conspiracy folks too, they are a big part of the 9/11 was an inside job because Cheney is literally hitler movement.

Rightwinger conspiracy theorist keep asking for proof about Russia and it's less convincing then Sandy Hook being faked in their eyes and having the "Mainstream Media" being tied into the DNC machine and part of the establishment has done a lot to vindicate things they've been saying for decades.

TL:DR Conspiracy theorists have wanted Comey gone since before

" Muh Russia" was a twinkle in Mook and Podesta post election communication team to explain why Hillary lost because it sure can't be her fault

Lol didn't read

WTF I hate/love/hate/love Comey now

- H

Real talk, if you read as many words as you post you would be way better off.

You haven't even read Shattered yet rofl why do you even try to talk about politics if you are this uninformed

I bet you don't even talk to Conspiracy Theorists

The government is concealing what they know about …

The 9/11 attacks: 54.3 percent agree or strongly agree

The JFK assassination: 49.6 percent

Alien encounters: 42.6 percent

Global warming: 42.1 percent

Plans for a one-world government: 32.9 percent

Obama’s birth certificate: 30.2 percent

The origin of the AIDS virus: 30.1 percent

The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia: 27.8 percent

The moon landing: 24.2 percent

Try and whip up something more engaging then REEEEE pls

I bet you don't even talk to Conspiracy Theorists

Jokes on you, I actually have an autistic cousin who got my phone number.

How's it feel knowing their vote is worth as much as yours, good thing you are used to feeling smug about half of Americans

Retarded people are people too... that's why I support autodrive on Mario Kart.

Lol. I thought it was clear from him being a conspiracy theorist, but he is 16.

The 9/11 attacks: 54.3 percent agree or strongly agree The JFK assassination: 49.6 percent Alien encounters: 42.6 percent Plans for a one-world government: 32.9 percent

I unironically agree on these. It takes like 5 mins of research to see JFK and 9/11 are really shady. They definitely know more than they have revealed.

One-world government is just where the world is heading. Look at all these ME proxy wars as of late. The last part of the world to have escaped western/Chinese/Russian-influence for a while. The EU going the federation-route. The elite wants this very bad, less regulations, less hassle with borders, less officials to bribe etc.'

Alien encounters is more of a fun hobby 'I want to believe'-thing for me. There have been some coincidences that have made me gone huh, but nothing conclusive of course like in the other cases. One thing is certain though; that the US government would never tell the people about ayy lmaos if they could avoid it.

I know drama is sensitive about the truth but y'all needs ta wake up!

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Don't fucking derail the conversation you shill fuckbot. Guess CTR is automating their laborforce y'all.

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To be clear i'm not a Conspiracy Theorist because i'm Republican and as such believe that the government is too incompetent to pull it off.

They couldn't even cover up Benghazi with the caused by a youtube video debacle

They definitely know more than they have revealed.

I think Jet Fuel can melt steel beams and I also think Saudis all happening to leave America at the same time after 9/11 should have been a clue and George Bush attacked Iraq because of the Gulf War

It's just the jump from and USS Maine to the further stuff that gets me

Look at all these ME proxy wars as of late

It's not really as of late, Genghis Khan was viewed positively as the "scourge to beat the Islamic Barbarians" or some such really interesting history to look into

that the US government would never tell the people about ayy lmaos if they could avoid it.

I really like the conspiracy that technology we know was invented by actual people like barcode scanners are all secretly Alien Tech

Canada’s former Defence Minister Paul Hellyer is really fun to look into

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the government is too incompetent to pull it off

>implying the government runs the show

This is the work of TPTB, the puppeteers.

I think Jet Fuel can melt steel beams

I don't even know where this maymay comes from. I've never heard it being pushed hard from conspiracy-circles. But then again, I don't really follow the more retarded fringes of it. If it's wrong so what. There are 100s of other points that are ignored.

Watching this video should convince anyone with an open mind that something is covered up. Some of it may be explained, far from all of it.

Canada’s former Defence Minister Paul Hellyer

Yeah, I saw that interview with Vice. He 100% seems all there in the head. Alex Jones is deffo crazy even if I 'agree' with some of his broad theories. From what I know about linguistics and history David Icke is a just plain wrong a lot of the time and a weirdo. Paul Hellyer on the other hand is very intelligent and sane in comparison. It makes you wonder...

Genghis Khan, Islamic Barbarians

Are you sure? The muzzies had their golden age at that time. The Mongols on the other hand were technologically backwards, smelly nomads who didn't even know how to make bread. Also, the Euros were more scared of the warlike Mongols than some nerdy science majors from Desertistan.

I've never heard it being pushed hard from conspiracy-circles. But then again, I don't really follow the more retarded fringes of it.

Yea I know people who think that and the Pentagon plane was a missile etc

I think the CIA knew about it and could have stopped it/ how surprising the terrorists we backed turned on us stuff is more reasonable

It makes you wonder...

Yea that's really the fun part about it all to me

Are you sure? The muzzies had their golden age at that time.

It's around the same time and it wasn't really "True" but it's more like they were happy to see someone else kicking in the people they were fighting iircc

Nestorian Christianity was allowed so that made him better then them and supposedly one of his wife's was Christian and "influencing him"

I know his... daughter in law

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory [4:56]

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One-world government is just where the world is heading. Look at all these ME proxy wars as of late. The last part of the world to have escaped western/Chinese/Russian-influence for a while.

Jesus christ. How do you even mildly believe this? Isn't history a mandatory class in high school? Is the end of WW1 not taught?

This is painful.

Yes it is taught. WW1 has very little to do with the modern day proxy wars in the ME however.

I don't even get your point. Are you saying that the ME was under Western influence during the WW1? Yes, I know that. It has nothing to do with what I said in my comment. Are you saying that the world and especially Europe was partitioned into smaller pieces? Yes I know that. But those chunks were mostly hewn out of authoritarian monarchies who were not controlled by TPTB. It's easier to bulldoze a Czechoslovakia than it is to bulldoze the whole of Germany. As was later proven in WW2.

The fact you haven't even formed a coherent counter-argument and still cringe relentlessly is pretty painful. Say what you want to say, if you make a good point I'm willing to listen and if not maybe you'll learn something. Get off your high horse and let's talk for real instead?

This smug "omg I can't even bear to respond, alas my one sliver of strength shall be spent on describing my woe after having read something I disagree with"- attitude is what's painful.

I don't know how else to respond to your poorly written reply. Try again, batty boy.

One-world government is just where the world is heading. Look at all these ME proxy wars as of late. The last part of the world to have escaped western/Chinese/Russian-influence for a while.

What do you want me to do? Sit here and list every event that has happened in the middle east from the beginning of time? Oh yeah hold on. Lemme get started.

I didn't form a coherent argument because you've ignored major events in world history in order to make that statement. Everything from the formation and funding of Israel to the missiles in Turkey to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan to the fucking western political divisions of the region following the collapse of the Ottoman turks.

These are not obscure fucking events. It's not like I'm asking you to have knowledge of the military dictatorships in Argentina or every detail of US involvement in Latin America. Your statement is unbelievably stupid. The only possible way you could think that the middle east has escaped outside influence was if you somehow haven't learned any history, ever. Even from the 1980s.

Its a goddamn region divided along political boundaries largely set in 1918 and its full of a valuable resource that everyone wants. Before then it was the land gateway to massively profitable markets and even earlier than that it was the primary antagonist to our fucking cultural forefathers.

Like holy shit they taught you this in middle school if not earlier. They made a fucking movie about it. Lawrence of Arabia is literally about western influence over the middle east.


Read it again friendo, I'm sure you'll have better luck this time. The fact of the matter is that the only countries (except for North Korea) who have remained largely outside the influence of the worlds superpowers and can set their own agenda are located in the ME.

Of course the ME has been influenced by others historically no one is denying that. and my argument was built on the proxy wars we've had since the gulf wars.

Its a goddamn region divided along political boundaries largely set in 1918 and its full of a valuable resource that everyone wants. Before then it was the land gateway to massively profitable markets and even earlier than that it was the primary antagonist to our fucking cultural forefathers.

Who has said differently in this thread? We'll gang up on him because I agree with all of this.

Stop fighting straw men you idiot.


Thanks for Korrecting the Rekord Komrade.

> Literally Hillary's Campaign staff saying this

> Muh Russians

>muh muhs





Tastes bad

You legitimately write some of the best bait because even knowing that you're a troll, I still want to punch you in the face for writing shit as retarded as this.

Trump was Hillary's Puppet who wasn't supposed to win the election

I got this far before I died of stupid. RIP me.

You don't remember all the people saying this?

( The velveeta cheese of Drama I know but it was all over /Politics for months with him being just running for the fame because Bill encouraged him)

I come to /r/Drama for my dose of other people's autism, fam. I unsubscribed from /r/politics as soon as I knew how.

I am subscribed and randomly click on them on my front page to laugh at the stupid. Same goes for T_D.

I'm legit still trying to figure out what the flairs are over there. I think they have green Nazi flags that represent kekistan? I'm losing my touch on the memes. Soon people might not call me a Nazi at this rate.

You'll always be a Nazi to me <3


Preferred opponent =/= puppet.

There are degrees of being someone's puppet, obviously.

How many fingers does Hilldog have up Trump?

Right now, none. It was a case of a puppet turning against and destroying the puppet master. It's a trope as ancient as politics, see

It's pretty unintuitive to explain the thought process but I know some people still hate Comey after losers in a shack in Oregon turned out to have like 9-15 FBI informants and that's why they didn't end up convicting them

What's this?

Occupation leader Ammon Bundy and six others were acquitted of conspiracy and other charges after a five-week trial that ended Oct. 27. Eleven pleaded guilty to felony charges and another three pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor trespass charge.

Four other defendants were convicted of felony and misdemeanor charges after a recent 10-day jury trial, followed by a bench trial before Brown.

The presence of nine informants sent to the eastern Oregon refuge last year, as well as six others who worked on the case for the FBI, came out during the first trial of occupation leaders.

The FBI Agent lied about firing his gun and others lied to cover it up apparently, general feeling of FBI screwing things up, mishandled it pretty badly.

Started off so promising till the "Trump was Hilary's puppet..."


I no puppet! YOU PUPPET

But that's too obvious MAN.

its not a big deal the american left is just crazy

literally nothing will happen, again, and stupid people will continue to circlejerk about how russia totally did this and that

Thank you for exactly proving his point. It's amazing how you conspiracy folks will hold everything to high levels of skepticism and scrutiny, yet, in this very obvious smoking gun, there is nothing to see here.

in this very obvious smoking gun

Hows it feel thinking something is a conspiracy and it's so obvious so why don't people wake up.

Have you gotten to forwarding Emails about it yet

Titanic was an inside job by the Global Mayo Industry

ellmann’s mayonnaise was manufactured in England. In fact, the Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery in Vera Cruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after its stop in New York. This would have been the largest single shipment of mayonnaise ever delivered to Mexico. But as we know, the great ship did not make it to New York.

Literally mayocide.

I've always appreciated how open and welcoming /r/Drama is to the mentally disabled. Traditionally autists, of course, but in your case someone who's genuinely fucking retarded. It's nice that even you can find a home, somewhere on the web. Really lifts the soul, y'know?

And some call /r/Drama a hate sub.

Want to explain why a conspiracy is real because you think it's true as opposed to those other crazy conspiracy theories that are going to cause { Current President} to be impeached

WTF I hate retards now.

I just want to laud you on the bait you've written in this thread. It is high quality, and I'm not saying that sarcastically.

in this very obvious smoking gun, there is nothing to see here.

ooh sounds like ur the conspiracy guy now

wheres your tin hat thatll protect you from the reds

Yeah, nothing like PizzaGate with its huge very real results.

pedos being arrested all week where you been nigga

meanwhile youll wait forever for results and trump will smile at you while you seethe with rage LOL

pedos being arrested all week where you been nigga

Yeah, it's called a Tuseday. You guys have convinced yourselves these things that have always happened are a new thing, and that they still aren't connected to Podesta/Hilary are still totally connected to them.

You guys

what do you even think i believe lol

pretty sure all ive ever said with any sort of sincerity is that theres mad pedos in hollywood and washington and we should gas them all

Bitch couldn't even keep confidential emails secured, but she has no problem hiding trafficked children and illegal pornography?

what do you think anthony wiener had on his laptop and why do you think the fbi was so sketchy about the whole issue

you should gas yourself tbh

nah i find plenty of meaning in making stupid people angry on the internet

Which high ranking senators were arrested in relation to pizzagate and how were they tied to the pizza joint the conspiracy nonsense is linked to? I recall Bill Clinton was implicated in the conspiracy, is he still a freeman diddling kids, or was it all bullshit?

lol i love how people read a third hand account of infowars and think they can start talking about this and that like theyre an expert

gotta start small like putting someone that isnt paid off in charge of the fbi

I'm not surprised you didn't answer the question. Conspiracy dipshit seem only capable of asking them.

its not really worth acknowledging a question when its just 100% smug and no substance though

its not like you really know what youre asking

That's cool man. Hope you find the pedo you're looking for.

why would i have to do anything, ill just wait until trey gowdy or david clarke is in charge of the fbi

No, that's psyop distracting from pizzagate you moron!

what you really oughta be worried about is russian interference, thats a realistic topic

no look theres a shitton of evidence about the pedo ring centered around the ping pong pizza with clintons themselves implicated. and now some unrelated pedos are arrested with literally zero connection to any of pizzagate except that they are pedos and you claim that as a victory for the pizzagate?

if i said that bob and his friends have stolen my shit and the government hemmed and hawed and then said "here we arrested some unrelated thief guy shut up now" what would you call it other than a distraction and a part of an organized cover up?

you could have just said you dont really know what its about

i know what it's about: the pedo ring centered around the ping pong pizza with clintons themselves implicated.

all the proof is about that stuff. the instagram captions, the pictures in the photos, all that stuff. and it's all connected to clintons.

and now people like you are like, forget all that, we were against "pedophiles in high places" not any particular pedo ring with any particular proof, just a hunch you know that there are pedophiles in the high places and we are now vindicated because some rando pedophiles were arrested, great success lets pack it up guys.

are you genuinely retarded or are you paid for being a disinfo agent?

i know what its about

doesnt sound like it tbh

jimmy comet was just a focus because he was really really faggy and suspect on instagram and was fucking david brock, owner and creator of mediamatters and shareblue

the whole "were so artsy" crowd is vomit inducing but theyre not really important in the long run, the main thing is who theyre all friends with

most of the horrible shit was connections like the clinton foundation in haiti, where people connected to clinton have already been charged with shit like human trafficking in the past

all that shit is documented and real

basically you can tell how accurate a theory is by how hard people fight to discredit and censor stuff around it, and in this case its hilariously blatant

the media even tricks guys like you into getting really angry at the idea, like consider why youd be doing that even if there was a 1% chance that any of it was real

So how any of that is connected to some rando pedophiles being arrested?

A-fucking-gain: suppose I had all this shit:

jimmy comet was just a focus because he was really really faggy and suspect on instagram and was fucking david brock, owner and creator of mediamatters and shareblue

the whole "were so artsy" crowd is vomit inducing but theyre not really important in the long run, the main thing is who theyre all friends with

the idea of exposing them to the public is to sort of hint at how fucked in the head their little group is, so people dont think its baseless

most of the horrible shit was connections like the clinton foundation in haiti, where people connected to clinton have already been charged with shit like human trafficking in the past

all that shit is documented and real

About a conspiracy of people who stole my birdbath. I have proof, all documented and real. And then the Trump administration is, like, OK, we arrested a bunch of birdbath-stealers in Florida, so there. Not a single one of which were pointed at by my proof, about the particular birdbath-stealing ring that stole my birdbath.

And then some petrol-sniffing descendant of criminals is like, yo dude look at this, Trump administration is hard on birdbath-stealers, I'm with you and we are vindicated, the conspiracy that stole your birdbath has been dealt a grievous wound, calm down, we can't get enough of winning. Except not a single one of my conspiracy were prosecuted.

This 100% feels like a psyop, covering for the particular birdbath-stealing ring by trying to calm the victims by prosecuting unrelated birdbath-thieves and with that take the heat off the original conspiracy.

Are you retarded and treating this like a videogame or something? That a town tells you to kill 10 murlocks that harass them, you go to an unrelated place and kill 10 murlocks, and that's that?

yeah i figured youd just be confused

the point is that its not just random singular pedos creeping around independently, people get into positions of power in organisations that work with kids and its organised

and now theyre getting fucked

wait until they use leads they get from the low tier and see who gets arrested in the future before claiming its a wacky conspiracy that pedos have networks imo

whenever you see an orphanage or child services worker arrested for this shit it goes way further up, and someone got them that job specifically for them to abuse it

wait until they use leads they get from the low tier and see who gets arrested in the future before claiming its a wacky conspiracy that pedos have networks imo

Waiting with bated breath, but until they arrest anyone implicated in the pizzagate it's a psyop designed to distract the weak of mind like you from the pizzagate.

personally i dont see what there is to get all glib about but you do you buddy

i hope none of it is real but i think even the possibility of any of it is worth following

that, and the resistance to it is pretty telling

you can say america never went to the moon and the holocaust never happened and 9/11 was an inside job and the most the media will do is make a jerk off motion at you

but say this faggy pizza shop owner with all the weird connections to dnc propaganda outlets might not be 100% on the up and up and the media reports on it for weeks calling everything "debunked" apropos of nothing, and insisting that he doesnt even have a basement how could he put kids in there haha right

ever heard the saying the lady doth protest too much

i used to know a dude who got accused of jerking off in the back room of a hungry jacks, and he reacted by getting all serious and offering 20 bucks to anyone who could tell him who started the rumour

just made everyone more suspicious you feel me

personally i dont see what there is to get all glib about but you do you buddy

Your retardation, buddy, it's funny af.

First of all, you're still missing the part where you're retarded for cheering for unrelated pedophile arrests as a proof of something. This doesn't make any logical sense, if you try to think about it rationally it could only be interpreted a cover up for the pizza pedos, if it's connected at all.

The only two possibilities where it makes sense to do what you're doing is if 1) all this is not intended to be factual, like when you say that op sucks dicks you don't mean that op actually sucks dicks, you mean "fuck you", and so when you say that there's proof that children are trapped in ping pong pizza basement you don't mean "there's proof that children are trapped in ping pong pizza basement" with that, you mean "fuck liberals", or 2) you're too retarded to be able to reason coherently at all.

the media reports on it for weeks calling everything "debunked" apropos of nothing, and insisting that he doesnt even have a basement how could he put kids in there haha right

Because reporting on trumptards being literally retarded is very satisfying to liberal media and their readers, obviously. They would report on that 24/7 if they could, just like Fox would show antifa fighting a garbage bin 24/7 if they could. There's nothing suspicious whatsoever about either thing.

If anything, they probably find it unfortunate that they can't actually report on it 24/7 (I don't know where you saw it going "for weeks" tbh), because you need the retards to actually do something retarded, like shoot up the pizza place or at least protest about it somewhere. Mspaint screenshot collages with many arrows are not as exciting.

On the other hand, "the lady doth protest too much" implies that the conspiracy contains every single journalist and editor that reported on it. Like, they are not told by mysterious government officials to report on that, they must want to report on that themselves because they themselves are pedos. Like, try to suspend your autism for a minute and try to imagine editors and journalists as people with their own thoughts and desires, not as a part of the faceless enemy. Their actions must make sense to them.

Your retardation, buddy, it's funny af.

i dont believe that you find any of this funny or you wouldnt come across as so personally offended

This doesn't make any logical sense

this is explained by the fact that you dont actually know what youre talking about or what anyone else believes, because all youve done is read some article somewhere that said everything was debunked

ill be straight with this post, its not bait

pedophiles being arrested = good

pedophiles potentially giving up other pedophiles in the process = good

human trafficking objectively exists, and pedophiles often have connections into that world for obvious reasons

its the first step in taking down the people getting rich off of selling kids, and those people have rich and powerful connections

potentially exposing said rich and powerful connections would be a good thing, even if some of them include hollywood actors or politicians

everyone in hollywood knows that pedophilia is rife

not really very complicated dude, but feel free to sperg about pizza while missing the point if you like

The only two possibilities where it makes sense to do what you're doing is if 1) all this is not intended to be factual, like when you say that op sucks dicks you don't mean that op actually sucks dicks, you mean "fuck you", and so when you say that there's proof that children are trapped in ping pong pizza basement you don't mean "there's proof that children are trapped in ping pong pizza basement" with that, you mean "fuck liberals", or 2) you're too retarded to be able to reason coherently at all.

lol how do you read something and come to that conclusion

and you try to call me dumb

Because reporting on trumptards being literally retarded is very satisfying to liberal media and their readers

yeah man if i had to use a word to describe the american left and their media outlets it would totally be "satisfied"


Mspaint screenshot collages with many arrows are not as exciting.

cringe dude dont show your colours too hard

fyi mspaint arrows are for the benefit of people like you who pretend to be ignorant to avoid conceding when proven wrong

On the other hand, "the lady doth protest too much" implies that the conspiracy contains every single journalist and editor that reported on it.

nah the media in america is full of stupid people and hipsters that copy paste whenever theres a controversial story

there are certainly people that dont want "pedos are everywhere" to become news because it makes them look bad, but most of the american outrage is just parroting what other people said because they support the same political party

Like, try to suspend your autism for a minute and try to imagine editors and journalists as people with their own thoughts and desires

lol! they arent though

Their actions must make sense to them.

yeah, their thought process goes like this

"trump bad"

"trump thinks x"

"i believe the opposite of x"

this is why you have feminists unironically promoting islamic law that would see them killed in the street for being a slut, and white americans that hate white people

its not thought out its tribalism

human trafficking objectively exists, and pedophiles often have connections into that world for obvious reasons

Your problem is that you somehow equate the retardation of pizzagate with being for stopping pedophiles or believing that there are pedophile rings with members and protectors in the high places.

And conversely, when someone says that pizzagate is retarded, they must be pedo-apologists and not believe in pedophile rings.

That's not how it works in reality, it only works out that way in insane tribalists' heads, like you are. Like, our tribe is against pedos and pro-pizzagate therefore anyone who calls pizzagate retarded must be pro-pedo.

That's retarded, dude. Completely retarded tribalism. And it bleeds into your cognitive processes if you seriously believe that FBI arresting pedophiles puts FBI on the pro-pizzagate side and therefore lends credibility to pizzagate. Like, it's not that you call someone a dick sucker to offend them with zero evidence that they actually suck dicks, it's that your brain is riddled with lesions from huffing petrol to the point where you actually believe that that was a somewhat factual statement because an entirely unrelated person did in fact suck some dicks.

yeah, their thought process goes like this

Probably, but then you can use it to say that the lady doth protest too much. By explaining their thought process in a way that doesn't involve knowing that pizzagate is true and covering for it, you just completely nullified that particular argument.

Your problem is that you somehow equate the retardation of pizzagate with being for stopping pedophiles or believing that there are pedophile rings with members and protectors in the high places.

uh not sure how to tell you this dude but thats exactly what it is

they used to call it "pedowood" back in the day, its the same thing

you should really stop placing so much faith in american media if you want to avoid being constantly confused and mislead

And conversely, when someone says that pizzagate is retarded, they must be pedo-apologists and not believe in pedophile rings.

no, just that theyre easily convinced by propaganda, in this case tv segments claiming shit was debunked without explaining how and pretending it was all about this guys pizza shop

Like, our tribe is against pedos and pro-pizzagate therefore anyone who calls pizzagate retarded must be pro-pedo.

nah just anyone who gets all snarky about it has obviously been lied to and isnt particularly clever or worth discussing it with if they werent able to recognise it for what it was

That's retarded, dude. Completely retarded tribalism.

nigga you cant talk about tribalism when youre sat there denying pedos specifically because you dont like trump or whatever

like youre really obviously politically motivated

And it bleeds into your cognitive processes if you seriously believe that FBI arresting pedophiles puts FBI on the pro-pizzagate side and therefore lends credibility to pizzagate.

boy you sure like to fill in the blanks yourself dont you

nobodys relying on you to believe anything you goof, theyre saying pedos being arrested is good regardless because it will eventually lead to higher up pedos being arrested

Probably, but then you can use it to say that the lady doth protest too much.

the people repeating it are just dumb and irrelevant

the source of the propaganda protests too much, and its completely coincidentally all made by the guy who buttfucked that pizza shop owner

Your problem is that you somehow equate the retardation of pizzagate with being for stopping pedophiles or believing that there are pedophile rings with members and protectors in the high places.

uh not sure how to tell you this dude but thats exactly what it is

No, it is not. Pizzagate is a very particular belief that the particular ping pong pizza establishment hosts a pedophile ring, connected to various figures in the Hillary Clinton's campaign that frequented it. With lots of "proof" to that end.

It has nothing to do with a belief in such facts that pedophile rings exist, that they oftentimes have members and protectors in high places, or that FBI busts them occasionally.

You can believe the latter while recognizing the former as a deranged conspiracy bullshit.

And it bleeds into your cognitive processes if you seriously believe that FBI arresting pedophiles puts FBI on the pro-pizzagate side and therefore lends credibility to pizzagate.

nobodys relying on you to believe anything you goof, theyre saying pedos being arrested is good regardless because it will eventually lead to higher up pedos being arrested

Yeah, nothing like PizzaGate with its huge very real results.

pedos being arrested all week where you been nigga

I think that you're literally retarded and I'm just wasting my time with you. I can't possibly make you see your retardation and feel upset or become a better person because you're too retarded for that. Like, you literally have the memory of a goldfish and forget what you said a bunch of comments above.

No, it is not. Pizzagate is a very particular belief that the particular ping pong pizza establishment hosts a pedophile ring, connected to various figures in the Hillary Clinton's campaign that frequented it. With lots of "proof" to that end.

lol good thing we have experts like you that read a shareblue article once to tell me what its all about

I think that you're literally retarded and I'm just wasting my time with you.

well youre wasting your time but thats only because you dont listen or understand anything, you just keep saying stuff

like imagine getting angry at people who say "lets stop pedophilia" because one of the pedos friends wrote an article threatening to ridicule you as a conspiracy theorist

seems kind of weak tbh

Like, you literally have the memory of a goldfish and forget what you said a bunch of comments above.

nah i just bait you retards most of the time because its just that easy

rest assured these last couple are 100% sincere tho

No, it is not. Pizzagate is a very particular belief that the particular ping pong pizza establishment hosts a pedophile ring, connected to various figures in the Hillary Clinton's campaign that frequented it. With lots of "proof" to that end.

lol good thing we have experts like you that read a shareblue article once to tell me what its all about

I did not read a shareblue article, I read your own fucking comments.

Hold the horses, if you're a shareblue shill pretending to be a retarded pizzagater, that would explain everything. Except the part where you are paid for annoying a single person with your retardation.

like imagine getting angry at people who say "lets stop pedophilia" because one of the pedos friends wrote an article threatening to ridicule you as a conspiracy theorist

No, it's pointing out how retarded the pizzagaters are in general, in their defense ("oh it's unfair to point out that there's no basement") and in further arguments like the one here. Pretending that any attack on their retardation is actually an attack on an anti-pedophile movement.

nah i just bait you retards most of the time because its just that easy

I can't even be bothered to find the image, pretend that I linked it.

I did not read a shareblue article, I read your own fucking comments.

doubt it or you probably wouldnt be so wrong constantly

Hold the horses, if you're a shareblue shill pretending to be a retarded pizzagater, that would explain everything.

lol dont try to pin this on me just because youve been force fed so much propaganda that you cant wrap your head around simple concepts

No, it's pointing out how retarded the pizzagaters are in general, in their defense

so what youre saying is that you dont have any real points you just feel like sperging about it

("oh it's unfair to point out that there's no basement")

lol what makes you think theres no basement if you havent read news articles about it, the only place that its actually ever asserted

check mate

incidentally heres the owner talking about having a basement

and heres a picture of him digging up said basement to renovate

and in further arguments like the one here. Pretending that any attack on their retardation is actually an attack on an anti-pedophile movement.

effectively it is, look at how flippant you are about it despite being entirely uninformed

I can't even be bothered to find the image, pretend that I linked it.

baiting you isnt pretending to be anything my dude, its just funny

guys stop downvoting the lolcows, so many newfriends here recently.

>pedos being arrested all week where you been nigga this is retarded though, do you not see why? you responded to a question about pizzagate with something completely unrelated. pedos are arrested all the time, that's part of the FBI's job, but none of the recent arrests are related to pizzagate at all. are you trying to miss the point? I really hope you're trolling man, this level of retardation should be illegal.

whats retarded is assuming that my replies to people who sperg about pizzagate are anything but more bait

i really shouldnt have to explain this shit at all, let alone every third post i make

Yeah, in retrospect it should've been obvious, but it's tough to tell with you sometimes. I don't think the guy you were replying to was really sperging out though, there was a lot more of that in the_donald/conspiracy. Have a productive and fulfilling day my friend.

i dunno dude theres a handful of people in this sub who act the troll pretty convincingly, but you can just say "pizzagate" and theyll start getting legit angry and calling people idiots and shit

Pizzagate is real tho. Madeleine Mcann went out, Madeleine McCann didn't come back. Can't explain that!

The conspiracy theory is that everyone is out to get Trump.

Does anybody really consider that just a theory that could be wrong?

Turns out skeptics can be fanatics as well. Who knew?

The real reason he fired him is that Comey made Trump look like a manlet. He's too physically intimidating

comey is a meanie who wont give trump the cummies and you know it.

Imgur link:

The Deputy Attorney General's (Rod Rosenstein) letter advising he fire Comey is nuts too. "I cannot defend the Director's handling of the conclusions of the investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken....The Director was wrong to usurp the Attorney General's authority on July 5, 2016, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosecution...the Director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to federal prosecutors..." Goes on to criticize the holding the press briefing announcing that decision. Basically: Not the FBI's job to decide who is prosecuted, and cites several former AGs and Deputy AGs criticizing Comey.

I could not have imagined a world as crazy as this one.

Is Domald Trompf trying to run the country using chaos magic?

Its how he got elected.

Play to your strength i guess

he's mentally a child. this is a child's attempt to clear wrong doing.

No loyalty amongst thieves

Comey finally paying the price for accepting a bribe to not prosecute hillary


I'm guilty @realDonaldJTrump

Thank you for not adding the "probably" at the end. That trend is so irritating.

That trend is so irritating... probably

Aw man I like that.


Comey sucking up to Trump "Dont fire me, Im not trying to investigate you!"

He could t get Comey to say that Trump was echo seated so he just says that he said it. Really really subtle politics. Like when I'm watching TV with my wife and I'm like "hey baby thanks so much for telling me those three times that it was cool if I hook up with your sister."

Archibald Cox

God, with that name I bet he was the butt of all the jokes in school.

I mean, Archibald is a terrible name.

nah, he bent his bare johnson shouting 'arc a bald cock comin through' every morning like a boss

"Oh look, it's Archibald Cox. Hey Archibald, were Mr and Mrs Cox high when they called you Archibald? Archibald is a stupid name" That's what they'd say.

Damn. I know it's /r/drama but have some mercy.


lol cocks

I don't get it.

Lol archibalds


We all know you get the shitter


show bussy?

What you're telling me is that /u/riemann1413 is a cockhungry bottom?

Colour me shocked.

lol u wild


w am i not d'ing tbh

well u could be d'ing me ;)

big if tru

i sure hope it's big

post pixxx so i can be sure

Oh my god, you're trying to bamboozle me rn. I just know it.

no bb don't be like that

i'm just tryna see some dick

I am reporting you to the admins for sexual harassment.

What you're telling me is that /u/riemann1413 is a cockhungry bottom?

Well, he did win the 2016 JD Powerbottom Award for cock gobbling, so...yeah.

haha le rick and morty

Pickle Rick > Tony Soprano

Comey back to national hero status because he got fired by Trump

At this point, I think we could solve the worlds demand for energy with how often opinion of Comey has flipped.

I mean his actions only make sense if he is a redpilled Jewish lizard person in the pocket of big pizza.

Or I guess a mildly incompetent Republican bureaucrat trying to constantly cover his own ass.

> Republican

might want to check that again frendo

I didn't think him switching his party registration to independent last year had fooled anyone, I see I was wrong.

The lesson, as always, is to never overestimate internet retards.

Yea man I get facts like what your party registration are don't matter compared to your feelings

There are a lot of autism jokes thrown around here, but I am genuinely worried that you don't know what feelings are.

Naw man tell me why the FBI director needed to do this to fool anyone

Tell me about this Comey changing his registration conspiracy and how you know the real reasons behind it, it sounds really interesting

There are a lot of autism jokes thrown around here,

Dude you don't even know what Feelz>Realz means

I am pretty sure "Feelz>Realz" means "I don't go outside enough"

I want to hear about the reasons the FBI director has for leaving the republican party for the redditor how has inside knowledge about why he did it.

Maybe he switched it to independent last year to seem more, i don't know, independent or something.

Stop me if I'm going too fast for you.

Your really shitty at conspiracy theories but it's hilarious you think you've unveiled the secret mechanisms of a guy leaving his political party to appear more independent as some crazy scheme to do what when he donated to McCain and Rommey before and if you had any idea about Republicans you'd be able to figure it out.

Your really shitty at conspiracy theories

A known side effect of literacy.




the picture didn't work? its the top Google Result

is there some computer stuff I don't understand happening?

What does Unspammed mean is this like the direct linking leeching thing?

Because of the domain, it was spam filtered by reddit. I approved your post, so its there now. Just letting you know.

oh kay I just assumed it was one of those meme sites like I Can Has Cheezburger

It's what I get for not being willing to upload to imgur thanks

oh kay I just assumed it was one of those meme sites like I Can Has Cheezburger

It is from what I can tell, but a lot of those are known to use vote manipulation to boost their site's traffic, so a lot of them are automatically spam filtered.

Lol, get a better hobby

Pretty pathetic how you still haven't defended something you are willing to call people retarded over when you don't even know when Comey left the party

Pretty pathetic that you believe that he changed his political ideology based on changing his party registration. Perhaps his poor handling of ongoing investigations in association with him throwing tbe election to Trump made him want to distance himself from the party.

But alas no, you are the dumbest asshole on the face of the fucking planet, and this is ehy trump won.

Perhaps his poor handling of ongoing investigations in association with him throwing the election to Trump made him want to distance himself from the party.

But alas no, you are the dumbest asshole on the face of the fucking planet,

He did it on 07/05/16

How do you people even come up with these theories that would require Comey to be a time traveler to work and then have the gall to insult people who think you are fucking retarded.

Deliberately missing the point this hard

Wow I guess centrists really are the most smartestest

Perhaps his poor handling of ongoing investigations in association with him throwing the election to Trump made him want to distance himself from the party


Naw fam you legit have no idea what you are talking about and just want to Reee about Comey it's okay to just admit it.

Like you've had tons of time to come up with a reason The Head of The FBI would need to appear more independent while really not being it

your boring

Yeah, I'm glad he is fired but worried because I think there's less chance of a proper investigation now

Jared Kushner has another job


Naw this one's going to Eric trump this time.

Is he Uday or Qusay?

I think he's the one holding the severed elephant tail.

Randy Hickey.

About time Barron gets in on the family business.

Nah Barons going to the NSA. I hear he's good with the cyber

wow original

IMO, the impeachment proceedings should begin now. There is some epic level concealing going on about Russia that he's trying to intimidate into non-existence.

Republicans are cock blocking everything.

It won't. It gets thrown out, and that will probably trigger massive rioting or exodus.

Look, I've just accepted that the world as we know it is probably doomed. Learn some valuable, internationally-viable skills, and don't have children until it's all over. Then be ready to jump ship to the least-fucked-location when shit starts getting bad.

Read about history and past empires and realize you're buying into the fear mongering.

I mean, the history of past empires tends to be that they messily collapse. That's why they're past empires.

fair points on both sides! brb going to go kill myself.

You make a fair point too.

People living through the end of the Roman Empire probably didn't realize the Empire was ending. It was such a long, slow process that generations lived and died as "Romans", even after the Gothic invasions. Rome was Rome, the office of the Emperor continued to exist, and life went on.

If we continue this shitshow over the next decade, America's influence will wane, and we'll become what the UK is now: A former hegemon, and an important player, but not top dog anymore. There won't be some sort of sharp fall, it'll be so gradual most people won't realize it.

no, you make sure you have as many children as soon possible, they're basically living slaves until they're eighteen

lol you guys are such colossal crybabies.

"Oh no I'm a pampered twat that lives in the greatest nation in history and the cultural pendulum has swung away from slavish degeneracy for a bit! Boo hoo hoo I am doomed, how can I live if my general faggotry is not supported at the federal level???"

...I'm not even an american, lol...

Oh no, that suuuuuuuuucks

Piss Tapes please 🤗🤗🤗

I am not confident that you know what you are doing.

You have no idea how this joke works, do you?

I know I don't. Can you ELI5?

Actually the joke is good now.

I kind of prefer for it to be spammed around randomly.

Too many layers of irony to swim through, here.

still waiting for the evidence, goy

It's almost like law organizations don't air all their evidence as they collect it in the middle of an investigation...

Nah, apparently they just leak everything that looks the slightest bit incriminating.

I mean it worked for Benghazi

They're using his misstatement about the emails on Weiner's laptop as their basis for firing him.

Look how many scalps they've collected for how much the Democrats said it was a pointless waste of time

It was this comment that earned you a maroon "idiot" tag in RES

law organizations don't air all their evidence as they collect it in the middle of an investigation

Man I wish I was so dumb I couldn't figure out what this sentence has to do with Republican's partisan Benghazi investigation it'd make my life so much more peaceful.

Does your caretaker let you sit on their lap when you use the computer or are you a big boy?

The false equivalency between Benghazi and this situation is the dumb part.

I only have a $100 Chromebook, and I have one of those Amazon warranties where they will replace the whole thing when you inevitably drop it into the toilet, so, yeah, my caretaker lets me use it unsupervised.

The false equivalency between Benghazi and this situation is the dumb part.

You understand the conversation is about when during the Benghazi investigation

law organizations don't air all their evidence as they collect it in the middle of an investigation

This was the Republicans playbook so during the Russian investigation the democrats should do it because it worked so well for the Republicans

What's good enough for the Goose is good enough for the Gander

Benghazi and this situation is the dumb part.

Want to explain why Americans dying in the middle east isn't as bad as the amazing password runner4567 being cracked

tl;dr, tl;dc

My actual only point is that it is very hard for Democrats to translate Republican plays, as they are not insane extremists and their base is moderately less retarded.

It is endlessly entertaining when Democrats do anything at all and Republicans, in this order:

1) Deliberately spread conflicting misinformation

2) Blame media for misinformation

3) Pretend that they have never heard of the current topic, then try to move on as if it never happened. Le literally Benghazi who?

4) Scream Witness me and threaten to destroy the entire government in nuclear hellfire

as they are not insane extremists and their base is moderately less retarded.

I mean you still think that is true? Like really.

The March for Science, the PussyHat March, the Trump Won lets burn things down March, Bill Nye "the Boiling Water in a erlenmeyer flask" Guy

Everyone is equally retarded, once you accept that you can become a true south park neutral and feel superior to both sides

Democrats to translate Republican plays

People are going to ask to be shown the evidence, if the Democrats can't play the outraged investigator it's time to learn because literal months of "This is the end of Trump" just leads to outrage fatigue.

Everyone is equally retarded, once you accept that you can become a true south park neutral and feel superior to both sides

Where is that shitty mspaint image of a centrist when you need it?

It's hard to stop doing anything but "THIS IS THE END OF TRUMP" when they have no political power whatsoever at the moment. ayy lmao.

ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise Them!

Dongers Raised: 27601

Check Out /r/AyyLmao2DongerBot For More Info

y havnt u banned dis yet

Actually there is zero difference between good and bad things, you moron, you absolute moron

-le glorious le centrists le truth is in le middle

Being a Californian scientist, it's weird having my centre-left position conflated with far-right authoritarian nationalism.

it's weird having my centre-left position conflated with / compared to far-right authoritarian nationalism.

" It's weird that my state full of far leftists is being compared to authoritarian nationalism when we both wanted to secede"



Why are you using the Canadian spelling of Center?

Have you considered you're the moron who can't spell?

IMO, the impeachment proceedings should begin now

It's almost like law organizations don't air all their evidence as they collect it in the middle of an investigation...

Pick 1 of the 2 plz.

I don't think the FBI is in the business of caring about giving evidence to faggot 20 somethings who work at restaurants.

You should go to the hospital. You seem to have suffered a brain injury.

r u retarded

lol knew thered be at least one of these in here

dont expect too much or your balls will go past blue and just explode

Lol not a Trump supporter but you liberals been impeaching Trump before he got sworn in. Trump will not be impeached now. Infact the way Dems are being pussies and pansies, expect a GOP prez in 2020. If Dems want to win, they have to either nominate an old centrist white guy or a young hot white military veterans. Pocahontas should stick to wailing in interviews and Senate sessions while any "diverse" folks have to be eye candy. America won't elect a woman or PoC soon, at least not till 2024

I'm sorry about your learning disability.

not a trump supporter




You know, some people have moderator extensions that allow them to check these claims with the click of a button. Idiot.

Stfu faggit


Lol haven't been subbed to T_D. I do go there to comment and call out their stupidity

it's more worldnews and india that are the bad parts, but okay, fair enough

Good for Trump that impeachments are useless.


Well that's what happens when you have 0 political capital on either side of the aisle.

That was the case like 6 months ago, though. This only happened today because he wouldn't lie about Trump and Pence knowing about Flynn's BS at the onset.

i mean on the one hand it's depressing that businesses run everything now so they can let government become a reality tv show, but on the other hand, it makes for some good drama. At least, until they start doing shit on purpose for the ratings and still call it reality.

At least, until they start doing shit on purpose for the ratings and still call it reality.

we crossed that point 'bout 9 months back ya donk

More like 90 years ago, ya donk. Does nobody else still remember the Lusitania?


I remember the Cant


2 days - should have made accounts for both Macron and LePen months ago. Low energy - sad!

butthurt americans upvoting this shit meme lol


You're a butt hurt American and didn't upvote this.

dumbass stereotype realistically portraying my alma mater lol

I'll hurt your butt 😏😏😏

gottem 👌😂


/u/The_Reason_Trump_Won has been posting this kind of shit for months, and yet the second someone turns the tables on you, you whine? Pathetic.

>the South.

I already like you better than the other one.

WTF I love Comey now

Seems pretty Snowdanish to me. He clearly thinks America shouldn't have a political class that's above the law.

These kinds of tweets show why he's not like Assange. I've got some respect for this particular Russian puppet

If my choices were Russian puppet and US govt sex toy I wouldn't think twice товарищ.

Also he didn't rape anybody

Assange didn't rape anyone retard

Why try to deny it if it's not true Hmmmmmm?

Fuck, I guess you're right, denying accusations against you is cut and dry proof of guilt tbh

So you're saying you're Assange? Now your true purpose has been revealed

lol homeboy wants attention since he isn't even in the top 10 of fucked up things the US Gov is doing these days

isnt manning getting pardoned or some shit too

maybe he wants in on the action

A former intelligence official described being "shocked" to learn of Obama's decision, adding that the "entire intelligence community is deflated by this inexplicable use of executive power."

The official said the move was "deeply hypocritical given Obama's denunciation of WikiLeaks' role in the hacking of the (Democratic National Committee)."

President Barack Obama commuted Manning's sentence to a total of seven years of confinement dating from the date of arrest (May 20, 2010) by military authorities

who the fuck

I was just explaining what happened with manning



Pretty sure Manning is pardoned. I can remember reading about how Obama wanted to push it through so Trump couldn't cancel it.

Homeboy might be a geek but he has a hot stripper bae

Commuted sentence, not pardoned.

And thank heavens he did! Just more swamp draining that the liberals obviously hate (Because they are all the swamp). Liberals get another big heap of BTFO.

Bloated Trump Fellating Oligarchs?

Lmao filling the swamp with a different kind of creature. I wonder what comey was investigating that got him fired. Hmmm

honestly at this point, the corruption is so ubiquitous i may as well vote for a guy who ensures my cis white patriarchy

Well at least you're honest about it.

i don't know when the irony ends and my honesty begins

my identity has been erased a long time ago, and i have become a parody of myself

my jaded post-modern nihilistic sense of humor has erased my individuality and replaced it with lies and empty laughter

this is a cry for help


help me

looks down and whispers no

That's the scene from "Sarcastaball"!

I wonder what comey was investigating that got him fired.

Nothing. He was failing to prosecute anyone. He gets no results, so he is fired.

The swamp is being drained, I repeat, the swamp is being drained!

So does this mean that NOW we can stop pretending that any of this shit is normal?

Is this the final kick in the ass that will make journalists stop trying to find the good things that this administration is doing and start calling this shit out?

Is this the tipping point?

At this point i'm pretty convinced /r/Politics lives in some alternate parallel dimension from my own

I can't wait for them to fiiiinally start calling trump out

Rachel Maddow especially has been a STICK IN THE MUD over Trump.

Constantly praising the bastard all day. I wish she would just talk for once about his ties to Russia.


nobody watches opinion shows anymore

ur MOM doesnt watch opinion shows oooooooooooo shit 😂😂😂👌😂👌😤😤🔥🔥🔥👌😂🔥





damn, son

Reddit allowing emojis was a mistake.

Emojis are japan's fault TBH.

Most things are.

Says the dude who posts in the_donald lol

Is this the final kick in the ass that will make journalists stop trying to find the good things that this administration is doing and start calling this shit out?

so just to be clear what do you think of this statement and why did me disagreeing with it make you so butthurt you had to look through my post history to find something to accuse me of wrongthink with?

Not like any regular here has to look deep into your post history. Not that your wrong with politics living in an alternate reality.

But you live in a third alternate reality.

My entire state is a third alternate reality thank you very much

Mfer you post in T_D, you do live in an alternate reality.

Is this the final kick in the ass that will make journalists stop trying to find the good things that this administration is doing and start calling this shit out?

so just to be clear what do you think of this statement and why did me disagreeing with it make you so butthurt you had to look through my post history to find something to accuse me of wrongthink with?

Mfer I seen you round here I already knew about your mental condition.

Why are you so mad

I'm not mad

Why are you mad

You dumb

Well yea

he broke kayfabe about 2 months ago. He's dumb on purpose

bah gawd

I live in the reality in which Donald John Trump, First of His Name, The Unstumped, Warden of the West and God-Emperor of Mankind...

is the motherfucking President.


Do you have to practice to be this retarded

being on the right side of history comes natural to most people.

it's only the left's unnatural and self-destructive degeneracy that requires practice.

You clearly missed the part where they were brownnosing him over launching Tomahawks at Syria and dropping the MOAB on ISIS.

Does anyone do anything meaningful anymore?

Seems drama is the biggest sector of US economy.

If drama industry were a country it would have GDP of France.

This is why Macron won am I doing this right

Trump just fired the man leading a counterintelligence investigation into his campaign, on the same day that the Senate Intelligence commitee requested financial documents relating to Trump's business dealings from the treasury department that handles money laundering.


autistic Sith shrieking

Trump's business dealings from the treasury department that handles money laundering.

Yeah, because when I want to launder money, I do it through real estate, where everything is meticulous tracked and there's a huge paper trail. /s

The best way to launder money is businesses that relies heavily on cash transactions with little in the way of tracking or receipts, like a car wash or laundromat. The idea that Trump was laundering money with the types of businesses he owns is beyond retarded, yet I keep seeing it pop up here on Reddit.

Yeah dude, I mean you watched breaking bad so clearly you know all about laundering money.

No, no, you watch Breaking Bad to learn chemistry, not how to manage criminal enterprises. You watch The Sopranos for that.

Beyond retarded. If you want to learn how to efficiently operate criminal enterprises, you need to watch Mafia's Greatest Hits on American Heroes Channel.

I don't have time for the advanced degree course, man.

It's funny out of context

what's the context?

Too much work to explain

it's funny out of context

asked for context

doesn't give it

oh so you want us to think you're a retard?

>actually expecting an effortpost on /r/Drama

no effort would be not commenting at all, he commented with a supposed rebuttal but did not explain it even slightly, making him look like a retard.

he commented with a supposed rebuttal but did not explain it even slightly

>actually expecting effort in /r/Drama

Honestly I'm impressed when most of you shit monkeys chained to typewriters manage to get enough letters in the right order that they form words.

I do not expect sentences or thoughts to come out of /r/drama.

Any relation regarding this lost to any other in this thread is purely coincidental and should be attributed to auto-correct. I really just took your mom's sick and wiped it across the keyboard on my phone.


It's funny in context. Keith Olbermann is the poster child for the left-wing version of apoplectic and impotent rage.

to be fair, the guy who could fire Comey wasn't under investigation on nov 6th


D: Comey should have been fired long ago, so it's a little weird that you are doing it now, amidst mounting evidence of your incompetence and corruption.


wow i guess le truth is in le lol le middle le

you r v smart

Do you think there could ever possibly be a moment that be Dems wouldn't saw was "amidst mounting evidence of [his] incompetence and corruption?"

Yes, but it would require the evidence to stop piling up.

do you think there could ever be a moment where Trump doesn't do something evil in the stupidest way possible?


just when i thought the crazy had died down a bit were back in full swing

never change america

Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently, "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant. #draintheswamp

Nope. Our one bipartisan moment. This man's position at the FBI is no longer tenable #FireComey


keith olbermann cracks me up

didnt he use to be a "real" reporter with a show and stuff, i never remembered him being this crazy back in the day

Sticky this you worthless mods

Best way to get their attention is to report it

If the OP gets 30 reports with the same report reason, I'll sticky it.

Let's all coordinate reporting with 'dude mayocide lmao'

And once again like clockwork, the gun bellows out clouds of smoke, everyone panics, and nothing will happen.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

i forgot about this meme, dank

Good, Comey did not do his job correctly he ignored corruption to keep his job.


Hey who knows, being a banana republic might be fun. I mean even the name sounds fun.

Do we all get banana hammocks?

holy fuck, did you guys know comey is 6'8"?

fake news, comey is a lizard person

>Under 7'2"

What a manlet.

My standing offer

user reports: 1: manthreading
1: Being mean to daddy :,(
1: white people nonsense
1: Political
1: n-notice me mod-senpai

Not as much butthurt as I would've expected.

how r u

good, yourself?

Trump is the anti-Oedipus. Both were abominable leaders, but Oedipus seeked out the truth no matter how horrific while 45 is doing his best to hide the truth.

Oh wait... this subreddit isn't for that kind of drama...

Trump is the anti-Oedipus

You may be on to something... Oedipus fucked his mom while Trump wants to fuck his daughter.

It's a really deep play whose abstract themes apply to the current POTUS situation, but if you just want to apply the sex stuff that happens to work too! What a time to be alive.

I'll be clawing out my eyes shortly.

Ok, this shit isn't cute anymore.

Mayocide now pls