U gunman u need to be vigilant, is dis true or it’s an invention fo other alterior motives best known 2 himself eg kurovha basa. Moreover 2 my surprise dis isnt di 1st time 2 hear stories of dis nature involving dis gunaz is it a coincidence or what tel me.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-05-11
Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!
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n/a downerabuse 2017-05-11
In the poor seats or the valuable person seats?
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-05-11
It's Southwest Airlines, it's literally nothing BUT poor seats
n/a downerabuse 2017-05-11
Are you stuck next to a differently sized person?
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-05-11
Yes but he's at least trying to sleep
n/a REDDIT_IN_MOTION 2017-05-11
are you tired of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane?
and by snakes i mean visibly minorities
n/a mehforeverybody 2017-05-11
Have you started committing mayocide yet? Also are the stewardesses at least attractive?
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-05-11
It's the current year, most stewardesses are old now
n/a mehforeverybody 2017-05-11
Ok, are let me put it this way: Are the female flight attendants are at least hot?
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-05-11
I'd fuck them but only cause I have mommy issues
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-05-11
Flight Attendant unions were a mistake.
n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-05-11
What kind of explosives are you going to use?
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-05-11
I managed to sneak on some baby shampoo, that should be enough to cause another 9/11
n/a londonagain 2017-05-11
you monster
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-05-11
Southwest Airlines GOAT airline but you gotta buy the early boarding pass and use it to sit in the exit seat
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-05-11
I've never read her work, isn't she like the mother of conservatism or something?
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-05-11
It's a whole bunch of psuedo-economic bullshit. Whole bunch of rich white men and the markets never cycle up or down.
n/a GeauxHouston22 2017-05-11
your flair belongs on /r/crappydesign
"shitpost world pride wide"
n/a zesty0 2017-05-11
Or /r/dontdeadopeninside
n/a BasicallyADoctor 2017-05-11
Do you have wifi
n/a Lawtalker 2017-05-11
Not OP but fly Southwest a lot. I believe it's 8 bucks for 30 minutes or an hour.
Thank god for offline viewing.
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-05-11
No I'm commenting on reddit via telepathy
n/a BasicallyADoctor 2017-05-11
I finesse free WiFi whenever I fly
n/a BasicallyADoctor 2017-05-11
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-11
No but he has waifu
n/a DesignRed 2017-05-11
Please confirm that the earth is flat. Let's defeat the globalist shills once and for all.
n/a mehforeverybody 2017-05-11
Do it for Kyrie, Wilson and Draymond.
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-05-11
Worse, it's pyramid shaped
n/a WhooptyWoopNiggaWhat 2017-05-11
Would you say the sex was worth it?
n/a Sarge_Ward 2017-05-11
Question: I like your flair.
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-05-11
Thanks :)
n/a delethotheads 2017-05-11
they expect one of us in the wreckage brother
n/a Nomadlads 2017-05-11
Have we started the fire?
n/a delethotheads 2017-05-11
rye! the fire rises!
n/a FitAndDumb 2017-05-11
n/a double-happiness 2017-05-11
U gunman u need to be vigilant, is dis true or it’s an invention fo other alterior motives best known 2 himself eg kurovha basa. Moreover 2 my surprise dis isnt di 1st time 2 hear stories of dis nature involving dis gunaz is it a coincidence or what tel me.
n/a froibo 2017-05-11
What flight number?
n/a AlohaWarrior34 2017-05-11
What will YOU do to bring about mayocide?
n/a MX21 2017-05-11
Was getting caught part of your plan?