Aleksandr Kolpakov, member of "the skeptic feminist" youtube channel suspected of murder

71  2017-05-15 by Alan229


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suspect. Innocent until proven guilty. I don't want to ruin someone's life when I don't even know if it's true.

Mesa County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Henry Stoffel said over the weekend that an investigation is ongoing, but the department is not looking for any other suspects.

Yeah,he's fucked

Yeah,he's fucked Did you just assume someones Gender?

I think he probably ruined his life when he murdered that girl (allegedly).

I've heard it said that #CRAIG JAMES KILLED NINE HOOKERS \while at SMU

5, dude. 5.


ok so #ONLY FIVE

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

if an r/drama post is capable of ruining your life your life wasn't worth living in the first place

all /r/drama users are complicit in the ruining of each other's lives

Nono, we should only ever withhold judgment if it's a rape crime! If it's murder, we can just jump on the accusatory bandwagon.

(/s, just in case it isn't clear.)

Doesn't he have to be someone people have actually heard of to count as drama?


Maybe he can share a cell with Hans Reiser.

I'd rather die than be stuck in a cell with a habitual face farter.

Why is he a face farter?

Why is he a face farter?

Thanks for reminding me how I protected his honour on /. — now I can drink myself to sleep.

In our defense, his wife's boyfriend did claim he killed eight people, so thinking she was the ninth wasn't that out there.

I'm so fucking hazy on details but I remember arguing with passion. No wonder I'm liking this shit metareddit, I can watch a younger me working on hating them-selfs in the future.

I was on the calling you guys retarded side, and as I remember it it was unbridled autism of the variety: "well yeah he filled his car with water and abandoned it in the forest, but you can't prove BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that he was trying to get rid of blood spots that way".

Yeah, you were 100% correct, but we ended on drama so no one really won in the end.

Why would you do that?

Why I was being stupid and naive? Because I was young, stupid and naive. Also, RaiserFS was pretty sweet.

He was just really interested in books about how to kill your wife and get away with it!

It's totally a coincidence man!

Who?He looks like some random wife murderer but he also was a computer programmer. Why is he notable? Drop the deets.

Do you live under a rock? Have you not been on the internet for the past 20 years?

I suppose ol' Hans is a stale internet meme now. He was the developer of the famous reiserfs journaling filesystem (hereafter referred to as 'murderfs'), that everyone was excited for, and it was even a default filesystem for a couple linux distros (SuSE Linux when it was big). This was big news on slashdot as well.

Happy trails Hans!

This murder happened when 12 or 13. And no, definitely not everyone on the internet cares about rando Linux programmers.

I did search for his name on reddit, and holy shit there are a bunch of cringey comments. People who say old reddit was better are mistaken.

Tfw=that feel when

Mfw=my face when

Get it right scrub.

my initial reaction to this post was gonna be to tell you that you're wrong and that tfw can be either

but then I realized how lame that was and tried to kill myself halfway through

Mfw you should kys




And leave my waifu body pillow all alone???

She's trash anyways.

On this sub the worse you feel about it the more it belongs.

Alternates include "that face when" and "that feel when"

Did you only join up in 2008 or something pussy?

XD Nice meme!!!

He looks about as I expected

I actually talked to this guy a few times online (didn't agree with his politics). He seemed like just another harmless, though unbalanced, weirdo obsessed with eradicating Christianity and Islam. I remember a video in which he stressed the importance of believing, no matter what, that somebody is guilty of violence when accused, Guess that backfired. You can check out his Facebook, he took a lot of care to archive fights he got into online.


You may be a horrible judge of character.

I'm going to have to agree with you on that. See pube-stache, cross street.

eradicating Christianity and Islam through dank memes.

Finally a holy war worth fighting

The fan base is going wild. Example

"fan" base

Honestly the biggest male feminists online are all predators. Just say no to men.

Hold the mayoside, we need to order a full on manoside.

Traps not included

Do i have to be passable?

anyone who has actually posted bussy will always be last on the list for /r/drama's cleansing du jour

>tfw when ive posted my bussy several times here


What's once more? Post bussy.

What the fuck my man

Nice bussy

Thx bb

I dunno why you would post the non-bayonet bussy. Nothing more respectable than the long dick of the skslaw fuckin yo ass.

Depends on the standards of the person judging you, honestly.

No just cute

if it has a penis it's a man and gay

No, not if its a feminine penis. Just because you're gay doesn't mean all of us have to be as well, k?

One day, you might grow up and realize that the men that respect women the most are the ones that dismiss the demand for infantilism and one sidedness that feminism represents.

One day you might grow up and realize how autistic you are.

You poor child.

You unironically follow Sargon of Akkad. This indicates poor judgement. Just sayin'.

gas him comrades

How are those labor party elections going?

Following Sargoon for anything but interracial gay porn is pathetic af tbh famalam

My god, you talk like a fag. Do you realize that you have the diction of a juggalo? Is that intentional?

Don't be so sex-negative

tips fedora

Be careful. You'll smear your makeup.

Wow that is one hell of a counter argument.

why else would a man be a CURRENT-YEAR-feminist, other than to prey on dumb impressionable girls?

/r/feminism mods, plz answer

Just say no to people.


Asteroid is a liar, and will only disappoint you. Gigantic Flood2017.

Asteroid is a liar, and will only disappoint you. Gigantic Flood2017.

This is a complete shock, I mean usually rape is the male femenist crime.


When you're a feminist who thinks men shouldn't hurt women, but you're also a skeptic who challenges that belief.

Also when you're a super deadly assassin martial arts lethal weapon special forces and need a gun to take down a woman half your size.

holy shit i used to watch that channel wtf

murdered any women lately?

um no i only watched like two or three videos and i used to read their tweets

wow, so quick to distance yourself after saying you used to watch them.

calls fbi


Feminism is a disease.

Well, I hate to break it to you fans, but the victim was also his cohost. Unless OJ can resurect Nicole, I don't think this show is going to go on.

oh no

Unless OJ can resurect Nicole, I don't think this show is going to go on.

good point.

Here is a 2 hour livestream of other youtube "skeptic" neckbeards laughing with glee about this cause SJWs.

Boxxy 2.0 aka Shoe0nhead is not happy about this

I love the youtube comments and all of those people pretending to give a shit

showing their true colors

Murder is against Youtube's ToS? TIL

Only if the murder is monetized, advertisers are getting prissy about it.

He's what's called a poison skittle in feminist circles.

Is it known what the Gender of the Victim is?