The genius behind "GET OWNED BY GAMERGATE, BITCH!" presents: "This is what I mean when I say 'boys are dumb.'" A TrollX / Retard joint production.

114  2017-05-23 by DeepDickedHillybilly


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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I think 'bussy > gussy' may be problematic, whatever it's intended to mean. The plain words actually play into a lot of the language of uncritical genitalism: poophole vs naturally lubricated yeast tube, and even "sweet bucci" in the "proud and gay" sense that apparently gets Caitlyn Jenner such beautiful woman credit, alleged blindness to complexity that would require analysis and work, etc. I'm sure you intend it in the sense above, but not sure that's enough to redeem its meaning. Of course, it's also not really a phrase I hear that often. If you toss it off counseling friends every once and a while in a gussyless scene, it's probably fine (maybe even a generous response), but I'm not sure it deserves an academic defense or a lot of amplification.

post bussy


u/TryItIDareYou isn't it women's fault boys are dumb, they do a lot of the child rearing, then they go to school where they're taught by mostly women. So really it's all women's fault when you think about it.

women are dumb

male responding to troll when made obvious of the trollness through /r/drama subject

Imagine being this liberal.

I think you 8 the b8 m8 here.

taught by mostly women

More importantly, when it comes to dating men put considerable effort into behaving in whatever way women seem to like. If women got together and agreed to only fuck math majors, then by tomorrow morning, /r/TheRedPill would be full of posts like, "teach me to calculus."

You get more of whatever you incentivize. If being a socially-conscious, politically-correct, male feminist got men laid, then the streets would overflow with male feminists.

Women complaining about men's behavior is like peahens complaining about peacocks' giant tails. They have those tails because you select for that trait.

Men put considerable effort into behaving in whatever way they think women seem to like

All /r/theredpill needs to actually be useful is a big flashing message telling these sweaty nerds to get fit, confident, and interesting

Then they wouldn't get to play around with their cute little phrases and acronyms and circlejerk about ebil womyn tho

Sorry about not being able to include the story in the title. It's too long. Tonight I was in San Francisco playing Pokemon GO. Suddenly I hear yelling at me and some girl walks up to me and starts saying "You're taking up too much space, white male!" I ignored her because she's an SJW, and she asked what I was playing. I said Pokemon GO and she said that's "approprating Japanese culture". Then she said "you're probably straight, too". At this point I was half walking half running away when she took a can of mace out of her pocket and SPRAYED IT IN MY EYES. While my eyes were burning, she said "SMASH THE PATRIARCHY!" and started laughing. I could hardly see, but started dialing the police so she ran away and yelled "TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER" Sobbing my eyes out on the phone I finally calmed down when the very nice dispatcher lady told me she wouldn't be back. After that the police finally showed up and I gave them a detailed report of what happened. They started asking if I harassed the girl, if I was trying to rape her (even though it was clear I wasn't), and stuff like that. Then they started having a conversation between each other about how rape statistics have been on the increase lately and oh my god. I was literally in agony the whole time there. They didn't care that I was attacked AT ALL. And they were misandrists. Finally after an hour of hard questioning by the police they gave me a ride to the hospital and left me there alone. I got my eyes flushed out by a female nurse who chuckled and said "What did you do to get this done to you?" Tomorrow I file complaints. Today I get drunk and sleep. Fuck all of this.

Post it to t_d for shits and giggles.

Oh my gawd I AM SEETHING AFTER READING THIS. I can't do much but here's a gif to hopefully make you feel a bit better.

Imagine being this gullible

When I say "girls are stupid" what I really mean is "girls have been raised in a patriarchal society that forces them into an incorrect and problematic view of femininity that not only forces them to strip away valuable virtues from themselves, like responsibility and accountability, but also forces them to view and treat men in unhealthy ways that devalues men as people and makes them into scapegoats for women's shortcomings"

But it's a lot faster to say "girls are stupid"

Sounds like better virtues than patience and gentleness.

99% of my problems as a bicurious Latinx woman in STEM are caused by men, specifically white men. "Boys are dumb" is very generous, and what I posted explains it well for the thick ones.

...Honestly, when you write a post like this, what else is there but suicide?

as a bicurious Latinx woman in STEM

This entire thing is some narcissistic identity politics bullshit but it's especially retarded that she felt the need to include "bicurious." Whotf at her job/school/whatever would even know she's "bicurious" and even if they did who would give half a shit? Dudebros love the JUST EXPERIMENTING TEEHEE types.

/u/TryItIDareYou that's just called straight. You don't get oppression points for this "well maybe I'd kiss a girl if she was really pretty" bullshit. Stop appropriating LGBT shit you utterly insufferable twat, it's not a fashion accessory.

so can you give me a good sense of the flavor of this bait, or did you not really notice when you were swallowing it whole?

lol it even explains who it is in the title of this post

I mean she could be a troll, or she could be a retarded feminist who makes up pastaworthy fake stories for oppression points. It's all Poe's Law at this point. These people are literally impossible to parody.

Jesus fucking Christ

Are you one of the retards that just joined us from /r/all?

Do they let you shower alone? You know the floor gets slippery when it's wet, right?


Image of the average person who identifies as Latinx.

Right? whotf identifies as "latinx." You know your own gender, nigga, use a real word.

Actually it's because the language of those poor stupid Latin Americans is sexist and we have to change it for them.

I think you mean "spanish".

And Portuguese, white boi.

So discount Spanish

It prefer calling it Diet Spanish but thats good too.

It's "Spanx", you bigot.

She even wrote "woman" right after. What the fuck?

tbh i thought it was a typo but im not even sure anymore

No, not a typo, google it.

i thought i learned enough of this shit but i guess there's always more

i thought i learned enough of this shit but i guess there's always more

Using Catsgirls to show the different Socialist Ideologies is dehumanizing, objectifying and sexist to women and as such the women artist is not allowed in the Socialist Utopia.


I just assumed it was a linux distro

/u/TryItIDareYou is a perfect example of why some people think "girls are dumb."

Good stuff, lol

I seriously don't think that's a troll account though, I may be wrong but scrolling through her comment history it seems to be pretty genuine...

I don't know man, I've heard much more stupid shit from other people who are completely serious.... I just don't know what's up and what's down anymore...

Does this seem like a person who is 100% serious about [anything] they are saying?

Yeah kinda, either it sounds like a troll or someone who is so far up their own ass that they can't see the light anymore. I've seen many people that make up stories just to propell their own narrative and they feel totally justified doing it. But I hope you are right and I'm just easily fooled!

Well, maybe I'm the one giving people too much credit. But if it is true and she is genuine, it's incredibly funny that she has a mayo man fetish while constantly posting how much she hates them.

Yeah I agree, that's fucking hilarious!

u/tryitidareyou are you seeing anybody?

Sink dumpers of a feather dump together

hahahahaha fucking retard


No real Hispanic person says this. Full STOP.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Latinx, is in fact, GNU/Latinx, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Latinx. Latinx is not an ethnicity unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU ethnicity made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital ethnic components comprising a full identity as defined by POSIX. Many people have a modified version of the GNU ethnicity every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Latinx", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU ethnicity, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Latinx, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the ethnicity they use. Latinx is the race: the program in the ethnicity that allocates the person's resources to the other programs that you run. The race is an essential part of an ethnicity, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete ethnicity. Latinx is normally used in combination with the GNU ethnicity: the whole ethnicity is basically GNU with Latinx added, or GNU/Latinx. All the so-called "Latinx" people are really people of GNU/Latinx.

Here's the thing. You said a "LatinX is a Hispanic."

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who is a genealogist who studies Hispanics, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls Latinx Hispanic. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "GNU " you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Spaniards , which includes things from filipinos to guineas to cubans.

So your reasoning for calling a latinx a hispanic is because random people "call the mexians hispanic?" Let's get chilies and canary islanders in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A lantix is a latinx and a member of the hispanic family. But that's not what you said. You said a latinx is ahispanic, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the hispanic family hispanics , which means you'd call cubans, filipinos , and other races hispanics, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

Did you reply to the right person? The dude before you was making a computer joke about the fact that written out, "Latinx" looks a lot like "Linux", a computer operating system.

If you are serious, how do you not see the words "GNU", "corelibs", "shell utilities" and "POSIX" in there and ask yourself what the hell that poster was talking about?

It's a copy pasta that I responded to with my fresh pasta.

Latinx memes are hot right now

falling for the bait

Sorry mate, but you don't have enough chromosomes to post here. Please exit immediately.

Prior to the release of the statement, Kevan Antonio Aguilar, a Ph.D. student, demanded a response from the administration and expulsion for the students who did the graffiti in a Facebook post.

“These racist attacks came the night before Triton Day, when admitted Latinx students and their family members will be visiting the campus,” wrote Aguilar, the graduate diversity officer for the Department of History as well as a member of the Raza Graduate Student Association (RGSA). “I am disappointed in the university’s lack of action after recent calls from communities of color to address the racist climate that continues to persist on our campus

There was the girl who was convinced Hoop Earrings were racist too


Wow we're already up to internet number 6, we're running through them these days

user reports:

1: Oh look celo posting on reactionary subs I'M SHOCKED

Honestly can't tell if this is a butthurt CBer, or a regular here doing a parody.

Doesn't "bicurious" essentially just mean that you once drunkenly made out with somebody of the same sex as an undergrad?

Humanity was a mistake.

Internet feminism 101: finding ways to dress up your misandry

They do seem to spend a lot of time trying to come up with reasons why they aren't sexist for saying clearly sexist things.

This seems to be a common thing in online social justice in general. SJWs spend a significant chunk of their time coming up with reasons why they aren't racist for saying clearly racist things.

White cis men are scum and deserve to have shit smeared in their faces and be thrown out of second story windows onto rusty nails.

Now when I say this, it might seem to be offensive, but what I'm actually saying is that they are victims of the patriarchy too.

It's inevitable, when you create an ideology like feminism, that it will become a haven to people looking for a 'scientific' justification for their belief that men are evil and the root of all of society's problems.

wtf i love blaming a lack of basic intelligence and not societal gender pressures now

Dude fuck men

Elizabeth Bennett would never. Jane Austen was super conservative and pragmatic. All her books are about landing that rich guy. Why do you think they're still popular? If you want bankable romance, it has to end with rich sexy guy supporting feisty heroine who does nothing. She also had plenty of slut shaming, cause you can't give it away for free, and she satirised Gothic novels, which were the Tumblr of her time.

Manocide when?

hold your horses, you can't start a manocide when you haven't even done the mayocide.

She's latina.

Latinx, full mayo

"why don't guys talk to me?"

She's 28 and acts like pampered teenage girl, this tumblr level bullcrap. But hey, when she fails at uni she might try to get a job at buzzfeed.

How does one get a patriarchy when 90% of early childhood education is by females? The formative years are completely dominated by females, yet it's men's fault their masculinity is defective.

Why the fuck are you asking me?

Ikr? Where are all those men (fathers/teachers) who were supposed to educate the children too?

u/TryItIDareYou your problems in STEM are due to your own terrible personality hth.

PS it's easier for you to say you hate boys because you hate boys.

u/SayingWhatUrThinkin whatever you say, sugar


Warning, you will not find this kind of analysis at Yale and my english grammar is pretty bad.

What can we do to stop escalation of hatred between men and women?

You can't. Consumerism and gentrification get to levels never seen before. Pussies or dicks are ressources, not consumed in the same fashion which is gonna lead to a lot of tensions in the future.

"Women are men's future".

Said by a stalinist so all your red flags are raised already.

Women are essentialy men with weaker political aspirations and better consumers that's why the market and mass media privilaged hard-lined feminists so much theses last 50 years compared to their numbers. Things get worse when you know that women in poor neighborhoods perform early way better than males on average for differents reasons. The market encourage the pretty ones to move in richers parts of the city sleeping with upper middle class men the week-ends. Young men in poor suburbs are watching girls of their neighborhood going to expensive nightclubs powerless, building a lot of resentment and anger. They climb the social ladder, men don't. The intelligents and pretty ones will definitively marry someone way higher. That happend before the more desirables ones were leaving the village for the city's life to find a wealthy husband.

The retardation of the redpill is only the beginning, this serve for starter of religious radicalism too.

Keep in mind that i'm articulating economy, sociology and history. True intersectionalism imo. What fails to grasp modern feminism.

Thank you.

Using an image of the BBC's production of Pride and Prejudice may not be the best idea for getting this message across. Lusting after Lord Darcy, one of the OG Chad's, is not the kind of behavior it sounds like OP would approve of.

/u/TryItIDareYou...I'm gonna have to call you out on a few things.

First, you have this post. Last I checked, that person ended up being confined to a farmhouse and ultimately a fucking foreign embassy for years all over an accusation. On top of that, this isn't an average dudebro. This is a man that attracted international attention and had more than the average man's resources at his disposal. Go watch "We Steal Secrets". I goes in to the rape accusations and the timelines pretty thoroughly.

Second, there's this post. Maybe I just lucky to be a member of invite-only dungeons for years, but I never once asked or have been asked "what are you in to" by anyone. Nor have I heard of that type of behavior from anyone in the lifestyle because it's fucking callous and rude.

I'm not saying that it DIDN'T happen, I'm just saying that it's hard to believe.

Literally what's a binky????? Is that some MRA terminology???

I love her. I don't know anyone else who makes fun of TrollX so successfully.

u/TryItIDareYou You're a sexist piece of filth.

I've never heard the word Latinx and I live in a very Spanish city.

Who cares what 15 year old girls on trollx have to say about anything?

Oh yeah... The 15 year old boys on /r/drama care.

Sick burn