If you're gonna get into it with the incels, you probably shouldn't have pictures of your twat on the same account.

287  2017-06-02 by 71up


Cool story, bro


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u/tsume24 Jesus Christ I'm not sure you can look the way you do and give incels a hard time. If you want to shit on incels you should probably not look like shit. Here is some advice get yourself an alt where people can't see the abortion that is your face and then go to town on the incels. Still it's the pot calling the kettle black

lol please, if i was a 10/10 "stacy" y'all would still be shitting on my appearance. i don't give a single fuck what any of you think about me, and the constant abuse & harassment isn't going to change that. get over it, for real

Why would you interact with them in the first place?

Also how are you the grossest person in a fucking incels thread. Jesus


opinion isn't fact m80

No, its absolutely a fact that youre hidious


oh, ouchies. i'll get right on that just for you.

I mean let's be real she's just the grossest person who has a picture. I would imagine she's probably top 10% for that human disaster of a sub.

I would imagine she's probably top 10% attractiveness for that human disaster of a sub.

I doubt that. A lot of incels are just average looking guys who are socially retarded or have shit personalities. They obsess over looks because they're too autistic to understand that attractiveness is about more than appearance. Seriously, every week there's a new thread about some guy crying about how ugly he is, and then he posts a pic an it turns out he is totally normal looking but dresses like it's 1996. A few of them are probably better than average looking.

I'm waiting for button-up dragon and lighting/flame shirts to make a comeback.

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No one there is really ugly, justmentally retarded, I say this as someone who identified as an incel

username checks out completely

I guess we just need a "faces of inceldom" fad to decide for sure.

cmon guys do it for the science

"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of the rotting, decrepit pussy of some Stacy, or any phony friendship with Chad, but because I am enlightened by my own involuntary celibacy."

I'd pay boxing PPV money to see that

I'm gonna be upset if they look like me.

But that's probably not likely. I hope.

I think the thread's been removed, but a lot of incels' pics were posted to the incel thread on lolcow.farm. They really are generally slightly below-average to moderately above-average guys. The body dysmorphia is real.

no, they are all ugly.

Not really I like 10/10s I cannot stand someone bullying incels when they look the way you do. I know it makes you feel better about your 2/10 face and mental illness that all those piercings convey by making fun of incels but your just covering for your own insecurities by bullying people who are probably better looking then you because they are brutally honest about their insecurity which boils over to hated of women and normies.

no, i genuinely do not give a flying fuck what you or they think about me. throw all the numbers at me that you want and it's not gonna change. i'm above being hurt by comments about my appearance, especially when they come from people who despise everyone they're jealous of and wish them dead daily.

You should though, I know the fat acceptance movement has infected the brain of some women but it's not a good thing. We realize you are mentally ill but you shouldn't show it all over your face. Finally, nobody is jealous of you, Jesus Christ don't be silly, I'm sure Incels are jealous of normies and wish only the hotties would die, not a bottom of the barrel female version of what they are. Are you upset that they shunned you from their sub and even they've turned down your sexual advances.

why would i be upset about that? there's so much try-hard from you people to make me feel bad, it's hilarious

Looking in the mirror should make you upset. We're all just trying to figure out how you of all people can give Incels a hard time.

it doesn't, though. what you're trying to do is make me feel bad about myself and you're mad it's not working. stay mad fam

You don't have to lie to us, somebody that's an uggo anyway who's turned their body into a pin cushion who shits on incels obviously feels bad about themselves. Why would anyone be mad this has been delightful

see, insult after insult after insult. you're hoping that i'm gonna "crack" and cry about it or something. keep em coming though, if it's what gives your life some purpose. i'm still not phased lol

Sure you are, your just going to take it out on a couple pints of Ben and jerry's then get another shitty tattoo or piercing


is that the best you've got? y'all need to work on your insult game.

my god you are so desperate for attention.

Nah they're hoping you'll crack and hit the gym

i'm just wondering why i should go try to make myself more conventionally-attractive for the kind of people who have literally sent me messages about how i should be skinned alive?

It's 4 urself

so hang on. i should do something for myself, because someone else said so? wut.

Trust me, it helps not being disfigured when you're in your 40s/50s



No its so that you dont die prematurely.

why should that be anyone's concern other than mine tho

Because you are adding to the obesity epidemic that plagues our country. It is completely preventable. Its like telling someone to quit smoking. There's no benefits

people like you make me want to stay fat lol

What are you trying to prove?

This isn't how negging works

Why do you all want her to be upset so bad? Jesus, you're all terrible people

Don't care about our comments but you've replied most username mentions in this thread.


For somebody who doesn't give a flying fuck you really want to make your opinions known.


Emotes make you not mad, it's science


Oh dang, is this the part where you copy/paste a response to everyone to prove how not mad you are?


I won't rag on you or your shredded snatch simply because anyone that gives those little jerkoffs shit is cool in my book, but....

here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You could at least get something right.

But how long can it last? Show us how much you don't care.

Keep going, don't stop

I won't rag on you or your shredded snatch simply because anyone that gives those little jerkoffs hell is cool in my book, but....

here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You could at least get something right.

you literally included an insult in the sentence where you said you wouldn't insult me. GG


i thought i was cool in your book for giving them hell. darn.

You are!!! I meant after I squeeze in one little awesome metal band name dedicated just for you (◡‿◡✿). Now, I won't rag on you anymore. Proceed with trolling the little wankers, You're doing gods work.



How could you fuck this up after correcting it for doing it wrong.

pretty sure this is where I say woosh

I have the correct version stored in macros and actually took the time to remove the other slashes required to make the complete emoji.

Bare with me, maybe, just maybe, that was the joke? Like some sort of intentional irony, just to be a smartass? Do you even /r/drama?


Pretty good defense after fucking up, tbh.

lol, mega whoosh!!

no, i genuinely do not give a flying fuck what you or they think about me.

well, you obviously care enough to comment and make sure everyone knows you don't care.

if you truly didn't care you wouldn't be commenting in the first place.

incels are all about not taking shit from people and standing up for themselves. guess that doesn't apply to the dreaded FEEEEMALE though.

Lol incels are pathetic virgins, the thing I never get is why so many of you women think you can go there and change them, it's Fucking stupid. I suspect you have some sort of a fetish for angry virgins

they clearly state several thousand times per week how much they want a woman to change them. i tried being nice to them once there and got shit on, called a guy, etc.

i don't have a fetish for it; after the abuse i received for trying to be nice to them, this is pure entertainment for me at this point.

inb4 some comment about my appearance. yeah yeah i've heard it before, have an original thought.

Lol if you want to help them then let them fuck you, otherwise kill yourself

that's some sound logic. never seen someone live up to their username so fast 😂

Your first mistake was thinking that people who return to the same pity party of a subreddit every day are looking for help, or anything else that could improve their situation.

They so clearly enjoy feeling bad for themselves and believing there's nothing they can do about it. Their psychological defense mechanisms protect them from taking responsibility for their weight, poor hygiene and shitty personalities. It would some take intense and probably involuntary therapy to help these miserable bastards.

true. out of all the deplorable shitheads who use that sub on the daily, i have talked to a couple of them who turned out to be decent human beings. literally two though. out of 15,000.

Let me switch that around and ask you why you (that's a plural you) care so much you feel the need to point out thats she's ugly and should feel ugly

sidebar, retard.

I don't get it

you have to post bussy or people will bully you

telling you for your own sake so no bully

post bussy

You obviously do, since you're here on fucking /r/drama out of all places arguing with people. Anyway its no use arguing with incels, but how idiotic do you have to be to not use an alt when posting these pics?

i don't care if anyone sees my pics though? why should i dwell on that?

and i'm commenting here because people tagged my username like five times. should i just sit back and take the abuse? what do you recommend someone do differently in this situation?

"don't post pics of yourself in the first place" is irrelevant and unchangeable obviously, and i still don't care who sees them/has an opinion about them.

but we always gotta blame the people who post their pictures instead of the people who verbally abuse people for how they look, because, internet!

what do you recommend someone do differently in this situation?

Ok i'll be honest here: Ignore them. Everyone here (including myself) wants to get a reaction out of you, and its working, thats why they're pinging you.

it's working

i disagree. they're not getting the reaction they wanted.

they're not getting the reaction they wanted.

Any reaction is a good one in this case, since you're engaging with them

couple more minutes before i quit replying to everyone and let it die down. they'll find a new target in the next day or so and do it all over again.

Yup thats pretty much how the sub works, disable pinging notifications if you get tired of them.

how do i do that from mobile? genuine question.

On RIF (the app I'm using) just go to settings then reddit web preferences, then turn off the name mentions option.

This, people here just say vulgar shit to get a reaction, they're basic text book internet trolls.

Why they gone then?

why are people still looking for them if they're so gross?

I like to compare others' opinions of gross with my own to calibrate my internal compass.

Whaa? I might be missing something but why did you post the pictures in the first place?

I don't understand the thought process.

those pictures are old as fuck, go ahead and find them in my post history for yourself. and have fun scrolling for ten minutes.

Lol it's okay I'm not curious.

took me literally 20 seconds

also seriously nsfw

Good god ill side with the incels on this one what an ugly mug

If you EVER find yourself siding with incels, kys. Before it is too late.

They're just right on this one. That is one ugly muvafucka

Post bussy if you gonna razz nigga

Actually just post bussy in general

Yeah. Post bussy or stfu and gtfo and kys.

Cannot be stressed enough.

Yeah post bussy or gtfo.

/u/tsume24 you are not that bad looking

well gee i guess that's the best compliment i could ask for under the circumstances.

Clean your skin and get at least some of those piercings off and you are a 7/10

Also I have no idea if you are fat or not but if you are you are wasting a possible good looking face. Lose weight if that is the case

/u/Ylajali_2002 bite me

fun fact... i do wash my face, daily. my body never grew out of the "oh boy here comes acne!" phase, though now it mostly blights me when aunt flow comes around. there's pretty much nothing i can do about it. and i don't wear makeup because it exponentiates the problem.

also, the big septum ring? i almost never wear it. i usually wear a silicone retainer in it because the metal piece is hella bulky.

last thing, yeah i'm kind of fat. been going on a lot of long walks lately in an effort to do something about it.

my body never grew out of the "oh boy here comes acne!" phase

This shit helped me a lot back at the day

also, the big septum ring? i almost never wear it. i usually wear a silicone retainer in it because the metal piece is hella bulky.

Yeah the one under the mouth is decent, the two that are close to your eyes are fucking awful though seriously

last thing, yeah i'm kind of fat. been going on a lot of long walks lately in an effort to do something about it.

Fuck that go to the gym, dont waste times in classes just run, cut carbs.

I have a friend like you, who I think would be really pretty if she lost weight.

I dont know what is going on in you peoples head. I am a fucking uggo who has to work a lot to maybe be a 5 because of shit I literally cant change, like my fucking face.

Hell, if they're really lazy they don't even have to exercise.

I cut carbs down to almost non-existent levels near the end of December and I've lost over 90 pounds just sitting on my ass working/playing games.

why'd you tag me gaylord?

How virgin are you that you think her face is actually disgusting?


why would a virgin have less experience judging faces than a non virgin? where do you live, Saudi Arabia?

because you are comparing her face to models and porn actress?

Unless you are telling me you bang 9´s daily

who are you, her boyfriend or something? why don't you marry her?

bitch boi

/u/tsume24 wanna marry me?

I mean I woudnt go down on you for obvious reasons but we can make it work

( what now faggot? )

wow so now you're cyber bullying /u/tsume24 for her lifestyle choices and genital piercings?

dude not cool. take that shit back to 4chan. most of us grew out of "edgy" humor when we finished puberty.

but ... i told her she was pretty :(

oh, let me guess, you think complimenting a girl makes you a "nice guy" and now /u/tsume24 owes you sex?

not how it works buckaroo. women don't owe you a god damn thing.



this is my favorite part of this whole shitpost so far, lmao thank you

lmao so you are a virgin

this is cyber bullying

You're the type of girl I'd sleep with constantly while givring good dieting and workout advice too because I know in six months you are going to be a 7/10.

Keep it up and post some more nudes, 9/10 vagina

I want to see but i don't wanna risk seeing gussy.

Well I am, deleted already?

go ahead and find them in my post history for yourself. and have fun scrolling for ten minutes.

No thanks, I'd like to keep my eyesight.

Took me less than a minute tbh.

I'm actually kinda into you. Think I can get some nudes pmed? Serious btw.

You're right, we shit on anyone who is dumb enough to post a photo of themselves on Reddit.

except other incels i guess. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Do you know which sub you're in? This is r/drama. We make fun of anyone and everyone, including you and definitely including incels.


you dropped this: \


You wish you were a Stacy.

I bet you like to be chock and take it in the butt the first night. Your face just scream self-degradation.

You probably one of these demographics but you would consider yourself "a feminist" because you voted Hillary.

i love how you guys can take one look at a person and make all sorts of shitty assumptions about them, but if someone does it to you, they're cancerous normies. nice hypocrisy cope

I'm not an incel. I'm just a humble Chad who like to defend them on my alt. Where did i miss ?

The fact that you had your boobs pierced first by a amateur joe is kind of trashy, and that legends of Zelda tatto loooks pretty cheaply done too

my nipples were done by one of the biggest names in the business, but okay lol. inb4 some snappy remark about how you don't care/i'm lying/etc.

Lmaoo and I'm the king of Saudi Arabia

You posted "this time it was done by a profesional", meaning you had a an amateur do the first job

i don't recall putting that anywhere; my bad if i did. they were done by two different pros; one's just more well-known. they were done at a different angle the second time around.

She's like an uglier jewdank

So Lutheranschwag

i don't give a single fuck what any of you think about me

Clearly you don't give a single fuck what anyone thinks about you. Otherwise you wouldn't put 10 lbs of metal in your face and vag

i guess no one is open to the possibility that maybe i have piercings because i like them on me lmao

inb4 some nonsense about how women only do things to their appearance for male attention, lol what a joke. this is how i know i'm not conversing with actual adults.

this is how i know i'm not conversing with actual adults

Oh you'd be surprised.

surprise me, then.

How do you get a job looking like that? Serious question.

by applying for the job and going to the interview. you should try it. it's a blast.

i literally make $14 an hour at my full-time job looking like this. does that bother you?

Nope. Good for you :)

...Is $14/hour supposed to be impressive? That's like one or two promotions at McDonald's.

I make $15/hr at a job that has no prerequisites lmao.

$14 an hour? Sounds about right.

i literally make $14 an hour at my full-time job looking like this. does that bother you?

It's sad that this is supposed to be bragging in today's day and age.

y'all would be spouting the same shit if i said i make $20 an hour, so come back with something original and maybe we can talk.

spouting the same shit if i said i make $20 an hour

Not really trying to make a reflection on you, merely stating how it's sad that people in our society believe 14/hr is something to brag about. That's ~28k/yr. At least 20/hr would be around 40k/yr which with 2 ppl pulling the same amt is good.

14 an hour wow you can afford 10s of nuggets to increase your gross tits girth


I legit feel bad for you. Being destroyrd by incels would put me on the edge of suicide. And the sad part being they are right. You are morbidly obese.

good thing we're not the same person then, huh? and was that supposed to hurt my feelings?

Naw i am sure you are dead inside already. Enjoy the diabetes though!

will do, thanks!

I assumed you had the piercings because of some unresolved daddy issues...

i guess no one is open to the possibility that maybe i have piercings because i like them on me lmao

Nobody is, because it's impossible to believe that anybody would actually like the equivalent (appearance-wise) of spraying molten solder in their face.

lol good lord, i don't even have that many. 😂

You wouldn't post pictures of your nasty piercings if you didn't care

i posted them in piercing subs, ages ago, to show off the piercer's work. aw jeez, sue me. lol

I'll need your lawyer's information

lol please, if i was a 10/10 "stacy" y'all would still be shitting on my appearance.

Of course we would. We just wouldn't be right.

you are entitled to your opinion, and that doesn't bother me. sorry that's not the reaction you wanted.

have sex with me please

You are as gross as an incel. Good job. You got roasted time for a new account

thanks, noted!


We appreciate you bringing this abortion to light

When you ban everyone from your sub who tries to help you, it start to seem not that involuntary.

i know, right? it's almost as if they really enjoy hating people and doing things like this to them. but they're totes not sociopaths.

Show me a message or other proof of someone trying to help us. I bet you can't.

Ill give the thw best advice i can: kys

Can't help someone who can't help themselves, especially the kind of brain dead, pug-faced moron who watched Eliot Rodgers punk ass bitchy soliloquy and thought "oh wow, this guy gets it!"


Nudes for me?

That seems like a good idea after reading this thread.

Only reserved for chad's eyes.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chad

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 75375

I've been banned from /r/incels because I treat others like humans. You guys delete comments whenever someone tries to help you, so you can continue to tell these lies. But you honestly don't expect us to believe them, do you? Anyone here who reads what you wrote can go to /r/incels themself and try to have a conversation with someone and get banned. We aren't going to believe your lie just because you say so. That isn't how normal people experience reality.

No proof? Okay. I assume you just went around insulting us.

I am the proof. I'm a real person. The things I say and have experienced have merit. Are you confused because you are a troll and the things you say don't have merit? Why would you assume that? Not everyone acts the same way you do, you know.

All women who come to the sub gives advice that doesn't work and tells us to suicide.

Bruh just go shower and show KONFIDUNCE bruh.

That's not help, and that's what 100% of people that go on /r/incels to give """""""advice""""""" are saying.

If you want to help an incel, let him fuck you.

Lol 😂 @ you disparaging the only legitimate advice those tards need

Sure what other lies do you guys have to tell yourselves? Do you honestly expect us to actually believe the lie?

so how long till you and /u/tsume24 fuck?

No one has sex with incels. Ask her that.

she already said she was dtf dude. all /u/tsume24 asks is that you call her a roastie and tell her her pussy smells like rotting ham (she's into the whole humiliation thing).

you guys seriously need to work on your insult game. the majority of abusive comments in this thread read like a little kid wrote them.

wow, here I am, just trying to help /u/2222222222-- get laid, out of nothing but the goodness of my own heart, when I could be doing anything else, and all of a sudden I'm the bad guy?

/r/drama is not the place for you to bully and insult people. we are an open, welcoming community. now I could report you to the mods and have you permabanned for LIFE, but I won't. because I am the bigger person. I have kindness in my heart. I'm not some sick individual who gets off on bulling incels (the most marginalized members of our community) and telling /r/drama users to kill themselves.

maybe you should do some introspection and figure out if you're really coming from a place of kindness here. because it sounds to me like you've got a lot of hate in your heart.

wow, satire game strong.

slow clap

I am the bigger person.

I've seen her photos, unless you're mega obese you probably aren't.

No, you!


Why are you scared of vagina

because it looks like a lvl 80 undead mage

You're an angry lil person huh

Do you know what sub your in? It appears that you do not

"rawrrrrrr you're in r/drama and that gives me free reign to be a terrible person!"

Harasses some of the most pathetic and suicidal people on Reddit thinks I'm being terrible. Seriously, if you just stopped responding to pings we'd all get bored and leave you alone. The problem is you keep responding to the pings telling me to do my worst.

says the guy who just responded to me. hmmm.

go ask the incel guys who've been messaging me about all the personal insults i've thrown at them.

oh wait, i didn't do that. in fact i literally just apologized to one of them a few minutes ago for upsetting him in the first place even though he keeps demanding nudes from me. so.

Of course I would I pinged you remember, or have you gotten metal poisoning from all those piercings and have no short term memory.

It actually does, yeah

well that's your prerogative then, i suppose. l


Great, then act like it



For once I will say, I'm not sure you all come off that bad here.

Lmao now you know that alts making fun of you were satire 😂

Wow, someone really hates their own vagina.


Why are you laughing? Girls would literally rather destroy their genitals than have sex with you.

Aaaaah, so that's what FGM is for. Makes sense now.

hi again, you were the nice one who messaged me a little while back and i haven't forgotten. i hope you're well. i just wanted to point out that FGM is typically done to infants and young girls who can't consent.

It was a joke. If we want to be serious, I know FGM doesn't cause any pain to the man having sex with the woman, but it makes the woman feel pain during sex. But I would also like to add that it is mostly enforced by the girls' mothers.

exactly. the "culture" surrounding FGM is toxic as fuck in the countries where it's practiced.

i just think it's silly to equate FGM with piercings that i paid good money for as an adult. the two things are mutually-exclusive as hell.

Yerr... I'm not sure that r/drama is the fertile ground to make your stand against the patriarchy.

All things being equal I would rather be goading incels into suicide but I'll happily make fun of you if you paint a big enough target on your lady-bits...

except i wasn't talking to you, so.

and big enough target? someone literally searched through my post history to find that. blame them for digging it up, not me for posting it in a piercing sub ages ago.

I have no idea what the context of this picture is, nor have i looked at the picture. I am here for the drama, I still have this picture of Mike Matei's weighty penis to keep me entertained:


except i wasn't talking to you, so.

That's not really how this works, honey.

except i wasn't taking to you

Save private conversations for private messaging.

got it, boss.

I'd respect your snark, but you can't have it both ways.

If you're going to participate in the public community, great! The public crowd is not a selective audience.

They both result in a similar level of usability for your vagina, though.

mmmm, gonna have to dispute that one.

Just because your fat fingers can fit inside there doesn't mean anybody is gonna wanna put their dick anywhere near it, though.

oh jeez i better let my boyfriend know that he didn't actually fuck me before he left for work this morning. we both must've imagined it. my bad!

Does it ever bother you knowing that one day your boyfriend might "leave for work" and never come back, just like your daddy did that day?

lol look how mad you are

He is pretty much always mad

I'm actually not mad, at all. You seem to be getting upset, though.

not even a little. why do you think i should be hurt by comments from anonymous people on the internet?

It's not that you should, I just hoped you would. I enjoy upsetting people.

well i regret to inform you that you aren't upsetting me. sorry about that.

Well either way it was entertaining.

glad to help.

You don't know me.

FGM is typically done to infants and young girls who can't consent

the "culture" surrounding FGM is toxic as fuck in the countries where it's practiced.

Have you read this? You might find it interesting. I'm an intactivist, so I'm totally opposed to both FGM and male circumcision being done on infants (in fact on any children except in cases of medcial necessity, and there hardly are any what with the modern use of topical steroids to treat phimosis, but the article I linked makes a pretty good case for why adults sometimes choose to have female circumcision done. BTW, it is mostly carried out by women, who are typically circumcised themselves.

oh god, i can't even read all of that. it's so sad.

And yet you say that as someone with a load of metalwork in your minge; it's striking really.

lol, what? the practice of body piercing has been around for literally thousands of years bud

I'm not sure how that's relevant? If you can do what you want with your bits, I don't see why a bunch of African women can't, or why it is "sad" that they choose to carry out the practices that they do? Can you really see no similarity between the two practices? It is all on a continuum of 'body modification' is it not?

uh, because getting pierced doesn't irreversibly make sex a horrific experience for me due to a culture of toxic thinking that sex should only be enjoyable for men?

getting pierced doesn't irreversibly make sex a horrific experience for me

I'm not sure that applies to all cases of FGM, but most specifically to infibulation.

a culture of toxic thinking that sex should only be enjoyable for men

Hmm, you should read this book; though it's a pretty unbalanced read overall he has some interesting things to say on that topic.

Anyway, thanks for clarifying your views.

Lol toxic

i just wanted to point out that FGM is typically done to infants and young girls who can't consent.

that doesn't mean it's not ultimately for the greater good.

also you should know your comment is outing /u/Idk12344482305 as a flaming homosexual. he will surely be bullied for this.

Do you have a problem with gays?

yes that is the implication there.

you're a bit slow on the uptake, eh?

What's your problem with gays?

well for starters you gotta admit they are pretty faggy sometimes

/u/serialflamingo, I think someone deep down wants you to post bussy.

/u/Ylajali_2002, get in line, bub.

hope you're willing to work around my multiple butthole piercings

They're gay

If you don't like gays what are you doing on reddit's gayest sub, r/drama?

I'm just waiting for somebody to post bussy.

what are you doing here?

because treating a woman like a human being must mean the man is gay. LOGIC

I feel like this is sarcastic, but whatever point you're trying to make is totally escaping me. what the hell else is "gay" supposed to mean?

i said he was nice to me in pm, which you equated to me "outing him for being gay." you then said he would surely get bullied for it. so i said that according to your logic, a man being kind to a woman (and treating her like an actual person) must mean he's gay. and it makes no sense

he's still a homo tho

Men who are nice to girls are either massive faggots or creepy stalkers who will wear your skin and dance around in the moonlight crying for their mothers.

These are FACTS proven by science.

lol, clearly. TIL something new about the guy i've been dating for 7 years, by that logic.

Oh I see... now you bring fucking Chad into this: this is what all women are like- you say you like me and you talk to me but then you won't let me chain you to the radiator in my basement.

This is why I hate women.

ah, your satire escaped me for a minute there. my bad. 👏🏻

Ah, I took it too far did I?


you really had it for a while there and you really let it get away. the radiator bit was what gave it away, you should have stuck with the chad comment. short, sweet, to the point.

Is not our fault you dont understand reason and logic sweatheart


uh, wut

go watch Sargan

It's not her fault either, really, she didn't ask to be born a woman.

Sorry man sometimes I forget that

a shame, really

REAL science done by REAL men in lab coats!

Thank you. I was under the impression that this was the exact meaning of the word "gay". I quote to you from the Oxford Dictionary:

Gay - a man who thinks that women have rights and shit. Fucking fags.

because treating a woman like a human being must mean the man is gay.

Is that wrong? Should I stop making this assumption? I mean, what kind of man would do such a thing if he wasn't gay?

A man treating a woman like a human being doesn't make the man gay, it makes the woman gay. Same thing with sucking dicks.

OK, now this is getting complicated - you're saying that a gay woman sucking a man's dick makes the man gay? I've been doing this all wrong!

Umm... yeah, duh. The person doing it is not gay, the person letting the other do it is gay. I thought that was common knowledge.

but fucking guys up the ass is still straight right? How about fucking women up the ass? How about sheep - no wait, that makes you Russian or something.

Of course fucking a guy up the ass is straight. That's fucking alpha. The guy being fucked in the ass is some beta fag though.

The guy being fucked in the ass is some beta faggot though.

Your logic is unaskable.

/u/Idk12344482305 isn't gay... he just wears his fedora at a camp angle.

he is literally from the incel sub and look how you guys treat him for being nice to a "female." that's pretty pathetic.

Exactly- and real incel would calk you a whore and a slut and trawl thru your posting history to find doxx material.

He's a fucking traitor and should be killed.

you trying to fuck him or something?

you realize this is r/drama right?

o wow i wasn't aware. thank

just wanted to point out that FGM is typically done to infants and young girls who can't consent.

Uh yeah so? We do the same thing to little boys and no one cares

whether or not it means anything to you, i actually care about that a lot and am pretty vocal about how much i abhor male circumcision. it's fucked up.

GOOD stance

Excellent, Thank you very much!

Are guys weary of sticking it in your metallic cunt?

It's true.

oh don't worry, it all still works just fine. 🌝

But why tho?

why, what?

The extra shit

Why would you do that to your twat?

because i like the way it looks, why else?

You have more metal in your pussy than RoboCop. Either you'll massively regret this when your older and take out the piercings, or worse, you'll become that weird woman in her 30's and 40's who is way too sexual and tries to party and act like she's still in her early twenties. Your pussy bling is a cry for help and you should listen to it. Start evaluating your life choices before they lead you down a real shitty path.

noted, friend.

I've got a legit question. Is there a jingling sound coming from your panties when you walk?

actually that only happens before i put said panties on. such as after i shower/before i get dressed. and it's not loud, it's a very subtle sound.

i know you're only asking for shits and giggles but imma still be honest about it.

only asking for shits and giggles

Idk, I was kinda curious for real. I imagine it'd be awkward if someone asked "Oh, man. You always carry around a lot of change" and you had to go "Nah, that's just the metal pieces attached to my pussy, don't fret"

It's not my thaaang, but I can't judge considering all the weird shit I do.

well if you're wondering if there's ever an audible "jingle" when i'm clothed, the answer is no, lol

that weird woman in her 30's and 40's who is way too sexual

what a tragedy..

Are you saying you wouldn't smash robocop's tight bussy

Of course I would, you know that thing is designed for pleasure, way better than a real bussy.

Are we talking original Robocop or remake

exactly my thought

peter weller - yes please, joel kinnaman - you can fuck right off

Tyrannosaurus Rekt

Slut shaming = not okay Virgin shaming = tehe it's okay they are gross! Either all of it is good or all of it is bad

Modern feminism. No one takes you seriously in the real world you broad.

This is /r/drama. If anybody took this seriously I'd be profoundly worried.

People don't make fun of incels because they are virgins, they make fun of them for being fucking whiny assholes.

Your the one being mean no one in /r/incels is being mean

Okay. They can still go fuck off.

So what I'm getting at is your just being rude to us right now. Please take a look in the mirror

So what I'm getting at is your just being rude to us right now.


Thanks for reminding me to go see what stupid bullshit you guys posted about wanting to rape women today.

Uh, what the fuck?

guys posted about wanting to rape women today.

No one has said that here or anywhere at /r/incels.... Your normies are really messed in the head

I have definitely never seen a post praising elliot rogers, saying we should remove the age of consent, that women deserve to get raped, or that the government should assign women to men who fail at life like you.

Elliot got revenge on the people who did him wrong. He did nothing wrong. Age of consent is a social construct, when they begin to bleed down there they are biologically ready to breed. No one has said women deserved to be raped, and having the government assign women to men if they consent to do so is not wrong (even though that will never happen) Please leave, you are being very very rude



Seems I have won the argument (Hah, barely could call this an argument, just teaching you facts), and you seem to continue to blare insults at me for no reason. Good bye

self described incel

claims he walks away smugly

Lol you chose to be celibate

Women choose for me to be celibate.

That's not how it works retard

Kys plz.

But first, I need to take what I am owed.

What do you think your owed?


You are owed nothing, but good job with the rape implications there bud, im sure youll delete the comment just like you do all of your others when people disagree with you.

Rape implications??? That was already RAPE, you fucking misogynist.

honestly you're probably too weak and feeble to rape even the most sedentary women

Yeah you can take your cum rag with you no one cares.

How would you know?

Just go gay already.

I genuinely wanted to be kind to you guys, but every time i tried I got verbally shit on

You chose to be celibate and something tells me the way you act with women IRL isn't very different.

But why did you choose to be straight?

I'm waiting for the pics where she attaches hooks and is suspended from it.

That'll really show daddy that it wasn't okay what he did.

Eh.. sometimes you just need a cock holster for a few minutes. I've fucked fatter and uglier. Just never both fatter and uglier than her. I've got standards after all.

Most of us would rather remain incel than fuck that. LOL.

It took me way too long to learn jerking it can often be better than picking up randos. Thankfully I'm now a more long term partner type. It's way more rewarding when you have sex that involves deep feelings and passion. I'll still hook up occasionally but I'm not just taking whatever is still at the bar at 2am anymore.

It's way more rewarding when you have sex that involves deep feelings and passion.

dude stop saying gay shit, this sub is only for extremely heterosexual men

Only the most manly men with a lot going on, good jobs, and tons of bitches.

and a nice long, hard, throbbing cock, glistening with oil. real heterosexual shit.

Fucking bussy, heterosexually.

then you're not incel, are you?

You never offered him sex out of intimacy. You're offering it out of pity. It's like fucking a prostitute.

when did i offer sex?

You didn't. So he's incel.

fucking volcels lmfao


Jesusfuck those people on incels are really just hopeless.

that puts it lightly lol

Wicked self burn. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

I sometime think they're just really bad trolls that don't know when to cut their losses. There's no way any rational person could harbor such twisted and insane logic.

Then again I was banned for asking what a chad was.


I think this is the first time in history /r/drama has ever been forced to side with the incels.

/u/tsume24 how does this make you feel? please comment in detail about how much you totally don't care.

tags me in comment asking me a direct question, but expects me not to say anything. but yeah, still don't care lol

on a scale of not commenting to commenting, how much do you not care, and why is it commenting?

also how long until you fuck one of those incel dweebs? I don't think I'm alone in saying they're was a ton of very obvious sexual tension in that thread. you have an incel fetish or something?


you didn't answer the second question.

btw /u/2222222222-- just told me he's definitely dtf. he promises to be nice and not say anything about your appearance. unless you're into that sorta thing. his only requirement is that he gets to call you mom and after you have to make fun of him for cumming too soon.

This truly is a momentous day. Really feel like the mods need to sticky this thread u/phedre get in here and sticky this

go for it. i know the goal here is to make me hate myself, make me run and hide and delete my account, delete the posts with the pictures of myself, etc.

not gonna happen broski. i know you (and others participating in this thread) are in this sub because it brightens your day to be terrible to strangers. i'm way above that pathetic garbage. lol

Please don't delete the pics, I plan to use them when I get home from work.

fret not, i'm sure that even if i did, several of these people who think i'm such a gross landwhale roastie or whatever surely have them saved to their devices.

definitely cheaper than ipecac

Oh no, I meant jacking it. But in my defense, gross things get me off.

Binging and using the pics to purge isn't the way to deal with body issues

I mean not really

Deleting your account would be funny and all but making you hate yourself isn't really the goal. Everyone in here hates themselves though, as they should.

i know you (and others participating in this thread) are in this sub because it brightens your day to be terrible to strangers.

name one terrible thing we've said to you.

"Looking in the mirror should make you upset. We're all just trying to figure out how you of all people can give Incels a hard time."

okay, name two terrible things we've said to you.

also lol you gotta admit that's pretty good.

Thanks I was pretty proud of that one


>pretending r/drama doesn't always sperg out over women


your moms a woman, nerd.


OVER THE FUCKING LINE, SHITSTAIN. Say that to my face and see what happens you punk.

Say that to my face and see what happens

what, you'll start crying again?

I can't cry.

Source: I have a penis.

Posted this there yesterday and got banned


Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I love this picture. I saw it on the thread and saved it for myself lol.

same 👀

If you send /r/Drama mods (especially the head mod /u/HodorTheDoorHolder) pictures of your taint and/or dank copypasta, they'll unban you. Trust me, I've been banned twice for pissing off mods.

If I send bussy to drama mods, I will get unbanned from...incels? How does that work? And why would I want to be unbanned?

oh nevermind, I misunderstood. Can you still post bussy though?

you ever heard of the reddit cabal? the one that banned fph? thats the drama mods

Taintposting? How quickly the meta changes.

Sorry I have no power with the incels

You have my power ;)

ITT: people who are super mad that the target of their abuse doesn't give a damn and isn't fighting back with personal insults. y'all act like a bunch of 12-year-olds.

y'all act like a bunch of 12-year-olds.

yeah, but at least were only doing it ironically. I'm pretty sure your face isn't ironic.

lol, opinions aren't fact. i've received several messages since this was posted from people who think my piercings look good. some people like them, some people don't. is that supposed to bother me or something?

Upvote for your piercings from me too :-)

lol grow up, dawg.

what? I'm saying I like them :-(

> liking piercings

> not 1996

what are your thought on tribal tattoos and white people with dreads?

tribal tattoos are lame unless you are from a tribe. Kinda feel the same about white people with dreads, but everyone I know with dreads is super nice, so I keep that to myself. What does 1996 have to do with anything?

everyone I know with dreads

reconsider your life choices


Reconsider my life because I know people with dreadlocks. Right.

that's what i said, yes. what's your point?

Well My point is- I know these people because they are friends with my room mate. Being is close proximity to them and interacting with them in no way adversely affects my life. I know a lot of assholes with short back and sides, who do negatively impact my life. What you are saying is pretty stupid- but don't worry I'm sure you have great hair.

What if they are still on a quest to find a tribe?

Well they can just wait until they find a tribe then, rules are rules.

Tribal tattoos are swank if they give you magical powers like in FC3.

Some white girls with dreads look hot as fuck...

oh snap dude i was mistaking your username for u/Ylajali_2002. sorry about that

That's fine :-)

that is not fine, actually. I've been mistaken for a lot of things in my life, but never some fucking degenerate whiteknight who ends his posts in smileys.

I'm a girl, dickhole.

I'm a girl, dickhole.

being a girl doesn't mean you can't have an ingrained sense of toxic masculinity.

honestly it sounds like you've got a lot of introspection to do. I don't know where all this hate is coming from.

Oh sorry that was a typo. I meant "I'm a girl, with a dickhole." Please accept me.

oh shit, prepare for your inbox to be flooded with death wishes

None so far. My condolences to you though.

will u be my gf?

No thankyou.

Omg all girls are the same. You won't be my girlfriend even though I asked nicely? dat ain't right gurl

hahaha. Gimmie all your money.

I love financial domination ;) I'll give you a hundred bux in bitcoins if you send a pic of your naked feet in flip-flops with the text "You will never touch these" written across them.

wow hot. Long toenails or short?

As short as possible. Preferably with some translucent, shiny nail polish if you've got it. I like my girls au naturel baby

Au naturel? You're in for a treat, hope you like hairy toes.

Oh man, I really don't but it would just enhance the experience if you wrote something dirty about how a athetic boy like me didn't deserve hairless ones or something. You're the dom, you think of something.

Pubic hair would be hot though, but I don't know what your going rate is for vulva related material.

wait what are you serious? I though you were joking about this.

Come on! It's not fun if you take it seriously. I even thought I took it too far?

I'm broke as fuck and I don't like feet.

Too late I already shaved my toes, pay up bitch.

And yeah, me too.

I'll send you a pic of my cum rag if that's okay? I know bitches love to see the result of all that pent up raw masculinity ;)

Ah too bad, I was kinda hoping you'd be an older radfem sugar mommy who would pay good money to see me do humiliating camshows. As pay back for the oppressive porn industry y'know.

Well I guess we are both disappointed then.

At least you had your toes shaved. Still, you're being a bitch for not giving me the sexual satisfaction (that I am owed btw) so I have no choice but to hate all women in the future. whatever

Ahh now you've found MY kink ;-) uhhh uhhh uughhh hatee mmeee oh god yes.

Damn, I knew it. Turns out y'all were slutz with no self-respect after all. Most women are too prude to admit it, but I appreciate your candor. Now I don't have to feel self-conscious about my misogyny. (Still hate you though, how about that?)

Let it all hang out, baby. Now if you excuse me, I have to leave, this conversation is too arousing.

Yeah, probs for the best. Busted my load in my pants already anyway.

On a more serious note, I wouldn't hang around the incel subs too much if I was a girl. Some posts freak me out and they do weird shit irl. Take it easy.

hahaha. Thanks, take care of yourself too.

post your grrl bucci

Get out straightie

post gussy

I speculate there might have been a couple times you were even mistaken for a human being.

i've received several messages since this was posted from people who think my piercings look good.

I've already told you /u/2222222222-- is trying to get in your pants. guy has a lot of alts.

LMAO The betas are all over ya!

>literal incel calling people beta

Wew lad

Is that what the donald spends all their time doing?

As a representative of the_donald, we are neutral on the issue of this chick's vagina.

Omega, sit your ass down and shut up.

yo cirque, are you in the discord?

No someone sent me the address but i forgot where i put it. PM me if you want.

Only a 3/10 man or less would ever fuck your repulsive crotch.

if you say so.

user reports: 1: surplus autism

I don't mind the piercings but how fat exactly are you and why do you not draw your eyebrows on like the other trailer park girls I take on the tilt'a'whirl at the fair?

hoo lawdy i don't even know where to begin with this one!

I'm pretty sure your face isn't ironic.

I'm pretty sure it's surgical steelic

I'm pretty sure your face isn't ironic.

oh shit


Oh shit!

Bring on the emergency popcorn!

This is not a drill!

I repeat, this is not a drill!

y'all act like a bunch of 12-year-olds.

You're not wrong, but you really should read the sidebar.

You're not wrong. Not that I'm too good to make fun of strangers online, but people really aren't bringing their A game on the banter today.

Meh. It's Friday. I just wanna start drinking

That's fair. Cheers!

Fam you're in /r/drama. This is a shitposting safe space. When in Rome, my dude. Stop being cringey and join us in taking literally nothing seriously.

sit on my face

For someone who "doesn't give a damn" you seem to be replying a lot.

well, if i didn't reply at all, it would've been a shit show of "bitch is too scared to reply, durrrrr!"

damned if i do, damned if i don't. oh well.

well, if i didn't reply at all, it would've been a shit show of "bitch is too scared to reply, durrrrr!"

And...I thought you "didn't give a damn" about that?

That sub is cancer. Filled with the saddest people

In high school there was this guy in my class. He was short, nerdy, skinny and ugly, and wasn't funny or otherwise very interesting. Sensitive type. He used to buy the very prettiest girls of the school flowers and stuff. Wanted to date those so very obviously way out of his league. When they politely said no he'd cry. Loudly.

I say him in a grocery store a couple of years later. It just confirmed what we all knew back then. He was with his boyfriend.


Spot a problem? Contact the creator.

Don't want me to reply to your comments anymore? Click me. This function is in beta.

What the shit

um flowers

I have no idea what that has to do with my comment but thank you for sharing that story

"They're probably just gay but afraid to admit it to themselves".

All that fucking bullshit about Chad, Stacy, being friendzoned and roasties reminds me of that sad dude. Or, you know, they're just fucked in the head.

Or maybe your schoolmate went gay because he was ugly and no woman would have liked him. Who knows?

What a great story

Awwww <3

Like yeah, definitely not my mamba jamba.

But the sight of people calling themselves "involuntarily celibate" and then being picky about their choice in women is an odd one.

it's all good dude, i'm not offended if people aren't into my look. everyone's different with different preferences and that's cool.

but yeah, any woman that they consider to be below a 10/10 (or occasionally below 8/10) is automatically labeled a "chad-thirsty disgusting whore landwhale roastie cunt" who they wouldn't fuck. this post about me is what happens when you call them out for being hypocrites

The fact that they're insulting you does NOT mean they are wrong in this case though. You are indeed not easy on the eyes and a have repulsive vagina. They might be hipocrites but so are you trying to gloss over the fact that they are righ in this specific case.

no, i'm just accepting that everyone is entitled to their opinion. it doesn't phase me if some people are turned off by my appearance. i'm aware that you can't please everyone, and i'm not even trying to do that. if you think i'm gross-looking, good for you, go look at someone who doesn't gross you out so you can move on with your life.

Yeah but youre not even trying to please yourself with that im sure even your mirror hates you by now

aw jeez, more mindless drivel about my appearance that's supposed to hurt my widdle feelings or something. if you're going to insult me, be original about it at least. you're just making yourself look bad by recycling the same bile.

Neener neener tiny wiener

>implying there are any non-disgusting vaginas

Fucking breeders.

You're in bussy territory, bucko.

There definitely are.

But it's those actions of projection and acting out that are hypocritical. She's so ugly to them because they're so ugly to themselves. They have the vitriol because they can't cope with their own shittiness.

She's so ugly to them because x

She's just ugly like, in general. The incel's vitriol is just the cherry on top

I guess I don't go out of my way to hate people I don't find physically attractive. But as a landwhale myself, perhaps I am not an authority on this topic.

i know. sorry.

Your frogs are cool.

thanks, i love those little guys something fierce.


lol k



I enjoy oppressing women as much as the next guy but the shit they did just makes them look worse. I didn't think that was possible.

I don't like your look and probably your politics, but you seem to have a really great personality that you should be proud of. Kudos to you for being so even-tempered and reasonable about the whole thing, especially with all of the haters saying nasty things about you.

well, uh, thanks.

I will fap to your froga bumba.

Are guys weary of sticking it in your metallic cunt?

well, i'm in a monogamous relationship, and he doesn't seem to mind, so.

How many guys have you fucked since you got it pierced?

one, cuz we've been together since i could legally get them done.

You are too stupid to understand you were not roasted for being ugly, but for being an arrogant virtue signaling whore.

Keep piercing your vagina I'm sure it'll age well.

your username makes you pretty easy to figure out.

Fight me disgusting roastie

Better not run though or else you might need triple bypass from all the lard

but i need to lose weight! how can i do that if i avoid precious cardio?!

Roast beef walls

ouch. how can i ever recover from such a sick burn?!

But you're a literal roastie tho, cow tits.

thanks for your input.

No problem cow tits

i'm crying so many sad tears right now because you hurt my widdle feewings.

Do those tears roll down your cow tits, cow tits?

sure do. in fact, i think i'm gonna go eat my feelings. 😢

Better than eating your cow tits, right?

gee, i guess so.

Said cow tits


That tear is almost like milk, which comes from cow tits, cow tits.

How the he'll is this thread still going on, why is she still replying

I don't know but we should milk this as long as possible, just like /u/tsume24's cow tits

I think a more proper term is udder

no, it is cow tits.

because i continue to get notifications? y u still here?

  • subhuman


"chad-thirsty disgusting whore landwhale roastie cunt"

I meant to imply you forgot subhuman in your list of incel insults.

ah. yeah, you right

Sadly, as with many people, you misunderstand the point.

holy mother of fuck, this is almost three weeks old. FUCK OFF

Ey, ey, I don't seek to bait you or don't care about your insides. Just saying that I think you're missing the point.

No need to write "fuck off" in italics.

okay, person who thinks this is so important that they need to comment on an 18-day-old post, what point am i missing?

but yeah, any woman that they consider to be below a 10/10 (or occasionally below 8/10) is automatically labeled a "chad-thirsty disgusting whore landwhale roastie cunt" who they wouldn't fuck. this post about me is what happens when you call them out for being hypocrites.

There are people like that but they aren't the absolute majority. Whether you're spinning this as if it was your holy mission to expose the hypocrisy of the people like that. That's just my opinion and I am probably wrong.

well, considering that literally the majority of comments i've seen on any post about a woman in /incels have been horrific at best and actually dangerous to the point that i've warned people for their safety at worst, i'm not sure what you're getting at. every single time a woman makes a post or comment in /incels she is driven out. every single time the woman is good-looking, the majority of comments are about how she deserves to get raped and nobody wants her because she's obviously not a virgin. and every single time the woman is average- or below-average-looking, she is attacked for being ugly and no incel would touch her. in the rare instance where an incel does claim he would touch an average-looking woman, he is -- 100% of the time from what i've observed the last several months -- someone who makes it known that he thinks women are just sex toys and not worthy of being called people.

if you can find an example of this not being the absolute majority, i might change my stance. but i haven't seen it once and i've been lurking there for months. someone posted a photo of an attractive woman taken from behind her as she was jogging and the comments immediately devolved into this.

every single time a woman makes a post or comment in /incels she is driven out.

Due to a tone-deaf trite platitude someone heard a thousand times or being blamed for following something society told you should do without providing much context.

Imagine reading that "it's all your fault", "you're a creep", "muh soggy knees" and you really fail to understand what you do wrong. And then people come to your sub and start doing the same you're trying to escape from. How would you feel? Can you actually imagine that?

every single time the woman is good-looking, the majority of comments are about how she deserves to get raped and nobody wants her because she's obviously not a virgin. and every single time the woman is average- or below-average-looking, she is attacked for being ugly and no incel would touch her. in the rare instance where an incel does claim he would touch an average-looking woman, he is -- 100% of the time from what i've observed the last several months -- someone who makes it known that he thinks women are just sex toys and not worthy of being called people.

Frustration and rage but not the intent to actually do it. Not mentioning the fact that you've had some quite impressive selective memory (considering that actual misogyny posts barely reach 25% of all content, whereas 75% of it mostly self-hatred) many depressed and disturbed people like to use exaggerations not for the sake of being edgy or actually hating people but because only rare few people are able to eloquently put their frustration into words without sounding outright homicidal.

I am not seeking to challenge your experience as you clearly have a certain disposition towards people and content there, just letting you know that owls might not be what they seem.

wasn't talking about how many misogyny posts there are compared to other kinds of posts; was talking about how every single time a woman shows up -- even if it's literally to give one of them a chance -- she's bullied and harassed into leaving. that's not selective memory, that's an observation i've made over and over again.

I didn't reply because I haven't read the message, if that's what you mean.

I don't really say that the frustration is harmless, it's far from it but containing it is also bad, I think but you do have a point about it being filled with some genuinely nasty people.

However, a lot of sad, frustrated and mentally disturbed people are there too and not a lot of them can afford therapy. I cannot, I have to somewhat handle it on my own. I apologies for making it into a pity party again but I kinda want one, considering not a lot of people care about me and actually offer me unconditional sympathy.

They dole out tough love but not sympathy. I guess that's why I kind of like that place in a while. I wanna lash out because I'm tired being told that every bad thing is my fault and I don't try hard enough. I really just want to be me and weak and not deal with other people's lives and bullshit.

Sorry for the rant. Again, I guess you do have a point.

i definitely see where you're coming from and i appreciate your non-hostile approach to it. cuz i get it. i don't live it the same way /incels users do but i really do understand what it's like to be so fed up with being told all your problems are your fault that you get to the point of wanting to lash out. but to go out and publicly (on reddit where anyone can see it, anyway) talk about how happy it makes you when women get raped and killed, is not the right way to deal with those feelings. if anything, /incels users should be angry at the society that's been constructed to value thinness, whiteness, facial symmetry, and sex above everything else. we live in a world that teaches us we don't matter if we don't look a certain way. what does it accomplish when you take a photo of a woman you don't know and call her a chad-thirsty slut for hundreds of other guys to join in on? all that does is reinforce the completely incorrect notion that every pretty girl in existence is some kind of sex-addicted skank who spends all her time lusting after hollister models. that hurts both parties because the guy is beating himself up for not looking like a model while simultaneously shitting on a girl he actually finds pretty... for no reason.

i know many pretty women who, like me (i'm not conventionally-attractive like them though), are much more attracted to larger guys than television/magazines/advertisements would lead you to believe. i wish /incels users believed me when i tried telling them that. the way society is set up to value these things is for one reason and one reason only -- money. profit is made when you make everyone believe that they're not good or attractive enough to do anything without looking a certain way or using a certain product. why do you think women shave their legs? razor companies decided to make an ad about how women with hairy legs are weird. now, practically every woman does it. because of an ad.

TL;DR the anger i see in /incels is severely misplaced and viewing women as objects hurts everyone.

Anger at society will make a delinquent, whereas anger at someone will just make a bigot.

One is a dangerous criminal and the second is a despicable person. Whom do you think the government will tolerate? And I'm talking government as in a universal human entity.

As for sex? It's not the act that does it, it's the implication that is so bitterness inducing. You want to have sex with that person - your genes are good enough to pass on and hence your biological imperative is fulfilled.

I know it sounds kind of contradicting but it's about sex and not about sex at the same time. Factor in various reasons that stymied the socialization of people at /r/incels and there you go.

Some people would say that they too have suffered but they didn't in a sense that allows for full understanding of the situation. Usually those people have been at the right place at the right time and it's not their fault they got better environment and people like me didn't. But that doesn't mean people like me shouldn't be upset about it, you know?

ya, but being upset and wishing people dead are two different things. honestly the only things that truly bother me that i see in /incels is when those guys start talking about how it should be illegal for women to wear makeup or vote if they've had more than 1 sexual partner, and when they say things like "women should be circumcised instead of men so they don't get any pleasure from sex." like, that's so fucking destructive i don't even know where to begin. that goes beyond venting. that's expressing, "women are not people and should not be treated as such." putting how fucked-up it is aside, how is anyone supposed to find a loving, lifelong partner if they don't even consider that partner to be a human being? sure, i got lucky with my current boyfriend. but he's an amazing person who doesn't see women as less-than. and, he was a 20-year-old virgin when we started dating. he wasn't bitter or resentful about it and didn't rush me into sex, even though he wanted to lose his virginity really bad.

it's okay to be frustrated. it's okay to be weak. it's okay to be yourself. but it's not okay to dehumanize another person (or an entire gender) because you didn't always get why you want in life. no good relationship will ever come to a guy who honestly believes that women deserve violence for not sleeping with him. that's an endless cycle of horrific negativity that goes nowhere. i truly believe everyone deserves happiness. and when i see some of those guys saying "rate me" and other guys tell them how hideous they are, how bad their eye area is, etc... pretty much 9 times out of 10 i look at that guy and i'm like, "wow, he's really not bad-looking, all these guys are doing is keeping his self-esteem in the toilet."

if the subreddit wasn't so toxic both to women and to its own members, i would feel much differently about its users.

it's okay to be frustrated. it's okay to be weak. it's okay to be yourself.

No, it isn't. I'm probably one of those "nice guys". I didn't get enough context in regards to advice on relationships with people early in life but apparently majority of people don't like that. You can't open up, you can't be weak because people don't like weakness. Yes, there are people who understand and I understand those who cannot tolerate whining anymore but you cannot just hang on to your dear life expecting someone to call your own.

I envy you that you did. I didn't see your face or your pic and I don't care what you do in your life, you do you as they say. But you got lucky, many people don't.

It's with the fact that I wasn't told early enough in live that life is that much unfairness that I had to learn it that way I have the problem with.

And yes, it is absolutely reprehensible to give in to hate. But trust me, it is so seductive.

Again, sorry for using me as an example but I kinda keep these thoughts in check but without good things in life it is so hard not to give in. I may hold on for a year more, for 5, for 10 but it's extremely painful. Hate offers a reprieve. A reason to exist. I'd like to think I'll stay the way I am but it will not be possible. I just hope if I'll give in it's going to be relatively harmless to others and not Elliot Rodgers like.

Not that you should care. I'm just trying to tell you that those guys might be reprehensible but have at least a consideration if not pity for them. They weren't born that way.

They would be on her like white on rice if she would give em the time of day. This is some sour grapes delusion trying to make themselves feel better that even "roasties" won't touch em.

I can't believe how many women who makes men feel bad looks like that. Not only in the flirting manner when fat ugly women walk up to attractive men and insults/negs them thinking it'll make them more attractive, but also their bodyshaming and sexism I guess one of the reasons some women are so focused on mocking mens genitals is because their own are repulsive.


Yeah was queing up in a game, looked sketchy but we pulled through by outplaying them mid game.

I am legitimately amazed that sub hasn't been banned yet. Also to the "roastie" girl posting there you should really stop. Those people are t sad, depressed people who can be helped. And I would be 100% nonplussed if one of them doxed and killed you, of you have those photos on Facebook as well as Reddit delete them now, those incel guys are pathetic and the only salvation for them is a shot of vodka soaked pills followed by a chaser of hot lead.

here's the thing: i was banned from the sub days ago. i'm not still posting there, yet here we are. and those pictures aren't anywhere else, so.

i love how it's assumed that i'll be doxxed and killed after i've been the victim of several days worth of abusive messages but i haven't insulted any of their appearances even one single time ever.

I have no love for those retards and I'm not trying to be a white knight looking for brownie points I'm not saying they're going to kill you for harassing them I'm saying they'll do it because they're crazy

eh. my boyfriend is 6 feet tall, 300+ pounds, and could wreck any of them in under 60 seconds even if he didn't have his gun on him. i also live directly across the street from a cop. so.

I'm not doubting that your boyfriend could wreck any NEET neckbeard but that weight at that height is dangerously obese. Might I suggest some tips on bettering his/your health.

lol, noted

300+ pounds? He couldn't get out of a chair in 60 seconds.

if you say so


That is one of the most grossly naive things I've ever seen.

There are a thousand ways to kill a person without them ever leaving their own bed.

good to know, thanks.

Yo your boyfriend is fat as fuck


To murder you. They are literally insane.

waste their time trying to find me (for what, though???)

that one guy's name is a reference to Elliot Rodger. If you read his so-called 'manifesto' without knowing anything about him, you'd also think it was just too ridiculous and pathetic to be written by someone actively deranged enough to go out on a murder spree. I wouldn't keep pointing and laughing at a paranoid schizophrenic just as I wouldn't keep antagonizing a community of severely deranged people while keeping personal info on public display, even if they deserve it.

how am i antagonizing them? what personal info is on display? everything i do on reddit is completely separate from every other social media platform i use, for a reason.

and, thanks.

You'd be surprised what certifiably insane people with too much time on their hands could do

ur so tuff

thanks, i try. and hey, thanks for keeping the thread alive more than 24 hours later for some reason.

Something something pot Something something the kettle is black

so if someone wants to waste their time trying to find me (for what, though???), that's on them.

You REALLY shouldn't be taunting them to dox and harrass you after all the pictures you've posted online. It's incredibly easy to find you and they will do it because they're like that. If you go all internet badass, you'll end up in a world of hurt.

i'm not trying to be tough or a badass. nor am i taunting anyone. i simply stated that people can spend their time as they please. because that's true. maybe my tone didn't come across as it should've.

i mean, think about it. someone posted a screencap of their conversation with me here, and a couple of my pictures that they found. i've received literally hundreds of abusive comments and now i'm supposed to worry about someone coming to murder me -- literally, for what? because i sent someone a message? sure a lot of them are insane but i believe that even they aren't that insane

now i'm supposed to worry about someone coming to murder me -- literally, for what?

They wouldn't come to murder you after they find your address, employer, family and everything. There are hundreds of ways to make your life hell after they find it all. Tell you what, spend a couple minutes on google and read about doxxing stories. Calling and harassing your family members, harassing your employer, ordering pizzas to your address and even swatting (calling cops on you claiming that there's a hostage situation in your house to send a swat team to break into your house) are the common ones you hear about. You can never predict what lunatics with a lot of time on your hamds can do, Your bf, his gun, your neighbor cop or his great dane can't do shit about it.

hey, it'd be great if you could delete that comment so as not to give them any ideas. that would be appreciated

Huh no. If anyone is going to try to dox and harrass you, they will already know about all this. This is pretty basic stuff and nothing new. I'm just trying to help you understand the importance of online privacy and the very real dangers of doxxing since you seem to have a very juvenile attitude towards it.

My advice - search for reddit deletion scripts (they are very simple to install and run on your browser) and delete everything on reddit including your account. Disable all your social media accounts for a week or two and lay low online. Or keep arguing with everyone as you've been doing here.

Not only has she not followed your advice about wiping this identity, she continues to post personally identifiable information.


Truly, truly, one who has no sense.

great dane can't do shit about it.

He can slow down the swat team while they take a few seconds to shoot him.

thanks for the paranoia. can't wait to get swatted after literally insulting no one.

It's not paranoia if these things actually happen.

Thanks for the great idea. Someone doxxed literally all my info a few days ago, but nothing has happened yet.

Those people are t sad, depressed people who can be helped. And I would be 100% nonplussed if one of them doxed and killed you

Yeah, /r/Drama is pretty awful sometimes.

You misspelled AWESOME.

Please take your pills regularly to stop those delusions.

this but unironically

I mean, if the doctor said so, you should take them, but I don't judge you if you don't. Just know that with good medicine you could live a perfectly normal life without thoughts about scary incels trying to murder you.

Has sympathy for incels. Thinks anyone who disagrees with them should be killed. Yup, toootally not an incel.

I've been found out!

the only salvation for them is a shot of vodka soaked pills followed by a chaser of hot lead.

You know the truth and aren't mean about it.


It is true, you know. Only living for the day I can finally do it. Tho, my preference is being sober and hang some.

Well /u/ElliotsSecondAdvent, everyone had the right to make fun of you, because you're genetically inferior

No, I don't believe I'm genetically inferior to everyone.

You might not believe it, but that doesn't mean it's not true.

Same could be said to you.

Swineflu isn't an incel tho so there's a chance you'd be wrong. As an incel you have conceded any sort of credit in arguments concerning genetic fitness. Your kind make rotting corpses of roadkill look erotic in comparison


can't even link a snappy little "k" gif


The single definable goal of sapient life is to attract a mate and reproduce. All of your ancestors managed. Millions of other manage every day. Obviously, something is going wrong here. You suppose you're just a victim of circumstance?

You suppose you're just a victim of circumstance?

I suppose so.

You a dumb motherfucker

I honestly had no idea you can pierce your vagina that much.

fun fact: i could have more work done on it, if i wanted to.

You trying to fuck the Tin Man or something?

Does security end up fingering you every time you pass through a metal detector?

nope. my jewelry doesn't set detectors off, that's a myth.

Thanks, I didn't know that. I have never had hidden piercings to where I thought about it.

i'm pretty sure low-grade steel still risks setting detectors off, but i wear implant-grade titanium. i expect a full-blown shitstorm for this but i have a piece of metal installed in my hip (not by choice) made of the same stuff.

Wtf happened to your hips?

just the one. it got shattered in a car accident. yeah yeah i know, i deserved it/must've been giving the driver road head/should've died/etc.

they had to put it back together with a rod and screws, and they've been there for 8 years now.

Oh well glad that worked out for you.

eh, i actually have chronic pain from it to this day, but i'm sure a lot of people here would suggest that maybe i just go lose some weight to fix that or something.

maybe i just go lose some weight to fix that

It would probably help, yes

trust me, i was thinner when this first happened. i healed fine but the pain that lingered after physical therapy got me walking again hasn't changed.

You've looked into treating the pain itself, if it's keeping you from being mobile, right? What have you tried?

it doesn't keep me from being mobile, just prevents me from exercising for long periods of time. trying to do exercises specifically to strengthen that leg have only seemed to make the pain worse; even after going for long walks almost daily, for weeks, the pain persists. i hate pain medication, so i think my only option is to have the implant removed at some point.

Is the pain from the implant or the accident though? Don't you need it to stand and walk and such?

Not sure if it's appropriate for you, but look up spinal cord stimulation

no, i don't need it to stand or walk. it was only put in place to hold the pieces of bone that broke together so they could heal properly. now it's essentially useless to me, but it's a whole 'nother surgery to have it removed. that's my dilemma.

i saved a copy of the x-ray that they gave me back when it happened, if you want to see.

You do realize you can lose weight through cutting calories alone, right? It just involves not stuffing your mouth with so much food all the time. If you want to do exercise to speed up the process, a stationary bike might not put too much strain on your knee. Try /r/loseit.

I like how it's just assumed that I must be stuffing my face with food 24/7. cuz there just couldn't be any other factor, right? that notion is so funny to me because it reminds me of the girl I knew in high school -- super thin preppy girl who ate at least 3,000 calories worth of junk food (just for lunch) every day but was rail-thin. interestingly, no one ever scolded her for her eating habits. it's almost as though nobody cares what unhealthy habits a girl has as long as she's not fat.

Your body can't break the laws of physics. Put less calories in over time and you must lose weight.

i'll do it just for you. 😒

Why did you delete your cunt pics?

what sane person wouldn't delete photos after receiving several hundred comments about how disgusting they are?

Dangit, I was going to jerk off to that.

how? i'm fucking gross.

I'd spray the contents of my balls against your cervix.

Sounds like a complicated medical situation, thanks for indulging my curiosity.

of course. and yeah it's complicated. i'm 99.9% sure i no longer have the sort of health coverage to have surgery to remove the thing. ah, america.

Ok, do you have like a defense mechanism about being fat or something? I've been nice to you for multiple replies now and you keep trying to bait me into insulting you.

i'm not trying to bait you, just preemptively covering all the nasty replies i might get from others. sorry it didn't come across correctly; i appreciate your genuine curiosity.

You realize you're in /r/drama not /r/incels SOME OF US have actually talked to women before, right?

Why do you like doing it at all? I'm genuinely curious, it makes no sense to me other than masochism.

it's not getting pierced that i like; i like being pierced, as in, the end result. i know that doesn't make much sense but it's not a masochism thing for me. i don't get off on pain, i just like the way they look. my oldest one is almost 8 years old.

I'm not going to mock her face...but her vagina is fucking disgusting. It literally looks like roast beef.

OK, incels are bad enough, but these vegetarian/vegans need to die in a fire. Roast beef is amazing.

Not related, but are there women who identify as an incel?

yes. i've talked to several of them.

I see. Do they participate in that sub?

they've tried. one of them posted there literally just looking for a similar sub for women and she got shit on worse than the comments that are shitting on me, here.

They can't, they'll either get downvoted or deleted. Unless they lie about their gender.

Come to think of it, a lot of women lie about their gender on the internet.

Women can't be incel, silly.

It's not vagina that's bad, it's some white shit around it. FFS does that woman even showers?

it's called dry skin, yo. sorry i don't moisturize enough for your liking 😂

At least you deleted that filthy shit, thanks.

lol holy fuck why are people still replying to me?

/u/tsume24 did you get those rings into your roast-beef labia to hold all the flaps together, or because you hoped putting enough armor on it would stop daddy from hurting you down there?

why not both!

Are you sure those things are lead free though? Or was it a pre-existing condition?

the metal is implant-grade titanium, not that you actually care lol

Yeah no way someone would cut corners while putting in rings in diseased labia for a living.

Is that somehow a step up from steel I suppose?

it sure is

Vomits unironically

/u/ElliotsSecondAdvent what do you have planned for your summer break and are you excited for 8th grade next year?

Yes, very excited. I'm going to LDAR all summer long.

Lie down and Reeeee?

Lol bad move not using a throw away if you've got pictures like that on your account while dealing with incels, but fyi it wouldn't matter what she look liked. They would've shat on her appearance regardless.

This, tbh. They'll try to doxx roasties just for showing up.

Yeah and if you actually read what she said to them, she didn't insult their looks once. People jumping on her are just showing they're a bit retarded too.

I have literally PM'd them on occasion after they made a "rate me" post in r/incels to tell them that they don't look "subhuman." I don't understand why they think I'm some evil cunt. I only started messing with a couple of them after they shit on me for trying to be nice to them, and escalated it slightly purely for teh lulz after they hypocritically banned me for "making a generalization." thanks to that, here we are with a post mocking my appearance for thousands of people to see. but I'm still the evil cunt somehow.

Yeah I'm not surprised. It honestly doesn't matter what you say to them, it's easier for them to blame their faces i.e something that can't be changed without expensive surgery, rather than maybe accept they're just shitty people. Also incels are the most shallow people I've ever seen and I'm a regular in make-up subs lmao.

i just love the logic of "all women are whores! chad-thirsty cunts! thin women are stacy and fat women are landwhales! FEMALE! FEMALOID! GET OUT! WHY DON'T WOMEN TALK TO ME?!?!"

one of them messaged me earlier to talk civilly, and when i was kind to him he decided we should stop talking because it was too triggering and it was making him upset. just, what???? he initiated the freaking conversation. what the shit?? i guess i'll never "get it"

(I wrote all this while high so ignore if you mind a jittery shitty stream of consciousness style and also all of it is probably worthless)

Don't bother they're too far gone. Some are completely average looking dudes (that would be like 8/10 with good clothes and a nice haircut) who claim they look like monsters. A minority seem to carry some serious emotional baggage that can't be fixed over the internet. This toxic minority tries to ensnare the almost normal guys who're just slightly insecure virgins. If a girl shows she's a non-bitch and tries to work with them this minority feels like they're losing the only place where they belong.

I'm more surprised by the weirdos from r/drama acting like that. I get this is supposed to be satire and being kind isn't fun, but there is a limit, isn't there? I get joking about the piercings and giving someone a hard time, but this isn't roastme. I'm happy you took it in stride. Cuz nigga I would be bawling. This is why I never post pics to the internet.

Yeah... forgot where I was going with this.

as a fellow stoner i appreciate this comment. thank you. and i deleted every single thing i ever posted that contained an image of me, including pics of my ears. somehow people are still harassing me like 20 freaking hours later lol

I'm actually on speed, but never mind. This is the karma you get for trying to help though. Never help anyone. I'll probably be fucked some way for white knighting for you in that comment.

oh, well i've never ventured outside the realm of pot, so oop. considering how old this post is now, i'm sure you're probably fine lol

Only stoner no boner, as they say.

Even if it was unintentional on your part all of this was still pretty entertaining to read. r/incel drama is always good cause you'll be sure to have really engaged participants. Plus the crazy pierced gussy, the trip never stopped. lol.

I don't give a fuck what anyone says. I appreciate a chick posting her bits to the internet.

You're doing the lords work /u/tsume24 I for one am happy to know what your gash looks like.

axe wound

So you can stay the fuck away LOL

oh my god you guys are being so mean, it even hurts to read

This is giving me jewdank flashbacks

Brutal just brutal

I am a softie about this kind of dogpilling I dont know why

same, this is like watching that gif of the boa constrictor vs the puppy.

Wait, what gif?

what gif


I'm the snake and you're the puppy fyi fyi

Are you just gonna be a SRDine and not post the gif?

post bussy

then post gif


That's the second most horrible thing I've seen today.

What's the first?

Your mothers twat

your own damn fault for still being into grills in 2017

omg why the fuck would you post that?

like 5 people asked

It was great!

I laughed


I didn't realise that you were being serious. Fuck.

...I dont know what I was expecting, who the fuck feed a puppy to a snake? Jesus.

it used to be pretty common for people to ''''adopt'''''' kittens, rabbits, and puppies from craigslist to use as reptile food, dogfighting practice, and live bait, which is why a rehoming fee is required now. this was in china, though.

Live bait?

How do you this one is from China? I remember reading that this was some retard trying to "introduce" his new puppy to his snake, but I can't find it now. You have a source for this?

It's believed that the owner of both pets DELIBERATELYDELIBERATELYDELIBERATELYDELIBERATELYDELIBERATELY fed the poodle to the python

I've seen this article but the video is new to me. This is just a classic shit dailymail article saying "I read this in another website". I swear I've read some where that they were indeed introducing the puppy to the snake. The man saying the snake won't attack and the woman's scream at least casts doubt on what huanqiu claims.

Daily Mail

That's so metal.

It's because people aren't even trying to be funny. I can only handle reading so many instances of "[ping] u suk haha get own3d."


if your entire comment is "haha you're heavier than many people find attractive" reconsider your entire life

You are so annoying I actually take my comment back

green is a terrible color on you

if you are /u/riemann1413 or your entire comment is "haha you're heavier than many people find attractive" reconsider your entire life


i'm better than all of you so this comment definitely didn't hurt my feelinga

Sorry, Riemann, it was only jokes. Blowies later to make you feel better.

Never apologise to riemann

Whats the story behind him? I always see him referenced around these parts.

trust me guys, I'm definitely not offended, it just wasn't a funny joke

typical SRDine.

just you wait buddy. the night of the long cans will soon be upon us.

i mean it is a lame joke, esp. the thirtieth time. lately you guys have been at CB2 levels of roasting tbh, it's really sad

incels get out reeeeeeeee

Ur stupid lol

haha lol



I'm pretty sure your face isn't ironic.

This was the hardest


My emotional terrorism will never stop.

-Alf Qaeda

incels should be shot tbh

Good work /u/71up. This one is a real treat.

Wow, that is the ugliest girl you've ever seen? I think I finally know why those kids are incels.

right? like, i'm aware that at worst i'm average-looking, fat or not. and i'm not even morbidly obese as they keep claiming. :|

I mean, facial structure is one thing, but I expected like a 500 pound whale with skin defects and shit. Someone you wouldn't see walking down the street.

Just curious. Have you been sitting here the entire day replying to everyone's comments, Mrs. Green eyes and Green vagina?

Also LOL OP got gilded for bashing ya!

Women still owe me sex.


Having fun shouting at yourself, there?

I'm whispering.


How is this thread still going on. You may be average looking for a manatee. In your human form i'm gonna say a 2.5 out of 10

good to know, thanks.

LMFAO someone actually gilded you! No one gilds incels though :(

LMFAO someone other than myself actually gave me gold after they observed how i handled this. suck it, nerd

Congrats roastie.

thanks bae 💖

The girl is actually pretty cute but yeah if she could dial back on the cranial accessories she would look a lot better/desperate for attention.

noted. sorry i didn't tailor my appearance for your personal taste.

What makes you think I tailored my comment for your personal consumption/ approval?

why did you even make such a comment if I'm not allowed to have thoughts on it?

why did you post a pic on reddit if I'm not allowed to have thoughts on it?

it was a year ago, holy shit

What is the statute of limitations on things I see for the first time that I am allowed to have an opinion on?

deflection, deflection, deflection. you said a shitty thing; own up to it or quit replying to me.

not that you care, but i have piercings because i happen to like how they look on me. no part of it is for attention, whatsoever. same reason someone might get their hair cut/styled differently.

You replied to me, not the other way around. Don't whine when I reply to your direct replies to my comments. Also, I didn't say you weren't allowed to do what you want, just that deliberately putting 5 pounds of metal shit in your face makes you look weird. If your face was just ugly because of bad genetics, then yeah it would be rude to say anything. But you post a picture of yourself looking like that on a public forum, then yah you should expect a bit of laughter.

i like how you went from "The girl is actually pretty cute" to "post a picture of yourself looking like that on a public forum, then yah you should expect a bit of laughter."

i posted it in r/legitpiercing, to show the piercer's work a fucking year ago, and it got a couple comments and that was the end of it. what part of that means i should expect to get laughed at a fucking year later? i don't understand. victim-blame game strong. it's goddamn mind-blowing how people instantly blame the victim for the abuse they receive instead of ever consider that the abusers should probably own up to how fucking abusive they're being.

The girl is actually pretty cute but yeah if she could dial back on the cranial accessories she would look a lot better/less desperate for attention.

My original comment. I said you were cute but I didn't dig the piercings basically. A bit more rudely than I intended reading it back now. But I didn't get mean until you started pestering me. Why do you even care what I think? You really shouldn't.

when photos of your face and genitals are exposed to an entire subreddit, viewed a couple thousand times, and about 500 people feel the need to screech at you about how disgusting they think you are, it gets kind of difficult to keep telling yourself that it's not true. especially after a literal lifetime of bullying about your appearance. did you know that my own mother calls me a fat piece of shit regularly? i doubt you care. but this has been my whole life.

even after i starved myself to lose 40 pounds for a guy. who then left me for a girl who lives in a different state. ain't that some shit?

i get it, i'm ugly, i'm tired of that being the only thing anyone has to say about me. real tired of it.

"but, just ignore it, why listen to them?"

because i've been shit on by my own family members (including my brother) since before i hit puberty. everyone here is right. i'm gross. sorry.

I don't think you're gross or ugly. Those people that say things like that about you are wrong. And I'm sorry for all that you have had to put up with.

But there is something that you need to understand. If you go out of your way to make yourself look weird, then you are inviting commentary. If people make fun of you for bad genetics, or being fat, or having bad skin, shit like that, then you can say they are the assholes. If you do something to yourself that is something you have to choose to do, and that makes you look very strange, then you are inviting commentary on your appearance. Your right to complain stops there. If you don't want people talking about your piercings, there is an easy solution. But I get the feeling you need them there, as a shield so that is the part of your appearance that people talk about, instead of the things you are actually insecure about. But I can't help you with those things.

you're probably right. if i take them out then it's just back to the standard "lose weight or kill yourself, tubby!"


dont use link shorteners pls

uh, what?

your last post linked to goo.gl, which is a link shortener. they always get sent to the spam filter, which means i have to do more work (like clicking two buttons) to get your post to show up

ah, sorry, I didn't know. :/

Well, you deleted your last comment, but I am going to reply to it anyway since I already had it typed out:

Sorry. You seem actually upset and I was just making a flippant comment, it wasn't what I meant to do. The last thing I am going to say about this is that if you depressed and self-concious about your appearance, and I'm not even joking here:


Anonymous strangers mostly don't give a shit about your well-being. Find people who do, or find professionals who know how to handle things and get you on the right track.

Looking to the internet for your self-worth is putting your self-esteem in the hands of the guy with a 20 second attention span who is just saying shit off the top of his head because he can.

I don't know how I ended up here but I can say that your appearance will not cater to anyone's taste, not for a guy I am sure. I almost puked. If you are a lesbian then I can't say.

If you are fat or obese you should try to cut down your fat so that others notice you. Having a shitload of metal on your private parts is not going to make you more attractive. Any decent guy will puke if he sees you naked and I mean it. You are already ugly and by doing all this piercing stuff you are making yourself look even uglier.

lol, you "almost puked" at what? i've removed all images of myself from reddit. good on you for thinking that you are such a solid authority who is able to speak for all men on earth that you felt the need to come bully a stranger on a 3-month-old post. do you feel better about yourself now?

Lurking on IncelTears and Incels brought me here. You might have removed the links but others have posted links of their own in the related posts. Your vagina looks less flesh and more metal. And I am not bullying you. From your comments you sound like a very insecure girl who is trying to compensate for her obesity by nailing metal into her flesh which looked very shocking to me. No man wants such an insecure girl unless the guy is also an insecure obese piece of shit. Added to that you are very defensive about everything.

lmao oh lord. i've seen the vulva picture they like(d?) to tote around and that's not even my picture.

i'm sure it doesn't mean diddly-fucking-squat to you but i've actually lost 26 pounds since july through dietary changes. so if you could fuck off about the whole obesity thing, that'd be great.

would you like me to not defend myself when i am personally attacked? what would you prefer i do? i'm all ears, bud.

I guess the weight loss was the result of these threads. Looks like the whole ordeal has made you less of a cunt. You sound like a grade A cunt in the above comments but seems like the guys did a good job at putting you in your place.

so, not submitting to hundreds of personal attacks makes me a cunt? okay.

i'm losing weight due to a lifetime of people like you making me hate myself/want to die. man i'm such a cunt. thanks for judging me before talking to me. you're just like everyone else.

So if no one would have bullied you, you would continue to be the cheese hog that you are. Your actions are influenced totally by what others are saying. You only do shit to impress others and seek validation from them, a trait common among insecure, usually ugly, woman. You seem like the skank who will spread her legs for tons of guys just to feel that she is desirable when she is clearly not.

And I can clearly see who was trying to be the bully but fell on her face. Don't try to act like you are the victim. Why did you think of posting on r/Incels ? Sure, coz those guys are the most sexually repressed and your insecure validation seeking fat ass felt that they would be throwing themselves as soon as a girl, no matter how ugly or fat, arrived on that sub. But that didn't happen. So now the bitter blimp starts posting on r/incelTears to show other how bad these guys are.

If you learn to accept yourself instead of being an attention seeking whore you might do better.

thanks, i already wanted to die and now i really want to die. keep it coming, i might actually go to the train station and jump at the first one i see. really. you're doing such a great job putting me in my place.

Wow, you start creating fake accounts to prove your point. Seriously? I thought you were genuinely feeling sad but guess some people would never change.

Lol. It's awesome that people are still looking at this post.

I'm the guy who she was talking to in that pic.

Oh :D u/tsume24 is a very insecure women and start threatening me that she will commit suicide. SHe can't handle criticism at all.

Oh boy. That's pretty... ironic... lol. I would explain more if you didn't tag her.

I edited the last part of my comment for trolling purposes.

The weight loss will be for nothing since her BF will dump her like the last one did after her little "accident."

Cmon man, explain it, I wanna listen. What if I tagged her? She won't care anyways, has no shame.

Maybe through message.

ok then, send me a message plz

Dude seriously, you don't even know her. You're talking like your OPINION is the only one that matters. News flash friend, your opinion doesn't matter. Nothing that you think matters. You don't matter! Just based on your responses I can safely say that this girl is an exponentially better person than you. So please. If you don't have anything nice to say, and you're gonna continue the cowardly act of insulting strangers on the internet, do the world a favor and go crawl in a hole and die. It's more then you deserve.

Is this you?

Incels have no business criticizing women.

Why does r/incels make a thread announcing it everytime they ban someone? I feel like they think theyre exerting some kind of power but it makes them look like huge nerds or tattletales.

lol they literally just did that again two hours ago

Yeah they did it to my old account for linking something in r/incels to r/drama.

I used to think they were a bunch of trolls but I guess not lol

it's very unpredictable which threads end up having legs on /r/drama

since i know people are still coming back to look at this (evidenced by the constant notifications i'm still getting), i just wanted to point out real quick that u/2222222222-- made this post because he felt he was owed nudes. i mean, he's already made it obvious that he believes women owe him sex. but it's to the point that he will expose them to the internet for not giving him what he wants. this is the only proof you ever need that people who participate in r/incels are mentally-ill and dangerous.

Nope I got no gold. If I'm not owed nudes then why message me? If you messaged me with intent of not sending me anything then you're the one with issues. Not me or any other incels.

Yes. Women owe me sex. If women aren't the mentally ill and dangerous ones, then why has all my info like my address, family facebook, all social media and my name been doxxed by autistic landwhale?

Your mistake was messaging me and ghosting me.

never before have i interacted with such a textbook case of toxic masculinity.

So when will I get the sex I'm owed?

I already made a woman from my city commit suicide because I also made a post that went viral much like this one.

i'm sure you're real proud of that.

Since she promised to date me and ghosted on me, I'm very proud.

That's pretty fucked up lmao

That she ghosted me? Yep.

True, maybe roasties will finally learn how bad ghosting can be, it can end it suicide

Got a link to a news story?

Yes. Women owe me sex.

do you owe women sex as well?

inb4 "only chad has sex with women" or some other factually-absent garbage.


so you should apologize to /u/tsume24 (not that she'd want you since you are an asshole, but still) and offer to eat her out, and if she wants you to eat her out or eat her ass then you definitely have to say yes.

also, why are you being so mean to these women then? why are you allowed to be mean? don't you owe them not to be mean?

She won't. Women don't give me what I am owed.

you just said that she is entitles to your sex as well. if a gay guy messages you and you respond, do you then have to suck his dick?

well, sure i'd appreciate an apology, but you're the kind of guy who brags about driving women to suicide, so.

Why would I apologize if I'm still an incel?

oh jeez yeah you're right lemme just go pack my bags and fly out to your location to sleep with you because having photos of my face and genitals exposed to literally thousands of people after not sending you nudes is a huge turn-on

f I'm not owed nudes then why message me?

isn't she owed nudes including a picture of your face, since you were messaging with her as well? otherwise I'd say that you were pretty misleading; messaging her and not giving her any nudes

She messaged me first and ghosted me for chad.

she didn't want to talk to you anymore because you were being an asshole.

and again, you messaged her back, so according to your backwards logic, she is now entitled to a picture of your dick and face

Wow what a trainwreck

/u/tsume24 you are a clown. I can't believe the gold mine of trolls you've lured out with your bullshit posting.

I don't often stop by /r/drama but when I do, some dumbass gets tangled in the stirrups of their high horse after it's bolted!

cool story bro, this post is over a day old, why do you care?

this post is over a day old


why do you even care

Because you've made over 100 replies to this nonsense and I wanted to add to the pile of hate. Incels is an abomination of a sub reddit and you've almost made them look same in comparison.

Congrats fatty.

thanks for your input!

Wow this shit is fucking priceless.

why are people still commenting on it tho

I came here from Subreddit Drama and had to comment. I can't your pics anymore though, lol did you delete them?

had to comment

no you didn't, tho.

Yeah I did, the question is why do you keep commenting here?

I asked first fam.

And I already replied. I just had to comment because this was just way too hilarious.

that doesn't even make sense but aight. I'm glad laughing at me made your day better, yo. grade-A human being right hurr.

I'm not laughing at you though, I'm laughing at the incels..I would probably laugh at you if I saw the pics but since I didn't, that wouldn't make much sense.

gee, thanks for backing me up. I have 8 facial piercings and am fat. laugh track

No problem. It wasn't a smart move to do the incel bashing (that they no doubt deserve) with your real account btw.

I was being sarcastic, re: "I would probably laugh at you if I saw the pics"

I don't have an alt, and I forgot about those pictures because they were posted a freaking year ago.

I know you were...

Well you underestimated those degenerates. Now you will just have to wait until this whole thing cools down.

wasn't talking about how many misogyny posts there are; was talking about how every single time a woman shows up -- even if it's literally to give one of them a chance -- she's bullied and harassed into leaving. that's not selective memory, that's an observation i've made over and over again.

I'm late, can I get screenshots or a play by play?